@jsh139 Ah, okay, thanks. For some reason, I keep seeing the word Scapegoat everywhere this month. It shows up in places you wouldn't expect. Regarding Netscape, that was my the first browser that I programmed for. I was coding for Netscape 1.0 and 1.1 before it supported simple things like tables and JavaScript.
Did you mean to say Scapegoat?
@cengland0 No, they meant GoatScape as a play on the old web browser, Netscape Navigator. (I used to love that browser.)
@Thumperchick I loved Netscape. It still lives on through Firefox and the Mozilla Foundation.
@jsh139 Ah, okay, thanks. For some reason, I keep seeing the word Scapegoat everywhere this month. It shows up in places you wouldn't expect. Regarding Netscape, that was my the first browser that I programmed for. I was coding for Netscape 1.0 and 1.1 before it supported simple things like tables and JavaScript.
@Starblind that is not what I was expecting, but I'm not disappointed
@Starblind this is genius.
@Starblind LOL the before & after pictures are terrible. A swarm of locusts could have done a better job.