Food Services (blue apron/Hello Fresh/Plated)
2What are your thoughts? Have you tried any of them? I'm looking to try them and see what they are like... I don't think it'll be a constant thing for my family, but I think we'll try each one for a week and see how they come out (I'm mostly looking for the recipes, so I can make the stuff myself and eat a little healthier than what I normally make.)
What are your mediocre experiences?
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paging @jont and @moose
Also... I'm looking at coupons (unverified) but...
Hello Fresh: $40 off first shipment coupon code "GKFWYV"
3 free meals "AP3AYSS6V"
4 Free Meals + Free Shipping + Ongoing Discounts "b2fb9b"
$30 off "9057cd"
I couldn't find Blue Apron codes... they say it's built in $20 off first order on signup.
All codes were a quick search on retailmenot
I went through 5 or so of these by using a groupon/livingsocial/coupon code on a new one each time then canceling the subscription. Cheapest way to go about it.
They were all mad decent. Also look for local ones. There are a few that specify just my valley.
As with most things in life, bulk is cheaper. I usually did the month, lunch only, at a time.
Breakfast is too easy for me to justify meal delivery service and dinner is family time. It was nice to have lunches ready to go.
Same with gyms. I had 5 months of free gyms by using new person passes. 'Twas epic.
Neat breakdown on the ones you ask of:
My favorite was a local one that does pickup not delivery. I would pick it up every Tuesday night. They let me keep all the containers too.
I got a family member who cooks a lot a Blue Apron gift package, and it was a big hit.
Do remember that these packages are designed for two or more people, so if you're cooking just for yourself, you'll have more food than usual.
We did Blue Apron for about 2 months.
It's not cheap. It's not a rip-off, you get what you're paying for, but it's only slightly cheaper than going out to eat.
It's a ton of work. They seem to say everything's like 20-30 minutes, but it just about always took us an hour, and occasionally (curse you nopales!) it was much longer and more tedious.
On the plus side, we canceled it but obviously still get to keep all the recipes, and we've recreated a few of them on our own (saving money because of the delivery stuff and saving time by getting some stuff that's pre-cut).
I'm happy we did it, and we might try it for a few weeks some time in the future, but it's not something I'd use endlessly.
@dave Most cooking when you use fresh ingredients is more time consuming. I found that the prep time was about right.
Hey! I thought I made this Thread… a long time ago. So… We finally got around to start trying these things about a month ago we started. I’ll give you my impressions once I figure out which one the meals came in (we’re on our 4th box from who knows where…) So far… the only Spoilage was our fault… & everything was tasty… but not all was worth the money.
But We’re trying each of them, I can not wait for Purple carrot and Marley spoon!
If the delivery services are too pricey for you, maybe look into what your local grocery stores offer. The place I work (which is similar to a Whole Foods- gourmet and specialty foods) has “meal kits”- prepped veggies and other ingredients with a recipe, and you pick up whatever protein goes with it- so you have to do a little more work (go to the grocery store, pick out a bag, go to the meat counter and get the meat), but more choices and possibly less expensive, depending on how fancy you get with the meat. I know I’ve seen things like soup & chili kits in the produce section of the “normal” grocery stores.
I recently saw some of these services compared by Consumer Reports; might want to check out their results (of course, YMMV).
Haven’t tried any out personally yet, but plan to shortly
I’ve tried BA for a few weeks. The recipies are good, but nothing you can’t find online. While it’s convenient, it’s not exactly cheap. If I see a weeks worth of recipes that I think I’d like I might get it again.
So I did this almost a year ago. We’ve tried most now.
Blue apron
Home chef (which I really had hoped a chef would come in the box to my dismay…)
Terra’s kitchen
Sun basket
Yet to try
Purple carrot
Marley spoon
We doubt we will stick with one, the food is great. But just about every one we found a fatal flaw… one box had 3 meals that were all to expire within 3 days. It’s worth a try and see what we like plus with the discounts it was affordable to try all of them.
I’ll post more details when I can remember which was which. They are all blending together for me.
since this thread got necroed, the verge did a test of 5 different food services
they chose hello fresh as the best in the end
I got a gift card to home chef for Christmas so I’ll be checking it out soon. If you have any things to watch out for with them I’d be glad to hear them.
Blue Apron: so much kale. SO MUCH! Lot’s of burgers, pasta, meatballs. Tends to be too high on the carbs for us. Because I have a fish allergy, we don’t do the fish options very often.
Haven’t had a meal delivered since August. I think we’d order more often if we could actually be able to choose from all SIX offerings rather than "don’t do the fish? well, screw you."
Really want to try Hello, Fresh. They look like they have more workable options.