Fruit Tree of the Day: Strawberry Tree
No, strawberries don’t grow on trees. The people that named this weren’t very creative. The fruit doesn’t even taste remotely like a strawberry. However, the flower does look like a strawberry flower—so that’s how we got stuck with the name.
A better name would be kettle korn tree, because its fruit tastes exactly like popcorn that has been seasoned “kettle korn” style. It even has a similar texture. I wish I had room to grow this. I only have about a 8’x8’ plot in my yard that gets enough sun to grow fruit trees, so I have to cram only the best things in there. If I want kettle korn, I can just buy it from a store. But if I ever get a house with a big yard, that gets a lot of sun, I’m getting one of these.
Not much else to say about this tree. It came from around the Mediterranean, so it can be grown in a wider range than most of the other fruits I’ve posted. Zone 8b minimum, so @Tadlem43, you might be able to grow it Dallas (zone 8a) if you’re by a body of water or have a swimming pool.
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Wait, is this Wednesday’s bonus tree? What’s its Latin name?
@OldCatLady Arbutus x andrachnoides ‘Marina’ - lots of people grow them in California, even in the SF Bay Area. Did not know you could eat the berries. Did know it can be used to make brandy …
@OldCatLady No, this is Thursday’s tree. I just didn’t feel like staying up until midnight so I posted it a little early.
It sure is pretty!
It is very pretty. What’s going on with this tree of the day thing?
@Enigma @Ed
It’s @Weboh’s penance for goatdom.
@Ed @PocketBrain @Weboh Ohhhh ok
Wait - with limited space, you chose the deadly fruit tree over the kettle corn tree? I’m starting to worry about you.
@cinoclav Heh. I didn’t “choose” the ackee, it was given to me. If I were buying all my trees, you’re right, I wouldn’t have bought that one. Probably would have been another mango or lychee.
From the looks of it you sure wouldn’t think it taste like kettle corn.
@Star2236 So what should a fruit that tastes like kettle corn look like?
Popcorn of course
not fruit that is red in color.
And now my wife is interested in growing one of these trees. As a big Kettlecorn fan I am expecting much disappointment in my future…either the tree won’t grow here in the North Dallas area (likely) or it will grow but the fruit won’t actually taste as described because even microwave “kettlecorn” doesn’t taste right.
@tightwad I’ve had it before, and I can tell you it tastes exactly like kettle corn. It’s not just a “oh, this reminds of kettle corn if I ignore x,” it’s pretty much exactly the same…though I’ve only ever had microwaveable kettle corn, so your mileage may vary.
The biggest thing you’d need to worry about is protecting it from freezes. On cold nights, cover it with a tarp or blanket and put a rain barrel full of water under the covering. That will keep the inside warmer than if you just covered it. This tree is a slow grower, so you should be able to keep it short enough to fit under the covering.