@chienfou In my neighborhood, the squirrels almost never stop in the road; they dash out and either keep going or get flat. Deer, in my experience, stroll out into the lane and stand there looking at the pretty bright things approaching. Not just around here, either; an eight-point buck walked out in front of my car at about 3AM in Cortez, Colorado a few years back. A friend had a buck head-butt the driver’s door of his Ford Exploder at speed on one of the back roads in the Piney Woods, but usually they just sort of meander.
Obviously you have more decisive squirrels locally than I do!
Around here they almost invariably run out in the road then change directions two or three times before they finally end up running into the oncoming traffic lane - hence becoming flat. Ditto for the chipmunks. Deer in this neck of the woods may make a stop in the road but will not go back and forth before they cross. Plus deer tend to travel in packs. One will cross the road, then shortly thereafter two or three more will join in. It’s like they’re playing chicken with the traffic. I have slowed down to let the first ones pass only to have the last one in the group slam into the side of my car.
In the Hobbiton location set in New Zealand, which I have visited, the tree on top of Bag End is the only one that isn’t real. When the movie was being filmed, Peter Jackson wasn’t satisfied with the way it looked; it was a very large prop, with all of its leaves hand-painted and individually applied. The set decoration crew had to remove all of the leaves, repaint, and remount them. IIRC, they did it overnight. It’s still there.
@Kyeh Actually to be statistically technically correct it would be “Think of how stupid the median person is and half of them are stupider than that.”. (grin)
@blaineg@capnjb@lisagd Wow —
I’d given up on getting this joke, and assumed that there was some pop culture reference I wasn’t likely to get. And if it was just pop culture, it didn’t seem worth asking someone to explain it. I also didn’t figure I’d ever guess what model those planes were.
But when @lisagd said it became understood because of the text, I renewed my efforts. No useful alt-text on the photo… the writing on the planes didn’t help me… the “very, very frightening” wasn’t actually enough to clue me in.
But wait, there’s more! I remembered that I could do a reverse image search with Google, and maybe it would show me another page that has this picture, and maybe somewhere else will have already explained it!
But it’s even better than that.
Google Lens volunteered the names for me! At no extra charge! It very suddenly made sense.
So after all this, I’m going to explain the joke. Because everyone knows that jokes are funnier when you explainmansplain them…
[left] Republic P-47 Thunderbolt and
[right] Lockheed P-38 Lightning
[bottom] “very, very frightening”
Taken together, they are a snippet of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody.
Hopefully that didn’t ruin it for anyone. It is a very clever stealth pun/joke/meme, and I still give it full points. I just originally thought it was unknowable to me,to me…
@blaineg For any who are confused, that’s an ourdoor portable event stage that they’re standing on, and when the old Ferrari brakes to a stop,. the entire floor slides to your right abruptly.
@blaineg The first time I watched, I didn’t see the first few seconds and spent the rest of the video trying to figure out how the dog was floating in the air.
@blaineg Between using my phone & my messed-up eyes, i didn’t even notice there was writing there at all, much less having any hope of reading it! Getting old sucks. I gotta say, although i like them all, i do love a Gary Larson classic! But I’m partial, he’s always been one of my favorites.
@blaineg My parents’ house (which I grew up in) has double doors at each exit. Much smaller than pictured in this comic, but same kind of idea. I never felt like I’d be sucked into space, but it’s very much like an airlock.
@blaineg@xobzoo Those who grew up in those areas generally understand that this airlock is to keep the heat in during the winter. You almost never see those airlocks in the southern states. Fast food places have them up north, and lack them in the south, for the most part.
These are older, but still my faves …

@narfcake I like that comic version.
@chienfou Think before you act. The world is littered with flat squirrels who decided to run across the road without checking for hazards.
If you’ve EVER seen in a squirrel cross the road I think the first one is more accurate…
OTOH, deer…
@chienfou In my neighborhood, the squirrels almost never stop in the road; they dash out and either keep going or get flat. Deer, in my experience, stroll out into the lane and stand there looking at the pretty bright things approaching. Not just around here, either; an eight-point buck walked out in front of my car at about 3AM in Cortez, Colorado a few years back. A friend had a buck head-butt the driver’s door of his Ford Exploder at speed on one of the back roads in the Piney Woods, but usually they just sort of meander.
Obviously you have more decisive squirrels locally than I do!
Around here they almost invariably run out in the road then change directions two or three times before they finally end up running into the oncoming traffic lane - hence becoming flat. Ditto for the chipmunks. Deer in this neck of the woods may make a stop in the road but will not go back and forth before they cross. Plus deer tend to travel in packs. One will cross the road, then shortly thereafter two or three more will join in. It’s like they’re playing chicken with the traffic. I have slowed down to let the first ones pass only to have the last one in the group slam into the side of my car.
@heartny That’s wonderful!
@heartny Sent this around to a bunch of friends and got a lot of laughs.
@heartny @lisagd As long as we’re doing IKEA, I’ve got a couple.
@heartny @xobzoo
@heartny @lisagd @xobzoo Alternately, you unbox the nightstand for one side of the bed, and use the box for the other side; it’s a twofer!
Ikea tree…
In the Hobbiton location set in New Zealand, which I have visited, the tree on top of Bag End is the only one that isn’t real. When the movie was being filmed, Peter Jackson wasn’t satisfied with the way it looked; it was a very large prop, with all of its leaves hand-painted and individually applied. The set decoration crew had to remove all of the leaves, repaint, and remount them. IIRC, they did it overnight. It’s still there.
@werehatrack @xobzoo I have a few pictures of the party tree. I would love to go back with more time to explore.
Old favorites:
RIP George… Miss you!
@Kyeh George Carlin also said somewhere in the world is the worst doctor, and somebody has an appointment with him tomorrow. Funny but scary.
@Kyeh Actually to be statistically technically correct it would be “Think of how stupid the median person is and half of them are stupider than that.”. (grin)
The cat lion one is great.
Not really a meme, but one of my favorites.
I have a similar wall poster - to remind myself when needed:

Love it! I’m also fond of:
Not my monkey. Not my circus.
@chienfou @rockblossom

@rockblossom I need a SEP Field Generator.
@blaineg @rockblossom
gotta love tHGttG!!
@blaineg I want to die in my sleep like my neighbor’s granddad, not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus.
@blaineg I’m sad that I get jokes. Old is hard.
@blaineg @capnjb I don’t know anything about warplanes, but I think I figured out what they are from the text. In that case,
@blaineg @capnjb @lisagd Wow —
I’d given up on getting this joke, and assumed that there was some pop culture reference I wasn’t likely to get. And if it was just pop culture, it didn’t seem worth asking someone to explain it. I also didn’t figure I’d ever guess what model those planes were.
But when @lisagd said it became understood because of the text, I renewed my efforts. No useful alt-text on the photo… the writing on the planes didn’t help me… the “
very, very frightening
” wasn’t actually enough to clue me in.But wait, there’s more! I remembered that I could do a reverse image search with Google, and maybe it would show me another page that has this picture, and maybe somewhere else will have already explained it!
But it’s even better than that.
Google Lens volunteered the names for me! At no extra charge! It very suddenly made sense.
So after all this, I’m going to explain the joke. Because everyone knows that jokes are funnier when you
explainmansplain them…and
Taken together, they are a snippet of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody.
Hopefully that didn’t ruin it for anyone. It is a very clever stealth pun/joke/meme, and I still give it full points. I just originally thought it was unknowable to me, to me…
@capnjb @lisagd @xobzoo Good detective work, but you can always ask.
@blaineg @capnjb @lisagd @xobzoo
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo, Galileo
Galileo, Figaro - magnificoo!
@blaineg Oh, that’s now a new favorite for me!
Quick physics lesson.
@blaineg For any who are confused, that’s an ourdoor portable event stage that they’re standing on, and when the old Ferrari brakes to a stop,. the entire floor slides to your right abruptly.
The dog is ok, so I can confess that I laughed too hard and too long at this. His expression kind of says: “So this is my life now?”
@blaineg The first time I watched, I didn’t see the first few seconds and spent the rest of the video trying to figure out how the dog was floating in the air.
For those who don’t get the joke by looking at the picture… click on it and you can watch the video on Imgur. (I found this out by accident.)
It has a rather hilarious ending, which I won’t spoil here.
@xobzoo And sound on as well, it adds to the effect.
This cracks me up every. single. time.
@lisagd That’s the “Hang in there!” cat’s country cousin.
@xobzoo I’d forgotten about that cat!
Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.
And many, many variations.
I love this
“Sixteen sodium atoms walk into a bar, followed by Batman.”
I used this in today’s vacuum thread, but it belongs here too.
@blaineg For anyone who’s curious about this, like i was, it’s a piece from Canadian artist Margot Cormier Splane titled, “Nature Abhors a Vacuum”
@ircon96 And if you open it in a new tab, you get a much bigger image and can read the bottom line.
@ircon96 I prefer it to this one.
@ircon96 Or even this one.
@blaineg Between using my phone & my messed-up eyes, i didn’t even notice there was writing there at all, much less having any hope of reading it! Getting old sucks. I gotta say, although i like them all, i do love a Gary Larson classic! But I’m partial, he’s always been one of my favorites.
Does it work? Asking for a friend.
@blaineg My parents’ house (which I grew up in) has double doors at each exit. Much smaller than pictured in this comic, but same kind of idea. I never felt like I’d be sucked into space, but it’s very much like an airlock.
@blaineg @xobzoo Those who grew up in those areas generally understand that this airlock is to keep the heat in during the winter. You almost never see those airlocks in the southern states. Fast food places have them up north, and lack them in the south, for the most part.
@heartny This will be much more amusing later today when the temp here gets back into double digits!