Goats of Christmas Future (December 2023 scapegoat blame thread)


I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to say this is it for 2023. It’s been a whole year of this crap. But before we step into another year and start messing up every time someone asks us to put a date on something, we have’ll to get through December. With November officially wrapped up, @mehgrl can get some much-needed rest and stop taking all of your calls. With any luck, our new goat will pick up the phone and answer the call to duty.

Hehe…I said duty.

Looks like @IndifferentDude will be taken to task for our 2023 wrap-up month. I guess that happens when you try to throw others under the bus as the votes start rolling in.


Even if you’re apathetic, just don’t care, or can’t be bothered, you probably aren’t as indifferent as this goat.