I don’t understand the MS push lately, I usually wander over there to look for leftovers from Meh offers, But this hurt my brain and definitely makes me want to not bother going there intentionally.
@stinks It may not help much, their shtick doesn;t lend itself to cheap repetitive sampling.
I thought this might be a new video but checking at YouTube it’s from 2017. I guess I can cut it some slack for being 5 years old, but it still hurts to watch.
@stinks@stolicat Apparently mediocrebot is tasked with filling meh forums to make them seem like they’re active (to the all-powerful search engines) by constantly creating new topic content that is really just something mindlessly (it is mediocrebot, after all) pulled from old videos.
No. Stop. I can’t.
I don’t understand the MS push lately, I usually wander over there to look for leftovers from Meh offers, But this hurt my brain and definitely makes me want to not bother going there intentionally.
@stolicat What if they added the Reprobates?
@stinks It may not help much, their shtick doesn;t lend itself to cheap repetitive sampling.
I thought this might be a new video but checking at YouTube it’s from 2017. I guess I can cut it some slack for being 5 years old, but it still hurts to watch.
@stinks @stolicat Apparently mediocrebot is tasked with filling meh forums to make them seem like they’re active (to the all-powerful search engines) by constantly creating new topic content that is really just something mindlessly (it is mediocrebot, after all) pulled from old videos.
@mike808 @stolicat Argh. I kinda thought it might be new, too, but I think you & mike808 are right.
That’s too bad. I guess there is a method to the forum population madness.
/image clever girl jurassic park

Ain’t nobody got time for that.