@Bretterson@jouest They did valentine postcards before (unused). I can’t remember if they were sent to just VMP’s or showed up in an irk. They were pretty funny.
@Bretterson@jouest There were also some that some of us got in the mail. Not sure if they were of the same design or not as it has been years and years since we got them. I don’t think they were of irk - but then again it has been ages.
@Bretterson@jouest My mistake you not being VMP. Yeah it’s “some reason” not known in this universe if you buy nothing much and since all promised VMP perks and promises have pretty much gone away.
@Kyeh In a way. I used a pic from an actual Monopoly game and changed the top to MEHNOPOLY and changed the Monopoly guy with the top hat to Irk. I may have done something else, but those are the obvious parts.
I have a pair of Glen socks. For the longest time I couldn’t find one of them, I mean years. I thought they were in the limbo of our old sofa and when we got a new one, the sock was lost forever.
Then I pulled out a pair of shoes and it was stuffed inside of one! I was so happy!
@lisaviolet I remember that you were going to wear them to some appointment and I kept suggesting various clear shoes for you but you thought they were all too fugly!
@Kyeh I gotta tell ya, I kind of liked him. Not as a politician, mind you, but he seemed like a down-to-earth person, one you could sit down and have a beer with.
A notebook with todo list, something you can look at your boss or coworker as you write the latest thing down that they’ve assigned to you because they refuse to do themselves.
Offer discount flights worldwide… Most people complain about size of airline seats so you could do one better… Remove all the seats. Could save money that way.
For drinks and snacks you could offer all the drinks and snacks that don’t sell online…
… And you could plug things like the travel plug today to travellers. Maybe even have your own skymall (redirects to side deal).
I really think you could put a lot of the other airlines out of business.
Steward outfits could use unsold meh tshirts. (You just need to hire extra small or extra large stewards so they fit in the unsold sizes)
And I haven’t even told you the best part yet…
… You can use Trackrs to track all the customers bags so they don’t get lost… And paint your planes with Martha Stewart craft paint.
@llangley wait if these aren’t meh-branded, why do women keep saying “meh”
@jouest um, penises?? Or is it penii??
JK. Or am I??
@llangley see the balloons currently on offer.
@llangley surely Glen would be best model to use for condoms though if they made special meh branded ones.
@OnionSoup I thought this same thought
Cookie cutters
@momojiri explain
@jouest More like a cookie stamp. How do i post a photo?
@momojiri to make Irk cookies?
Golf balls
@momojiri not the worst idea
@jouest So i guess tees would be even worser.
@momojiri need to do something with that mediocritee URL…
Toilet paper…
@tinamarie1974 oh.
@tinamarie1974 it’s for sale… You have to buy it, you requested it… Those are the rules.
@OnionSoup I feel like I should be awarded a roll for guessing correctly!!
@tinamarie1974 or a pallet of all the unsold ones.
@tinamarie1974 Didn’t even realize triple-ply TP was a thing.
@OnionSoup I mean, I would be ok w that. It will get used EVENTUALLY…
@tinamarie1974 unless it’s the scratchy kind.
@OnionSoup then I gift it to my “friends”. But its triple ply, so it sounds luxurious. If Meh TP can be luxurious???
@OnionSoup triple ply but no mention of soft so IR no K needed?
@Sneakertree triple ply CVS receipts
Meh-meal delivery
@timberlegs like doordash, but half the price and 1/3 the expectations
@jouest @timberlegs And FedEx will beat it up or deliver it to the wrong location first.
@Bretterson @jouest @timberlegs Warehouse in West Virginia for two weeks
@timberlegs you never know what youre going to get.
Instant Regret Meal.
Could be Lobster and Steak with baked potatoes and asparagus.
Could be 'possum and Kale. In fact… It’s quite likely going to be 'possum and Kale.
How about one of those front loaders everyone seems to want?
@tinamarie1974 yeah what is up with those
@jouest @tinamarie1974 Sharpie Meh on one and send it, I’ll test drive it for you.
Pocket Irk
And Glenn for those who like him
@tinamarie1974 is pocket irk like pocket sand?
@jouest its a tiny Irk you can fit in your pocket!
@jouest @tinamarie1974 How about one with a magnet so he can sit on your shoulder?
Plastic banana with a measurement grid, a “banana for scale”.
@werehatrack or a weight measuring device to evaluate the heft of your fruit. “Scale for banana” if you will…
Poker chips
@momojiri kind of love this
Pens and/or Post-it note pads with Meh logo
@heartny oooih. . Another dream come true.
Pens for sale
I’ve suggested numerous times in the past you need to have meh branded merkins.
@OnionSoup sometimes a pun is not enough to sustain a product. this is not one of those times.
Irk action figure.
Another idea.
Some companies offer lego-like bricks and will build custom sets.
How about an Irk and Glen “Lego” set?
@OnionSoup love it
@jouest @OnionSoup Woot sold this before:
@jouest @narfcake a Lego Irks would be 100 times cooler than a Lego BOC.
Meh branded credit card with rewards program. Extra points for purchases made on Mercatalyst sites.
@heartny settle for a meh-branded bus pass?
@jouest Sure. It will curtail my spending using a credit card.
Mehcoin cryptocurrency…
Bonus points if it was accepted currency on mercatalyst sites.
@OnionSoup but our meh NFT is still just laying there. might be a Polaroid though.
@mossygreen Bandanas with a ruler printed along the edge of each side. Thus they become bandanas for scale.
Eek. I could print that. Cutting them out and serging them would be a pain in the neck, but I could do it.
Meh scented candle in a jar
@heartny ooh smelly
I feel like we are missing an opportunity here
Meh branded Quip toothbrushes.
Meh branded tape measure, to measure things when a banana for scale is not available.
@heartny but no inches or feet. only bananas.
@heartny @jouest Bananas on one side, metric on the other.
Irk Halloween costumes.
@OnionSoup I love this!!
@OnionSoup @tinamarie1974 seconded
Pretty sure there could be a whole line of greeting cards.
@Bretterson there’s a real market gap for people who care only a tiny amount and want a card to reflect that.
@jouest Totally. Or maybe you just don’t want to overdo the sentiment.
@Bretterson @jouest They did valentine postcards before (unused). I can’t remember if they were sent to just VMP’s or showed up in an irk. They were pretty funny.
@jouest @Kidsandliz You could print them. I’m pretty sure I have it saved somewhere.
@jouest @Kidsandliz Well that didn’t take me long: https://meh.com/forum/topics/four-4-irk-valentines-each-for-a-special-someone
@Bretterson @jouest There were also some that some of us got in the mail. Not sure if they were of the same design or not as it has been years and years since we got them. I don’t think they were of irk - but then again it has been ages.
@jouest @Kidsandliz Well now I’m jealous.
@Bretterson @jouest Well since you used to be VMP likely it wasn’t from that. Likely they came in a fuko. As I said, it’s been years and years.
@jouest @Kidsandliz For some reason I’m still a VMP! But you’re probably right about the Fuko.
@Bretterson @jouest My mistake you not being VMP. Yeah it’s “some reason” not known in this universe if you buy nothing much and since all promised VMP perks and promises have pretty much gone away.
Playing cards.
@jaybird ooh
@jaybird @jouest Somebody was going to do that and asked for suggestions for what to put on the various suites; evidently it fell through.
@jaybird Business cards and birthday cards as well. “Happy 40th. Meh.”
Mehnopoly game
Chance card: Get caught stealing a toothbrush. Go straight to Jail. Do not pass Go.
@OnionSoup Found this in my Meh archives from some sort of contest.
@OnionSoup @heartny
Did you make that?
@Kyeh In a way. I used a pic from an actual Monopoly game and changed the top to MEHNOPOLY and changed the Monopoly guy with the top hat to Irk. I may have done something else, but those are the obvious parts.
@heartny Love it!
3 D bones shirt with meh on it. Now those are creepy and up Meh’s alley.
/showme a 3D bones shirt.
More Christmas ornaments, this time with Irk & Glen on them.
And bring back these stickers please!
I have a pair of Glen socks. For the longest time I couldn’t find one of them, I mean years. I thought they were in the limbo of our old sofa and when we got a new one, the sock was lost forever.
Then I pulled out a pair of shoes and it was stuffed inside of one! I was so happy!
@lisaviolet I remember that you were going to wear them to some appointment and I kept suggesting various clear shoes for you but you thought they were all too fugly!
@Kyeh I did wear them to a doctor’s appointment and he remarked on them, telling me that George W Bush liked wearing crazy socks.
@lisaviolet Probably the only similarity between the two of you!
@Kyeh I gotta tell ya, I kind of liked him. Not as a politician, mind you, but he seemed like a down-to-earth person, one you could sit down and have a beer with.
@lisaviolet He probably is; and I guess you have another thing in common because he likes to paint, so he’s an artistic guy!
Chip clips
@j2 oh damn, both good
Throw blankets. And bring back the little Meh face throw pillows- our stupid dogs destroyed mine.
@Pony One of our cats uses them as a girlfriend. He even carries it around the house.
Doggo related things!
A SOFT frisbee that is ez on doggo teef
A doggo sized blanket
Doggo flor pillo
Doggo treat holder or dispenser
Doggo food bowl
Doggo BANDANNA. I look so hot in a nice bandana
@CharlieDoggo soooo…cat stuff?
@jouest so wrong. No PB treats 4 u!

Salt and pepper shakers. Maybe a matching sugar bowl and creamer. Sell any leftovers in Home Goods.
@heartny home goods is just Meh for my mom.
@jouest Not that there’s anything wrong with that
These. Puking cat gravy boat.

@werehatrack gross and perfection
@werehatrack I have a barfing sheep gravy boat! I’ll have to post a picture…
A notebook with todo list, something you can look at your boss or coworker as you write the latest thing down that they’ve assigned to you because they refuse to do themselves.
@Artimid to-don’t
Meh branded Yo-Yo
@heartny this has its ups and downs
@heartny @jouest lol
Meh branded basketball. It’s a ball. It’s kind of orange. Just sayin’
Came across this min my Meh archives
@heartny unsettling, thank you.
Broken button. Clicking it just produces a long sigh. (From you. Because the batteries inside are corroded.)
Bamboo Tshirts.
It’s so much more comfortable than Cotton… and much better suited for the warm climate down here in the South than sticky cotton.
Survival meal kits.
How about a Meh dildo?
How about an airline.
Amehrican Mehways.
Offer discount flights worldwide… Most people complain about size of airline seats so you could do one better… Remove all the seats. Could save money that way.
For drinks and snacks you could offer all the drinks and snacks that don’t sell online…
… And you could plug things like the travel plug today to travellers. Maybe even have your own skymall (redirects to side deal).
I really think you could put a lot of the other airlines out of business.
Steward outfits could use unsold meh tshirts. (You just need to hire extra small or extra large stewards so they fit in the unsold sizes)
And I haven’t even told you the best part yet…
… You can use Trackrs to track all the customers bags so they don’t get lost… And paint your planes with Martha Stewart craft paint.