Giving up the goat (February 2021 scapegoat blame thread)
91 down, 11 to go and I’d say we’re off to a fine start with 2021. That’s not to say January didn’t have its share of madness, but @Star2236 can only be blamed for so much and luckily, @brainmist is lined up to fill the the cloven hooves and tackle the shortest run of the year. (Bonus shortness due to my absentminded blunder in letting this go unnoticed for a few extra hours.) You’ve earned so much this last month, how about some ire to go with your love?
Congrats (maybe not the right word given the burden of this honor) to @brainmist and we wish you luck in your new found infame. I’m sure you’ll make your predecessors proud.
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/define infame
@compunaut Are you not a Babasónicos fan? Maybe we snuck the album into the box and it’s yet to be discovered.
/giphy you’ll never know

Congrats @Brainmist.
It’s not me.
It’ll never be me.
I’ll live forever!
@DoctorOW @PocketBrain They’ve got you lined up for March, I’ll bet!

What’s that “they” say about NOT poking the bear?
Well, I’m looking forward to having @Brainmist for goat, but I do think they deserved a longer month for numerous reasons. Oh well, we’ll just have to pile on the blame early and often!
The pasta goat
@Kyeh Pasta and present goat. But who will be the Future Goat?
@brainmist DoctorOW, no doubt.
@brainmist @Kyeh DoctorOW? Never heard of them.
@brainmist @DoctorOW

Totally goat-worthy, wouldn’t you say? 🥸
Unblame. Bernie’s mittens tee arrived.

“They’re real and they’re spectacular!”
@mike808 +1 for the Seinfeld/Teri Hatcher reference!
@macromeh @mike808
still think this is a biden/bernie mashup…
Thank you, thank you…wait, I win what?
Ah crap.
@brainmist I think it’s a Nobel…
@brainmist @ybmuG
Maybe an Ig Nobel?
@brainmist @Kyeh They’re pretty much the same any more, aren’t they?
This is a terrible idea…
/giphy the power

@brainmist the preferred Aunt Viv, lol.
/giphy zim power

@ybmug looks like @brainmist has channeled the power of Wonder Woman!!!
Blame… Tried playing tennis on HOA court and 1 ball went in pool (locked gate) and 2 into someones back yard and had to quit playing.
Unblame… walking home found a $10 bill in the grass. Now I just need to make it to store to get some new ones.
@raccoon81 jump that gate!
@raccoon81 @unksol
You should be able to get 10 new ones for that 10 dollar bill.
Blame… my poor cat isn’t going to make it until 20, which is 23 days from now. Just came back from the vet and she has late stage heart failure with a ton of fluid around her lungs and abdominal area (although none in her lungs). This is my baby I bottle fed from 10 days old. She saw me through 3 cancers and a troubled kid. I am going to miss her so much.
And fuck covid as I am having trouble finding a vet who will let me be with her when I put her down sometime next week. My vet won’t let me. Normally my vet will come to your house which would be best for my sweet fur baby as she panics so much going to the vet and being at the vet. Monday I will ask the vet, since I live so close by, if I can pick up the sedative, give her the shot at home, then drive the 5 minutes to the vet after she is asleep.
I hate this!!! I know it is part of what happens when you bring a creature into your home, but I hate it. If I am really lucky she will die in her sleep at home in the next few days before she is suffering too much.
@Kidsandliz that is just horrible. I am so sorry
@Kidsandliz That’s so sad and hard, I’m really sorry.
@Kidsandliz Sorry for your impending loss.
Been there. The urn is on the mantle.
I hope you can be there to let your furbaby know they are not alone at the end for as long as you can be there with them.
In the middle of last night she was restless and having trouble breathing. This morning she stopped eating. A vet came to my apartment and she died, in my arms, at 3:30pm. I am going to miss her so much.
@Kidsandliz Oh, I’m so sorry - but I’m glad she did die in your arms, at home. I don’t think she could have had a better life anywhere with anyone else - it sounds like you’ve been so devoted. It just never gets any easier losing them, though, does it.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974

@chienfou @tinamarie1974 @Kyeh @mike808 Thanks folks. It will take a while to get used to the empty spot on the arm of my chair where she sat while I am in it, or sitting at my feet always staring at me so I’d have to be careful if I moved my legs or got up, her spending the night top of the cat tree in my bedroom or in the cat bed on the dresser by the window often facing me rather than the window, sitting on the heating pad watching my every move getting all the cats’ their meal, the now empty shelf where her meds were and for the first time in about 6 years not having to give any cat any meds twice a day (the two siblings who died 3 months apart 2 years ago - her buddies - also were hyperthyroid so 2x day pills I had to cut and one was diabetic with eventually kidney failure) and so many more things that were part of her daily life and mine… Even though I have other kitties the apartment seems so quiet and empty.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974
Very sorry for the loss of your kitty.
@Kidsandliz I’m so sorry. If I could ungoat anything, I’d make pets live longer, healthier lives.
@brainmist @star2236 Thanks.
@chienfou @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974

My little old lady about 3 hours before her death. I am so glad she finally decided to lift her head and look around so I could get this one last photo of her, even if I couldn’t get a face forward one (she kept moving her head before the camera went click).
And in better days

@chienfou @Kyeh @mike808 @tinamarie1974

@chienfou @Kidsandliz @mike808 @tinamarie1974 What beautiful eyes!
@Kidsandliz I’m so sorry for your loss.
For anyone in a similar situation, look up Laps of Love. I’ve heard very good things about them.
@callow I just looked them up. They are in most states but not mine. The vet I finally got to come to my home wouldn’t let me hold her while she died, only after he had given the sedation shot. That really pissed me off, but at least she was not stressed by being at the vet without me.
@callow @Kidsandliz When our Grace died, our vet took her to another room to put in the IV and sedative, and then brought her in for me to hold her while they administered the second part to put her down.
Don’t be upset you didn’t witness the first part.
I am sure that is a normal practice and safety precaution to avoid trauma to you if things don’t go as planned with the vet administering the first dose. Once the animal is sedated, the vet can ensure your experience with the passing of your beloved pet is emotionally and physically safe for you and the pet.
It’s not that they were being jerks to you. It’s just protocol for everyone’s safety, physical and emotional.
@callow @mike808 What he did (they were at my apt) was have his 17 year old niece hold her (and she did it rather roughly), gave her the sedation shot, then gave her to me. Then had his niece hold her while he gave her a shot in the heart to kill her (I had that done years ago with one cat as well - the rest have been IV) and wouldn’t let me hold her while she died.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 My housecall vet has relieved three of my pets from their suffering. The last one was in September. Covid protocol is we are all masked but you cannot hold the pet while they are working on them because it brings you too close. My kitty was on towels on the table, the vet and assistant gave him the sedative and backed away so we could say goodbye. They administered the second drug in the IV, then let us pet and hold him as long as we wanted.
I need to go, I have something in my eyes.
@callow @mike808 They could have given her the second injection and then handed her to me to hold while she was dying instead of the 17 year old holding her. Instead I wasn’t even allowed to touch her while she was actually dying. In every single other case that I have put an animal down I have held them while they died.
I am sorry you had to put your pet down in Sept. It is so hard. Now I have something in my eyes too.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 Yes, you should have been able to hold your baby! It’s hard enough to go through that without adding needless torture.
To clear our eyes a bit: When we lost our boy, his sister was also extremely ill and we didn’t expect her to last another week. Happily, she rallied with meds, very expensive food, constant care, and feedings. She is happier than she’s ever been.
@callow @mike808 Sounds encouraging about this kitty. I hope she continues to feel better.

I’m so sorry you are going through this. Sending you good thoughts and healing prayers.
@Lynnerizer Thanks.
No explanation necessary. 🥶🥶🥶
@tinamarie1974 So what is the app called again (I know this has been discussed before but too lazy to try to find it again) that dreams up these, ummm, interesting explanations for what happens in various weather conditions?
@tinamarie1974 much explanation needed. You think 8 is cold? Cute wind chill :p
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @unskol

The app is called WTForecast.
@unksol it is SSOOOO cold, especially first thing in the morning in my nightgown and a robe watching the pup find the PERFECT spot to take a pee
@tinamarie1974 I’d send you a rose but it would freeze. Although frozen petals might look cool
@unksol I don’t know about frozen petals, but frozen bubbles are pretty cool!!
/giphy frozen bubble

@mike808 Thanks
@Kidsandliz YW.

But that’s silly - the dangly bits will freeze way faster!
@tinamarie1974 they is quite an explosive release
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974

Plus you [
fuckersredacted] can ‘dial in’ the profanity level to suit yourselves.Guess I have time to squeeze in one last BLAME.
Some Ass-Wipe took out my mailbox overnight. It was fine when I got home from work around mid-night, then when I went out to check the mail about 1300 I found it bent up and the mailbox launched into my plants. Mom’s (who lives next door and has a mailbox identical and 18 inches away from mine) suffered the same fate.
Don’t they know tampering with a mailbox is a federal offense!
@chienfou So is cheating on your taxes, lying to the FBI, and sedition. It’s not the deterrent you seem to think it is.
Moi… a scofflaw… well I never…
@chienfou You think it was malicious, or just horrendous driving? Sucks either way that they just bailed and didn’t offer to fix/replace them.
Hmmm, let’s see…
Friday night,
After midnight,
No note
Hit a mailbox
Nope… Nothing fishy there!
@chienfou But do you think you have an enemy? Or just unlucky?
@chienfou Oh, duh - drunk driver, of course.
@chienfou @Kyeh or kids up to no good and having fun
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Or, if you have (a little) faith in humanity… dodging a deer (though then they might have left a note).
@chienfou @Kyeh the lack of note is what bothers me the most.
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
Yeah me too…
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 Maybe dodging a deer while drunk …
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974
… and texting…
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 Oh, right!
Just finishing day 14 with no water!!! And the city won’t give any estimate of when we will get it back.
@Kidsandliz Geeeez… and you’re back to having hot weather, right?
@Kyeh Yeah it was 80 something or other yesterday. And still a water problem today (just tried a facet)…sigh.
Welcome to our very own third world country nestled inside the US of A. We have all of the things you love best about them - nepotism at its finest, fiscal mismanagement that dovetails nicely with embezzlement, conflict of interest, and a focus on self interest… We have had no investment in the infrastructure for decades and so blaming shifting everything and to everyone but themselves for the problems. Heck on the news some bonehead even said we were waiting for god to warm everything up at the water treatment plants rather than renting industrial heaters to do the job.
@Kyeh PS I forgot bribery and kickbacks… Day 15 and counting.
@Kidsandliz Yeah, I saw that comment about God. As an agnostic, I find a lot of things that people attribute to God very perplexing.
I have to say that despite the brilliant potential shown beforehand, @Brainmist’s tenure as goat was awfully quiet! I guess we have a few more hours to pile on some blame…
seems like I remember him warning that would be the case…
@chienfou No, I think DoctorOW hinted at that. Brainmist threw a few topics up the first week and then vanished. In a carb coma from too much pasta, maybe.