Game Time: Interlocked
Got a nice brain-teasing game for y'all today, so if you like puzzles then kiss your productivity good bye!
Basically you do this:
It's a puzzle game that looks simple but gets extremely difficult. Try and complete it without the video walk-through.
Warning: this game can get incredibly frustrating.
I'm still working on level 13, how high can you go!?
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Speaking of about them there prizes?
@studerc thanks for the reminder! I'll make sure to delivery your prize after all other prizes have been successfully delivered.
@JonT you're the real mvp! Thanks for keeping it real. Ill just, you know, sit here for another year.
@studerc Just FYI - I've printed all labels for people awaiting prizes (except goat prizes, that's a different animal entirely) and will work on prize selection and shipping tomorrow.
@studerc You've heard of Valve time right? This is @JonT time.
@JonT fucking awesome man. Proud of you.
Is it Friday already?
Up to lvl 11
@DaveInSoCal currently stuck on 14. I've restarted twice. This is the worst.
@JonT I'm on 14 also. You can almost see how to do it but it just won't quite work. Where's my damn virtual Dremel?
@JonT @cinoclav I am hating 14 right now.
@DaveInSoCal Seriously. It's almost like if you had an actual puzzle in hand you could manipulate it to get that gray piece out.
@DaveInSoCal @JonT Wtf, level 14 sucked. And now they say they're hardcore?
Have to get back to this tomorrow when I have more time at work...
Damn you, @JonT!!! I should never have clicked that link!
@JonT Stuck on 16... Not sure if Im going to stop or not... it's very addicting... but I didn't get to finish all the things that I was supposed to tonight.
15 down. Starting on 16.
Starting 17
Alright, time to get back at this today!
No way. I'm barely over my addiction.
@marklog My company firewall started blocking agario, so that helped.
@JonT, I love this game so much. My wife would hate it as she describes herself as spatially challenged. I on the other hand live for this kind of challenge.
Thanks for posting.
@ACraigL glad you're enjoying it. How far did you get?
@JonT 14 I think. Looking forward to more.
Starting 18
Starting 19
@DaveInSoCal 18 was a bitch! This is so much fun (for some reason)
@ACraigL 19 only has 3 pieces and I can't seem to figure it out...
@DaveInSoCal I finished it. I got through 19 pretty quickly. 20 was much harder.
(off topic) @JonT @shawn there seems to be something wrong with the forum.. I get "something went terribly wrong" whenever I try to get to the forum list, but I can click on topics from the main page and they load fine...
@kadagan I posted a very similar message in today's product thread. Same issue for me.
@ACraigL Are we the only two having this problem? I'm surprised no one else is mentioning it...
@kadagan It's been ongoing, for weeks...
@Thumperchick It worked fine for me until this morning.. I haven't been able to see the forum list from home or work today though..
@Thumperchick After clearning my cache and restarting my browser 3 different times, it finally worked! It was definitely strange, never had that problem before.. but it seems to be good now. (and thanks @hollboll for the support email!!)
... and after making that post it broke again for me......
@kadagan @Thumperchick I can get to the page just fine when signed out. Once I log in, it craps out again. I've tried on my mobile, work PC, home tablet and home PC and they all have the problem, across multiple networks. Definitely something on their side and @Mehcus has noted degradation in site performance since the sale of the Monster flash drives. I don't know that they ever found the silver bullet, but guessing this is related.
@ACraigL that makes a lot of sense! When it worked, right after clearing my cache, I was logged out.. I logged in to post and it stopped working again.. I just didn't put 2 and 2 together.. (@hollboll)
@kadagan I just sent an email to support as well. Also, I blamed @sohmageek. So we're covered.
@ACraigL @kadagan I Apologize, I haven't had the issues recently, but I have been busy... maybe the site goes down when the goat is busy... :)