Google login for meh
1I am 98% sure that I used to be able to login to meh using google, but I can’t figure out how anymore. I don’t actually remember what my password was, but I don’t want to reset it because it seems to be saved even if I can’t find where it is saved.
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@Fen_Star we removed support for Google and Amazon third-party sign in a few months ago:
You can use Facebook or you can just reset your password if you’re too cool for social media.
As protest I am just going to stop buying things. But I don’t want to loose VMP so I will keep paying $5 a month. That will show you.
Unless I see something I want. Then I will buy it.
@shawn It sucks so bad you support a sociopath and a sociopathic company
you should have removed them all.
/giphy facebook sucks
I would be less annoyed if facebork wasn’t still an option.
@Fen_Star Since that’s where the audience is, Mediocre is going to leverage it, whether it’s liked or not.
it shows a discerning lack of integrity.
@Cerridwyn That’s a strong contender for a site slogan.
@dave Hasn’t that been trademarked for those in the government?
And it shows a discerning desire for money.
Perhaps money and integrity are a bit like the “Star Trek: The Original Series” story versions of matter and anti-matter.