Well look who it is, Five Dolla Special. A temptress soo sleazy that she'll get you to buy just about anything that's $5 and under. In for three because fuck it.
@studerc I'm usually the same way. I didn't check at midnight so when I woke up this morning I saw "Sold Out" and was sad, but then I saw it was batteries and I was relieved. I don't need them, but I probably would have bought them. I think that's what @unixrab really hates sometimes.
@RedHot No. @unixrab hates a good deal. I'm glad I had VMP or I wouldn't have participated in this deal because $10 is too much but $5 makes it an awesome deal.
@unixrab I think I bought a ton of things in February but the orders section gives me "Something went terribly wrong" so I cannot confirm.
Anyway, once you buy one thing, why not pay $5 for VMP instead of shipping and then you get 30 days of free shipping on anything else. If you do not do that, you risk the chance of having to pay shipping twice during the same month. It is only logical and I know you don't use logic when making decisions.
Even Amazon offers Prime for free shipping and many people pay for that option for more money annually than meh charges ($60). You can cancel at any time and get your money back if you don't use it. Can you do the same with Amazon?
Anyway, once you buy one thing, why not pay $5 for VMP instead of shipping and then you get 30 days of free shipping on anything else. If you do not do that, you risk the chance of having to pay shipping twice during the same month
Because - I do NOT want the temptation of VMP bait items. How many things (including the batteries today) did you buy that you did not immediately need because "it was a good deal"?
You can cancel at any time and get your money back if you don't use it.
I don't want to have to remember to cancel it - and I've already used it when I purchase the VMP for the first time...so that month is out of consideration - then I have to wait (and endure VMP bait) for the second month and cancel it to get my SECOND $5 back!
Even Amazon offers Prime for free shipping and many people pay for that option for more money annually than meh charges ($60)
The comparison to Amazon Prime is apples:oranges! Amazon has literally hundreds of millions of items for sale at any given moment! By contrast, meh.com has exactly 417 items forsale in the whole of 2015! ONE AT A TIME (except Tuesdays).
Further illustrating your ignorant comparison: Amazon Prime offers free TWO DAY shipping whereas my "$60 for VMP" get's me free 1?, 2? 3 week shipping! Now, go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.
@unixrab "Because - I do NOT want the temptation of VMP bait item" So that means you are not in control of your own weak mind. If you could think for yourself, you would only buy things you wanted and use logic instead. I'm glad you finally admit that you're weak and cannot think for yourself.
@TBoneZeOriginal Not so helpful reply: None that my husband or I have been using have gone bad yet. We've been using them for a while in several devices (RC helicpoter, computer mouse, etc). /Shrug. They don't suck.
While it is unfortunate that AAA batteries are apparently so un-Meh lately, these Fujitsu batteries (which I also bought last December) have been working quite well. They ran Christmas decorations for many continuous days, and worked great in a bluetooth speaker also. About as good as Energizers in my testing.
@duodec I bought some last time too, mine however have been duds. Of the 4 that I pulled from the box they were all dead. Luckily I bought the blue Toshiba. ones and they are true workhorses. These fujitsus are crap.
@Headly I would normally concur with you, however: These are already produced... they WILL end in a landfill eventually... I have a baby at home and most of his toys suck these batteries in less than a week... so, the way I see it: Get batteries dirt cheap like these, and do the responsible thing by disposing them at a recycling center.... BTW Eneloops are great! im using them as I type (mouse, keyboard combo) but I tried using them with toys and let me tell you that the supply/demand with eneloops will never be on par. just my .02 cents
@Headly Because I have done real-life testing with Eneloop batteries and they are very inconvenient. Forget about having to charge them because that's not the issue. They die faster than a regular battery so you have to replace them frequently. Using them in a bluetooth mouse, I can get regular batteries to last a month but with Eneloop batteries, I'm replacing them at least once a week.
You might be saying, "so what" because you can recharge them. However, you need to have a complete backup set already charged and ready to go or your computer is useless. Then, the problem with those batteries going out right in the middle of an important presentation you're giving to the organization and you having to stop to replace the batteries. Quite embarrassing.
I have had Eneloop batteries leak inside the charger damaging it in such a way that I can only charge 3 batteries at a time.
They may claim 500 charge cycles but they cannot claim that each charge cycle gives you a full charge comparable to a regular alkaline AA battery.
@cengland0 We use them in everything and yes you're right, they don't last as long a Duracells, but They keep my Apple Trackpad going for about 3 months, and the logitech wireless keyboard and mouse last about 1.5 to 2 months. we keep a set of 4 or 6 charged, and when we need to replace we just pop the new ones in and then charge the other ones. It's a little less convienient, but not as incoivient as storing the disposables then trying to find a recycling place for them... A lot cheaper than using Duracells in the long run too. I've never had an eneloop leak. I'm sure they can, but that can happen with any battery. It's like an electric car vs gas powered car. YOu have to adjust your habits. You have to remember to plug the car in at night otherwise you will have a problem on tomorrow's commute. But in the long run it's cheaper and better for everyone. The eneloop pro has a capacity of 2400 mAh which is getting close to that of alkaline. THe ones we have are all 3rd generation and they seem to work pretty well. They also support 1,800 recharge cycles.
@jareza The old "these are already produced and will end up in a landfill anyway" has been debunked countless times. But just to reiterate, just because THESE [whatevers] have been produced doesn't mean that buying [whatever] won't have an effect on production; consumption drives production. Also, regarding the "it's inconvenient to recharge them" argument, I have one simple counterexample: smartphones. People put up with charging them daily (or multiple times a day) when they used to charge their phones once or twice a week. We've changed our habits. We can do it for batteries too (if we want to).
@unixrab I don't really want to drive 20 miles to recycle batteries. That's one of the main reasons we switched to eneloops. We used to have a collection center in town, but they closed down. I have a box in the garage that's filling with used batteries and CFLs. One day after I have replaced all the lights with LEDs and the last of the disposable batteries is dead, I will drop the whole mess off. At lease we have electronics recycling where I can get rid of LED bulbs and toasters...
@unixrab Not specifically, no. It is in California. It's a bad idea to throw batteries in the trash. Ditto CFLs. There are chemicals in there that should be recycled that you definately don't want in the ground water in even the most minute amounts.
@Headly I totally agree that they shouldn't end up in a landfill, however batteries are one of the most appropriate things to recycle. Many rechargeables are full of heavy metals that shouldn't end up in a landfill and thankfully are valuable enough to warrant the reclaiming costs. Disposable batteries can and should be recycled as well. I know of some workplaces that offer free recycling of their employees' lead acid, alkaline, ni-cad, nimh, and li-ion batteries. You just toss them in a bin and they get shipped to a company that sorts them, shreds them, and reclaims the materials. (You have to put tape over the contacts so they don't cause a fire by shorting out during shipping, so not quite as easy as simply throwing them away). You may want to check online to see if there is a recycling place near you and if you have to you can always stockpile dead ones for a while in a ziplock, at least they don't take up too much space. As for rechargables, I was sold on nimh AA's. I tried both the Powerex and Duracell nimh rechargeables and just have too many devices that need batteries for it to be feasible to use rechargables in everything. Their self discharge issues and re-charging time made them less than ideal for my applications, such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, remotes, kids toys, kids toys, and kids toys. Plus more than once, family tried to throw them out when they were dead... I digress, I bought 120 of these because they work well (bought 80 last time), have a good shelf life, can be recycled when dead, and the price is right for the convenience they offer, but YMMV.
@mehdaf I have a stockpile of batteries and CFLs in the garage. The nearest recycling place other than the landfill is 20 miles. Once my box gets full I will make the trip. I'm very happy with my eneloop purchases so far.
비행기의 안전을 위해서 배송대행지에서 한국으로 배송불가품목입니다. 결국 배송대행지에서 폐기처분해야되므로 구입하지 마시길... The items that can not be sent to South Korea for the safe operation of the airplane.
@JT954 for your 360 controller they'll be fine, it's what I use mine for as well :D (alongside a few other things). Last long enough, of course it also depends on use etc.
I still have about 28 left from the last set I bought from Meh, plus a 24 pack of energizers, and a couple of 4 packs of duracells.
The price is good, but I'm already inundated with them here.
I'm also good on hearing aid batteries, given that Radio Shack was going out of business and I bought most of their stock of orange hearing aid batteries. I think I have a 3 year supply of those now.
(Definitely need AAA's though, and it would be nice to have some 9v batteries as well.)
Scratch that, I still have 60 of these exact batteries left, for a total of about 90 AA batteries. I've used 20 in 2 months. I think I'm set for a few more months.
I only say meh because I bought two boxes of these in December. Well, actually I was one of the lucky ones who wanted Toshiba Batteries and got a really great deal on these instead...
@andrewe1 This is one of the reasons I switched to eneloops. To recycle I have to drive to the county landfill and wait in line, or drive 20 miles to a recycling center across town.
GF used to get heavily discounted batteries when she worked at RadioShack, but hasn't for a while. Supplies are dwindling. All of our remotes use AA, so these will be put to good use.
Shhhh ... You didn't hear from me… But 25 or 30 years from now, we will finally be at peace in the Middle East, and at that point, someone is going to sue our pants off for all of the lithium batteries that we buried in the desert during the early 2000s ... and y'all can say, didn't some guy warn us about that on the Meh.com forum?
It takes 123 of these to run my interdimensional information extrapulator. Is it bad that I like to listen to old soaps from dimensions slightly different than our own? Yes, you say? I beg to differ!
Dang, that sold out pretty quickly. I was in the middle of trying to check out. Meh. I suppose my stockpile of AA's will have to wait until next time to grow larger.
@SSteve I already got one order through. If I had been fast - would I have been able to order more than 1 order with 3 packs in each, or is the limit per customer and not per order?
@belowi I'm wondering where they got the extra $232 from... Seems like a weird numberr considering shipping is $5 - unless of course they calculate based on VMP memberships and how many orders a VMP memberr have put divided by $5 (that month)
@ACraigL 100 batteries for $29.95 + $5 s/h = 0.3495 per battery. The ones from meh were 40 for $5 = 0.125. Big difference in price and even if they only last half as long, the meh batteries still win.
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 3/2 - 3/4
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
Alternate view
Price Check
This handy post by silalus over at Woot gives some information per battery comparisons.
For reference, ours break down to:
$0.13 per battery if you’re a VMP for 1 pack
Not a VMP? It’s $0.25 per battery with shipping
90 days
I really need some AAA batteries...
@jeffca51 I came here to say the same thing!
@Enigma me too
Odd, because I need some As and AAAAs.
@saodell Do you seriously still have something that uses size A batteries?
@jeffca51 +100000 this
I don't want AA, I want AAA. Why must you tease me so?
Two peanuts were walking down the street..... one was a salted.
They found out it was the energizer bunny..... he was charged with battery
@lichme and a-salt
@lichme booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (tossing peanut shells in your direction)
@lichme That joke sux as bad as MEH batteries... My son give me some he bought before Christmas... THEY"RE ALREADY CORRODED.
More batteries for my $8 RC helicopters!
@webender i lost my 8$ rc helicopter today i bought it outside too much wind and now i think it stuck on a tree im not sure=(
@webender this.
@tz304608 That happened to my son's $100 chopper he got for Christmas from a relative. Now he gets $8 choppers from meh.
Well look who it is, Five Dolla Special. A temptress soo sleazy that she'll get you to buy just about anything that's $5 and under. In for three because fuck it.
@studerc I'm usually the same way. I didn't check at midnight so when I woke up this morning I saw "Sold Out" and was sad, but then I saw it was batteries and I was relieved. I don't need them, but I probably would have bought them. I think that's what @unixrab really hates sometimes.
@studerc @RedHot It's not hate...it's pity... like watching an addict get their fix... meh
@RedHot No. @unixrab hates a good deal. I'm glad I had VMP or I wouldn't have participated in this deal because $10 is too much but $5 makes it an awesome deal.
@cengland0 have you purchased anything else during February?
@unixrab I think I bought a ton of things in February but the orders section gives me "Something went terribly wrong" so I cannot confirm.
Anyway, once you buy one thing, why not pay $5 for VMP instead of shipping and then you get 30 days of free shipping on anything else. If you do not do that, you risk the chance of having to pay shipping twice during the same month. It is only logical and I know you don't use logic when making decisions.
Even Amazon offers Prime for free shipping and many people pay for that option for more money annually than meh charges ($60). You can cancel at any time and get your money back if you don't use it. Can you do the same with Amazon?
Because - I do NOT want the temptation of VMP bait items. How many things (including the batteries today) did you buy that you did not immediately need because "it was a good deal"? I don't want to have to remember to cancel it - and I've already used it when I purchase the VMP for the first time...so that month is out of consideration - then I have to wait (and endure VMP bait) for the second month and cancel it to get my SECOND $5 back! The comparison to Amazon Prime is apples:oranges! Amazon has literally hundreds of millions of items for sale at any given moment! By contrast, meh.com has exactly 417 items forsale in the whole of 2015! ONE AT A TIME (except Tuesdays).Further illustrating your ignorant comparison: Amazon Prime offers free TWO DAY shipping whereas my "$60 for VMP" get's me free 1?, 2? 3 week shipping! Now, go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.
@unixrab "Because - I do NOT want the temptation of VMP bait item" So that means you are not in control of your own weak mind. If you could think for yourself, you would only buy things you wanted and use logic instead. I'm glad you finally admit that you're weak and cannot think for yourself.
@cengland0 you bought the batteries (you didn't need), Spock - thanks for proving my point
@cengland0 do you put your seatbelt on when you drive?
@unixrab Actually, I did need the batteries or I wouldn't have purchased them. Duh.
Regarding if I wear my seat belt, the answer is yes. I don't have faith that god will save me in an accident. Do you put your seat belt on?
@cengland0 no
hard to give a shit, really. I still have 20+ AA batteries from some deal over a year ago.
@ekw But Meh has only been here for some 223 days, less than a year...
@DJP519 maybe it wasn't meh? Gasp
@Nexar precisely.
gurgling-phenomenal-recess since those damn helicopter remotes take 6 batteries each!
Baby arm compatible! In for 2 sets!
More juice for my meh choppers.
Any idea if these are any good or how they compare to the big brands?
Meh, who cares… in for 120.
@TBoneZeOriginal I haven't done any specific comparisons, but they seem good enough. I still have well over 100 from the last time they sold these.
@TBoneZeOriginal Not so helpful reply: None that my husband or I have been using have gone bad yet. We've been using them for a while in several devices (RC helicpoter, computer mouse, etc). /Shrug. They don't suck.
Bet these Fujitsu batteries last as long as their Hard Drives. [slam]
RC copters, xbox and wii-motes... can never have too meh-ny AAs
Baby arm! Yay!
I still have 36 batteries left from last time.
Baby Arm.
@jqubed holding an apple.
Batteries, shmatteries, who gives a cathode. The important thing here is that meh-face-calendar-history is back!
While it is unfortunate that AAA batteries are apparently so un-Meh lately, these Fujitsu batteries (which I also bought last December) have been working quite well. They ran Christmas decorations for many continuous days, and worked great in a bluetooth speaker also. About as good as Energizers in my testing.
@duodec I bought some last time too, mine however have been duds. Of the 4 that I pulled from the box they were all dead. Luckily I bought the blue Toshiba. ones and they are true workhorses. These fujitsus are crap.
cant justify sending all this shit to the landfill even if free... eneloop ftw.
@Headly I would star this one hundred times if I could. I just don't understand using primary cells for 99% of (A)AA tasks…
@Headly I would normally concur with you, however: These are already produced... they WILL end in a landfill eventually... I have a baby at home and most of his toys suck these batteries in less than a week... so, the way I see it: Get batteries dirt cheap like these, and do the responsible thing by disposing them at a recycling center.... BTW Eneloops are great! im using them as I type (mouse, keyboard combo) but I tried using them with toys and let me tell you that the supply/demand with eneloops will never be on par. just my .02 cents
@Headly Because I have done real-life testing with Eneloop batteries and they are very inconvenient. Forget about having to charge them because that's not the issue. They die faster than a regular battery so you have to replace them frequently. Using them in a bluetooth mouse, I can get regular batteries to last a month but with Eneloop batteries, I'm replacing them at least once a week.
You might be saying, "so what" because you can recharge them. However, you need to have a complete backup set already charged and ready to go or your computer is useless. Then, the problem with those batteries going out right in the middle of an important presentation you're giving to the organization and you having to stop to replace the batteries. Quite embarrassing.
I have had Eneloop batteries leak inside the charger damaging it in such a way that I can only charge 3 batteries at a time.
They may claim 500 charge cycles but they cannot claim that each charge cycle gives you a full charge comparable to a regular alkaline AA battery.
@cengland0 We use them in everything and yes you're right, they don't last as long a Duracells, but They keep my Apple Trackpad going for about 3 months, and the logitech wireless keyboard and mouse last about 1.5 to 2 months. we keep a set of 4 or 6 charged, and when we need to replace we just pop the new ones in and then charge the other ones. It's a little less convienient, but not as incoivient as storing the disposables then trying to find a recycling place for them... A lot cheaper than using Duracells in the long run too. I've never had an eneloop leak. I'm sure they can, but that can happen with any battery. It's like an electric car vs gas powered car. YOu have to adjust your habits. You have to remember to plug the car in at night otherwise you will have a problem on tomorrow's commute. But in the long run it's cheaper and better for everyone. The eneloop pro has a capacity of 2400 mAh which is getting close to that of alkaline. THe ones we have are all 3rd generation and they seem to work pretty well. They also support 1,800 recharge cycles.
@Headly sorry for the types. Not going to try to fix them in this tiny edit box...
@jareza The old "these are already produced and will end up in a landfill anyway" has been debunked countless times. But just to reiterate, just because THESE [whatevers] have been produced doesn't mean that buying [whatever] won't have an effect on production; consumption drives production. Also, regarding the "it's inconvenient to recharge them" argument, I have one simple counterexample: smartphones. People put up with charging them daily (or multiple times a day) when they used to charge their phones once or twice a week. We've changed our habits. We can do it for batteries too (if we want to).
@Headly recycle AA batteries??
@unixrab I don't really want to drive 20 miles to recycle batteries. That's one of the main reasons we switched to eneloops. We used to have a collection center in town, but they closed down. I have a box in the garage that's filling with used batteries and CFLs. One day after I have replaced all the lights with LEDs and the last of the disposable batteries is dead, I will drop the whole mess off. At lease we have electronics recycling where I can get rid of LED bulbs and toasters...
@Headly weird... I just toss dead batteries in the trash. Is it some sorta law for your location?
@unixrab Not specifically, no. It is in California. It's a bad idea to throw batteries in the trash. Ditto CFLs. There are chemicals in there that should be recycled that you definately don't want in the ground water in even the most minute amounts.
@Headly As someone who also tries to recycle a lot, I would highly recommend this for your broken electronics of all sorts: https://www.ifixit.com/Info/Device_Donations
@Headly I totally agree that they shouldn't end up in a landfill, however batteries are one of the most appropriate things to recycle. Many rechargeables are full of heavy metals that shouldn't end up in a landfill and thankfully are valuable enough to warrant the reclaiming costs. Disposable batteries can and should be recycled as well. I know of some workplaces that offer free recycling of their employees' lead acid, alkaline, ni-cad, nimh, and li-ion batteries. You just toss them in a bin and they get shipped to a company that sorts them, shreds them, and reclaims the materials. (You have to put tape over the contacts so they don't cause a fire by shorting out during shipping, so not quite as easy as simply throwing them away). You may want to check online to see if there is a recycling place near you and if you have to you can always stockpile dead ones for a while in a ziplock, at least they don't take up too much space. As for rechargables, I was sold on nimh AA's. I tried both the Powerex and Duracell nimh rechargeables and just have too many devices that need batteries for it to be feasible to use rechargables in everything. Their self discharge issues and re-charging time made them less than ideal for my applications, such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, remotes, kids toys, kids toys, and kids toys. Plus more than once, family tried to throw them out when they were dead... I digress, I bought 120 of these because they work well (bought 80 last time), have a good shelf life, can be recycled when dead, and the price is right for the convenience they offer, but YMMV.
@mehdaf I have a stockpile of batteries and CFLs in the garage. The nearest recycling place other than the landfill is 20 miles. Once my box gets full I will make the trip. I'm very happy with my eneloop purchases so far.
I need these for my flying battle robots!!!
That write up hit WAAAAAY close to home.

비행기의 안전을 위해서 배송대행지에서 한국으로 배송불가품목입니다. 결국 배송대행지에서 폐기처분해야되므로 구입하지 마시길...
The items that can not be sent to South Korea for the safe operation of the airplane.
@luxman hippopotamus
How does this brand rate in comparison to Rayovac? I'm thinking of getting these for my Xbox 360 controllers.
@JT954 at the price, I'm not sure it matters. Even if they last half of what the other brands do, it's well worth it.
@JT954 for your 360 controller they'll be fine, it's what I use mine for as well :D (alongside a few other things). Last long enough, of course it also depends on use etc.
I still have about 28 left from the last set I bought from Meh, plus a 24 pack of energizers, and a couple of 4 packs of duracells.
The price is good, but I'm already inundated with them here.
I'm also good on hearing aid batteries, given that Radio Shack was going out of business and I bought most of their stock of orange hearing aid batteries. I think I have a 3 year supply of those now.
(Definitely need AAA's though, and it would be nice to have some 9v batteries as well.)
Scratch that, I still have 60 of these exact batteries left, for a total of about 90 AA batteries. I've used 20 in 2 months. I think I'm set for a few more months.
Woo-hoo! Batteries!
I only say meh because I bought two boxes of these in December. Well, actually I was one of the lucky ones who wanted Toshiba Batteries and got a really great deal on these instead...
@marvelljones I bought one of these, and one Toshiba, so I ended up with 80 for half price last time...
buff-slimy-grog -- Sometimes I think I order here just to get the cool word salad.
I've still got all those Toshibas, like everyone else.
@unixrab Don't like infinte loops?
the background was red, it cost 5$, first 2 letters fu... my heart skipped a beat...
Need AAA batteries!
Though not needed, I recommend you guys recycle!
Got 2 packs... Though I kind of wish I got three.
@andrewe1 cancel and reorder.
@TBoneZeOriginal Or just leave the original order and put in another order for 1. More fun to get more boxes on your porch.
@TBoneZeOriginal It's already sold out! wtf lol
@andrewe1 This is one of the reasons I switched to eneloops. To recycle I have to drive to the county landfill and wait in line, or drive 20 miles to a recycling center across town.
$5 is all my mom allows me to spend.
@Pavlov me so honry now
@irishbyblood is that like being too ornery to be horny?
Couldn't hit Meh fast enough.
Actually, if you're VMP, they're 12.5 cents each. Makes all the difference if were thinking you already had a source for AA's @ 13 cents each.
GF used to get heavily discounted batteries when she worked at RadioShack, but hasn't for a while. Supplies are dwindling. All of our remotes use AA, so these will be put to good use.
Shhhh ... You didn't hear from me…
But 25 or 30 years from now, we will finally be at peace in the Middle East, and at that point, someone is going to sue our pants off for all of the lithium batteries that we buried in the desert during the early 2000s ... and y'all can say, didn't some guy warn us about that on the Meh.com forum?
@saodell its not like we're preventing anything from growing out there in the sand.
It takes 123 of these to run my interdimensional information extrapulator. Is it bad that I like to listen to old soaps from dimensions slightly different than our own? Yes, you say? I beg to differ!
SOLD! Send me all of the batteries, for I am a vertical-octagonal-actor!!
And there gone. 1200 sold in less than an hour. That is like more than 20 a minute or something.
@hchavers they're, not there
@juststephen I blame autocorrect, and you for pointing it out.
Dang, that sold out pretty quickly. I was in the middle of trying to check out. Meh. I suppose my stockpile of AA's will have to wait until next time to grow larger.
@Dorkfish92 Same here!
I bought like 3 packs. Then I took a bath. And now they are sold out...
I'm clicking meh because I wanted these and didn't get any. That'll show you, Meh.com!
I can't believe it sold out
People still buy batteries?
AA shirts, not AA batteries!
That was almost Fuku fast.
@pitamuffin It was definitely faster than last time, what with the crash and all.
I need C.
@phatmass Drink orange juice.
Sold out? Excellent. Now I can stop wondering whether or not I should buy some.
@SSteve I already got one order through. If I had been fast - would I have been able to order more than 1 order with 3 packs in each, or is the limit per customer and not per order?
@lakridserne The limit is per customer, so no, you wouldn't be able to order 9 unless you have other accounts too.
World record for selling 1200 no-name batteries in 47 minutes.
@greengalore 48,000 (1200 * 40)
Did these come with a free battery gun or something?
AA Battery gun
I just like that meh's goal for the day was to make $6000, seems like the bar may have been a bit low.
@belowi I'm wondering where they got the extra $232 from... Seems like a weird numberr considering shipping is $5 - unless of course they calculate based on VMP memberships and how many orders a VMP memberr have put divided by $5 (that month)
@lakridserne Sales tax. That's where the "not $5 increments" came from.
@narfcake Oh right...
I don't even care that I missed it, because still I have sooooo many batteries from the last time they here.
Cue the whiny East Coasters, of which I'm one....
I wonder if Hall of Fame, Detroit Tigers star Al Kaline gets royalties for his name on all these batteries...
meh, my gf's vibrating dildo takes 4 D cells (think big ass flashlight size).
@irishbyblood Are we talking about the size of your girlfriend's dildo, or the size of your girlfriend's _?
@Cinoclav I think we can assume both are of the same approximate size as said DC powered appliance.
@irishbyblood My sympathies to you.
@Cinoclav Hotdog in a hallway.
@irishbyblood Time to upgrade to diesel power.
@Cinoclav It's exactly what I always imagined using a jackhammer would be like.
@Headly I was thinking solar, but it's cloudy here in the winter.
@irishbyblood Get something like these: 3xAA to D adapter
@narfcake Brilliant!
@pkillboredom @irishbyblood
@irishbyblood did you get her a Sphero? They're waterproof and this one has a cover with pleasure nubs.
@bludgeon We're still on traing wheels.
Could a used them but still have plenty of rayovak left
Name-brand batteries (all sizes) over there...
@ACraigL Name brand, but not top quality. They're selling the made in China Duracell, not the retail made in USA ones.
@narfcake Just trying to offer an alternative for those that are Fujitsu-depressed.
@ACraigL 100 batteries for $29.95 + $5 s/h = 0.3495 per battery. The ones from meh were 40 for $5 = 0.125. Big difference in price and even if they only last half as long, the meh batteries still win.
more vmp bait.... you poor people.
@unixrab What bait? Sure, they're only $5, but I didn't need them.
(Now if it was a shirt, then guilty as charged.)
@narfcake well done!
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
My terminal-gargantuan-pasta is on its way.
Holy crap, you sold out of batteries!
We're free from the AA tyranny!
That sold out quickly! Who knew baby arm compatibility could move product so well?
Well, I still got that old lemon tree and that jar of pennies...
Still working on that 100-pack of batteries I got from Meh last year! It'll probably be a while before I need more.
Meh Out.....
I’ve been slowly working through my supply of these. a pair i recently put into my mouse started leaking. If you still have these, check your devices.