Game Time: Oh Hi - Sudoku but with colors
4Is everyone having a productive Monday morning? Good, because that's over now.
It's a really fun puzzle game that takes a little bit of thinking. I'm not entirely sure how the scoring works but I suspect it's time-based, and possibly based on if you take hints.
It should walk you through a tutorial but if not here are the rules:
- You can't have three of the same color in a row anywhere on the grid
- There must be an equal number of colors in each row and column (5 of each color for 10x10)
- No two rows are identical
Here's my high score, see if you can beat it:
That was on a 10x10 board.
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No I was hoping my Monday would productive after my lunch, now that has gone to shit. Curse you @cengland0 for making @JonT share another one of these games!
So addictive! There goes the afternoon...
yea well its Monday and I didn't really want to work.
You have found my weakness, @JonT. I am terrible at Sudoku.
How about a tie score? I suspect that is the highest score you can get. I did not use any hints and I finished it real fast.
Nope, I stand corrected. I did it even faster the second time and got a better score:
@cengland0 hit 316 earlier, damn you for having the same score!
@TaRDy I'll definitely take blame for that one :)
@TaRDy And now I just got a 516 score.
@cengland0 tie game again goat...your move.
@TaRDy Oh, my bad. I didn't upload my latest score. It's 1516.
@cengland0 LIES!
@TaRDy Screenshot proof was attached. Still progressing too. My current score is 1816. Seems the score increases by 100 each time you win a round. Each round gets harder and harder.
@cengland0 yea, I just tested it by changing my stored score to 2116 and my next score I was given was 2216
@TaRDy Really? It gets much harder at the higher levels.
@cengland0 @JonT I haven't looked at how "difficulty" works, but the scoring is very simple, it is an accumulation of all the puzzles you have solved. Your score ends in 16 because you did the tutorial which was a 4x4 ( 4*4 = 16) then you have been solving 10x10 puzzles, which is (10*10 = 100) so it adds 100. Kind of a lame scoring mechanism, no time involved, no hint deductions.
@cengland0 @JonT also, the developer was very kind and didn't "minify" the code, so we could always peek at that to understand the underlying mechanisms of the progression of difficulty you are experiencing.
@TaRDy @cengland0 Aww, I was really hoping there was a more competitive way to compete with this.
@JonT The competition is on. I have a high score that I haven't posted yet waiting to see if anyone else posts theirs first.
@cengland0 you do recall I already cheated and can make my score whatever I want it to be right?
@TaRDy Thats what you "claim" but I haven't seen any screen shots of your high score.
@cengland0 checkmate.
@TaRDy @cengland0 for what it's worth even without competition over scores I'm still really liking the game.
@JonT I agree. Mrs. cengland0 and I play it nightly while waiting for the next meh product announcement.
@cengland0 @JonT I play it once or twice a day for a nice little side distraction. I also got a couple of co-workers on it too.
Wow that is harder than first imagined.
Oh God. I'm a sucker for puzzle games.
bye bye Productivity. Anyone here played Kukuro?
@Foxborn Kakuro? I do. Also Killer Sudoku, which combines Kakuro and Sudoku.
@Foxborn Yeah, used to do a lot of them, kinda got burned out on it after a while.
Good luck beating my 516 score guys and gals!