Goat Day #27: Nobody to blame but myself


I consider myself a fairly self sufficient human being. There’s nothing that an adult should be able to do to care for themselves that I don’t know how to do. However, my wife often jokes that without her, I’d be a mess. That I’d never know where anything is, that I’d starve, never have any clean clothes, or that I’d burn the house down.

Yesterday, when she wasn’t home and I was watching the kids and cooking, I gave her some ammunition. Something to look back on and for her to say “I told you so”.


This is was a plastic cutting board. In a moment of derp, I turned the wrong burner on. I caught it quickly, even before it started to smell, but it was still too late. Oooooops. It happens to everybody (at least I’d like to think). When she does it, it’s because she’s tired from doing a bunch of other stuff. When I do it, it’s because I’m a fool.


So, what’s a derp moment that you can share to make me feel like I’m not alone?