Was nice to be almost best of friends with my brother, yeah we fought and beat each other up at times. But more times we were teaming up and having a blast, and beating up on other people together. The good old days :)
My brother was an avid watcher of wrestling growing up, of the WWF variety (wasn't an NWO fan). He liked to try out the moves on me, so I got to have lots of fun being figure 4 leg locked and such. One time he elbow dropped me and knocked the wind out of me. It felt like I wasn't getting any air no matter how hard I was breathing and I thought I was going to die.
It's all right, cause a couple years later he grabbed my arm hard and was trying to restrain me for some reason I forgot (I know I started it though), and I bit him so hard I drew blood. Thankfully we were at the age where we out grew trying to kill each other shortly afterward. I still feel bad about it.
My brother and I fought so much, my stepmom thought there was something wrong with us. On the other hand; if anyone else tried messing with my brother, I was all over them. He was mine to torment!
Just once, she took a swing, we tussled, no one got hurt. Same sister took a swing at our oldest sister, too. Funny thing is, punchy sister is usually the nicest of us.
My sister was 3 years younger than me, and back then you didn't hit girls. My brother is 10 years younger, so was too small to fight. (Now he is 6'4" and 240)
My brother and I used to fight constantly. We're the best of friends now and I actually regret all the torment I put him through as a child. But, what can ya do? Kids are gonna argue and fight with each other, it's just a fact of life. My mom used to bring a wooden spoon with her in the car and she would whack us in the legs when we fought while she was driving. Good times.
Some of the many things we used to shout at each other:
@jsh139 This is like watching an instant replay of every car trip with my brothers. Except my dad's arm was long enough that no extension tools were required.
I have a boy and two girls. Obviously, the boy, who is the oldest, isn't allowed to hit his sisters. Boys don't hit girls. That's for losers. Secondly, the girls aren't allowed to hit him either -- that's not fair. The girls don't fight much with one another. And who says that fighting with your siblings makes you manly or helps you achieve anything? Did you win some sort of award for fighting with your siblings that propelled you into the super-awesome-over-achiever category? My kids can be whatever they want to be, and I'll still love them all the same.
As the oldest of 5, I spent a lot of time enforcing my status as pack alpha, sometimes by physical means, sometimes by less direct methods. It was a good plan. Now that we're adults I'm 5'6", my sister is 5'11" and my brothers topped out at 6'5" to 6'7" with linebacker builds, yet they all still defer to me as pack alpha.
Was nice to be almost best of friends with my brother, yeah we fought and beat each other up at times. But more times we were teaming up and having a blast, and beating up on other people together. The good old days :)
My brother was an avid watcher of wrestling growing up, of the WWF variety (wasn't an NWO fan). He liked to try out the moves on me, so I got to have lots of fun being figure 4 leg locked and such. One time he elbow dropped me and knocked the wind out of me. It felt like I wasn't getting any air no matter how hard I was breathing and I thought I was going to die.
It's all right, cause a couple years later he grabbed my arm hard and was trying to restrain me for some reason I forgot (I know I started it though), and I bit him so hard I drew blood. Thankfully we were at the age where we out grew trying to kill each other shortly afterward. I still feel bad about it.
Never, but probably only because I was the accidental child who was born 15 & 10 years after my two siblings.
My brother and I fought so much, my stepmom thought there was something wrong with us. On the other hand; if anyone else tried messing with my brother, I was all over them. He was mine to torment!
I knocked my little sister unconscious one time. And we were just playing.
Just once, she took a swing, we tussled, no one got hurt. Same sister took a swing at our oldest sister, too. Funny thing is, punchy sister is usually the nicest of us.
By the time I was old enough for my sister to get away with hitting me, I was as tall as she was...not very tempting as a target.
My sister was 3 years younger than me, and back then you didn't hit girls. My brother is 10 years younger, so was too small to fight. (Now he is 6'4" and 240)
My brother and I used to fight constantly. We're the best of friends now and I actually regret all the torment I put him through as a child. But, what can ya do? Kids are gonna argue and fight with each other, it's just a fact of life. My mom used to bring a wooden spoon with her in the car and she would whack us in the legs when we fought while she was driving. Good times.
Some of the many things we used to shout at each other:
@jsh139 This is like watching an instant replay of every car trip with my brothers. Except my dad's arm was long enough that no extension tools were required.
@megcouch haha. my dad would reach back and pinch our legs.
I grew up in a family with eight kids. 4 boys and 4 girls. I can't remember a day when my brothers and I wouldn't get into a brawl.
We never made any actual rules, but the face and head were off limits. Pretty much everything else was game.
One of my sisters was in the middle of the four boys in age. She was just as rowdy as any of us and could fight just as well.
My kids aren't allowed to fight in any way, shape or form. Timeout works wonders for that urge.
@capguncowboy Do you want them to be weak, under-achieving sissies?
I have a boy and two girls. Obviously, the boy, who is the oldest, isn't allowed to hit his sisters. Boys don't hit girls. That's for losers. Secondly, the girls aren't allowed to hit him either -- that's not fair. The girls don't fight much with one another. And who says that fighting with your siblings makes you manly or helps you achieve anything? Did you win some sort of award for fighting with your siblings that propelled you into the super-awesome-over-achiever category? My kids can be whatever they want to be, and I'll still love them all the same.
Do tickle fights count?
As the oldest of 5, I spent a lot of time enforcing my status as pack alpha, sometimes by physical means, sometimes by less direct methods. It was a good plan. Now that we're adults I'm 5'6", my sister is 5'11" and my brothers topped out at 6'5" to 6'7" with linebacker builds, yet they all still defer to me as pack alpha.