Goat School
20Hello Mehtizens,
Most of you may not know me, as I rarely post here. For the most part, I’m a lurker on every site I follow; I don’t bother posting because I can just read the other comments until I find one that says what I was going to say… I’m a bit addicted to reading comments, and that’s the only reason I stay on Meh–I certainly don’t keep coming here for the deals!
As a goat, I will be forced to actually post something every day. I like reading interesting facts, and I hope you guys do too. Every day, I will be posting about something neat. I have several ideas: Fruit tree of the day, history fact of the day, and marine animal of the day. I’ll see how long those ideas last… I’ll probably run short of ideas by the end of the month. This post counts as my first, so that saves me one idea.
I probably won’t post at midnight when most of the activity is on the forums, but I’ll try to post something at some time every day… and of course take blame for everything. It seems that part of being a goat has been forgotten. I’ll probably get tired of being @ed in the blame thread anyway, but I deserve it. I’m sorry in advance.
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Welcome to the brother/sisterhood. Sorry we lost the keys to the clubhouse. Just butt your head against the door and we’ll let you in.
@cinoclav the key is not lost, I have it safely tucked away! @therealjrn put me in charge of it some time ago
@cinoclav @tinamarie1974 Watch enough of the LockPickingLawyer and you’ll know that keys are pretty much useless anyway.
@narfcake @tinamarie1974 Yeah but he basically looks at a lock and scares it open.
Post away. We dead goats salute your bravery.

/image goated
Better start apologizing for tagging user @ed.
@RiotDemon Nah. @ed hasn’t been around here in ages. Let’s tag the shit out of him and see if we can get him to come out and play.
@cinoclav @Ed @RiotDemon how did a horse get mistaken for a goat in the first place?
You do know that as goat, you’re not obligated to do a damned thing. Just ask @Ignorant or any of the other goat no-shows.
So, merely by this singular post, you have exceeded the exceptionally characteristic lower bounds of mediocrity that permeate the Mehtizenry from whence the chosen goat is sacrificed to ye olde gods of blame.
/giphy So say we all.

Welcome Goat!
We send you our best wishes!
(Most of us do …
Aw man I can’t wait 'til you get to Jackfruit.
