fuck... the 404 error I just got was better... I've noticed the past few days the 404 error has come up before the deal at midnight... Was there a change recently that would make the site look down before the deal comes out, or am I hitting the site for the few seconds while it's changing the deal out? @shawn
@borisparsley thank you for pointing this out. With any sunglasses maker there is a wide variance on price due to the lens. apples to apples people. Not apples to oranges.
To me, "vermilion" will always make me think of; Hands vermillion start of five bright cotillion raven’s dive nightshades promise spirit’s strive to the living let now the dead… come alive.
I also have a couple pairs of these polarized glasses. I love sunglasses. I have about 20 pairs - costas, smiths, raybans, etc. I own these to have decent sunglass for the beach, yardwork, etc. For $18 bucks you can't go wrong with these. They really don't look bad. Go for the mirage style.
C'mon!! Giant candy corn head NOT included? That's the only perk that drew me to these (except for mediocre) over priced shaded speckatickles.. Guess a resounding 'Meh' is in order.
@ruouttaurmind They are really not bad for the price. These are the polarized I use when I don't mind if something happens to them, beach, yardwork, whatever. When I am afraid of something happening to all my expensive ones.
I'm not going to come across like some know it all, but in this case.....I will. I work in the optical field and I will compare this deal to me taking your money and giving you a bag of monkey poop.
look at the specs of these low-distortion, high-durability sunglasses, in the middle column below, and tell myself "I'll always have polarized polycarbonate":
I'm an optician and partner in an optometry practice, these are 10-15 dollar sunglasses at best. Polycarbonate has bad optics, no where near glass. They are polarized which is great, hopefully it's a decent quality filter. Poly is good for these for impact resistance, but to try to sell its clarity and optics is terrible. If you want a throw away pair that you don't care about, these are OK. Not a great deal, but better than risking your kaenons, maui jims, Costas, or a real pair. Of the 3 materials they list for lenses, poly should be the cheapest, so the amazon links that are a lower price are a better deal. Hate to be "that guy" but I had to on this one.
@ErikRL Well, thank you, That Guy. Today I learned that those Costas (a Sierra Traders steal) I've had floating around for years are actually decent glasses. Guess I should wash the dust off of them.
@LaVikinga their lens quality has always been really good, recently their frame quality has increased as well. they are a solid pair of sunglasses. so, good job!!
@ErikRL I always believed with brands like Maui Jims, etc. the price was 20% for the glasses and 80% for the name. But if I understand your post, you're suggesting there may actually be some value behind the higher price besides the name?
@ruouttaurmind There absolutely is reasoning for the pricing, with most brands. Kaenon as an example,they are designed with your facial and head structure in mind, that way the places where the pressure and weight is distributed isnt uncomfortable for you. The materials they use are very specific, its a type of plastic that is not only strong, durable, and flexible, but it also doesnt transfer heat. so that black frame wont get crazy hot while you wear it and make you sweat like crazy. the lenses arent just polycarbonate, or CR-39 like most (or some goofy name, like triacetate that means nothing) it is a lens that is impact resistant like poly, but has the optical clarity of glass, and is also extremely flexible with out cracking or causing any damage. the polarization filter is top quality, so there are no weaker areas of the lens, it also doesnt fade or change color over time, the color is also intentional and chosen to increase visual comfort, reduce weird color perception and makes everything look and feel better. all their lenses are coated with a top quality AR coating. so it has a great oil resistant coating, a great hydrophobic coating, and a good scratch coating as well. that all adds up to a really great pair of sunglasses, comparing them to something like the ones for sale today, there is nothing really in common other than them being sunglasses. now there are some brands where you are paying for the name, in addition to the sunglasses. those brands under a different name would draw a much lower price with everything else being equal. Some have very recognizable names, but as much higher quality than the price point would suggest. Colombia, Carrera, Ellen Tracy, and many others come to mind there. its always good, when youre in the market for a good pair of sunglasses to check out some optometry offices. some of the best stuff out there has names you have never heard before, and arent available in the mall, or anywhere else really.
@ErikRL Wow, that's some great info. I really appreciate your time and effort and willingness to share your expertise.
I wear sunglasses at least two to three hours every day, and on many days as much as 10 to 12 hours, so I'm an ideal candidate for a good pair of shades, but it's difficult to part with $100 or $200 for sunglasses, never really sure if I'm getting value for my money, or just a name. When I pick up a pair at Walmart for $5 I know I'm getting crap, but for crap money.
I really want good sunglasses, but I want to be sure I'm getting a good product, and not just an expensive name. For me, money is tight enough that I'd rather not give any to Mark Jacobs or Oakley just for the pleasure of wearing their name on my face.
@ruouttaurmind I usually buy my expensive glasses from steepandcheap.com which is a cheap deal site associated with backcountry.com. You have to constantly watch for the deals to either pop-up (around every 20 minutes) They have extensions and apps for it. Or, sometimes they will have a sunglasses event for a couple days. Mainly closeouts , but it is a great way to get top brands marked down. They also have great deals on expensive clothing.
@ruouttaurmind for the money, Oakley is one of the worst out there. On most models. Cheap sunglasses can be bad for you. Many have optical distortion in the lenses, induced prescription basically. The uv protection can be suspect, along with being junk quality. It can be tough to spend 100, 200 even 4 or 5 hundred on a good pair, but when you get a good pair that works well, lasts for years, and stays in great shape, it's not as big of an investment as it seems. If they last 3 or 4 years, how many cheap pairs would you go through? Then you have an amazing pair that performs very well, looks great and protects you as well. I would be happy to help you, or advise you on your search. Email me anytime erik@roadrunnereyecare.com any questions about sunglasses, glasses, contacts, or anything eye or vision related.
@mfladd Thanks for the tip! I really don't care about style as much as substance, so wearing last year's model doesn't bother me a bit as long as the quality is there. So closeouts... I'm all in. TY, much appreciated.
@ErikRL to someone like @ErikRL and myself, we both work in the optical field, we are a used to working with quality merchandise. To see polarized lenses for $15 is always a joke to me. There is no way is hell these a quality lenses. Take Oakley for instance, the polarized lenses they have are great, a good layered process. Now Maui Jim, they have an incredible Polarization process, maybe the best in the business. But, You can't compare $15 glasses and $300 polarized glasses. Go ahead and spend $15, they will help a little, but they will not cut all the glare and you will not be able to see all the fish in the water.
@heartny I noticed that the source has the clipons on sale... (saw that when I clicked that chart) as low as $3.75 (but I can't get any shipping cheaper than $8.75).
@heartny nooooooo!!!!! dont do clip ons. they are terrible. they damage the frame and lenses, and the quality of the lenses is terrible. please do RX sunglasses over using clip ons, you will be so much better off for it.
@ErikRL I know they do and I hate that about them, but getting prescription sunglasses would be cost prohibitive. The pair of regular glasses I just got was over $1000 retail, around $300 with VSP. Would rather not double it. I thought about trying Zenni Optical, but chickened out.
Last year I bought a pair of sunglasses . I told myself if I could not loose or break them for a year I could get a good pair. Today I got a good enough pair. Thanks Meh.
OK. Now I need a long white cigarette holder, some small rodents, and something to shoot them with. Then I'll be ready to impersonate Hunter S. Thompson.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Flying Fisherman
Estimated Delivery: 11/3 - 11/5
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Flying Fisherman Sunglasses
1x Microfiber storage pouch
1x Floating retainer neck strap
Mirage Red/Gold Mirror
Mirage Green Mirror
Mirage Blue Mirror
Nassau Vermillion
Nassau Smoke
Nassau Amber
Panama Grey Smoke
Panama Brown Amber
Price Comparison
$79.95 List, $63.61 - $64.95 at Amazon for Mirage
$69.95 List, $49.82 at Amazon for Panama
$69.95 List, $54.43 - $55.36 at Amazon for Nassau
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
fuck... the 404 error I just got was better... I've noticed the past few days the 404 error has come up before the deal at midnight... Was there a change recently that would make the site look down before the deal comes out, or am I hitting the site for the few seconds while it's changing the deal out? @shawn
@sohmageek probably more likely due to heavy traffic pinging the site at rollover.
These seem extra-douchey to me
First off, they look like gas-station quality frames, and the lenses help give that "I'm not anyone you're going to like" look.
@capguncowboy yes they do!
@sohmageek And I can't help but think the reviews are written by the people that manufacture these...
"Lense is good, some glasses can be blurry. Gooding fishing glasses."
Logged on at 9:01. Meh caught me with my fly down.
@jaremelz I blame the goat for this lame selection... It doesn't even have a dock... or a speaker... I mean... its super lame!
@sohmageek can we at least rest these in the hollow of the JBL MINI speaker dock when not in use?

@jaremelz - Sounds like a shady situation.
Cute hipster clickface, though.
@KDemo today's clickface's beard is yesterday's hair
@changeismeh - Haha, good catch!
Sunglasses for bright people
Edit, okay they are polarized. Still meh...
Something fishy abut this deal
@AttyVette You're looking at it wrong the wrong angle
@AttyVette I've haddock enough! I'm out of here!
@AttyVette @lichme @Stallion
Oh Cod. Herring we go again. I'm perched on the end of the roe waiting for moor.
@Pavlov You win. That's just plain funny right there.
@Pavlov - Quit carping, or I'll just tuna you out.
If I spend more that $10 on a pair of sunglasses, they will be lost in a week. If I spend $10 or less they will be around forever.
Aren't these nearly the same but with way more reviews and only a dollar or two more shipped Amazon prime?
@Stallion Less actually if you choose Shiny Black/Gray
uh - http://www.amazon.com/Flying-Fisherman-Key-Polarized-Sunglasses/dp/B0041FZK4Q/ref=pd_sim_sbs_200_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0DGCWX71KAHWWWMXYV4W&dpID=31ki7VOpqBL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_
13-16 on amazon - am i missing something?
@prof your link is to an Triacetate lens version, the deal tonight is on superior polycarbonate lens models – see the table in the copy.
@borisparsley thank you for pointing this out. With any sunglasses maker there is a wide variance on price due to the lens. apples to apples people. Not apples to oranges.
To me, "vermilion" will always make me think of;
Hands vermillion
start of five
bright cotillion
raven’s dive
nightshades promise
spirit’s strive
to the living
let now the dead…
come alive.
Why not, I always need more glasses Daffy-Gray-Parsnip
I have no desire to resemble Bill Dance.
Meh... and again I say, Meh!
I also have a couple pairs of these polarized glasses. I love sunglasses. I have about 20 pairs - costas, smiths, raybans, etc. I own these to have decent sunglass for the beach, yardwork, etc. For $18 bucks you can't go wrong with these. They really don't look bad. Go for the mirage style.
Deal with it
C'mon!! Giant candy corn head NOT included? That's the only perk that drew me to these (except for mediocre) over priced shaded speckatickles.. Guess a resounding 'Meh' is in order.
Hubby wanted these, so I bought a couple pair for his eyeballs because I'm a green-gruesome-pest.
Is there a difference between these and the $10 - $15 ones you can get on eBay?
@ruouttaurmind yes there is. it is the lens. Do a google shop search for these mirage glasses and you will see.
OK, got it... these have polycarbonate lenses, the other sellers in this price range are triacetate lenses.
@ruouttaurmind They are really not bad for the price. These are the polarized I use when I don't mind if something happens to them, beach, yardwork, whatever. When I am afraid of something happening to all my expensive ones.
I'm not going to come across like some know it all, but in this case.....I will. I work in the optical field and I will compare this deal to me taking your money and giving you a bag of monkey poop.
@somf69 Monkey Poop tomorrow?
@somf69 Wrong site.
@somf69 youre awesome. couldnt agree more.
From the write up:
I'm an optician and partner in an optometry practice, these are 10-15 dollar sunglasses at best. Polycarbonate has bad optics, no where near glass. They are polarized which is great, hopefully it's a decent quality filter. Poly is good for these for impact resistance, but to try to sell its clarity and optics is terrible. If you want a throw away pair that you don't care about, these are OK. Not a great deal, but better than risking your kaenons, maui jims, Costas, or a real pair. Of the 3 materials they list for lenses, poly should be the cheapest, so the amazon links that are a lower price are a better deal. Hate to be "that guy" but I had to on this one.
@ErikRL Well, thank you, That Guy. Today I learned that those Costas (a Sierra Traders steal) I've had floating around for years are actually decent glasses. Guess I should wash the dust off of them.
@ErikRL What I said, but without offering a bag of poop
@LaVikinga their lens quality has always been really good, recently their frame quality has increased as well. they are a solid pair of sunglasses. so, good job!!
@somf69 I'm holding out for the poop.
I wonder if monkey poop smells like bananas?
@ErikRL I always believed with brands like Maui Jims, etc. the price was 20% for the glasses and 80% for the name. But if I understand your post, you're suggesting there may actually be some value behind the higher price besides the name?
@ruouttaurmind There absolutely is reasoning for the pricing, with most brands. Kaenon as an example,they are designed with your facial and head structure in mind, that way the places where the pressure and weight is distributed isnt uncomfortable for you. The materials they use are very specific, its a type of plastic that is not only strong, durable, and flexible, but it also doesnt transfer heat. so that black frame wont get crazy hot while you wear it and make you sweat like crazy. the lenses arent just polycarbonate, or CR-39 like most (or some goofy name, like triacetate that means nothing) it is a lens that is impact resistant like poly, but has the optical clarity of glass, and is also extremely flexible with out cracking or causing any damage. the polarization filter is top quality, so there are no weaker areas of the lens, it also doesnt fade or change color over time, the color is also intentional and chosen to increase visual comfort, reduce weird color perception and makes everything look and feel better. all their lenses are coated with a top quality AR coating. so it has a great oil resistant coating, a great hydrophobic coating, and a good scratch coating as well. that all adds up to a really great pair of sunglasses, comparing them to something like the ones for sale today, there is nothing really in common other than them being sunglasses. now there are some brands where you are paying for the name, in addition to the sunglasses. those brands under a different name would draw a much lower price with everything else being equal. Some have very recognizable names, but as much higher quality than the price point would suggest. Colombia, Carrera, Ellen Tracy, and many others come to mind there. its always good, when youre in the market for a good pair of sunglasses to check out some optometry offices. some of the best stuff out there has names you have never heard before, and arent available in the mall, or anywhere else really.
@ErikRL Wow, that's some great info. I really appreciate your time and effort and willingness to share your expertise.
I wear sunglasses at least two to three hours every day, and on many days as much as 10 to 12 hours, so I'm an ideal candidate for a good pair of shades, but it's difficult to part with $100 or $200 for sunglasses, never really sure if I'm getting value for my money, or just a name. When I pick up a pair at Walmart for $5 I know I'm getting crap, but for crap money.
I really want good sunglasses, but I want to be sure I'm getting a good product, and not just an expensive name. For me, money is tight enough that I'd rather not give any to Mark Jacobs or Oakley just for the pleasure of wearing their name on my face.
@ruouttaurmind I usually buy my expensive glasses from steepandcheap.com which is a cheap deal site associated with backcountry.com. You have to constantly watch for the deals to either pop-up (around every 20 minutes) They have extensions and apps for it. Or, sometimes they will have a sunglasses event for a couple days. Mainly closeouts , but it is a great way to get top brands marked down. They also have great deals on expensive clothing.
@ruouttaurmind for the money, Oakley is one of the worst out there. On most models. Cheap sunglasses can be bad for you. Many have optical distortion in the lenses, induced prescription basically. The uv protection can be suspect, along with being junk quality. It can be tough to spend 100, 200 even 4 or 5 hundred on a good pair, but when you get a good pair that works well, lasts for years, and stays in great shape, it's not as big of an investment as it seems. If they last 3 or 4 years, how many cheap pairs would you go through? Then you have an amazing pair that performs very well, looks great and protects you as well. I would be happy to help you, or advise you on your search. Email me anytime erik@roadrunnereyecare.com any questions about sunglasses, glasses, contacts, or anything eye or vision related.
@mfladd Thanks for the tip! I really don't care about style as much as substance, so wearing last year's model doesn't bother me a bit as long as the quality is there. So closeouts... I'm all in. TY, much appreciated.
@ruouttaurmind anytime, Mr. Drone.horse.
@ErikRL to someone like @ErikRL and myself, we both work in the optical field, we are a used to working with quality merchandise. To see polarized lenses for $15 is always a joke to me. There is no way is hell these a quality lenses. Take Oakley for instance, the polarized lenses they have are great, a good layered process. Now Maui Jim, they have an incredible Polarization process, maybe the best in the business. But, You can't compare $15 glasses and $300 polarized glasses. Go ahead and spend $15, they will help a little, but they will not cut all the glare and you will not be able to see all the fish in the water.
What, no clip-ons?
@heartny I noticed that the source has the clipons on sale... (saw that when I clicked that chart) as low as $3.75 (but I can't get any shipping cheaper than $8.75).
@thismyusername Thanks for the heads-up. I'll try out some coupons from the source to offset the shipping
@heartny nooooooo!!!!! dont do clip ons. they are terrible. they damage the frame and lenses, and the quality of the lenses is terrible. please do RX sunglasses over using clip ons, you will be so much better off for it.
@ErikRL I know they do and I hate that about them, but getting prescription sunglasses would be cost prohibitive. The pair of regular glasses I just got was over $1000 retail, around $300 with VSP. Would rather not double it. I thought about trying Zenni Optical, but chickened out.
Last year I bought a pair of sunglasses
. I told myself if I could not loose or break them for a year I could get a good pair. Today I got a good enough pair. Thanks Meh.
Cool, I can use these for our Dale Earnhardt and Jeff Foxworthy Halloween costumes!!
@alexpope -
Haha. Sure, If you mean for Halloween 2016.
Meh. Vermilion is not purple. @Barney
@sligett True, not purple.
I got the amber ones. They let you see the ghost of Jerry Garcia.
I made my husband promise if I ever wore these, he would know it was time to take me out and leave me on an ice flow.

so where is the video where you guys try to break these allegedly unbreakable lenses? I am disappoint
How come there's no pic of Gadabout Gaddis
Fixed my own sef. Dang Xer slackers

Honestly I would've liked this deal so much more if it had just been the glasses strap.
I have a feeling that we'll be seeing these again.
And again.
And again.
Just got them and they are a lot nicer than I thought they'd be. Pretty stylin' way to keep the sun out of meh eyes!
OK. Now I need a long white cigarette holder, some small rodents, and something to shoot them with. Then I'll be ready to impersonate Hunter S. Thompson.
@OllieJones - Are you anywhere near Bat Country?