Coffee lovers Post your favorite mug made in honor of the pandemic
Just two for me - I’m trying to cut down.
@aetris it’s really 1 gallon on the inside.
I picked up a things could be worse mug. Because at least we don’t have giant frogs.
@sammydog01 my daughter would find that very amusing. : )
I take this to work as well…
My general-use coffee mug looks like this: But because it is allergy season, I have to explain that my cough/sneeze/tissue is for pollen, not viruses. I think I need this one:
@rockblossom awesome!
@mediocrebot unlike mediocrebot you are well… mediocre /giphy mediocre bot
Just two for me - I’m trying to cut down.
@aetris it’s really 1 gallon on the inside.
I picked up a things could be worse mug. Because at least we don’t have giant frogs.

my daughter would find that very amusing.
: )
I take this to work as well…
My general-use coffee mug looks like this:

But because it is allergy season, I have to explain that my cough/sneeze/tissue is for pollen, not viruses. I think I need this one:

unlike mediocrebot
you are well… mediocre
/giphy mediocre bot