Free technical ebook each day from Packt Pub
15Hi, just wanted to let the more technically-minded folks here know about Packt Pub’s free ebook a day offer.
Each day they offer a free ebook (looks like it runs to at least August 1st) on a different tech topic.
I blame the goat @brhfl for me not getting around to posting this sooner.
Today’s book is “Learning Metasploit Exploitation and Development”.
The site is:
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Nice find. Thanks for sharing this!
Just what I needed, another site to compulsively check daily.
Isn’t it time we finally stopped exploiting Metasploit? Come on people.
Sweet! I got today’s book. I don’t know enough about NumPy arrays!
@katylava I know! My wife and I were just discussing NumPy arrays at dinner last night and how we could both stand to learn more about them.
@katylava Glad to hear it worked out for you.
Thank you! I missed a few decent ones I would not have mind owning.
@medz Well, that’s a romantic dinner conversation!
@wew yeah, the PHP web scraping might have been useful… might have given me enough motivation to finally get around to coding my automagic meh button clicker…
@baqui63 yeah. Ha! that’s the same title I noticed. I thought that would be a fun title to start with. I’ll have to keep my eyes open and see if it pops up somewhere.
Looking forward to reading about NumPy Array. And I’m not sure what I’m going to do with Oracle Database 11gR2 Performance Tuning Cookbook but i sure as heck have it!
@harrison Some of us still use Oracle 11g so that could be a useful book.
@cengland0 I’m sorry. I feel your pain.
Hmmm… The synergy (or whatever…) is almost painful.
It is a very long and painful story, but suffice to say that tomorrow we are rebuilding an old Oracle11g server from a Ghost image made in 2012 so that we can restore a database backup made about a month ago, so that our Oracle guy can do something his boss wants him to do.
“What you need to know about R” is the book today, but I’m going to stick with NumPy and SciPy for my scientific computing. Which I do, like, all the time.
/giphy as in never

Looks like they have a special offer going on where all books and videos are only $10. I saw some yesterday that were $80 but are only $10 today.
@cengland0 I’m thrilled they brought back that sale- I bought craploads last time they had it.
Folks, definitely take advantage of this sale:
Apparently running until August 8th:
Bringing this back to everyone’s attention because today is the last day of the $10 video/ebook sale:
Any recommendations for Arduino for a 11 year old? Is this too advanced for his age? I am looking at the wearable arduino book… Thank you!
Maybe consider some of the books from No Starch Press, which definitely includes kids & parents as an audience (as opposed to Packt, which doesn’t).
Here’s No Starch’s kids section:
Maybe someone else here has specific recommendations?
@dashcloud cool link…thanks… We bought a few Make: books so far and they are working out…
how do i find that masterson post I made?
damn. i’ll never be back here. and darn my fingers can’t type