For those who missed the fuko, odd account information "glitch"

Kidsandliz went on a bit of a rant said

I just came from my account information and found that even though I had purchased something in Oct, my credit card information was partly missing (expiration date was there but not the card number or the security code - go figure) and it along the bottom of that window something along the lines of wait a minute tiger…have to fill stuff in, no check marks by that missing info… and so I had to fill that credit card info back in.

I had gone there to see how many fuku’s (3) and fuko’s (1 - the first one April fools day 2015, none since) I had gotten. I also noticed they now allowed a different shipping from billing address (thank you meh). So clicked on payment settings edit then I went to add my actual address as shipping address since I have used a friend’s address for most of mail even though I have never lived there. I then had to fill out part, but not all, of the credit card information again before it would allow me to save. I just went back and clicked on edit again, and this time all the credit card information was there. Odd it was missing the first time I clicked edit and not the second time I clicked edit.

Anyway, back to the point, I am thinking that might be a reason why some of you got the endless green bar when you tried to buy the fuko and no purchase? Some of your credit card information was maybe MIA?? Just a thought… might be worth checking.