GISH Again

christinewas went on a bit of a rant said

Last year was supposed to be the last GISHWHES… or the last GISHWHES as we knew it. And it did change a little. They created an app and dropped the last four letters.

This year’s hunt is July 28 - August 4.

If you’d like to join us, we have several spots open on our team. Just register for the hunt (at or in the shiny new app) and search for the BreakfastOctopi team. Registration ends on the 14th, so you’ll need to register by the end of this week.

Right now, we have 5 open spots. (We can expand the team to 15 if we have 11 who want to join. But the only options are 9 or 15.) All we ask is that you submit something for the team photo a day or two before the last day of the hunt. Apart from that, you can be as involved as you want to be.

Normally, I would put together a bunch of links and try to tag everyone who has ever been on one of our GISHWHES teams. But registration will probably close before I feel like doing all of that. So this is what you get.

Now, who likes scavenger hunts?