@curtise Interestingly, taxonomists have estimated the millennia since humanity lost their full coat of fur using the genetic drift between pubic and head lice.
@AlexJones Did you spend the day at home watching Rachel Maddow reruns?
(I don’t know if there actually are Rachel Maddow show reruns, but I can’t imagine any one show is materially different from any other, so same difference, really…)
When I had chicken pox, I got off for a week, and was left with our neighbor who had a big screen (probably only 50 inch at max, but it was the biggest I’d seen at that point) and she let me play video games all day. Unrelated to the chicken pox, but she had a hot daughter who would occasionally babysit and let me watch most of the classic comedy movies my mom forbid (Spaceballs, Robin Hood:Men in Tights, Young Frankenstein, basically any Mel Brooks film I saw before college). Looking back now, I realize she babysat at our house, so the movies were probably my Dad’s, and her mom was a lot like mine, so she probably wasn’t really allowed to watch them either. Huh.
I rarely ever stayed home. I remember in high school I was one of the 2 or 3 kids that got to skip my physics final because I had a good grade and I was so rarely absent. I remember getting a lot of dirty looks the day the teacher announced it. I wasn’t even that good in that class. We all helped each other learn the material. I just showed up more.
If I told my mom I wanted a day off from school, she allowed it because I never stayed home. I even went when I didn’t feel great. In middle school I got a terrible case of sea lice bites. I spent a week bringing Benadryl pills with me to school and taking them while no adults were looking.
As for the poll, I had one of those brain melting fevers when I was a baby. The doctors told my mom to keep me home that I would have better care. My mom was terrified I was going to die. She ended up giving me aspirin even though she was worried about Reyes syndrome. At that point it had been days of giving me cold baths and the fever wouldn’t go away.
Chickenpox was before I even started school.
Broken bone… I’ve had many. Went on a school trip with my leg in a cast. Went to an amusement park. Ran around. Got it wet on rides. Ended up being so active with that cast that my dad reinforced the bottom with fiberglass that he used for working on boats because going to the doctor to have it redone was too expensive then. My leg was disgusting when they took my cast off.
@JoeSeadog Clarifying for the whipper-snappers: World Series games, even during the week, were played during the day back then.
I remember in 2nd grade, our teacher let us watch part of a 1972 Reds-A’s World Series game during school. (although by that time, the majority of the weekday WS games had moved to prime-time)
My freshman year of high school, I got chicken-pox the last week of school. My teachers waived all my final exams (something they didn’t ever do). I was a pretty good student, but I am sure the over-riding factor was they didn’t want to deal with it.
I had measles in first grade and cried because I couldn’t go to school. Chicken pox in second grade ruined my perfect attendance. Moved during my senior year. Other than that, nine years of perfect attendance certificates.
@tngrannyd That’s like one of my daughters. Except for one day when she had a raging fever and I told her she had to stay home and she cried and said she couldn’t miss school. I think that was when she was in 7th grade. Other than that she got perfect attendance for every other grade thru graduation.
There was that day when some asshole kid was throwing cinders in the air (kept in a 55 gallon drum to put down on the icy hill for traction) and I got one in my eye. Couldn’t get it out, ended up having to go to the ER. One scratched cornea later, they gave me an eye patch. My mother asked me if I wanted to go to school late. I told her I wasn’t going to school looking like a pirate.
@cinoclav haha. I had to go to school looking like a pirate (10th grade) we were playing jacks and someone reached out to grab the ball and went across my eyeball. Mom made me go to school. She even tried to make me go to school once when I had scarlet fever. She kept yelling for me to get up and I kept getting dizzy and falling back into the bed. Finally she came in the room and saw me and called the doc (when they came to your house). Scratched my cornea in 2 places about 2 yrs ago. Much worse than I ever remember it being the first time around. UGH.
@cinoclav I didn’t get to miss school for it either because I got it over summer vacation. It was the freaking worst though. Definitely not worth missing school for.
@arielleslie I’m sure. My kids were 4 and 8 when they got them. They were never ‘sick’ for a minute. The went in the yard and played, swam in the pool, etc. Had a grand time. I just kept them isolated from others. Although, my neighbor/friend sent her kids over (same ages) to get them intentionally and get it overwith while they were young.
@lseeber Both my brother and I got it BAD. My memory of that time (I was about 5 or 6) is just of crying for days because I was so itchy that it was painful and I kept getting yelled at for scratching. I’ve had visible scars on my face and body my whole life because I had so many pocks.
I was asleep in the back seat of my parents car, head on the passenger side when a drunk in a pickup truck ran a stop sign and broadsided our car. My back was broken (better than the other driver fared, he died).
I was out of school for months. Even had a tutor. Don’t remember much.
Pneumonia. Twice.
Was still the best.

@curtise Interestingly, taxonomists have estimated the millennia since humanity lost their full coat of fur using the genetic drift between pubic and head lice.
@PocketBrain for the record, I was only talking about being kept home for head lice.

(still, that is interesting to think about!)
Uncontrolled release of liquids from one or more of your holes.
@nogoodwithnames that is almost the exact wording I was going to use.
@nogoodwithnames True that.
Um… Unrefrigerated batteries…?
It’s a slow night.
… Cancer.
Seriously. Missed most of 2.5 years while I went through chemo. Would rather have been at school.
Any real surprises here?
@AlexJones Did you spend the day at home watching Rachel Maddow reruns?
(I don’t know if there actually are Rachel Maddow show reruns, but I can’t imagine any one show is materially different from any other, so same difference, really…)
When I had chicken pox, I got off for a week, and was left with our neighbor who had a big screen (probably only 50 inch at max, but it was the biggest I’d seen at that point) and she let me play video games all day. Unrelated to the chicken pox, but she had a hot daughter who would occasionally babysit and let me watch most of the classic comedy movies my mom forbid (Spaceballs, Robin Hood:Men in Tights, Young Frankenstein, basically any Mel Brooks film I saw before college). Looking back now, I realize she babysat at our house, so the movies were probably my Dad’s, and her mom was a lot like mine, so she probably wasn’t really allowed to watch them either. Huh.
Mercury poisoning, from the thermometer.
A letter from the teacher with a special parental invitation.
Were actually sick.
Faking for a day off was awesome, actually sick?
Not so much.
@mamawoot Disagree. Strep was better than school.
@mamawoot @whogots Ah yes, but fake sick better yet.
School wasn’t that bad, it was better to go to school than to be sick. Besides, if you were sick, you couldn’t hang out with your friends anyway.
I rarely ever stayed home. I remember in high school I was one of the 2 or 3 kids that got to skip my physics final because I had a good grade and I was so rarely absent. I remember getting a lot of dirty looks the day the teacher announced it. I wasn’t even that good in that class. We all helped each other learn the material. I just showed up more.
If I told my mom I wanted a day off from school, she allowed it because I never stayed home. I even went when I didn’t feel great. In middle school I got a terrible case of sea lice bites. I spent a week bringing Benadryl pills with me to school and taking them while no adults were looking.
As for the poll, I had one of those brain melting fevers when I was a baby. The doctors told my mom to keep me home that I would have better care. My mom was terrified I was going to die. She ended up giving me aspirin even though she was worried about Reyes syndrome. At that point it had been days of giving me cold baths and the fever wouldn’t go away.
Chickenpox was before I even started school.
Broken bone… I’ve had many. Went on a school trip with my leg in a cast. Went to an amusement park. Ran around. Got it wet on rides. Ended up being so active with that cast that my dad reinforced the bottom with fiberglass that he used for working on boats because going to the doctor to have it redone was too expensive then. My leg was disgusting when they took my cast off.
pneumonia: 1964 out 2 weeks, Saw the entire World Series, Yanks and Cards. Good Times
@JoeSeadog Clarifying for the whipper-snappers: World Series games, even during the week, were played during the day back then.
I remember in 2nd grade, our teacher let us watch part of a 1972 Reds-A’s World Series game during school. (although by that time, the majority of the weekday WS games had moved to prime-time)
My freshman year of high school, I got chicken-pox the last week of school. My teachers waived all my final exams (something they didn’t ever do). I was a pretty good student, but I am sure the over-riding factor was they didn’t want to deal with it.
The only things that ever really took me out if I got to stay home and not enjoy it, Scarlet fever, Stomach virus, Strep throat. In that order.
Edited to add… I just realized… it’s the letter “S”. That’s the culprit.
I had measles in first grade and cried because I couldn’t go to school. Chicken pox in second grade ruined my perfect attendance. Moved during my senior year. Other than that, nine years of perfect attendance certificates.
@tngrannyd That’s like one of my daughters. Except for one day when she had a raging fever and I told her she had to stay home and she cried and said she couldn’t miss school. I think that was when she was in 7th grade. Other than that she got perfect attendance for every other grade thru graduation.
Lice. Blood sucking insects love me. I was always getting head lice.
There was that day when some asshole kid was throwing cinders in the air (kept in a 55 gallon drum to put down on the icy hill for traction) and I got one in my eye. Couldn’t get it out, ended up having to go to the ER. One scratched cornea later, they gave me an eye patch. My mother asked me if I wanted to go to school late. I told her I wasn’t going to school looking like a pirate.
@cinoclav haha. I had to go to school looking like a pirate (10th grade) we were playing jacks and someone reached out to grab the ball and went across my eyeball. Mom made me go to school. She even tried to make me go to school once when I had scarlet fever. She kept yelling for me to get up and I kept getting dizzy and falling back into the bed. Finally she came in the room and saw me and called the doc (when they came to your house). Scratched my cornea in 2 places about 2 yrs ago. Much worse than I ever remember it being the first time around. UGH.
Anyone who didn’t vote for chicken pox doesn’t remember having it.
@arielleslie I had it as an adult. It didn’t get me out of school. A few days off work was cool though.
@cinoclav I didn’t get to miss school for it either because I got it over summer vacation. It was the freaking worst though. Definitely not worth missing school for.
@arielleslie I was 6 months old when I got it and only had one pock.
@lseeber At only six months you were probably really lucky to get such a mild case!
@arielleslie I’m sure. My kids were 4 and 8 when they got them. They were never ‘sick’ for a minute. The went in the yard and played, swam in the pool, etc. Had a grand time. I just kept them isolated from others. Although, my neighbor/friend sent her kids over (same ages) to get them intentionally and get it overwith while they were young.
@lseeber Both my brother and I got it BAD. My memory of that time (I was about 5 or 6) is just of crying for days because I was so itchy that it was painful and I kept getting yelled at for scratching. I’ve had visible scars on my face and body my whole life because I had so many pocks.
@arielleslie That’s how it was for my ex and his siblings. They all got them in high school and jr high and apparently they had a rough go of it.
A broken bone.
I was asleep in the back seat of my parents car, head on the passenger side when a drunk in a pickup truck ran a stop sign and broadsided our car. My back was broken (better than the other driver fared, he died).
I was out of school for months. Even had a tutor. Don’t remember much.
@lisaviolet Ouch.