Found this article interesting
Early morning after jumping on me doesn’t make me get up to feed her at 5 something too early A.M.

Two of my four who own the window and the top of my dresser

We have upstairs cats and downstairs cats.
We have three that spend most of their time hanging out upstairs in the master bedroom and sleep on our bed at night. They’re hanging out near me when I’m working from home.
Then there are two downstairs cats who decide to spend most of their time in my daughter’s room and rarely venture up the stairs.
We also have a mama-stray who adopted us, she’s mostly an outdoor cat, but we bring her in at night so the coyotes don’t get her… she goes wherever its quietest and there are no other cats to bother her.
@OnionSoup I only have two rooms or I’d likely have a divide. My feral and my dumped on campus kitty are still having “dominance” issues with respect to who gets to stay at the head of my bed when the I am in it and the other is there or who gets to stay on my chair when the other is there. Campus kitty won the chair. Feral won the head of the bed.
We have two cats (a brother-sister pair). When my wife and I watch TV in the evening, they want to lie in our laps. In summer we often wear shorts and it is hilarious to see their reaction. They apparently are disgusted by bare human skin so they cautiously approach, seeking a perch that doesn’t involve direct contact with our bare legs. They will search back and forth between laps, looking for the least (shudder) exposed skin. If one of us is wearing shorts and the other not, they will attempt to both squeeze their fat asses on the same (fully-clad) lap.
Bizarre creatures…
@macromeh Sounds about right.

Last November, we took in a momcat and her three 8-week(ish) kittens on the day before the first significant cold snap of the year. That group was the most incredibly socialized-to-random-people bunch I’ve ever seen. Two of them got re-homed to a friend a few months back, but the other two are still here, and have managed to befriend the two that are in the bedroom half of the house. Both of them are almost astonishingly careful with their claws, but they also do not like bare skin.
I tried to read it to Ghost and he literally gave me the following look. I don’t think he was too impressed.
@kjady Loungecat.
I mean it’s a conspiracy. We’re infected.
@unksol I think this supports that cats are aliens and this is their mind control over us.
/giphy cat mind control