@Chops that depends, if you get the 55 inch led back lit tv and try to send it off for warranty, and they demand the receipt, will they accept that you paid $5 for it? :)
@anwallen Been noticing an issue with that at work; the desktop peecee is a couple minutes behind the VMS, Linux, and Mac systems. The windows boxes sync to time.windows.com, all the others to NTP.ORG servers. The cellphones agree with ntp.org...
Boss yelled at us for being late to a meeting this AM. Then yelled at us because windows time was wrong. Oh well.
Regarding the key question, "Does anybody actually like Valentine's Day?", I recently began working at a large greeting card company (we have Hall-ways) and I can attest that at least a few thousand employes "like" valentine$ day.
I feel like if you see it and hit buy, it should save it based on your session if you have to log in. Not sure why it logged me out on mobile. booo. I mean, Meh
BOOM! In and out in under 10 seconds.
@joe43wv and you're bragging?
Meh. Got one.
Yesterday was my birthday, so a day late, but not a fuku short! Whee!
@transplant Happy Belated but not without a Fuku!
@gertiestn Thank you! I've been laid up after an ankle surgery, so this is better than a birthday celebration out on the town.
Wait... is that just a little pathetic?
Ahh, meh!
@transplant Naw, it's understandable. When I got one, I thought Gee, that almost makes the blizzard worth it.
One......Minute......that was ridiculous.

That percentage though!
@calexander3103 Ofc I had to take a bath cough and missed the fuku :c
Man. Was totally on it. And not. ;(
First time in months that I checked at 12 on the dot. Payed off for me
gone that fast......how?
got one!
Quicker than a BOC...
@MrJazz BOC's are like scratch offs, Fuku's are like Powerball.
Well, like Powerball if they gave away broken VCR's instead of awesome cash prizes to random people.
Yeah psyche ... Clicked to buy it and in the time it took to sign in ....BAM they are gone.
Too frustrating. Went to browser at Midnight. I am done with Meh.
So... it does have a warranty?
@Chops that depends, if you get the 55 inch led back lit tv and try to send it off for warranty, and they demand the receipt, will they accept that you paid $5 for it? :)
Screwed by windows time server...
Logged in right at "Midnight" only to find out Windows time is 2 minutes slow.
@anwallen Been noticing an issue with that at work; the desktop peecee is a couple minutes behind the VMS, Linux, and Mac systems. The windows boxes sync to time.windows.com, all the others to NTP.ORG servers. The cellphones agree with ntp.org...
Boss yelled at us for being late to a meeting this AM. Then yelled at us because windows time was wrong. Oh well.
@anwallen windows time updater has been sporadic since windows 7... no matter the ntp server... an annoyance for sure.
Order the Fukubukuro, then continue my Meh button streak. 569 in a row.
@BillLehecka damn that's a long streak!!
FukU Valentines Day!!!!
mfer..mfer..mfer..i cant believe i missed it by a freakin minute..o well..u snooze u lose...me bad!
this videos black levels are awful. you can do better.
But can we, though?
Regarding the key question, "Does anybody actually like Valentine's Day?", I recently began working at a large greeting card company (we have Hall-ways) and I can attest that at least a few thousand employes "like" valentine$ day.
@BeSublime I worked at the other conglomerate that is (US-greetings) and I can say the Vday love masquerades as hatred.
Slept through the fuku.
Totally worth it.
Thx. You gave me symbolic compensation. Sleep good!
This song would make a great ringtone!
@Doodpants The fuko song is my ringtone.
East Coast got one!!
I feel like if you see it and hit buy, it should save it based on your session if you have to log in. Not sure why it logged me out on mobile. booo. I mean, Meh
this VMP aint helping >:(