Meh: purveyors of fine crap my grandparents get me and all of their 20 grandkids for Christmas at an aisle island in Sears on December 23 before they hit up the Brazier and go to bed at 7:30.
@bruno187? ..and actually the link to Amazon says it's $29.00 + 5.49 for shipping or atotal of $34.49. Still better here, but I already have a Gerber multitool I like penty well, and plenty o'flashie-lights...
@PhysAssist@PenguinOnTheRox IMO, Leatherman focuses on very solid, reliable, safe designs; vs. Gerber being inventive and clever at the expense of some of that sturdiness. Both have their place and their merits.
@PhysAssist I just find Leatherman to be higher quality and are made in the U.S. As opposed to most Gerber products after they were acquired by Fiskars and moved production to China.
@PenguinOnTheRox That explains the high prices of Leatherman products then. Not all things made in China are bad products. The iPhone is made there, for example.
Maybe that Leatherman is technically made in the U.S.A. but produced in a factory using mechanics (robots) and all those robots were made in China. Ever thought of that?
@cengland0 It's almost like I have my own opinion or something.
maybe the cost is higher because they are higher quality and assembled by actual people (not robots, prove to me they use robots) and have a no questions asked 25 year warranty.
Personal review, since my crucial is currently on my belt loop, like it is every day and has been for more than a month.
For the price, it's a very good multitool. The magnet is definitely stronger than it needs to be, and so it can be hard to pry open. I primarily use mine for opening boxes, although once in a while I will use one of the other tools.
For the price I'll probably pick up a second. I'll answer questions if for some reason someone has any as well.
Good deal, but I have a dozen of these. Mostly Leathermans. (One golden oldie with a blasting cap crimper instead of wire cutters.) and can't go the dad's day route ... crazy old cuss would find a way to shoot his eye out with it.
@Perkalicious I think the corkscrew version is discontinued but may still be available online some places. As for the flashlight, would you want something like a 4Sevens Mini or something cheaper like a SIPIK-68 clone?
I'm a fan of Gerber. My first pocket knife was a Gerber. Moments after telling the internet I didn't know how I'd lived without it, I cut myself with the knife (conveniently, while using it to open a first aid kit... true story). But it was a clean cut that healed nicely.
In case this wasn't already obvious: I'm really not an expert. But my husband expressed enough interest in this item to make me buy one to add to his multitool collection. And he likes the brand enough to never mock my beloved Gerber. (Though he definitely mocked my girly, blue tool set. So it's not just that he's a nice guy.)
@christinewas Is the tool set called "her tools"? My wife had that when we met and I still make fun of it. But secretly her owning tools was one of the things that I thought was cool about her.
@belowi Mine were Barbara K. And I suspect that my husband had similar feelings about my owning them. Not to mention... he's needed to borrow them more than once.
Gerber? WTF... Is this for opening cans of baby food in the dark? Does it come with the $500 life insurance policy for my kid... guaranteed so that they can keep it when they turn 21 no matter their health situation?
@condega5 got a little Swiss Army USB flash drive it is stamped "TSA approved got a little Swiss Army USB flash drive it is stamped ." They never believe me, though.
My gerber arrived today. I love it. The knife shape is a bit odd and the phillips screwdriver bit is a bit flat...but the way it folds is perfect. All that being said, I miss my original Gerber multi-tool with the gravity drop opening. I used it daily for nearly 7 years, wearing through multiple holsters.
The flashlight is ok, the clicky switch isn't very clicky but it works. I will try it out on an upcoming camping trip.
The packaging is INSANE!!! I nearly resorted to violence to open it, needing the knife inside but unable to get to it. Someone needs to design better/easier packaging!
@tightwad Got mine today. I'm happy with the tool and was really surprised about the flashlight since I didn't expect much from it. But the packaging was annoying as hell. First it was so big, that our friends at meh had to pack it in a really, really big box. It was so big that I couldn't fathom what I had ordered from meh that was this big. And cutting that package from hell open made me worry I'd damage the batteries. I had to use this much force. Next time I'll try to melt the plastic with my wife's steam cleaner first.
Woot has this for sale today for $34.99 + $5 s/h (a substantially similar model). This is without the flashlight but with a case. The only difference I can see is the belt cutter is slightly thinner.
Makes me feel better paying only $15 from meh. Thanks Meh.
Mine arrived today. Extremely hard to open. I thought maybe I was missing a lock or something. After the first time opening it is easier but still very difficult. Not sure it's very usable as is.
Opened the package containing the flashlight and multi tool and both now in glove box of my suv. Ready for whatever..or maybe not..had a blowout of jet ski trailer tire and tool didn't help me with that problem. Oh well, the flashlight would have been useful if it had been dark but it was still daylight when the tire blew to smithereens. Maybe next time meh..
- Multi-tool:
- Flashlight:
Condition: New
Warranty: Lifetime Gerber
Estimated Delivery: 6/3 - 6/5
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Gerber Crucial Strap Cutter Multi-tool
1x Gerber Iris Flashlight
2x AA batteries
Everything included
Retail box
Hand for scale
The other side
Multi-tool labeled
Flashlight labeled
Price Comparison
$100 List, $40.55 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days

Happy birthday, @JasonToon!!!
Meh: purveyors of fine crap my grandparents get me and all of their 20 grandkids for Christmas at an aisle island in Sears on December 23 before they hit up the Brazier and go to bed at 7:30.
@caseyapeterson bitter much?
$25 bucks on Groupon...and still meh.
@bruno187? ..and actually the link to Amazon says it's $29.00 + 5.49 for shipping or atotal of $34.49. Still better here, but I already have a Gerber multitool I like penty well, and plenty o'flashie-lights...
Torx and pentalobe?
@awk vodka and orange juice
Thought this was a Leatherman for a second and got excited, until I realized it was Gerber.
@PenguinOnTheRox Whatevs- I like MY GERBER as much as you prolly like your leatherman....
@PhysAssist @PenguinOnTheRox IMO, Leatherman focuses on very solid, reliable, safe designs; vs. Gerber being inventive and clever at the expense of some of that sturdiness. Both have their place and their merits.
@PhysAssist I just find Leatherman to be higher quality and are made in the U.S. As opposed to most Gerber products after they were acquired by Fiskars and moved production to China.
@PenguinOnTheRox That explains the high prices of Leatherman products then. Not all things made in China are bad products. The iPhone is made there, for example.
Maybe that Leatherman is technically made in the U.S.A. but produced in a factory using mechanics (robots) and all those robots were made in China. Ever thought of that?
It's almost like I have my own opinion or something.
maybe the cost is higher because they are higher quality and assembled by actual people (not robots, prove to me they use robots) and have a no questions asked 25 year warranty.
@PenguinOnTheRox Leatherman factory tour:
@PenguinOnTheRox How dare you have an opinion?
@PenguinOnTheRox here you go. I see two robots in this image.
@cengland0 Yeah but those robots were built by hand.
Gerber is a decent brand and the price is decent. I just have no use personally.
buying stuffs for a dollar
In for two... Seems like a handy thing to have, right?
bring back the snow cone machines
I dunno, I like Gerber stuff but this doesn't seem good for a baby.
That's their business model genius: baby food, scary knives, and then they close the loop with life insurance.
Personal review, since my crucial is currently on my belt loop, like it is every day and has been for more than a month.
For the price, it's a very good multitool. The magnet is definitely stronger than it needs to be, and so it can be hard to pry open. I primarily use mine for opening boxes, although once in a while I will use one of the other tools.
For the price I'll probably pick up a second. I'll answer questions if for some reason someone has any as well.
Good deal, but I have a dozen of these. Mostly Leathermans. (One golden oldie with a blasting cap crimper instead of wire cutters.) and can't go the dad's day route ... crazy old cuss would find a way to shoot his eye out with it.
In for 2 - Always good for an add-on Dad's Day gift.
"This topic's getting long, we hid some things."
16 is long?
Don't say it!!
@saodell ...that's what she said.
I have one of these but with a corkscrew rather than a strap cutter, the former being more crucial for my current lifestyle.

@nadroj where can I get that one? And a flashlight with >60 lumens... ;)
@Perkalicious I think the corkscrew version is discontinued but may still be available online some places. As for the flashlight, would you want something like a 4Sevens Mini or something cheaper like a SIPIK-68 clone?
@Perkalicious I saw one at a uk online store, and also here:
@nadroj I have exactly that one as well and use it regularly. I really like it. I got mine at Amazon, but it's unavailable now. I paid $18 for it.
@Perkalicious Who needs a corkscrew when you have a shoe?
I'm a fan of Gerber. My first pocket knife was a Gerber. Moments after telling the internet I didn't know how I'd lived without it, I cut myself with the knife (conveniently, while using it to open a first aid kit... true story). But it was a clean cut that healed nicely.
In case this wasn't already obvious: I'm really not an expert. But my husband expressed enough interest in this item to make me buy one to add to his multitool collection. And he likes the brand enough to never mock my beloved Gerber. (Though he definitely mocked my girly, blue tool set. So it's not just that he's a nice guy.)
@christinewas Is the tool set called "her tools"? My wife had that when we met and I still make fun of it. But secretly her owning tools was one of the things that I thought was cool about her.
@belowi Mine were Barbara K. And I suspect that my husband had similar feelings about my owning them. Not to mention... he's needed to borrow them more than once.
In for one, because Multitool! It asked me to renew my VMP, which I find confusing because I never cancel it. Don't want to miss out on more socks!
@DaveInSoCal oh nooos I better check my email I hope they didn't cancel my VMP.
@dino2269 You still have a vmp badge.
20.99 at HD w/o flashlight
Gerber? WTF... Is this for opening cans of baby food in the dark? Does it come with the $500 life insurance policy for my kid... guaranteed so that they can keep it when they turn 21 no matter their health situation?
@discmaster yes
why are you sitting outside the gerber crucial 300 coupe? why not inside it?
multitool is rather...tiny
No longer carry multitools and pocketknives. TSA keeps telling me they're dangerous, becuase I could use them to disassemble the plane.
@condega5 got a little Swiss Army USB flash drive it is stamped "TSA approved got a little Swiss Army USB flash drive it is stamped ." They never believe me, though.
MEH... forgot to check, now sold out!
My gerber arrived today. I love it. The knife shape is a bit odd and the phillips screwdriver bit is a bit flat...but the way it folds is perfect. All that being said, I miss my original Gerber multi-tool with the gravity drop opening. I used it daily for nearly 7 years, wearing through multiple holsters.
The flashlight is ok, the clicky switch isn't very clicky but it works. I will try it out on an upcoming camping trip.
The packaging is INSANE!!! I nearly resorted to violence to open it, needing the knife inside but unable to get to it. Someone needs to design better/easier packaging!
@tightwad Got mine today. I'm happy with the tool and was really surprised about the flashlight since I didn't expect much from it. But the packaging was annoying as hell. First it was so big, that our friends at meh had to pack it in a really, really big box. It was so big that I couldn't fathom what I had ordered from meh that was this big. And cutting that package from hell open made me worry I'd damage the batteries. I had to use this much force. Next time I'll try to melt the plastic with my wife's steam cleaner first.
@einrad Next time you have a fancy new multi-tool with knife to use.
Woot has this for sale today for $34.99 + $5 s/h (a substantially similar model). This is without the flashlight but with a case.

The only difference I can see is the belt cutter is slightly thinner.
Makes me feel better paying only $15 from meh. Thanks Meh.
Mine arrived today. Extremely hard to open. I thought maybe I was missing a lock or something. After the first time opening it is easier but still very difficult. Not sure it's very usable as is.
Not sure about taking knife advice from someone called "stumpy" o_O
Opened the package containing the flashlight and multi tool and both now in glove box of my suv. Ready for whatever..or maybe not..had a blowout of jet ski trailer tire and tool didn't help me with that problem. Oh well, the flashlight would have been useful if it had been dark but it was still daylight when the tire blew to smithereens. Maybe next time meh..