@JonT I too hate it. It doesn't sound genuine at all if they say it so much. Switch it up with a you're welcome, no worries, whatever I won't be offended. But as it is now I see how many times I can get them to say it in one order.
And WTF? No breakfast after 10:30am EST? WTF? I bet they're serving breakfast in California at 10:30amEST -- probably still serving it at lunchtime. Fucking California.
@capguncowboy And Hawaii. Sunrise over the ocean while having breakfast. Then they can drive across the island and watch the sunset over the ocean, while having another breakfast! How is that fair?
Chicken? Try living in a town with no Sunday liquor sales... Seriously though, it's their right to be closed if they want to be. Plenty of other competitors out there willing to take your money and feed you chicken. My problem is the city forces liquor stores to be closed on Sunday. That ain't freedom and that ain't America. Small business owners are being oppressed. Luckily I can drive 20 minutes to a neighboring town that isn't so churchy.
@medz Until Recently, you couldn't even buy liquor on Sundays in PA. Our alchohol laws are vastly outdated. Liquor only sold in state stores, beer only at distributors. Luckly on the beer side, we are starting to break thru some of that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_laws_of_Pennsylvania
@medz I lived in a country (Norway) for a year where there was no Sunday liquor sales. And on Saturday the liquor stores (all state-owned) were only open four hours so there were incredible lines. But it didn't affect me too much because the booze had such outrageous markups that we couldn't afford it anyway.
@medz Bowling Green KY was that way forever until recently. We used to have to drive down to the state line on Sundays if we ran out. Thankfully the bible lovers finally lost several votes, first allowing food places to sell wine and beer and finally allowing all sales on Sunday.
@medz Back in college we started calling blue laws "Southern Baptist Sharia" because, when you think about it objectively, that's pretty much what they are.
@Outofmymind seems unconstitutional to even require a vote. Booze is a legal substance with rules already in place to make sure only adults buy it. Can we vote on a ban of Sunday pharmacy sales? Close all drug stores on Sunday!
@medz Some would if they could. I usually change the subject claiming a awkward event the other day, when they ask I say : What's the worst part of locking your keys in the car outside of an abortion clinic? Going inside to ask for a coat hanger. Good way to rile em up without insulting directly.
@PyxienTX But it's still beer & wine only on Sunday, and you have to wait til noon. Even stranger, I can get beer with breakfast at 6AM, but I have to wait til 7AM to get it to go.
@medz There is some kind of erroneous idea that resticting sales will curb the drunks, but if they get too desperate, they go to the ER and get Ativan.
@medz We don't hate freedom, but we believe in voting for things that are important to the people who live there. By the same token, we believe in driving to the next county if we want alcohol.
@PyxienTX So they vote for important things that make no difference to them, but it takes freedoms away from others. If you don't want booze on Sunday, don't buy it. No law required.
@medz As I have no horse in this race (I don't drink), and you keep spouting about freedom...Don't you think the FREE part would be to let it go, as those people that live in those counties and towns VOTED for blue laws. That was their choice. It may not be yours, but you are not forced to live there. Freedom means having an option to choose, not having someone else tell you you are wrong and "Do it my way" as you are wont to do.
@PyxienTX@Terlple is right. I don't think people should be able to tell other people they can't do something unless there is a good reason. Yes, the liquor store owner COULD move to another county, but then that would mean your last sentence applies to the people who voted against it! Kinda hypocritical, really.
@Teripie Again, it was a choice to open that business in a dry county or one with other blue laws that will affect said business. I live in Houston. There are plenty of businesses that are affected by the lack of sales on Sunday morning, but somehow they survive. If it was that big of a deal to them, they would have opened somewhere else or elected a different a City Council to repeal those laws within the city limits. Obviously it isn't that big of a deal breaker to them, or they would.
@PyxienTX so there is not even a single person who wants them repealed? If a single person's freedom is stifled for no good reason, then it's still bad.
@medz So you are saying that the one is MORE important than the many? Selfish much? And the reason is a viable 2-fold one: 1) People obviously don't care enough to make it a big deal (excepting you, of course) 2. Liquor stores don't want the increased overhead without the return of cash flow. If either of these were untrue, the liquor blue laws would have been repealed by now. Don't you think? Apparently you think freedom is what YOU want it to be, but you do not consider the people it affects thought on the issue. That is an opinion, not fact, and definately not FREEDOM. While I don't necessarily agree with the blue laws, it is the law. You want to change move here and run for Texas Representative or Senate and submit a law to repeal just like others have tried. That is your FREEDOM. Mine is to let the people these laws affect do with it as they wish.
@PyxienTX Easy, chumbo! 1) Why does it matter what other people want? How am I hurting them by buying a legal product on any particular day? 2) Nobody is forcing the liquor stores to be open! If they don't want to be, they don't have to. Everyone will still have the freedom of choice. Your logic is soooo twisted... You say I'm selfish for wanting something that doesn't hurt anyone else yet you're NOT selfish for telling me I can't have it... Weird, yo.
@PyxienTX Your logic is that it is based on what the majority wants. That makes total sense and is how democracy works. I get that. However, it becomes unconstitutional and/or discriminatory if a certain group of people (majority or not) are allowed to force others to give up their freedoms when there is no justified reason. Majority says you can't murder people. That's good because murder hurts people. Majority says you can't sell/buy booze on Sunday. Why?! Who is it hurting, again? What's next? What if the majority says no place of business can be open on Sunday? Would that fly? Just because you're of the majority opinion doesn't make it right unless you can justify it.
@medz You wanna change the laws, fine. I have no issue with that. Come on down here and do it as I suggested above. Bitching on here has done what for you exactly? Our country is built on majority. If the people of Texas really wanted it repealed, it would happen. So, you can't plan ahead and buy your liquor on Saturday? How does it hurt you to be unable to buy it on Sunday? Nope, it doesn't. It just requires you to think ahead and plan better. As far as businesses being unable to be open on Sunday...Yep, that has occurred. It was repealed because the people of Texas wanted it to be. Check out the Texas Blue Laws from 1961-1985. Dealerships are still unable to be opened on both weekend days. Guess what...Dealers want it that way. Imagine that. As far as being the majority, nope, not me. I have stated above, if you bother to read before you reply, I don't agree with the blue laws, but I don't drink. There are a ton of laws I don't agree with. It is, however, the law.
This runs along the same lines as when meh.com decides to offer the new product of the day. If you want a deal at noon eastern everyday... start a company, sell it to amazon, work there for a while, leave, start a new company and then write a memo that proclaims all products will be offered for sale at noon eastern - SIMILARLY... IF you want a chicken sandwich on Sunday, create a kick-ass fried chicken recipe, start your own chicken sandwich business and write a memo that proclaims your chain is open on Sundays.
@capguncowboy That's entirely at the discretion of the inventor of the recipe.... I don't have to like what he says in a free speech society... I just have to defend his right to say it..... vote with your wallet....not your mouth. aye mate?
Along the lines of the booze rant a few posts up - I lived for a long time in the buckle of the bible belt. In this town, you couldn't have a bar within 200 yards of a church. These guys found a great building for a bar but it was just under 200 yards from the church. They found out the law dictated measuring from the edge of the property to the door of the bar. So they rebuilt the facade of the building to set the door back 4 feet which put it at 201 yards. Boom - now they have a bar there. It was fantastic. I spent a LOT of money at that bar.
My pleasure.
@Ignorant I hate this. I know you don't want to say it, I don't want you to say it...just don't say it.
@JonT I too hate it. It doesn't sound genuine at all if they say it so much. Switch it up with a you're welcome, no worries, whatever I won't be offended.
But as it is now I see how many times I can get them to say it in one order.
@JonT @Ignorant Wait a minute...You mean to tell me it wasn't?
@JonT It sounds like maybe it bothers you more than it should...
@unoriginal26 nah, sorry. I hated every minute of it.
@JonT It's better than the fake QT "see you next time" adieus.
God obviously who proclaimed that day of rest. Or possibly Irk.
@smoo99 Or chickens.
And WTF? No breakfast after 10:30am EST? WTF? I bet they're serving breakfast in California at 10:30amEST -- probably still serving it at lunchtime. Fucking California.
@capguncowboy And Hawaii. Sunrise over the ocean while having breakfast. Then they can drive across the island and watch the sunset over the ocean, while having another breakfast! How is that fair?
@rockblossom Fucking Hawaii!
@rockblossom @capguncowboy I never thought about breakfast....them sun soakin suma bitches
Typically, Sunday is the day I want a Chick-Fil-A sandwich the most.
Chicken? Try living in a town with no Sunday liquor sales...
Seriously though, it's their right to be closed if they want to be. Plenty of other competitors out there willing to take your money and feed you chicken. My problem is the city forces liquor stores to be closed on Sunday. That ain't freedom and that ain't America. Small business owners are being oppressed. Luckily I can drive 20 minutes to a neighboring town that isn't so churchy.
@medz another win for California.
Liquor and beer sales at both grocery stores -and- at liquor stores 7 days a week.
@medz Until Recently, you couldn't even buy liquor on Sundays in PA. Our alchohol laws are vastly outdated. Liquor only sold in state stores, beer only at distributors. Luckly on the beer side, we are starting to break thru some of that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcohol_laws_of_Pennsylvania
@medz I lived in a country (Norway) for a year where there was no Sunday liquor sales. And on Saturday the liquor stores (all state-owned) were only open four hours so there were incredible lines. But it didn't affect me too much because the booze had such outrageous markups that we couldn't afford it anyway.
@Ignorant I think all the crazy liquor laws in other states (even Oregon, fercrissakes!) are reason enough to stay in California.
@medz Bowling Green KY was that way forever until recently. We used to have to drive down to the state line on Sundays if we ran out. Thankfully the bible lovers finally lost several votes, first allowing food places to sell wine and beer and finally allowing all sales on Sunday.
@medz Back in college we started calling blue laws "Southern Baptist Sharia" because, when you think about it objectively, that's pretty much what they are.
@Outofmymind seems unconstitutional to even require a vote. Booze is a legal substance with rules already in place to make sure only adults buy it. Can we vote on a ban of Sunday pharmacy sales? Close all drug stores on Sunday!
@medz Texas still has dry counties.
@medz Some would if they could. I usually change the subject claiming a awkward event the other day, when they ask I say : What's the worst part of locking your keys in the car outside of an abortion clinic? Going inside to ask for a coat hanger. Good way to rile em up without insulting directly.
@PyxienTX hell, Carrollton is dry-ish
@PyxienTX But it's still beer & wine only on Sunday, and you have to wait til noon. Even stranger, I can get beer with breakfast at 6AM, but I have to wait til 7AM to get it to go.
@PyxienTX so Texas hates freedom, eh?
@medz not all Texans, just the Baptists
@medz There is some kind of erroneous idea that resticting sales will curb the drunks, but if they get too desperate, they go to the ER and get Ativan.
@2many2no Probably should ban spray paint sales on sunday and we will have less graffiti.
@medz We don't hate freedom, but we believe in voting for things that are important to the people who live there. By the same token, we believe in driving to the next county if we want alcohol.
@PyxienTX So they vote for important things that make no difference to them, but it takes freedoms away from others. If you don't want booze on Sunday, don't buy it. No law required.
@medz @pyxien @alohasnackbar @2many2no
@medz As I have no horse in this race (I don't drink), and you keep spouting about freedom...Don't you think the FREE part would be to let it go, as those people that live in those counties and towns VOTED for blue laws. That was their choice. It may not be yours, but you are not forced to live there. Freedom means having an option to choose, not having someone else tell you you are wrong and "Do it my way" as you are wont to do.
@PyxienTX It affects you if you are a business owner. "Sorry, you are not allowed to earn a living on Sunday."
@PyxienTX @Terlple is right. I don't think people should be able to tell other people they can't do something unless there is a good reason. Yes, the liquor store owner COULD move to another county, but then that would mean your last sentence applies to the people who voted against it! Kinda hypocritical, really.
@Teripie Again, it was a choice to open that business in a dry county or one with other blue laws that will affect said business. I live in Houston. There are plenty of businesses that are affected by the lack of sales on Sunday morning, but somehow they survive. If it was that big of a deal to them, they would have opened somewhere else or elected a different a City Council to repeal those laws within the city limits. Obviously it isn't that big of a deal breaker to them, or they would.
@medz @Teripie If you still want to bitch about the applicability of Blue Laws in Texas, specifically in Houston, read this article. https://books.google.com/books?id=nisEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA114&lpg=PA114&dq=blue+laws+in+Houston&source=bl&ots=c4IGECBVMz&sig=b9SdXKpB9RW7yK_k96Z1mOVbSp4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=YDe1VKOqBMvgggT-hYHwBA&ved=0CGEQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=blue%20laws%20in%20Houston&f=false TL;DR 1984 Texas Monthly article: 10% increase in overhead when Blue Laws repealed, but no increase in sales in these states. Again, if people in Texas and other states wanted them repealed, they would be.
@PyxienTX so there is not even a single person who wants them repealed? If a single person's freedom is stifled for no good reason, then it's still bad.
@medz So you are saying that the one is MORE important than the many? Selfish much? And the reason is a viable 2-fold one: 1) People obviously don't care enough to make it a big deal (excepting you, of course) 2. Liquor stores don't want the increased overhead without the return of cash flow. If either of these were untrue, the liquor blue laws would have been repealed by now. Don't you think? Apparently you think freedom is what YOU want it to be, but you do not consider the people it affects thought on the issue. That is an opinion, not fact, and definately not FREEDOM. While I don't necessarily agree with the blue laws, it is the law. You want to change move here and run for Texas Representative or Senate and submit a law to repeal just like others have tried. That is your FREEDOM. Mine is to let the people these laws affect do with it as they wish.
@PyxienTX Easy, chumbo! 1) Why does it matter what other people want? How am I hurting them by buying a legal product on any particular day? 2) Nobody is forcing the liquor stores to be open! If they don't want to be, they don't have to. Everyone will still have the freedom of choice. Your logic is soooo twisted... You say I'm selfish for wanting something that doesn't hurt anyone else yet you're NOT selfish for telling me I can't have it... Weird, yo.
@PyxienTX Your logic is that it is based on what the majority wants. That makes total sense and is how democracy works. I get that. However, it becomes unconstitutional and/or discriminatory if a certain group of people (majority or not) are allowed to force others to give up their freedoms when there is no justified reason. Majority says you can't murder people. That's good because murder hurts people. Majority says you can't sell/buy booze on Sunday. Why?! Who is it hurting, again? What's next? What if the majority says no place of business can be open on Sunday? Would that fly? Just because you're of the majority opinion doesn't make it right unless you can justify it.
@medz You wanna change the laws, fine. I have no issue with that. Come on down here and do it as I suggested above. Bitching on here has done what for you exactly? Our country is built on majority. If the people of Texas really wanted it repealed, it would happen. So, you can't plan ahead and buy your liquor on Saturday? How does it hurt you to be unable to buy it on Sunday? Nope, it doesn't. It just requires you to think ahead and plan better. As far as businesses being unable to be open on Sunday...Yep, that has occurred. It was repealed because the people of Texas wanted it to be. Check out the Texas Blue Laws from 1961-1985. Dealerships are still unable to be opened on both weekend days. Guess what...Dealers want it that way. Imagine that. As far as being the majority, nope, not me. I have stated above, if you bother to read before you reply, I don't agree with the blue laws, but I don't drink. There are a ton of laws I don't agree with. It is, however, the law.
@PyxienTX TL;DR there is no changing your opinion on this matter.
Maybe churches should be required to close Sunday. Preachers deserve a day of rest too.
This runs along the same lines as when meh.com decides to offer the new product of the day. If you want a deal at noon eastern everyday... start a company, sell it to amazon, work there for a while, leave, start a new company and then write a memo that proclaims all products will be offered for sale at noon eastern - SIMILARLY... IF you want a chicken sandwich on Sunday, create a kick-ass fried chicken recipe, start your own chicken sandwich business and write a memo that proclaims your chain is open on Sundays.
@unixrab You forgot to add homophobia into the recipe.
@unixrab Wait, some of these people are talking about access to alcohol. That's important, that's not chicken or meh. (Well, maybe except for PBR.)
@capguncowboy That's entirely at the discretion of the inventor of the recipe.... I don't have to like what he says in a free speech society... I just have to defend his right to say it..... vote with your wallet....not your mouth. aye mate?
Along the lines of the booze rant a few posts up - I lived for a long time in the buckle of the bible belt. In this town, you couldn't have a bar within 200 yards of a church. These guys found a great building for a bar but it was just under 200 yards from the church. They found out the law dictated measuring from the edge of the property to the door of the bar. So they rebuilt the facade of the building to set the door back 4 feet which put it at 201 yards. Boom - now they have a bar there. It was fantastic. I spent a LOT of money at that bar.
@Bingo That is way way way too much can do attitude story. I was expecting the end to be so they shrugged with a meh and left.
@Bingo So what I'm hearing here is that you can build a 201-yard long bar next to the church and put the door on the far end.
@parodymandotcom That would be pretty epic.