Free Pizza & Beer!
18No, not for YOU ya jackhole. @aetris has graciously offered to coordinate a Pizza & Beer delivery for meh. The link discussing it is here:
Those of you that are want to do so, please contact him on that thread if you would like to contribute and show how much you care. Even if you don’t care, you can still kick in a few bucks, right?
- 49 comments, 263 replies
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I’ve got an atomic lighter, phone stand, and speaker on it. Go hit up the folks at casemates, they should still be flush with cash after the kickstarter.
Hey @dave, @Thumperchick, etc - is this doable? Could we set up a collection for a post-IRK-rollout celebration for you folks? I’d be down for at least $30, more if we can’t get enough people to cover something decent. ???
@aetris No idea, but I’ve pointed @chadp in this direction.
@aetris @Thumperchick @Dave We have a driver, we can buy the stuff. Looks like all we need is for @ChadP to sign off. And maybe that @chad guy…does he work in receiving?
@chad @ChadP @dave @therealjrn @Thumperchick - Just waiting on some kind of word on preferences etc from Meh - and I guess I had been thinking of just getting charged for it off the website somehow - I’m interested in this Venmo and GrubHub thing, but I guess it depends on what people like?
@aetris @chad @ChadP @dave @Thumperchick I hadn’t thought about @snapster using his credit card and us paying our portions. That would be mighty handy. Probably a pain for accounting, but sure would be handy.
Hem! I hadn’t thought about it THAT way - just thought it would be something nice. Hope it’s not going to be some kind of debacle?
@aetris I don’t know how else they can buy it and bill us…probably better just to collect the money and do the order from one person…who I guess is you. We can send you the dollars in various forms, whatever is easiest on you.
@therealjrn - S’OK I guess, but I’m still waiting on any kind of word of interest. I figured this would be a busy week at Meh, though - maybe next week would be better?
@aetris Yeah, I guess. Well, whenever, I’m up for it.
First thing to know is exactly how many people are in the office? That would help in determining what is needed and therefore how much would be suitable to donate.
@cinoclav That sounds about right. Thanks goat.
@cinoclav yup yup. Then we should ask what they want…maybe there are vegetarians, gluten issues, etc.
Bunch of pizza places take paypal, I just googled it
In other words, I’m also in.
i’m in.
I have to leave for a meeting, but I’ll be back.
@therealjrn - I’ll be checking in throughout the day.
I’m in.
I’ll throw a twenty-spot at it.
As a thought- looks like Postmates is in their area, and it even looks like they can do beer delivery. Doesn’t look like they have a group ordering option ala seamless/grubhub.
you know…I would totally volunteer to deliver personally for a tour…although in the past its been called “stalking”…
@amehzinggrace there is a fine line between being romantic and stalking. On TV, basically if you are hot OR have money it is romance, otherwise you are a stalker

@tinamarie1974 nobody mentioned being romantic or taking hostages over a missing calendar…I just wanted to see “where the magic happens”…maybe liberate some coffee cups or other irk-some items…and I was offering to deliver the pizza and/or beer…I mean…I was trying to be nice…I feel so misunderstood…
@amehzinggrace sorry. Was just being funny. Doesn’t always come through in written word.
@amehzinggrace @tinamarie1974
That’s what ALL the stalkers say
@therealjrn Be nice.
@Barney @therealjrn I can only aspire to be like all the other stalkers…
@Barney I’m totally on-board with having @amehzinggrace be our delivery person…you do live near Carrollton @amehzinggrace? You won’t be driving across state lines to get there?
@Barney @therealjrn muahahaha…I mean…yes…I live in the general dfw area
@amehzinggrace @tinamarie1974 yeah… 20 Shades of Gray is a totally different book if the protagonist looks like one of the guys from Duck Dynasty or Swamp People. Just sayin’
@amehzinggrace @chienfou EXACTLY!!
/giphy You got it!

@amehzinggrace I’m totally on board with that. Let us know the day before and you can get a tour and hang out with CS!
So, @amehzinggrace - do you know the Meh area at all? Because I’m thinking maybe instead of just going with something like pizza and beer, some local specialty would be nice - what do you think?
Also, that Taiwanese pastry place just catches my eye somehow.
@aetris @amehzinggrace I’m curious about this Taiwanese pastry place? Is that the 85c bakery in Carrollton or is it another place? Always looking for good pastry/coffee shops for weekend visits.
@Targaryen - the 85c bakery was the one I noticed, just because it’s in Carrollton - and it’s Taiwanese - no idea about the goodness, though.
@amehzinggrace - So I guess you’re the designated driver - I was thinking sometime next week - what works for you?
@aetris next week works infinitely better as I am balancing deadlines this week
@amehzinggrace - it’s up to you as far as I’m concerned - can you touch base with @chadp viz what works for them?
I’d happily mail someone 10 bucks if that would be okay.
Count me in
Is purple money accepted?
I owe @Barney $10 so I’ll kick that in for her in addition to my original pledge @aetris. She would want it that way.
@therealjrn So, I’m only chipping in 10 bucks? I feel like such a cheapskate with your money.
@Barney 10 bucks is respectable. It’s a good, solid, salt-of-the-Earth number. Not too cheap, and not too flashy like all those Yuppies with their $20 bills.
@therealjrn Kinda sounds like something an Okie would say.
I have a $5 Meh coupon code for someone who is willing to chip in on my behalf.
@eonfifty Your coupon code it tied to your account.
I’m sure it could be untied for beer and pizza.
I haven’t purchased a catshirt in over a day. I can contribute.
@narfcake that is some serious restraint!
@narfcake do you feel okay? Need us to call the hospital!?
So… Seems like we have a lot of interest on the community side - any interest back at the store? Can we get you folks anything?
@Chadp? @chad?
@aetris I’m sure the Meh staff is already very busy planning next year’s birthday celebration. They’ll check in when they can spare a minute or two.
@Barney - No rush!
@aetris Y’all are good. Figure out how to do it from your end and just let us know the date (preferably the day before) and we’ll make sure people around here know. I don’t think it will work with us paying for it and y’all sending us money, fyi.
All that said, we appreciate the gesture and the kindness.
@ChadP - What would go over best? And can you give me an idea how many folks we’re talking about?
What a fantastic idea – totally in for 20
I’m in for $5. That seems like a Meh amount to send.
If we can come up with a solid plan I’m down to help out. @amehzinggrace, I hope you get to deliver and get the tour!
@djslack and she should take pictures if she does!!!
@djslack @tinamarie1974 I’m sure I wouldn’t be a proper stalker w/out pics to prove that it happened!
@amehzinggrace @djslack
/giphy stalker

@djslack yes, pics are a must! I can’t wait!
I just added up the money I’ve saved here, against the money I would have if I hadn’t frittered it away on flashlights, vacumns and popsockets, so I can be in for $20 - let me know how to contribute, I can do any of the usual options mentioned above.
I’m sure I have an extra $20 at Paypal…
I’m in… where/how to send?
@lseeber @aetris is the point man. Probably PayPal or Popmoney would work best. But it’s up to him.
@aetris @therealjrn Ok… hopefully paypal or venmo. Dunno what popmoney is and if its another pymt app… I don’t want to load another one of those things. Thanks.
@aetris @lseeber If you don’t know what Popmoney is, then you don’t have it. It’s a thing where you can send money & receive from your bank. One of my banks promotes it–another of mine–a credit union actually has it but you have to look for it. What is venmo?
@lseeber @therealjrn - I’m thinking of putting the whole thing on MY credit card and asking for gift certificates to the big orange smile in the cloud, but more on that later. I do have a PayPal account - not sure what would be easiest for everybody?
@aetris @lseeber I’m good with buying gift certificates. Which store is the big orange smile in he cloud?
@therealjrn - one word - breakfast octopus.
Two words. Both nouns though. Amazon - that’s one word.
@aetris I though so, but y’know Wal-Mart was using a smiley face recently. So yeah…good for me!
@aetris @therealjrn Amazon or Paypal works for me.
@aetris @therealjrn Venmo is an app that connects to your bank account and you can send $$ or receive. It’s the one my grown kids use (and made me load) all my nieces and nephews use it also.
I can do paypal, venmo, mail a check or do the gift cert that you’re talking about.
@aetris @lseeber @therealjrn Venmo is owned by PayPal. It’s advantage is that there are no fees. You have to be sure to choose the Friends/Family option in PayPal to get around the fees.
@aetris @cinoclav @lseeber Thanks, I don’t have any apps on my phone that can access money. I had never heard of it. I don’t even use PayPal that much any more, but when I was a big time (not) seller on eBay I used it quite a bit.
@therealjrn - No worries - we’re going to have three options - check, PayPal, and Amazon gift certificate. Give me a little time to wake up and I’ll crank out the next update later.
Please, for the love of everything, don’t give these people beer.
@ThomasF I believe the intent was to give them several…that would be better yes?
@ThomasF - That’s RIGHT - it’s TEXAS! White spirits, eh?
@aetris @ThomasF Tequila it is! But we can’t afford the good stuff.
@aetris @cinoclav @ThomasF you cannot drink cheap tequila.
I thought we were being nice to these folks. OMG
@aetris @ThomasF @tinamarie1974 Shhh! (We’re keeping the good stuff for ourselves until we see Irk plushies.)
@aetris @cinoclav @ThomasF well aren’t you tricky!
@aetris @cinoclav @ThomasF @tinamarie1974
If we gave the entire meh staff cheap tequila, Gov. Abbott would have to call out the National Guard!
I’m in to throw in a decent chunk for pizza and beer. Also salad; let’s be real, pizza place salads are sometimes good, even edible!
So nailing down some details still - notably, what KIND of comestibles to inflict on the staff, and in what quantity. Also, what day amehzinggrace can do it.
I’ll whisper to everyone who’s offered to kick so far to confirm amounts, and to determine what works best as far as collecting the dough.
@aetris Again, I think we need to know exactly how many people we’re feeding and how many people are providing. Those that said they’d throw in $20 may actually be overdoing it. If there are enough people a lower contribution would work. Not having enough money is a problem but having too much is also a pain if you’re trying to refund it.
@aetris @cinoclav Are you wanting it for CS or for the whole company?
@aetris okey dokey! I can do your paypal or amazon options. Just let me know what you prefer
@aetris @riskybryzness I’d imagine as many people as possible since everyone there contributes in some way. How many employees are there?
@aetris @cinoclav 100 give or take a couple depending on the day.
@aetris @cinoclav @riskybryzness
@amehzinggrace is gonna need a bigger
boatcar.@aetris @Barney @cinoclav @riskybryzness yikes…that’s alot of people…i should really upgrade my windowless white van…
@aetris @amehzinggrace @Barney @cinoclav do you have candy
@aetris @cinoclav I think realistically, a closer number is 75, it’s split 2/3 office/warehouse.
@aetris @amehzinggrace @Barney @cinoclav @riskybryzness I haven’t found a booze calculator, but I did find this:
@aetris @amehzinggrace @riskybryzness I think your van looks big enough.

@therealjrn - That works out to 30 pizzas if we go pizzas for 100 - I think @amehzinggrace’s van would accommodate - comes to around $420. But does pizza work for everybody? Does anyone know what the options are? I guess Taiwanese pastry is out?
@aetris @amehzinggrace @therealjrn I highly doubt everyone there would be interested in Taiwanese pastry. Though I’m up for some if anyone would like to ship it here!
@aetris @amehzinggrace @therealjrn Pizza sounds fine by me.
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @therealjrn would beer go with Taiwanese pastry?? Would think tea a better beverage??
@aetris @cinoclav @mikibell @therealjrn or coffee…i would think?
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @mikibell @therealjrn well if it delivered on Tea Bag Tuesday it has to be tea, right
@aetris @amehzinggrace @mikibell @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 I don’t think you’d be the deliverer, I think you’d be the deliveree.
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @mikibell @therealjrn
/giphy oh snap

@aetris @cinoclav @mikibell @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 well…now I’m worried…the stalker becomes the stalkee?
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @mikibell @tinamarie1974

@aetris @amehzinggrace @therealjrn $420? Sounds like the right amount.
I’m in
For right now the plan is to get 25-30 pizzas from a good pizza place - knowing nothing about the area I’m thinking Cane Rosso’s? If anyone has any better ideas, let me know.
I’m not going to set any cutoff date for offers to chip in but I figure I’ll start confirming donations today or tomorrow and figure out how much we’ve got to work with from there.
Still waiting on a time that works best for Mediocre and our volunteer deliveryperson, but I’m setting a rough ETD of late next week (Thursday or Friday, TBD by Tuesday hopefully).
I’ll let everyone know the collection options when I contact them.
@aetris Thank you for coordinating this!

@aetris In all seriousness, this is an amazing gesture. Honestly,
Dominos/Papa Johns is totally fine. Cane Rossa/Heritage Pizza are significantly more expensive and y’all don’t have to break the bank on this.VolMods, please remove the reference to Dominos above. I mean Meh is one thing, but Meh pizza - I think we can do better.
@aetris Agreed. I hate Dominos.
So I’m now thinking maybe Brother’s Pizza & Pasta? They seem well-regarded and have a bit more flexibility than Cane Rosso. I came up with this just as a possibility:
2 x Brother’ Special Spinach, Fresh Garlic, Fresh Tomatoes, Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese
2 x Grilled Chicken Sliced grilled chicken, Fresh mushrooms, Onions, and Sliced tomatoes
1 x Feta Cheese pizza Black olives, Canadian Bacon, artichoke hearts, Onions and feta cheese
1 x White Pizza Cream sauce, Fresh garlic and Mozzarella cheese
2 x Cheese
2 x 1 Item Pepperoni
1 x 1 Item Black Olives
1 x 1 Item Mushrooms
1 x 1 Item Italian sausage
1 x 1 Item Artichoke hearts
1 x Works
I was thinking 18" pies - they are supposed to feed up to 7 people, though I can’t believe that’s 7 American-sized people, but I figure 15 18" pies would equal somewhere around 80-90 Americans anyway.
@aetris I’d definitely have them ask around. When we get pizza at work for a large group, the oddball pizzas with things like artichokes and olives barely get touched. There might be one or two that like them but not nearly enough to finish all the weird ones. I think we’re better off going with more of the classics - plain, pepperoni, sausage, mushroom (bleh), white, veggie. Better to have more plain available than to alienate those that can’t get what they like because all that’s left is some unappealing combination. Also:
@aetris @cinoclav I agree with cinoclav. Just get the basic pizzas – plain, pepperoni, sausage, mushroom (why?), veggie. Nothing fancy.
After all, it’s FREE, they’ll eat it.
@aetris @Barney @cinoclav agree and simple is always better.
@aetris @cinoclav I agree with clavvy too.
@aetris @Barney @cinoclav @tinamarie1974 Well, I first suggested a well-known $5 pizza place. I’m ashamed of that suggestion, but, I concur with the plainer options.
@aetris @cinoclav @moonhat
clavvy huh? I like it.
@aetris @moonhat @therealjrn Ironically, the ‘clav’ part of my name has a weird story behind it. My cat was sick and on Clavamox, an antiobiotic. Somehow he ended up with yet another nickname - Clavy (pronounced like clovvy). I had taken that part when I created this name many, many moons ago.
@aetris @ChadP back in the day when we would have parties in college there were several times that we pooled together a few bucks and then I called Papa John’s and said if I want six basic large pizzas and I’ll come get them can I get them for $5 each and they said sure. I didn’t even have to try hard.
That’s been a while, it may not be doable for $5 anymore but my point is if we pick a place and call them ahead I bet we can make a deal on a sizeable order. Especially if they have time to plan for it.
@djslack - Man! You people and your basic pizza! And here I thought I was being bland by not going for that jalepeno, anchovy, and pineapple combo I had in mind. Come on, at least a COUPLE house specialties? And one The Works. I will bow to the wishes of the majority, but only so far.
Seriously Clavvy - you don’t like MUSHROOMS?!? And you call yourself a Pennsylvanian!?!
@aetris All right, just to make you happy, send The Works pizza to me.
@Barney - I knew someone would like jalepeno, anchovy, and pineapple!
@aetris WAIT!! That’s not what The Works pizzas are in Kansas.
@aetris Not only a Pennsylvanian but I grew up down the road from Kennett Square, the mushroom capital of the world. There’s just something really unappealing about that dirt flavored slime.
@aetris I’m down with the works, that’s actually what I’d want now. I was just making a point that when we’re talking about getting 15-25 pizzas we have some potential pull with Big Pizza. We are not some plebes who have to stick with menu prices. We can strike our own bargain if we so desire.
@aetris @djslack Yeah, just call those pizza people up and demand some mediocre pizzas at meh prices. That’ll show 'em.
@aetris @ChadP @djslack I am sure you can get a discount. Works for me all the time.
@aetris @djslack oh no. Down with mushrooms. Meat lovers all the way.
@tinamarie1974 With the v-neck and thigh boots? Do you bring your whip, too?
Egad! Neanderthals! I must stop reading this thread and order something artisanal IMMEDIATELY!
@Barney um…I COULD…I didn’t even think of that when I typed that last message. Hehe
@aetris I live in Kansas. 'nuff said.
@aetris if I were making a pizza today, it would have smoked brisket (burnt ends if I have em), mozzarella, provolone, and a little cheddar, chopped onions, maybe even chopped pickles could be worth a try but that’d be an experiment. Put that over some tangy BBQ sauce. Do it in my grill on a stone over a ripping hot bed of lump oak charcoal. It’s been done, nothing new, but it’s what’s in my head today.
Is that artisanal or sacrilege?
@aetris @djslack um yummy!
@djslack What time’s dinner?
@aetris @djslack Sounds delicious.
@djslack Sounds like a little slice of heaven.
@aetris @djslack Be careful wantonly casting about the word “artisanal” at some meh pizza joint.
You might end up with what the culinary trade calls “rustic” or worse, what is affectionately known as The Matt Special.
No artichokes? : (
@cf1 Hell no.
Sigh… I am going to refrain from making any comments beyond saying that now that we are all growed up we don’t eat $5 college pizza or [choke] D-Dominos or chew the cardboard because there’s cheese on it, eh? We eat good quality pizza and support those people who provide it?
SO… How’s about we get seventeen 18" pies from Brother’s Pizza & Pasta in Carrollton, an apparently locally well-regarded pizzeria. Here is a proposed menu:
4 x Cheese
3 x 1 Item: Pepperoni
2 x 1 Item: Italian sausage
2 x veggie
1 x 1 Item: hamburger
1 x 1 Item: Mushrooms
1 x Works
1 x white pizza
1 x Brother’ Special (Spinach, Fresh Garlic, Fresh Tomatoes, Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese)
1 x Grilled Chicken (Sliced grilled chicken, Fresh mushrooms, Onions, and Sliced tomatoes)
Seventeen 18" pies should cover a staff of 100 - and if there’re leftovers, they can be mailed to @Barney. Not @Cinoclav, though, HE doesn’t like mushrooms. Man! Next time, I’m sticking to a Taiwanese pastry party.
I am going to confirm donations if we are all cool with this - I believe we will have the money to cover the pizza and I guess if there’s an overage we’ll buy some soda, as apparently beer is out. Hey! Is there sarsaparilla out there?
Still waiting on a time that works best for Mediocre and our volunteer deliveryperson, but I’m setting a rough ETD of late next week (Thursday or Friday, TBD by Tuesday hopefully).
@aetris @mfladd ditto
@aetris yup yup
@aetris Working for you guys @riskybryzness @ChadP, etc?
@aetris Sounds good!
@aetris @ChadP is the aim for lunch time or later afternoon?
@aetris @amehzinggrace @ChadP We can confirm this 100% on Monday, but it does sound like a solid plan!
@aetris @amehzinggrace @ChadP Their call I’d say but I imagine it would be best for lunch.
@amehzinggrace - Just let me know what works for you and @ChadP.
@aetris @mfladd @mikibell Sounds good
@aetris Sounds good to me. Shall I post my mailing address here?
Edit: Wait-- You mean @amehzinggrace doesn’t deliver to Kansas?
Edit #2 I thought I was getting the leftovers.
Oh, I see. I guess I’ve been out in the sun too long. Carry on.
@Barney Get back into the shade Barn.
@aetris I mean I guess if you’re going to be picky about who you are calling grownups and what you are calling pizza, that will work.
I hope @amehzinggrace drives a smart car or a Mini, just to see a car chock full of oversize pizzas.
Also, @Moose should confirm the operability of the drink machine at the Mehquarters - I believe he is the one bringing ice from home like some kind of asshole. If we’re going to bring them soda and they already have that, then maybe we should make an effort to get something they don’t have, like the aforementioned sarsaparilla.
@aetris @djslack Silly question, but if we’re ordering this many pizzas, why aren’t we just letting the shop deliver them? At least they have bags to keep them hot. @amehzinggrace can always meet them there, I’m sure a tour would still be welcome.
Also, it’s definitely worth asking for a discount with that big of an order.
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @djslack I was wondering that too, plus she needs to bring the beverages too.
@aetris @amehzinggrace @djslack @therealjrn And what’s up with this place having two websites? Weird
The first one shows a cheaper menu until you go to the online ordering which then shows the same prices as the second site.
@cinoclav - I’m not opposed to asking for a discount but the delivery option would presumably involve a tip for the driver which I guess isn’t impossible to figure out, but as @amehzinggrace was volunteering to handle it, that was the plan. I figure she can take her tip in fidget spinners or something?
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav I still have a couple of fidget spinners left I can send her.
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @djslack @therealjrn its grubhub secret opening a second website without telling the owner
they do it a lot
if you look at its “powered” by eat24 aka grubhub
@communist I actually read that article the other day but didn’t make the connection here. That is some shady stuff.
@amehzinggrace @cinoclav @communist @djslack @therealjrn - Ummm… not sure what this means… Does anyone actually know a place in Carrollton they can recommend?
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav @communist @djslack Sure! Litt…uhh…never mind.
I think if you’re calling the place directly, any shenanigans grubhub is doing “out there” won’t matter.
@aetris Brothers isn’t shady. GrubHub is shady. Just don’t go through the brotherscarrollton website (call them directly) and grubhub won’t be able to insert themselves and swipe commissions.
From what I quickly glanced at brothers is well regarded and tasty.
@communist @djslack I never, ever order food for delivery. I always pick it up. But if I did, knowing how shady that is, I sure as hell wouldn’t order through GrubHub. I’m going to share this with friends too. The more you know…
I whispered around yesterday but am still waiting on word back from a couple folks. As of right now 16 people have confirmed on amounts adding up to $265. Waiting on seven others who expressed an interest.
@aetris Put me down for a 10 spot.
@aetris Noticed this a bit late. Put me down for $10. Amazon GC would be the best option.
So - still waiting on word back from a couple folks, but, have heard from some new folks! As of right now 20 people have confirmed on amounts adding up to $305 so far. Have not heard back from some others who expressed an interest, but as far as I’m concerned we’re sufficiently covered, so as soon as we have a time and date, theoretically Monday sometime, we’ll get the show on the road. I’ll whisper my PayPal, eMail (for Amazon), and snailmail address to those concerned at that time.
/giphy so excited

@aetris Hopefully starting the ‘love meh’ thread got a few of those new ones over here. Mission accomplished.
@aetris Don’t forget to wear your codpiece, @cinoclav
@aetris Tell me where to send $10 or so.
@aetris I’d like to chip in too if it’s not too late?
@aetris not sure if i missed the whisper or if i got left out, but i’m still in for $10. can do paypal or venmo. amazon GC as well. take your pick.
@aetris Haven’t gotten a whisper yet. GC should come in tomorrow, so let me know you’re alive just so that I don’t send it off into the ether.
@ShotgunX - I’m committed to doing this but I don’t want to start collecting until we get a definite date and time. Hopefully before the end of the week?
@aetris What if I send it anyway? Are you gonna get mad? Are you gonna cry, like a little girl?
@ShotgunX - Where ya gonna send it to, huh?
OK! We are now over $350 - at this point we are just waiting on word back from the Meh folks viz the best time and date. Still planning on shipping via our volunteer, but we can certainly go with restaurant delivery if that doesn’t work for any reason. I’ll ask the restaurant if they do quantity discounts. Still planning on ordering from the Brothers place.
I have been proceeding with Whispers, and will be Whispering the payment methods once the time and date are set, but does anyone object to being publicly acknowledged? And/or their amounts? Let me know and I will post when received.
@aetris i only require that my amount is preceded by the word “fucking”. example:
carl669 - fucking $1
@aetris @carl669 That fucking carl669…
@aetris @Barney yeah! damn that fucking carl669!
@aetris I am not opposed to listing everyone’s name, but dont think we should post the amount donated.
We all have different financial situations, which likely dictated what was donated. No one should feel sighted for donating less than someone else, as it was an act of kindness to donate at all.
Anyway just my two cents

@tinamarie1974 You donated two cents? I could match that.
@Barney shhhhh don’t tell, its secret
@aetris @tinamarie1974 sighted or slighted, I concur.
@aetris Since I already posted my planned donation, I am fine with it being re-posted or not. I am sure that no one here would be unkind about whether anyone participated or not, and to what extent if they were able to chip in.
@aetris Mine and @Barney’s donation amounts are already publicized so either way is OK with me.
@aetris @Barney @therealjrn Ditto
@aetris Please refer to me as “His Stankness Sir UncleVinny”. Or don’t. See if I care!
@aetris @UncleVinny In that case I should be Your Mistress Goat Emeritus Tinamarie1974
Good Carrollton Pizza, Anyone?
FIRST off, does anyone know a GOOD Carrollton pizzaria they can recommend for this? Joe’s? Al’s? Has anyone actually GONE to Brother’s? @ChadP? @Thumperchick? Know anyone who knows anything? Also, when’s the best time and date?
@amehzinggrace - when’s looking good for you?
@aetris hopefully anytime after today…definitely can do thurs or friday…although time matters on friday…
@aetris @amehzinggrace Obviously we should be giving the place a heads up a day ahead of time. Nothing like cold calling in an order for that many pizzas. Plus it would be a good time to ask them for a discount. You can play it like the car shopping game. “So and so said they’d do it for $x.”
@aetris @amehzinggrace @cinoclav clearly you have played this game before!
@aetris Brother’s has pretty good reviews on Tripadvisor and Yelp. Its all pretty subjective, though.
I did find this one amusing:
14 reviewsClosed Now
Pizza, Italian$
3.5 mi
“Average Pizza Place, Open Late”
@tinamarie1974 I’m half Jewish and half Italian. If I can’t talk you into a deal, I’ll force you into it.
@cinoclav - I’m a quarter Irish and all American. I don’t mind a good fight but I’ll want to buy you a beer afterwards.
@aetris heritage pizza
@ChadP - When’s a good day/time?
@ChadP - Okay… So I looked at Heritage’s menu, and their HOT PIZZA PIES come in TWO SIZES! LITTLE GUY: 10" | BIG GUY: 14". It looks more like an eat-in kind of place - I don’t think that’s going to work as well as Brother’s for our large-order plans. Let me know if anyone thinks otherwise…
@aetris Next week at some point I think is best.
@aetris I don’t know anything about Brother’s. We get Heritage all the time here. It’s great.
@aetris @ChadP Really good reviews, pictures of the pizza look yummy. Maybe I’ll swing by for a slice. Looks like roundtrip airfare can be had for around $270 for a 2 night trip.
@ChadP - Intriguing! And what works best for date and time next week?
@amehzinggrace - does next week work for you?
@aetris @ChadP If we push to next week - Wed is out for me…and Fridays are always a stretch due to a weekly 130 mtg
@ChadP - can we make it next Thursday? Lunchtime?
@aetris Sounds good. You got my address?
@Barney - it’s just south of here, eh?
@aetris Sounds fine.
Wish I could send along a Philly slice. Yes, that covers two plates and is longer than my steering wheel.

@cinoclav so are you saying size matters???
@tinamarie1974 If you’ve got it flaunt it.
/giphy yeah baby

Update #7
OK, so we now have a date - next Thursday noon-ish - does that work for you, @amehzinggrace?
I figure that we can get this delivered one way or the other, so I’m going to start passing the hat. I’ll call the pizzeria Tuesday to give them some lead time on the order.
If you’re contributing, please try to have the dough to me by Tuesday, or at least confirm that it’s in the mail. I’ll list all the contributors, with a final total, on Thursday.
I expect to have contacted everyone contributing by Saturday afternoon - if you want to contribute and haven’t heard from me by Saturday 6 pm EST, please give me a Whisper.
WOW! This internet transaction stuff really works!
19 donations so far and we’re already at almost $300. I’ll update later today, hopefully after scoring some poo-pourri.
Update #8
Thanks everybody, this is going even smoother than I could imagine! We are already at $326 with 21 Mehtizens chipping in (and this does not include me yet.)
Over 30 Mehtizens offered to chip in - I say over, 'cause a few folks said they’d kick in if we needed more money, but it looks to me like we are doing well with what we already have, and I keep thinking this will get complicated, although so far so good.
The only very minor glitch right now is that I’m getting PayPal-ments from lots of pals - by name. I don’t know why I thought it’d identify people by Meh-nickname but of course 'tis not so - except, weirdly, for @capguncowboy .
When it comes to acknowledgement, I assume folks would rather be identified by their handle rather than their real name, eh?
It’s not difficult to figure out @chuegen, @djslack, @cfl, @mfladd, @lseeber, @therealjrn, and Your Mistress Goat Emeritus @tinamarie1974, but, er, perhaps the other PayPalers would care to Whisper me their name?
Let me know,
@aetris It doesn’t tell you the email address it came from?
@aetris yes, mine is set up as a business account under @capguncowboy for tax purposes
@cinoclav - Actually yes it does - and I see yours, so cool!
However I have to click each transaction individually, and although I guess I CAN figure out some folks, not everybody. I’ll figure out some more and then ask again tomorrow.
@aetris oh no, I’ve been found out?!
@aetris Did you read my note? My donation was split between @barney and me.
@therealjrn - Got it - I hadn’t realized I could click on the transaction and get the eMail and any notes.
@aetris oops… Mine will be strange, sorry.
@aetris Is your check scribed with gold calligraphy and paper balloons @mikibell?
@aetris @therealjrn i wish!! Paypal with my maiden name probably! I always use it for home depot and hubby gets pissed when I forget to remind him to ask for my maiden name. I have only been married a few decades, not sure why it annoys him so much
Update #9
We are now over $356 at PayPal and including a couple the-check-is-in-the-mail contributors we are now at 26 mehtizens chipping in (not including me - I am now thinking of covering SOME kind of drinks? I promise not to use the money for jalepeno and artichoke pizza, darn it.)
I am going to assume that everyone concerned wants to be acknowledged by their Meh handle unless otherwise specified.
SO I went through all the PayPal transactions and was able to either identify or figure out ALMOST everybody, but there are still six PayPalers I’m not QUITE sure about - would the following care to Whisper me their name?
First name is sufficient.
We are good for dough but if I missed anyone who wants to contribute please Whisper to me from THIS COMMENT 'cause this thread is getting lengthy.
Is it too late to lobby for making it rain with tacos? Just sayin’ that might be delicious…
/youtube A3YmHZ9HMPs

/giphy raining tacos
Maybe with extra money we make it rain?
@chuegen - I’ll let YOU take point on that idea - for next time. @therealjrn, here’s someone new you can volunteer!
@chuegen can taco bot take over for @medicorebot
@chuegen Thanks for volunteering so early for next years shenanigans. Since you have a whole year to plan something, I am sure the celebration will be mind blowing!
@aetris Thank you for everything you have done to organize 2019.
@tinamarie1974 it would be meh… I’m not very good at managing those details. That’s why it’s about TacoBot 3000. But I’m just the idea man.
@aetris - you’ve done a great job this year and you deserve an awesome reward!
This suggestion has an ulterior motive - sticking the taco song in everyone’s head since I’ve had to suffer the past few days!
@aetris @chuegen @tinamarie1974 Oh, pshaw Chuey. We can call you Chuey right? This was SUCH A GREAT IDEA! You have a whole YEAR to “work out the details” I’m super stoked about this!
@chuegen - It’s not as difficult as you might think, when you have plenty of time to do it (er, to be confirmed Thursday…)
My reward will be to imagine the feast NEXT Sunday, while I am having nothing to eat but clear fluids…
@aetris oh no, an “in you end o”?
@aetris Speaking of the effects of tacos…
@mikibell - No, it’ll be an out-your-end OH, for an up-your-endo the following day!
@aetris you have my sympathies… I have one of those every two years for the past few decades!! Hope everything comes out ok…pun intended!
OK, we are cleared with Meh and our volunteer deliveryperson is ready to roll, so tomorrow I’ll call the pizzeria and order seventeen-eighteen 18" pies (I’ll ask about a discount) for pickup at 11:30 am on Thursday, July 25. Once again, the menu will be:
4 x Cheese
3 x 1 Item: Pepperoni
2 x 1 Item: Italian sausage
2 x veggie
1 x 1 Item: hamburger
1 x 1 Item: Mushrooms
1 x Works
1 x white pizza
1 x Brother’ Special (Spinach, Fresh Garlic, Fresh Tomatoes, Ricotta and Mozzarella cheese)
1 x Grilled Chicken (Sliced grilled chicken, Fresh mushrooms, Onions, and Sliced tomatoes)
We are now at $376 at PayPal plus $20 Amazon GC and this is still not including me, so I am discussing SOME kind of drinks with @amehzinggrace but it may just be whatever Brothers offers.
One more update tomorrow after the order, then the next update will be Thursday afternoon!
@aetris might be a good idea to call today rather than tomorrow morning just to give them an advanced heads-up.
@aetris You are doing a wonderful job of putting all of this together. I know it must be like herding cats.
Thank you.

Italian Sausage:
Brother’ Special:
Grilled Chicken:
@medz - You don’t think two days will be plenty? I was thinking more than that might confuse them somehow. No problem to do so, however, if that’s the consensus?
@aetris @medz
Your post makes it seem like you are calling tomorrow, for tomorrow:
Is that supposed to be for pickup at 11:30 am on Thursday?
@aetris oh, I thought you were calling tomorrow for an 11:30 order tomorrow. Edit: What licher said ^
Edit2: I have no logs in this fire as I was unable (or unwilling) to contribute. I’m watching with great interest to see how it turns out, though.
VOLMOD!!! Hey @narfcake can I get the above,
for pickup at 11:30 am. Once
changed to:
for pickup at 11:30 am on Thursday. Once
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter…
@aetris @amehzinggrace @ChadP Pictures! We need lots of pictures!
@amehzinggrace - That’s a good point - PICTURES! - Make sure there’s slices of pizza in front of any otherwise-visible faces, though, to protect the innocent-ish.
@aetris Fixed.
@aetris @amehzinggrace It’s not the NSA! Show your mediocre faces dammit!
@aetris @cinoclav oops…I forgot my camera at home…
@amehzinggrace @cinoclav - Possibly someone at Meh will have one - but I still say faces should be obscured to protect the guilt of the innocent.
@aetris @cinoclav Huh…the security guard (he looks new) apparently confiscated all phones/cameras/electronic devices that day…
@amehzinggrace - ???
@aetris practicing my excuses if there’s a photo-taking fail
OK, the order is in and our volunteer deliveryperson is going to pick up eighteen 18" pies (I HAD to put in ONE more mushroom pie for PA pride) for pickup at 11:30 am ON THURSDAY. Prior to, she will drop by Kroger and pick up the drinks - @amehzinggrace, as prearranged, please text me that all is go.
FWIW, the total for the pizza came to $339.71, WITH a discount per the receipt, which the guy texted me (somehow sausage and hamburger pies were higher than what I thought, but no biggie I guess…)
Meh folks, please let us know when this arrives! More Thursday.
@aetris Woo Hoo!
@aetris you are awe-some
@aetris @amehzinggrace

@aetris @amehzinggrace Can’t begin to thank the two of you enough for coordinating this. I know what a pain it can be.
@tinamarie1974 - Awwwwwww(e) shucks.
@aetris I think you are going to make a pretty good goat next month.
@aetris @Barney

/giphy oh snap
@Barney - After all THIS I’d wind up goat?!?
Also I was planning to upload all my unfinished horror stories daily if I became goat, so really October would be better.
@aetris @Barney you write? That is cool!
@tinamarie1974 - Yes, I have written MANY unfinished stories, as a backup in case anyone ever asked what I DO all day, which no one has - yet.
Hey, @aetris what DO you do all day? That is, besides negotiating pizza discounts/deliveries.
Alexa, remind me to goat @aetris for October.
(FWIW, you won’t be the first to be goated for doing good. @Thumperchick, @lisaviolet, and @Trillian were all goated for being outstanding mehmbers.)
@aetris Oh! A October goat! With scary stories!
Hey Google? Remind me to voat for @aetris in September.
@aetris @therealjrn @narfcake @tinamarie1974
Would someone remind me to plug in my phone in September, so that Google can remind me to vote for @aetris for October goat?
@aetris @Barney @narfcake @therealjrn I think @mfladd has that dot/show/echo thingee in his bedroom listening to his noises. Maybe you can ask him to set up a reminder!
@aetris @Barney @mfladd @narfcake @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 oooooh that’s a good feature request for the Meh forums…
/remindme 09/28/2019 vote aetris for goat
However, I just asked for forum pix, so somebody else better request it or I’ll get permabanned…or worse
@aetris @Barney @mfladd @narfcake @therealjrn @UncleVinny oh yeah we need to talk about that pic idea…
@aetris @Barney @narfcake @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Aetris for GoaT was already in the back of mind. You can’t do something like this and get away with it unscathed!
Speaking of writing, yes, Thursday afternoon I will be posting the list of all contributors by their Meh handles, no amounts included - everyone who contributed has been generous!
Er, hanging out here and posting comments is what I REALLY do all day.
One last update, as I’m hoping someone at the Meh end is going to create a Topic with some pics tomorrow afternoon? @cythwulf? Let me know if it’s something we need someone like @therealjrn to do…
Our volunteer deliveryperson has a stop to make at Kroger to pick up drinks and cookies before the pizza - I dropped a bit over $64 there, curbside pickup scheduled for 11am to 12pm Texas-time tomorrow, July 25th. @amehzinggrace, you have my number, and the order number, if you need me to clarify anything.
I’m going to crank out the list of contributors NOW just in case I missed anyone - still waiting on a couple confirms from mystery PayPal-ers but I THINK I know who they are. Blame for all the carbs falls on:
that fucking @carl669
@cfl (thanks - arrived today!)
@Mr Tanner
Your Mistress Goat Emeritus @tinamarie1974
His Stankness Sir @UncleVinny
I’ll repeat this list - with any corrections - in the anticipated party Topic.
Let me add that PARTICULAR THANKS goes to @therealjrn for volunteering me into this - keep working on @chuegen. Also, be sure to check out the ever shit your pants topic - I see davidwr99 has a project you can REALLY get behind.
Another particular note of thanks to @cinoclav, who did a lot of helpful-ish research. Clavvy, your consideration for the feelings of others was PARTICULARLY TOUCHING and I’d recommend you to the attention of @therealjrn anytime.
Of course we’re going to give a big hand to @amehzinggrace - tomorrow.
@aetris thanks for the reminder, going to charge my camera battery tonight!
Kudos to all! Surely we’re all a little more Meh for the experience.
Yup. I’m on it!
@aetris Like I said above, the biggest thanks go to you and @amehzinggrace for doing the actual work. I’m thrilled we can give a little back to the mediocre staff for all the fun they’ve given us the last five years. I wish the peripheral staff that works outside of mediocre hq was able to participate but I hope they know how much we appreciate all of them too.
@aetris thank you for remembering the “fuck”. oh… and organizing all this!
@aetris Thanks, but I shouldn’t be getting so much credit. I mean, you did help.
Give yourself a little something-something eh?
@therealjrn - Oh, I’m getting a little something-something alright!
Thank you so much @aetris and @cinoclav Clavvy and @amehzinggrace for doing this!
Oh my gosh… (=´∇`=)Every last one of you is incredible and amazing… I don’t know what to say other than thank you.
@halfling - Say thanks in about 45 minutes - I need the reassurance!
@amehzinggrace, I know this won’t be a nailbiter - but texts’d be great!
@Cythwulf - The list of pizza is in this thread, eh? And some drinks and cookies - 'cause I know @halfling likes 'em.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon (probably RIGHT while I’m driving to work…)
Because life would be dull without drama, I am now told that was the wrong Kroger and we are going to be running a little later than noon. Pizza just now picked up - Kroger to come.
More as I know more. Ah, the excitement of tension.
@aetris Was it this one?
I am now told the right Kroger has been found and emptied of soda and the comestibles are en route for Mediocrity. What a non-mediocre odyssey, and I was so hoping it WOULD be perfectly Meh…
@aetris It has arrived, they are on a tour now! Pics to follow soon.
@riskybryzness - Thank you!
Er, is the pizza still hot?
@aetris @riskybryzness it is both hot and delicious!
I absolutely love it when everyone teams up to do something nice and/or fun.
You’re all wonderful.