I used to use this. Then it started getting annoying.
PS I don’t go for the very lowest price. I just use gasbuddy to keep an eye on prices. Near home I know what brands I like to buy, and which of their stations are more competitive on price.
The Gasbuddy app sucks and seems to keep getting suckier. The most inept app developers on the planet.
I’ve used it for years and it is sometimes unusable. Other than the regular crashes, they can’t seem to keep their advertisers under control.
Sometimes it is disreputable looking popups. Other times it is an infinite loop auto-switch to the App Store page of some stupid app. You flip back to the GB app and it self-flips back to the App Store. Without ever tapping an ad.
It is a silly gas price reporting app. How complicated could that be???
@RedOak Here’s another new annoyance: I tootling along about 10 miles inside the Mexican border. I want to check Gas Buddy to see what the prices are in Texas. It goes into an endless loop asking if I am in United States, Canada, or England. WTF? They can’t even figure THAT out?
I used to use Gas Buddy all the time but it’s gotten so horrible that I’ve uninstalled it and just use Waze’s (less comprehensive) gas pricing tool.
@simssj I still like Waze even after it got taken over by the evil data-privacy-monster, Google. But it is pretty useless for gas prices wherever I’ve been.
Aside: perhaps it is a lazy user problem but I don’t like that Waze seems to have lost the ability to report incidents on the opposite side of the road.
@simssj interesting GasBuddy can’t seem to determine which country you’re in when you’re 10 miles inside that country… and yet they claim they validate fake gas price reporting in the app by evaluating your distance from the station reported… to something like a half mile as I recall.
We go into and through Canada a lot. But being the cheapass I am, the data stays off. And we do our best to only buy gas in the US due to Canadian prices.
Perhaps Google will buy GB and teach them proper geo-location. But Google would be a mixed blessing.
@RedOak Good luck with that. I’m on Google Fi and my Pixel frequently thinks I am in Mexico even though I’m at home a couple of miles from the border. I can’t google what movies are showing because it will only give me movies in Mexico. And recently I did a rental car search and it included Mexican car rental places – if it was accurate car rental in Mexico is amazingly cheap. I wish I could get flight information ftom Juarez Int’l Airport. That would be worth crossing the border for.
@RedOak Agree on the app shittiness. And last week, they stopped supporting their app on WP altogether, even though everything was working fine before.
@narfcake Microsoft shares a big bite of the blame. They never put enough resources into the phone version of Windows to get it up to critical mass.
Even if they had to amp up the bribes (“support”) to 3rd party developers to do so.
An example of shooting themselves in the foot - blocking resave-directly-to-your-Dropbox cloud storage with the same filename… simply to bend your arm to use Microsoft’s cloud service of the month, whatever they’re calling it today. As a practical matter it made Dropbox one way/read only.
A shame. We have a Windows phone in our menagerie and it’s not a bad OS if you like really simple and integrated into the rest of your Windows world.
@narfcake when Microsoft still owned Nokia those cheap 520/540/550/640/etc… phones were a noble attempt to grab users. I think we paid $20 each for a couple 520s from Amazon. Not fancy but does all the basic stuff and no worries about it breaking/getting stolen/lost.
The problem - those entry level phones couldn’t support any OS upgrades. They were one OS version phones.
The problem - those entry level phones couldn’t support any OS upgrades. They were one OS version phones.
@RedOak That seems to sum up many Android phones too – but it’s not because the hardware couldn’t support the OS but the manufacturers DGAF and even when they do, the providers that have to green light the updates DGAF. They want to sell you new devices, not let you keep a 1+ year old phone updated.
On the other hand, a lot of the devices still running really old versions of Android (and actively checking in with Google) are not necessarily being used as daily drivers.
Though it’s amazing what the ROMing community manages.
@PlacidPenguin@Narfcake(Really trying to keep this from an Android vs Apple thing by keeping it targeted on the OS upgrade issue.)
I use both Android and Apple (and occasionally Windows) mobile devices and happen to prefer Apple for several reasons.
One of the reasons is an Apple mobile device will pretty much always get 3-5 OS upgrades post purchase with minimal grief. It just happens (If you want). I like that Apple says fuck off to the carriers.
@RedOak That’s a good reason why some folks stick with them. Granted, they have full control over the hardware and software whereas Google doesn’t control the hardware and the phone manufacturers don’t control the OS development.
Supposedly Google has been working on their own processor for a while.
While that WOULD significantly help with with regards to future devices that they make (since one of the hardware limitations Google has is how long they are given access to certain pieces of hardware, it would also get a lot of OEMs upset.
Of course though, it wouldn’t help for any existing devices out there, and would only help for a small percentage of devices anyways.
@PlacidPenguin it also seems Samsung desires more OS control. They don’t want a generic OS. They want distinct and better experience, whatever that is. That doesn’t mean they can accomplish it.
And Google doesn’t like a single hardware company gaining so much throw weight in their Android sandbox.
It seems both the Android OS owner and the main Android Hardware owner hanker for more control and influence over the Android realm. They want what Apple has.
@PlacidPenguin I fill my own tank every single time. They don’t care and it’s faster than waiting for them. I’d say half the people that stop at that station do, in part because it’s just past the Delaware Memorial Bridge and a lot of the customers are from out of state and aren’t used to the NJ law.
I paid $2.39 here with the Speedy Rewards 10¢ off per gallon. Other stations are $2.39 without the rewards, so I guess Speedway may have upped their price to offset the rewards. Oh well.
Remember when it reached $4.00 a few years ago? I’m so glad that’s over. And I think these prices are here to stay for a while, what with the new electric car trend.
I don’t really care too much what the other stations around us charge but SAMs/Costco are $2.25 and falling… which is actually $2.14/2.16 after their credit cards 5%/4% cashback.
Most payments done today are already electronic. They can remove all coins for all I care, it won’t make a noticeable impact in anything.
$2.27-2.29 at gas stations in my neighborhood. $2.13 at Costco a couple of miles away, maybe just barely making it worthwhile to drive over there and wait a few minutes in line for gas. I got 11 gallons yesterday so I saved about $1.50.
I paid $0.379/gallon for regular unleaded earlier today but could have gotten super unleaded for a penny per gallon. Love my HyVee/Casey’s Fuel Saver+Perks Card.
(Yes super unleaded is way cheaper in Iowa than regular unleaded.)
@RedOak Doesn’t the Kroger one cap out at a dollar off though? I’m fairly sure ours does, though it is technically Fred Meyer. And only works with Shell. But still, with that dollar off, I would be paying the price other people here pay normally. That’s a little sad in some ways.
@RedOak Not sure exactly, but the first $1.02 on the card was about to expire tomorrow. So it was a month’s worth (30 days) of shopping. I could possibly have gone another week before refueling but didn’t want to lose the discount. Also, that was regular vs super unleaded (with ethanol), not regular vs premium unleaded.
I think there is a cap on $ off Shell gas but not on Kroger gas. We have only a few Kroger stations and none are convenient. Shell gas in our area tends to be more expensive than others to the point where I assume most of the folks buying there are Kroger customers.
And I think there is a gallon cap at both. A friend kinda cheats by taking both cars with his wife and loading up.
The bottom line for us - I’ve guesstimated we save about the same amount as we’d save via those Kroger rewards on better loss-leader prices for the things we buy at our Meijer. And just as importantly, we don’t have to suffer through crappy Kroger produce.
Being the cheapass Scot I am tho, I probably should reevaluate again.
In the meantime we aren’t crying about saving 20-30 cents per gallon vs market at SAMs/Costco before the 5%/4% cashback.
@Kidsandliz not sure I understand your calculations. You’re saying the Kroger rewards only generate a 10 cent gas discount per gallon for every $100 spent? That’s laughable.
Yes, we save a lot more than $1.50 (or $2.00 for our tank) per $100 shopping at Meijer vs. Kroger. We frequently get $3-6 off next purchase automatic ecoupons for every $175-250 we spend alone before other sales and coupons.
And in addition to Meijer produce being superior, their mPerks app is better and they stock more of the stuff we want. And Meijer is a home state company.
But I’ll admit Kroger sends some pretty aggressive customer-tailored coupons.
@Pantheist The max gallons you can apply the savings to is 20 gallons in a single purchase. You also have to pay at least 1 cent per gallon. (I once managed that feat and even had leftover cents/gallon.) You cannot carry over unused gallons, but leftover cents off can be carried over. Unused cents off expire after 30 days.
@RedOak Yes. Unless you use THEIR credit card the deal is for every $100 spend you get 10 cents off a gallon. Thus if you are putting in 15 gallons then you’d only save $1.50. Or 12-13 gallons like what mine takes when the needs gas light is on, I only save $1.20-1.30.
@RedOak Kroger has a limit of 35 gallons. When we have a dollar’s worth of fuel points, we take both cars, fill up the first one, move it up, I get out and hold the nozzle, he pulls up, fills up his. That’s $35. Maybe I’m not saving as much as if I went to Meier’s, but my Kroger is much closer.
@RedOak I think it’s $900. It’s not really that great of a deal ultimately but if a Kroger store (in our case, Fred Meyer) is your main store it works out. The 900 rather than 1000 because you automatically get 10¢ off no matter how few Fuel Points you have.
You can also fill out the receipt survey to get like 50 additional Fuel Points. Basically the system is this: every dollar spent is equal to one Fuel Point. Every 100 Fuel Points will get you an additional 10¢ off a gallon of gas at Shell. Using Fuel Points for a transaction uses all of them, you can’t choose how much you get off, and once the transaction is done you don’t get the full discount anymore. So by the gods don’t use it if you have a lot of Fuel Points and are only getting like a couple gallons of gas.
@RedOak “When you shop at Kroger and use your Plus Card, you’ll earn 1 fuel point for every $1 you spend.* Plus, you’ll earn 2x fuel points on Gift Cards, No-Contract Wireless Phones and Airtime Cards!”
No idea. Because let’s be honest. Unless driving is part of what you do to earn a living, you can afford it and/or alter your driving habits to work around it.
1.999 regular Anderson SC
I used to use this. Then it started getting annoying.
PS I don’t go for the very lowest price. I just use gasbuddy to keep an eye on prices. Near home I know what brands I like to buy, and which of their stations are more competitive on price.
@f00l when it gets annoying, close the tab.
I normally use the app.
Also, I don’t know how to close tabs. It’s so difficult and confusing. I guess I’ll just have to pay and expert to come over and close them for me.
(last time I checked I had approx 4000 tabs open in chrome across all devices)
@thismyusername @f00l
The Gasbuddy app sucks and seems to keep getting suckier. The most inept app developers on the planet.
I’ve used it for years and it is sometimes unusable. Other than the regular crashes, they can’t seem to keep their advertisers under control.
Sometimes it is disreputable looking popups. Other times it is an infinite loop auto-switch to the App Store page of some stupid app. You flip back to the GB app and it self-flips back to the App Store. Without ever tapping an ad.
It is a silly gas price reporting app. How complicated could that be???
For years I virtuously reported gas prices. But the app … now I only do it when I work at remembering to do it.
Hire someone with a PhD (Push Here Dummy).
Such a person would intimidate me.
@RedOak Here’s another new annoyance: I tootling along about 10 miles inside the Mexican border. I want to check Gas Buddy to see what the prices are in Texas. It goes into an endless loop asking if I am in United States, Canada, or England. WTF? They can’t even figure THAT out?
I used to use Gas Buddy all the time but it’s gotten so horrible that I’ve uninstalled it and just use Waze’s (less comprehensive) gas pricing tool.
@simssj I still like Waze even after it got taken over by the evil data-privacy-monster, Google. But it is pretty useless for gas prices wherever I’ve been.
Aside: perhaps it is a lazy user problem but I don’t like that Waze seems to have lost the ability to report incidents on the opposite side of the road.
@simssj interesting GasBuddy can’t seem to determine which country you’re in when you’re 10 miles inside that country… and yet they claim they validate fake gas price reporting in the app by evaluating your distance from the station reported… to something like a half mile as I recall.
We go into and through Canada a lot. But being the cheapass I am, the data stays off. And we do our best to only buy gas in the US due to Canadian prices.
Perhaps Google will buy GB and teach them proper geo-location. But Google would be a mixed blessing.
@RedOak Good luck with that. I’m on Google Fi and my Pixel frequently thinks I am in Mexico even though I’m at home a couple of miles from the border. I can’t google what movies are showing because it will only give me movies in Mexico. And recently I did a rental car search and it included Mexican car rental places – if it was accurate car rental in Mexico is amazingly cheap. I wish I could get flight information ftom Juarez Int’l Airport. That would be worth crossing the border for.
@RedOak Agree on the app shittiness. And last week, they stopped supporting their app on WP altogether, even though everything was working fine before.
@narfcake Microsoft shares a big bite of the blame. They never put enough resources into the phone version of Windows to get it up to critical mass.
Even if they had to amp up the bribes (“support”) to 3rd party developers to do so.
An example of shooting themselves in the foot - blocking resave-directly-to-your-Dropbox cloud storage with the same filename… simply to bend your arm to use Microsoft’s cloud service of the month, whatever they’re calling it today. As a practical matter it made Dropbox one way/read only.
A shame. We have a Windows phone in our menagerie and it’s not a bad OS if you like really simple and integrated into the rest of your Windows world.
@RedOak The competitors didn’t exactly make it any easier. Being the late entrant in smartphones didn’t help either.
Then again, Microsoft gets $$ from every Android device:
… except from companies that DGAF:
When another sub-$100 phone has as good of a camera as my current 640 XL, I’ll switch.
@f00l @RedOak
app? I learned a long time ago to stick to the website for 99.9% of things on the internet.
@thismyusername was wondering how well the GB site performed on a non-phablet screen…
@narfcake when Microsoft still owned Nokia those cheap 520/540/550/640/etc… phones were a noble attempt to grab users. I think we paid $20 each for a couple 520s from Amazon. Not fancy but does all the basic stuff and no worries about it breaking/getting stolen/lost.
The problem - those entry level phones couldn’t support any OS upgrades. They were one OS version phones.
@f00l Hmm I don’t think you are intimidated by me…LOL
Is anybody here (intimidated by you)?
@PlacidPenguin I’d seriously doubt it LOL
I’ve used the website on mobile. Can be done. But I kinda stopped caring. Once in a huge while it matters.
@RedOak That seems to sum up many Android phones too – but it’s not because the hardware couldn’t support the OS but the manufacturers DGAF and even when they do, the providers that have to green light the updates DGAF. They want to sell you new devices, not let you keep a 1+ year old phone updated.
FWIW. WP8 phones were able to upgrade to WP8.1. Some were able to upgrade to W10M.
The sadly ironic thing though is that even unlocked phones (which get updates directly through OEM) could get delayed.
The US Unlocked version of the Galaxy S7 (model G935U) only started getting the update for Nougat (or at least the 7.0 version) today.
@PlacidPenguin It’s pretty pathetic, but their perspective is probably that if your old can be kept up to date, why would you upgrade?
On the other hand, a lot of the devices still running really old versions of Android (and actively checking in with Google) are not necessarily being used as daily drivers.
Though it’s amazing what the ROMing community manages.
@narfcake yep.
@PlacidPenguin @Narfcake (Really trying to keep this from an Android vs Apple thing by keeping it targeted on the OS upgrade issue.)
I use both Android and Apple (and occasionally Windows) mobile devices and happen to prefer Apple for several reasons.
One of the reasons is an Apple mobile device will pretty much always get 3-5 OS upgrades post purchase with minimal grief. It just happens (If you want). I like that Apple says fuck off to the carriers.
@RedOak That’s a good reason why some folks stick with them. Granted, they have full control over the hardware and software whereas Google doesn’t control the hardware and the phone manufacturers don’t control the OS development.
@narfcake @RedOak
Supposedly Google has been working on their own processor for a while.
While that WOULD significantly help with with regards to future devices that they make (since one of the hardware limitations Google has is how long they are given access to certain pieces of hardware, it would also get a lot of OEMs upset.
Of course though, it wouldn’t help for any existing devices out there, and would only help for a small percentage of devices anyways.
@PlacidPenguin it also seems Samsung desires more OS control. They don’t want a generic OS. They want distinct and better experience, whatever that is. That doesn’t mean they can accomplish it.
And Google doesn’t like a single hardware company gaining so much throw weight in their Android sandbox.
It seems both the Android OS owner and the main Android Hardware owner hanker for more control and influence over the Android realm. They want what Apple has.
But… But… But…
(It took me a while to type the above due to a bout of the giggles.
Never played with Windows OS on a phone.
May buy one just for fun. Of course though, I wouldn’t make it my daily driver, but still.
Avg is 2.41 here.
We’re around 2.99-3.19 around here depending on the day. But we have stupid high gas tax I think.
WTF? Where?
@f00l Seattle area.
$2.17-$2.29 here.
$1.89 in central TN when I left on Tuesday.
I get gas in NJ.
The headlines in October read as follows when gas prices rose:
@PlacidPenguin I do too since I live in PA and work in NJ. Currently $2.49 near me, $2.27 where I stop in NJ.
According to Google Maps, where I generally go in NY gas can be bought for $2.33.
I also really enjoy the whole “it’s illegal to fill your own tank of gas” thing.
Whoops, that should have said NJ.
@PlacidPenguin I fill my own tank every single time. They don’t care and it’s faster than waiting for them. I’d say half the people that stop at that station do, in part because it’s just past the Delaware Memorial Bridge and a lot of the customers are from out of state and aren’t used to the NJ law.
Thanks, Obama.
Around here it’s $2.31. @ruouttaurmind is in deep doo-doo. Crude oil is less than $50./ barrel, and the goat is to blame for the disconnect.
2.99 where I usually go
I paid $2.39 here with the Speedy Rewards 10¢ off per gallon. Other stations are $2.39 without the rewards, so I guess Speedway may have upped their price to offset the rewards. Oh well.
$2.79 here.
(that should explain it for you)
@Collin1000 that’s good for California
$2.72 Regular. $2.79 Diesel
Western Washington (high gas taxes)
Weird, it’s usually cheaper in central Washington, but recently it’s been around $2.89.
$2.22, Cincinnati
$2.29. And after seeing some of the prices listed, I’ll stop complaining!
Remember when it reached $4.00 a few years ago? I’m so glad that’s over. And I think these prices are here to stay for a while, what with the new electric car trend.
And the enormous petro reserves not terribly vulnerable to geopolitics.
@DVDBZN so true! And I was just in Europe where the prices are so much worse - I think I saw nearly EUR3.00/liter
I don’t really care too much what the other stations around us charge but SAMs/Costco are $2.25 and falling… which is actually $2.14/2.16 after their credit cards 5%/4% cashback.
what is really the point of going to the 3rd decimal place? already the penny should be outlawed. they did it in canada, A?
Most payments done today are already electronic. They can remove all coins for all I care, it won’t make a noticeable impact in anything.
@Yoda_Daenerys eh*
$2.27-2.29 at gas stations in my neighborhood. $2.13 at Costco a couple of miles away, maybe just barely making it worthwhile to drive over there and wait a few minutes in line for gas. I got 11 gallons yesterday so I saved about $1.50.
Regular 2.24 Gastonia NC
I paid $0.379/gallon for regular unleaded earlier today but could have gotten super unleaded for a penny per gallon. Love my HyVee/Casey’s Fuel Saver+Perks Card.
(Yes super unleaded is way cheaper in Iowa than regular unleaded.)
@msklzannie is that a typo???
@msklzannie how much food did you have to buy?
We have a similar program available via Kroger but we’d have to forego better loss-leader prices and far superior superior produce at our Meijer.
The Premium gas cheaper than regular thing sure sounds odd.
@RedOak Doesn’t the Kroger one cap out at a dollar off though? I’m fairly sure ours does, though it is technically Fred Meyer. And only works with Shell. But still, with that dollar off, I would be paying the price other people here pay normally. That’s a little sad in some ways.
@tinamarie1974 No, no typo.
@RedOak Not sure exactly, but the first $1.02 on the card was about to expire tomorrow. So it was a month’s worth (30 days) of shopping. I could possibly have gone another week before refueling but didn’t want to lose the discount. Also, that was regular vs super unleaded (with ethanol), not regular vs premium unleaded.
@msklzannie Is there a cap on how much you can get? If not, fill a 55 gallon drum once a month and siphon it out as needed!
@msklzannie @Mehsturbator @Pantheist
I think there is a cap on $ off Shell gas but not on Kroger gas. We have only a few Kroger stations and none are convenient. Shell gas in our area tends to be more expensive than others to the point where I assume most of the folks buying there are Kroger customers.
And I think there is a gallon cap at both. A friend kinda cheats by taking both cars with his wife and loading up.
The bottom line for us - I’ve guesstimated we save about the same amount as we’d save via those Kroger rewards on better loss-leader prices for the things we buy at our Meijer. And just as importantly, we don’t have to suffer through crappy Kroger produce.
Being the cheapass Scot I am tho, I probably should reevaluate again.
In the meantime we aren’t crying about saving 20-30 cents per gallon vs market at SAMs/Costco before the 5%/4% cashback.
@RedOak Figuring a fill up of, say 15 gallons, that is saving $1.50 for each $100 you spend at Krogers. Do you save more than that shopping elsewhere?
@Kidsandliz not sure I understand your calculations. You’re saying the Kroger rewards only generate a 10 cent gas discount per gallon for every $100 spent? That’s laughable.
Yes, we save a lot more than $1.50 (or $2.00 for our tank) per $100 shopping at Meijer vs. Kroger. We frequently get $3-6 off next purchase automatic ecoupons for every $175-250 we spend alone before other sales and coupons.
And in addition to Meijer produce being superior, their mPerks app is better and they stock more of the stuff we want. And Meijer is a home state company.
But I’ll admit Kroger sends some pretty aggressive customer-tailored coupons.
@Pantheist The max gallons you can apply the savings to is 20 gallons in a single purchase. You also have to pay at least 1 cent per gallon. (I once managed that feat and even had leftover cents/gallon.) You cannot carry over unused gallons, but leftover cents off can be carried over. Unused cents off expire after 30 days.
@RedOak Yes. Unless you use THEIR credit card the deal is for every $100 spend you get 10 cents off a gallon. Thus if you are putting in 15 gallons then you’d only save $1.50. Or 12-13 gallons like what mine takes when the needs gas light is on, I only save $1.20-1.30.
@RedOak Kroger has a limit of 35 gallons. When we have a dollar’s worth of fuel points, we take both cars, fill up the first one, move it up, I get out and hold the nozzle, he pulls up, fills up his. That’s $35. Maybe I’m not saving as much as if I went to Meier’s, but my Kroger is much closer.
@pooflady so does Kroger require $1,000 spending to get that $1 off each gallon? (10 reward cents per $100)
@RedOak I think it’s $900. It’s not really that great of a deal ultimately but if a Kroger store (in our case, Fred Meyer) is your main store it works out. The 900 rather than 1000 because you automatically get 10¢ off no matter how few Fuel Points you have.
You can also fill out the receipt survey to get like 50 additional Fuel Points. Basically the system is this: every dollar spent is equal to one Fuel Point. Every 100 Fuel Points will get you an additional 10¢ off a gallon of gas at Shell. Using Fuel Points for a transaction uses all of them, you can’t choose how much you get off, and once the transaction is done you don’t get the full discount anymore. So by the gods don’t use it if you have a lot of Fuel Points and are only getting like a couple gallons of gas.
Hopefully that made sufficient sense.
@RedOak “When you shop at Kroger and use your Plus Card, you’ll earn 1 fuel point for every $1 you spend.* Plus, you’ll earn 2x fuel points on Gift Cards, No-Contract Wireless Phones and Airtime Cards!”
@Mehsturbator yes, that made perfect sense.
… so they’re paying you 75 cents for that survey if you buy 15 gallons. Hopefully it’s a quick survey.
The problem with bribing to answer a survey is it makes the results suspect. That probably explains why Kroger thinks their customer service is A-OK.
@RedOak Probably doesn’t matter, they got people spending $30 to save 10 on gas.
No idea. Because let’s be honest. Unless driving is part of what you do to earn a living, you can afford it and/or alter your driving habits to work around it.
$2.33 for regular in Mahwah,NJ.
This is why I’ll drive a few miles and wait in line at Costco (which was $2.669).

Down to $2.02 now in Cincinnati.
$3.23 Northern Los Angeles County. 05/07/2017
About to go fill up at $2.059 in northwest Louisiana.