Gmail: you love, you hate, you live with? Now it's different.


Gmail’s biggest redesign is now live
Snoozing, nudging, hover actions, and a new sidebar — it’s a mobile app on the web!

Oh wow. New. Improved.

Well I still hate dealing with email and am still consumed with guilt about it. (Partially attributable to the modern workings of email, even more so to my tattered and ragged psyche.)

And I don’t even know what the improvements (hmmm) are yet.

Let’s see!

The world’s most popular email service is getting a big overhaul today. Google is making official the changes we saw leaked earlier this month, with email snoozing, nudging, and confidential mode making their debut alongside a substantial visual redesign for Gmail on the web. The new Gmail begins a global phased rollout today, which is to say that it won’t be available to every one of Gmail’s 1.4 billion users right away, and the first to get it will be invited to opt in rather than being able to just turn it on themselves.

Etc etc.

Amy beta testers or early users out there?

Capacity for guilt-induction?
Increased liklihood of procrastination among users?
Cool colors?
Decrease in overall literacy?
Spelling is a lost art? (No personal comments about mine unless you must)
Destruction of human civilization?
Resolution of DC vs Marvel question or other great issues?
Completed tasks wave at us from every corner?

We all feel we have actually accomplished something important?

We actually have accomplished something important?

What say you?

/giphy Gmail

/giphy Harry Potter owl post