@djslack Some folks prefer their coffee fantasies in French, others in Italian. I try not to kink shame anyone just because they allow their tongue to go somewhere I would avoid.
@Ambiverbal@djslack Variety is the spice of life. Get some café au lait, caffè latte, café con leche, kawa biała, Milchkaffee, tejeskávé, koffie verkeerd or café com leite.
Mocha cookie frappe. All the caffeine with just a hint of coffee. The downside - all the calories of sugar and whipped cream and Oreos and chocolate syrup.
I don’t like super sweet. If I’m going for a fancy foofy coffee drink I nearly always go with an extra hot vanilla latte with an extra shot. The extra shot makes brings back some of the coffee flavor and extra hot keeps me from guzzling it down in under 5 minutes.
@Ambiverbal@unksol Nah. I’m the same. At home I’m usually drinking black coffee because it’s good coffee, but I do like sugary as well. If I end up with some disappointing beans at home I throw in chocolate and crushed candy canes. If I’m grabbing something at a coffee shop I usually go caramel.
@Ambiverbal@unksol We don’t go so far as to roast our own (yet). I’ve been fine with your standard cans, but it’s been nice upgrading the experience on more relaxed mornings.
I can’t stand sweet coffee drinks if it’s hot coffee, but I like iced ones. Espresso or coffee Frappuccino (the other flavors are too sweet), maybe an occasional iced caramel macchiato, but the best of all is Vietnamese iced coffee.
Super sweet does not exist in my world. My taste buds prefer to focus on bitter instead of sweet. What is normal sweet to me would probably be super sweet to most of you.
Iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk is my go to drink at Starbucks but when winter comes all I drink is the crème brûlée latte, that’s my absolute favorite. I did try a triple berry latte from plum market that was insanely sweet. Their rose latte is really good if you like floral.
I don’t drink coffee
Philz Mint Mojito.
I like my sugar with coffee and cream.
@ZeroCharisma keep it going full steam
@ZeroCharisma Too much coffee, not enough cream.
@Ignorant @ZeroCharisma Too sweet to be sour, too nice to be mean.
@DoctorOW @Ignorant @ZeroCharisma
Just a full cup of sugar, with one coffee bean.
Bottled Frappuccino
How about just a nice cafe au lait? Don’t need a barista or a translator between sizes and made up Italian words for that.
@djslack Some folks prefer their coffee fantasies in French, others in Italian. I try not to kink shame anyone just because they allow their tongue to go somewhere I would avoid.
A votre santé, big boy!
@Ambiverbal @djslack Variety is the spice of life. Get some café au lait, caffè latte, café con leche, kawa biała, Milchkaffee, tejeskávé, koffie verkeerd or café com leite.
White chocolate mocha
@iluvmingos That’s what I came in to say. Love them either hot or iced.
@Pony Me too, and I have them daily.
About as sweet as I can do is a little Baileys
@ybmuG It’s gotta be Bailey’s and coffee. And yes I want the whipped cream on top!
@Fuzzalini only if you’re good…
Mocha cookie frappe. All the caffeine with just a hint of coffee. The downside - all the calories of sugar and whipped cream and Oreos and chocolate syrup.
Kona light roast with a dash of heavy cream and a shot of Koloa coconut rum. Start out the day awake but mellow.

I don’t like super sweet. If I’m going for a fancy foofy coffee drink I nearly always go with an extra hot vanilla latte with an extra shot. The extra shot makes brings back some of the coffee flavor and extra hot keeps me from guzzling it down in under 5 minutes.
Coffee, black, hot
I’ll allow a pinch of salt.
Hot? A Caramel Macchiato
Cold? An Espresso Frappuccino
But at home I drink my coffee black…no sugar or cream at all.
It’s all delicious.
@Ambiverbal no sugar? Yet first is caramel? Confused
@unksol Caramel Macchiato is also made with sugar syrup…try one at Starbucks or your local roasters’
@Ambiverbal no thanks. I meant by definition it has added sugar.
@Ambiverbal @unksol Nah. I’m the same. At home I’m usually drinking black coffee because it’s good coffee, but I do like sugary as well. If I end up with some disappointing beans at home I throw in chocolate and crushed candy canes. If I’m grabbing something at a coffee shop I usually go caramel.
@Ambiverbal @arielleslie I’ve meant to start roasting/grinding my own just to try if it’s worth it.
But then again when I drink it it’s always been typical can of ground coffee. Which I’m fine with and don’t need to add anything. So… Meh.
@Ambiverbal @unksol We don’t go so far as to roast our own (yet). I’ve been fine with your standard cans, but it’s been nice upgrading the experience on more relaxed mornings.
@Ambiverbal @arielleslie the only reason I would consider roasting them is I hear you can do it in a popcorn maker and I have a classic.

Must be a newer model cause mine doesn’t even have the switch
@Ambiverbal @unksol I have known people to put butter in their coffee…
@Ambiverbal @arielleslie that’s bulletproof coffee stuff people trying to do a keto diet do…
I guess that would be like heavy fat cream. But still.
@Ambiverbal @unksol I’ve tried it. It was…fine.
I thought carmel was a place in California. By the sea.
Convenience store cappuccino
I can’t stand sweet coffee drinks if it’s hot coffee, but I like iced ones. Espresso or coffee Frappuccino (the other flavors are too sweet), maybe an occasional iced caramel macchiato, but the best of all is Vietnamese iced coffee.
Super sweet does not exist in my world. My taste buds prefer to focus on bitter instead of sweet. What is normal sweet to me would probably be super sweet to most of you.
Iced coconut coffee with cream. But only when its over 80° outside.
Irish coffee, double shot.
@bayportbob I didn’t know O’Brian finally got his own ship.
Iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk is my go to drink at Starbucks but when winter comes all I drink is the crème brûlée latte, that’s my absolute favorite. I did try a triple berry latte from plum market that was insanely sweet. Their rose latte is really good if you like floral.
IN MY not so humble OPINION (just wanting to put that up front)
Sugar has no place in coffee. If it is roasted properly and made fresh, it does not need sugar to be good.
Sickly sweet I know. Javachip Frap
Arby’s Jamocha shake.