@Kyeh@werehatrack Just me and the herd is at 7 complete, 1 frame bought right at the beginning of the pandemic and 1 frame that is a warranty for the cyclocross bike in the herd.
@Kyeh@pmarin That only was true for a brief period. The number of cats rose as the number of bikes fell, and they matched only briefly. I still need to find good homes for two pairs of cats, and they’re really well-behaved - for cats. The younger pair, in particular, will be missed terribly because they’re just that nice. But we need to cut back on the monthly cat food and litter and flea control expense, and that won’t happen without some rehoming. (I’m picky about where they end up, too.)
@pmarin@werehatrack I really like having two cats at a time, but Toby is a timid boy, even though he’s big, so I’m not sure he’d be okay with another cat in the house.
@PooltoyWolf@TheCO2 someone gave me a set of diecast as a kid. Specifically remember the corsair… I’m kind of lucky in that things were very stable/I have almost everything. Those in particular idk where they went though. Maybe still around in a random box… I forgot till now
Did you see they recently fished the motor out of Lake Huron from one of the Tuskegee Airmen training losses. A P-39 I think…
one of my favorite looks at an airplane was when they brought a C-54 from the Berlin airlift to the Montgomery airport a few years back and had a bunch of information about the 'Candy Bomber" as well as several survivors from Berlin who told stories about the impact of the airlift and candy bombs. Pretty sobering stuff.
Due to my location I have had the distinct pleasure of working on a handful of the Red Tail pilots in our ER. It is always an honor to be able to do so, and I am quick to note to them that thanks to the American war machine I speak French instead of German…
@chienfou@TheCO2@unksol I’m pretty sure I boarded that very airplane, or another just like it used in the Berlin Airlift, at an airshow here in Florida a few years back. The interior of the airworthy C-54 was set up as a small museum and tribute to the operation and the people who made it happen. It was a very unique experience. Somewhere, I have photos.
Same thing at the Montgomery stop. Probably came because of Maxwell going to Air Force Base locally. It was awesome to talk to some of those German girls – now grown up. Some of them said that they would trade the candy off for the little parachutes which they could then sew into underwear because that was hard to get!!
@TheCO2 I was once upon a time. Almost - I got as far as my long cross country, but then ran out of time and had to move. New job, new family, and responsibilities in general got in the way, and somehow twenty years went by…
I still wander around gazing skyward, and my pilot’s license remains the proverbial (and apparently literal) someday thing…
Never been to Oshkosh. Sun and Fun once a long time ago…
@shahnm@TheCO2 My older brother got his pilot’s license back in the mid-60s, and he learned on a tail-dragger. I never even tried, although I hung around with people who wanted to get me to give it a whirl. I have some unofficial stick time in both powered and gliders, but never tried to shoot a landing. Flying struck me as being way too expensive for my meager budget.
We went to Oshkosh last year and it was amazing. We only spent a day, but I can see how people could spend the whole week there. I know one thing for sure, if I get my license, I won’t be trying to fly into Oshkosh. It’s crazy how organized it is, but even some of the most experienced pilots don’t want to fly in.
Rockets & spacecraft (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo). I watched every launch on TV, and was able to watch, in person, the launches of Apollo 17 in December, 1972, and Skylab in May, 1973. The night launch of Apollo 17 is still one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen.
When I was really little it was He-Man and masters of the universe and it became sharks, mainly great whites. I was a big tomboy (only girl in the neighborhood), my parents tried the whole Barbie thing but it never really took on.
@Star2236 My mother didn’t allow Barbies - she thought they were too adult-looking; she was pretty restrictive! No comic books either. Of course, that made me want them, and a friend finally gave me one. Haha.
As a girl with four brothers, all of the above. Never was one for Dolls. For my girly obsession it was fairytales. My favorites are The White Cat and The Darning Needle.
@kensey My brother waited by the back door for the garbage truck to come every week when he was little.
After we took a trip to the PNW, he got fascinated by logging trucks too. And cement mixers were another favorite.
@kittykat9180 Back in the mid-70s, a friend of mine did a full restoration on a '66 Mustang with the in-line 6 for his girlfriend, and I built the engine. Two years later, she joined the Army to become a helicopter mechanic. She damn sure had the aptitude, and she was damn near as tall as I was (6’3" back in those days. I’ve misplaced an inch since then.)
@unksol I agree I LOVE Spacecraft! Still do even though I am now past 50.
Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Farscape & yep I wear a Browncoat ( if you get that reference!)
@unksol Yep Stargate is awesome. Plus I have been following the Ups & Downs of a possible renewal of one of the Stargate shows.
As I said I am a bit older! You also have the Original Lost in Space, Land of the Giants, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea & of course SeaQuest DSV. Plus countless others!
@mycya4me I would love a Stargate renewal. Universe could have gone somewhere. Since SG1 and Atlantis both kinda got closed out with the movies and I doubt you could get the cast back i don’t think they’d work. Universe kinda could be rebooted. Or something else in the stargate universe. Kinda hard without the cast still…
@unksol But if you watch on YouTube “GateWorld” I believe that I think Amazon now Owns StarGate, that there was several scrips in play before the Cash Flow issues happen.
But Firefly I also believe is a Lost Cause now due to way too much time has past. I could be wrong??
@mycya4me@unksol Mostly, funding sources that are willing to back a Joss Whedon project have dried up. A Firefly spinoff without Whedon would probably be remarkably awful.
A BMW M3. I wouldn’t purchase a Big Money Waste if I were a billionaire. Subscription seats? Seriously? BTW your new models’ iconic kidney grill looks like a cheap Alfa Romeo that sat in the sun too long. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
@KNmeh7 Besides, the timing chain rails on nearly all of them self-destruct at only semi-predictable intervals. Toyota can make plastic rails that often last as long as the rest of the engine (and that’s long indeed, usually), but BMW apparently can’t.
/showme spaceships
@awk Yep!!
/giphy Space 1999

@hchavers Definitely Space 1999 ship.
I will be waiting in my quarters at Moonbase Alpha until mine is ready.
Phase?? I’m still obsessed with trains and planes to this day!
@PooltoyWolf I was going to say I wanted to know when I will ‘grow out’ of it. I am 60 now.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention those refrigerated trucks they use to transport batteries… Those are great!
@shahnm [smh]
None of the above. Total girly-girl,
until I got into my teens, and then I was obsessed with my bicycle.
@Kyeh Bicycles are excellent so my herd of them tell me.
@Kyeh @yakkoTDI I’m currently holding the line at four for me, one for the S.O., and a tandem. At one point, the herd numbered eleven.
@Kyeh @werehatrack Just me and the herd is at 7 complete, 1 frame bought right at the beginning of the pandemic and 1 frame that is a warranty for the cyclocross bike in the herd.
@werehatrack @yakkoTDI
When I read this comment in my email, I thought you were talking about the cats!
@Kyeh That herd numbers eleven still. Need a pair of cats?
@werehatrack No, thanks - one cat and one bike are all I need.
@Kyeh @werehatrack so the rule is # cats = # bikes?
@Kyeh @pmarin That only was true for a brief period. The number of cats rose as the number of bikes fell, and they matched only briefly. I still need to find good homes for two pairs of cats, and they’re really well-behaved - for cats. The younger pair, in particular, will be missed terribly because they’re just that nice. But we need to cut back on the monthly cat food and litter and flea control expense, and that won’t happen without some rehoming. (I’m picky about where they end up, too.)
@yakkoTDI If you count frames for planned and in-progress builds, then add three to that figure. (Yeah, I caught the bug pretty bad at one point.)
@pmarin @werehatrack I really like having two cats at a time, but Toby is a timid boy, even though he’s big, so I’m not sure he’d be okay with another cat in the house.
I would still rather look at airplanes, over cars. My favorites are WWII planes.
@TheCO2 Ah yes, the F-82…

/image F4U
/image F6F

/image P38

@unksol The P-38 is one of my favorites.
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 someone gave me a set of diecast as a kid. Specifically remember the corsair… I’m kind of lucky in that things were very stable/I have almost everything. Those in particular idk where they went though. Maybe still around in a random box… I forgot till now
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 @unksol
Did you see they recently fished the motor out of Lake Huron from one of the Tuskegee Airmen training losses. A P-39 I think…
@chienfou @PooltoyWolf @unksol I don’t think I did. Thanks! I did find a good article about it, though.
(Wreckage from Tuskegee airman’s plane that crashed during WWII training recovered from Lake Huron)
One of the tribute Red Tails was at a small air show I went to, a few years back.
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 @unksol
one of my favorite looks at an airplane was when they brought a C-54 from the Berlin airlift to the Montgomery airport a few years back and had a bunch of information about the 'Candy Bomber" as well as several survivors from Berlin who told stories about the impact of the airlift and candy bombs. Pretty sobering stuff.
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 @unksol
Due to my location I have had the distinct pleasure of working on a handful of the Red Tail pilots in our ER. It is always an honor to be able to do so, and I am quick to note to them that thanks to the American war machine I speak French instead of German…
@chienfou @PooltoyWolf @unksol Hearing the stories, first hand, would be a real eye-opener.
The Candy Bomber really had an amazing life.
Thinking back to when I was young, I have flown in a DC-4, which is the civilian version of the C-54.
@chienfou @TheCO2 @unksol I’m pretty sure I boarded that very airplane, or another just like it used in the Berlin Airlift, at an airshow here in Florida a few years back. The interior of the airworthy C-54 was set up as a small museum and tribute to the operation and the people who made it happen. It was a very unique experience. Somewhere, I have photos.
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 @unksol
Same thing at the Montgomery stop. Probably came because of Maxwell going to Air Force Base locally. It was awesome to talk to some of those German girls – now grown up. Some of them said that they would trade the candy off for the little parachutes which they could then sew into underwear because that was hard to get!!
@ZeroCharisma except for that little flaw with the rope trick….
Airplanes. Was then, and still is…
@shahnm Two questions…
Are you a pilot?
Have you been to Oshkosh?
@TheCO2 I was once upon a time. Almost - I got as far as my long cross country, but then ran out of time and had to move. New job, new family, and responsibilities in general got in the way, and somehow twenty years went by…
I still wander around gazing skyward, and my pilot’s license remains the proverbial (and apparently literal) someday thing…
Never been to Oshkosh. Sun and Fun once a long time ago…
@shahnm @TheCO2 My older brother got his pilot’s license back in the mid-60s, and he learned on a tail-dragger. I never even tried, although I hung around with people who wanted to get me to give it a whirl. I have some unofficial stick time in both powered and gliders, but never tried to shoot a landing. Flying struck me as being way too expensive for my meager budget.
@shahnm @werehatrack Yep, money was what held me back, so I never tried.
We went to Oshkosh last year and it was amazing. We only spent a day, but I can see how people could spend the whole week there. I know one thing for sure, if I get my license, I won’t be trying to fly into Oshkosh. It’s crazy how organized it is, but even some of the most experienced pilots don’t want to fly in.
Rockets & spacecraft (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo). I watched every launch on TV, and was able to watch, in person, the launches of Apollo 17 in December, 1972, and Skylab in May, 1973. The night launch of Apollo 17 is still one of the most awesome things I’ve ever seen.
@jojomomo I recall being able to hear the shuttle launches when I lived in Miami.
Spaceships and rockets! Sci fi and the real thing.
Thunderbirds, Space 1999, UFO, buck rogers, galactica, especially the later series, Star Wars! All things NASA
When I was really little it was He-Man and masters of the universe and it became sharks, mainly great whites. I was a big tomboy (only girl in the neighborhood), my parents tried the whole Barbie thing but it never really took on.
@Star2236 My mother didn’t allow Barbies - she thought they were too adult-looking; she was pretty restrictive! No comic books either. Of course, that made me want them, and a friend finally gave me one. Haha.
@2many2no You should talk to my uncle.
@2many2no @yakkoTDI But you have to get along with your rear axle driver or else things could go bad very quickly.
As a girl with four brothers, all of the above. Never was one for Dolls. For my girly obsession it was fairytales. My favorites are The White Cat and The Darning Needle.
Garbage trucks.
One of my friends posts a picture of his dog watching the garbage truck every week. Usually it’s from her dog bed, inside.
@kensey My brother waited by the back door for the garbage truck to come every week when he was little.
After we took a trip to the PNW, he got fascinated by logging trucks too. And cement mixers were another favorite.
The air-cooled VWs. But VW trashed my enthusiasm rather completely.
@werehatrack wet fart-mobiles. Such an ugly exhaust tone.
Motorcycles! And I still play with them…
Do robots count as vehicles?
My high school boyfriend’s 1974 MG Midget. I still want one.
Mustangs, and I still drive one now.
@kittykat9180 Back in the mid-70s, a friend of mine did a full restoration on a '66 Mustang with the in-line 6 for his girlfriend, and I built the engine. Two years later, she joined the Army to become a helicopter mechanic. She damn sure had the aptitude, and she was damn near as tall as I was (6’3" back in those days. I’ve misplaced an inch since then.)
Image doesn’t like me
/image star trek Voyager

/image USS Defiant

Come on
@unksol I agree I LOVE Spacecraft! Still do even though I am now past 50.
Star Trek, Star Wars, Babylon 5, Farscape & yep I wear a Browncoat ( if you get that reference!)
/youtube I’m a leaf on the wind

/image stargate Odyssey
@unksol Yep Stargate is awesome. Plus I have been following the Ups & Downs of a possible renewal of one of the Stargate shows.
As I said I am a bit older! You also have the Original Lost in Space, Land of the Giants, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea & of course SeaQuest DSV. Plus countless others!
@mycya4me I would love a Stargate renewal. Universe could have gone somewhere. Since SG1 and Atlantis both kinda got closed out with the movies and I doubt you could get the cast back i don’t think they’d work. Universe kinda could be rebooted. Or something else in the stargate universe. Kinda hard without the cast still…
Same with firefly…
@mycya4me @unksol

@unksol But if you watch on YouTube “GateWorld” I believe that I think Amazon now Owns StarGate, that there was several scrips in play before the Cash Flow issues happen.
But Firefly I also believe is a Lost Cause now due to way too much time has past. I could be wrong??
@mycya4me @unksol Mostly, funding sources that are willing to back a Joss Whedon project have dried up. A Firefly spinoff without Whedon would probably be remarkably awful.
@mycya4me @werehatrack mmm. I wants more gates… But I don’t want the zom near my precious…
A BMW M3. I wouldn’t purchase a Big Money Waste if I were a billionaire. Subscription seats? Seriously? BTW your new models’ iconic kidney grill looks like a cheap Alfa Romeo that sat in the sun too long. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
@KNmeh7 Besides, the timing chain rails on nearly all of them self-destruct at only semi-predictable intervals. Toyota can make plastic rails that often last as long as the rest of the engine (and that’s long indeed, usually), but BMW apparently can’t.
Ice cream trucks and cement mixers (the spinning was hypnotic, more so if they had the chrome drums)