Frankenstein Day
In honor of the birth of Mary Wollenstonecraft Shelley on August 30, 1797, today is Frankenstein Day.
Dr. Frankenstein’s creation was a mish-mosh (or monster mash) of questionably-sourced parts. Mehtizens know the concept well, considering that an IRK is a Frankensteinian swag bag and a Pitney-Bowes itinerary is such a collection of odd turns that it could well have been thought up by the monster himself.
I suggest we keep the “eclectic parts” theme by celebrating in a myriad of ways:
– Posting favorite Frankenstein gifs etc.
– Writing Frankenstein haiku.
– Having a bit to say about Frankie’s mother, Mary Shelley herself.
– Commenting on your favorite Frankenstein-based work or character.
NOT suggested:
– Setting fire to windmills.
– Playing “throw flowers into the water” with neighborhood children.
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Richard Rothwell’s portrait of Shelley was shown at the Royal Academy in 1840, accompanied by lines from Percy Shelley’s poem “The Revolt of Islam” calling her a “child of love and light”. (Quoted from Wikipedia)
Painting of Mary Shelley.
It’s pronounced “Eye-Gor”…
@chienfou Probably my #3 favorite movie. I’ve seen the play both in New York and locally. It sits behind Big Fish at #2 and another Gene Wilder movie with Willy Wonka at #1.
Ahhh…Thanks… I was in Big Fish…
(think we talked about this here)
funny thing is I am currently in a boot and using a crutch due to a ruptured Achilles tendon surgery 2 months ago. I DO walk that way…
@chienfou Yup - we totally had that conversation.
@cinoclav Being a Gene Wilder fan myself, I have to recommend you watch “Silver Streak” if you have not already. I’ve always thought it was one of his best works.
@CatFriend I’ve seen it. Every movie that he did with Richard Pryor was great.
Young Frankenstein Abby Normal
When I was stationed in Germany, there was the village of Frankenstein near the base, and it did indeed have a castle overlooking the village.
Also, there is also a castle outside of Darmstadt called Berg (Castle) Frankenstein.
@macromeh Chili dog ‘n’ stein…? It’s that Frank’s wild cousin?
Just read Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” a couple months ago because I was curious. Personally, I thought it was rather boring and don’t see why people still consider it to be an amazing story. I understand that two hundred years ago when it was written, it was new and “out there”, but when you are used to reading much more involved stories written recently, “Frankenstein” was just long and drawn out, more of a story about a man’s internal struggle with what he did than being suspenseful. The best thing I can say about it is that it is responsible for the creation of “Young Frankenstein”.
@CatFriend The last time I tried to read it I was SUPER-irritated by Victor, to the point that I had to stop almost immediately (a scientist would be like, oh, check out my hideous monster, it’s so cool and I love it, not it’s ugly I’m leaving the house until it’s gone or dies or something). But I suspect if you read it as a thinly-veiled description of her being kicked out as a teenager for getting pregnant by a married man, with Victor being the father who won’t accept responsibility for the person he raised her to be, it’s more interesting.
@CatFriend @mossygreen
Mary Shelley was an original and was pretty rad.
@CatFriend @f00l And incredibly resilient!
@CatFriend People often times have trouble understanding that things can be outdated without that diminishing the accomplishment. For example, the electronics in the moon landing were amazballs as opposed to the latest intel chips which are mediocre at best. Acknowledging that a current intel chip is vastly superior to the Apollo Guidance Computer does not diminish that it was awesome in any way.
As long as y’all keep posting pix of me without even asking me if that’s ok, I guess I’d better post one of myself just to keep up.
/image Frankenstein 3

@f00l Gosh, you’re so buxom!
Or am I supposed to think you’re the one on the left?
@f00l @Kyeh