Favorite things to eat with chips?


My fav chips are gonna be plain (corn)
Or cracked pepper (potato, and they never put enough cracked pepper on these).
Yeah chips are destroying our civilization and morals. That said:

We will presume no chips were made with Meh’s crazy chip maker. Because, honestly.

My fav things to consume with chips are:

  1. Guacamole (no contest)
    Pref fresh made and chunky with appropriate stuff in it. Any good guacamole is great and I don’t really see why you should get any. And I don’t really care if I’m being embarrassing.

  2. Guacamole

  3. Guacamole

  4. Guacamole

  5. Guacamole

  6. Guacamole

  7. Guacamole

  8. Guacamole

  9. Guacamole

  10. Guacamole

  11. Salsa
    fresh made, red or green, moderately hot. If it’s fire engine hot I have to go slowly alternating w cheese or butter or water.

  12. Pick de gallo.
    Fresh of course.

  13. Chili con queso
    pref homemade or not from a jar or can. Pref mod hot to hot. I try to avoid being in the presence. If I am exposed to it I can eat it non-stop for approximately x a decade. My Dad called it “that cheese glop”. He liked it too.

  14. Beans
    black or pinto of various sorts. Or Re-fried or other beans. Or hummus. Beans are good.

  15. Various interesting dips with no or few ingredients on the “least-healthy” list. Esp if the dip contains lots or olives or artichokes or was made from asparagus (I lack the “asparagus does weird things to you” gene.)

  16. Various dips on the “least-healthy” list.
    Because I have to feel guilty while I eat them.

  17. More Guacamole.

Anyone got personal specialities? Feel free to post recipes or else to taunt us because you won’t share your recipe.

Btw my recipe for guacamole was nothing special.

Avocados. (Leave some chunks).
Chopped tomato
Chopped celery.
Finely chopped onions.
Finely chopped garlic.
Lemon or lime juice.
A little cayenne or other red pepper.
Perhaps some paprika.
Some other stuff, I forget.
mash avocados and then mix everything together in some proportion or other..

But why make it? Unless you have a ton of avocados handy.

Every grocery here carries fresh guacamole made locally, so I got lazy about actually making it.

Salsa and Pico are also available, fresh, at every grocery, sometimes a bunch of different recipe varieties at a grocery. So I’m lazy about that too.

If your local regular groceries do not carry a bunch of different flavors and textures of fresh guacamole, salsa, and pico, you have my sympathy and pity.