Farewell VMP
20I finally did it, I cancelled my VMP today. Many failed attempts to cancel and then got cold feet. My last purchase was an IRK November 11th 2020, and I hardly come around anymore so it was time to go. I still randomly show up for a midnight refresh but things have been meh, in true meh fashion.
Its been fun, but I got to go! Later VMP Mehricans.
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What a turd!
@Ignorant Horse shit!
Hope you check in once in a while ok?
/giphy later
/giphy bye stallion
And the VMP bathroom just got a little less crowded.
@yakkoTDI So that’s who was stinking up the joint. Pass the poo-pourri.
@yakkoTDI unfortunately… we used to get preferential treatment, but now we’re just the $.01 more than mehmbers.
@yakkoTDI You suckers will continue to be $5 poorer each month. Someone has to hold down the bottom of the barrel and I respect it way down here even with the stench, I pass the torch to you fine Mehricans…just don’t light a match
@sohmageek Exactly, I got tired of paying them ransom every month. Now I’m free!
@sohmageek Nope. Now we are $0.99 cheaper each month.
@Stallion I feel my VMP fee is worth it as long as I buy one thing a month and I usually do.
@yakkoTDI I can relate, that was my rationale for a long time too and I normally would find something. Then it turned into a growing pile of things I would include in Meh exchange boxes. Fun times no doubt.
This feels like just the push I need. Although my dry spell hasn’t been as long as yours but most of the things I have bought recently (a much smaller number than 2-3 years ago) haven’t sparked as much fun as in the past.
Dun, dun, dun.
Another one bites the dust. . .
@gsrivast I hemmed and hawed for a while, figured something new would come up and keep me in the game. I guess it was just my time to go.
@Stallion I was one of the kickstarter backers. Contributed again for casemates, even though I don’t drink (wanted that bomb shirt and the coupons). Hit up Pastadrop a few times. Have the occasional purchase from Morningsave/SideDeal…
But yes, I’m finding that the vast majority of my purchases have been IRKs, and I’ve missed the last two because I’m not checking as religiously as I have in the past…
Is it my time as well? Probably not. But it’s feeling like a time will come…
@smigit2002 You are definitely more invested than I. I almost did Pastadrop then backed down, and I hardly hit up the other sites. VMP was fun, I was here every single night at midnight refreshing for years on end religiously. Then the products went to such crap that I still stuck around, but eventually I hardly came around to refresh. Came back one day and randomly scored an IRK and that gave me some restored faith, but I knew it was short lived because then the products were the days that followed. Am I surprised? Not at all, this is called Meh after all. Its been a fun community regardless and I’ll be hanging around still, I’ll just be the sucker either saving $5 a month on VMP, or paying $5 a month for shipping IF they ever entice me enough to buy a product. Eventually you will all join me on the other side, we all get their eventually.
Fun fact, I was the original guy who coined the term “Bath” around here. Some of the newer guys may not remember it, but “Bath” was the magic word. I scored a freebie one time in its creation:
-In what was the 1st comment (Under all the comments on the original Meh post). I also crushed 1st comments around here too for a long time until I stopped coming around regularly.
/giphy you’ll-be-back
/giphy you can never go back
@sammydog01 All ya need is
/giphy a-little-heart
@mikey @sammydog01
actually, VMP is NOT something you can come back to. Like a vindictive wife… once you stray it is OVER for good!
@chienfou @sammydog01 Sorry, a heart and
/giphy one-extra-dollar
@mikey @sammydog01
FWIW here is a link to the explanation…
@chienfou @sammydog01 I can’t tell if we’re both just trolling so I guess we’ll just have to agree to you being wrong.
@chienfou @mikey VMP still has benefits over membership. Last call on sold out products. Discount at morningsave and sidedeal.
/giphy close but no cigar
@chienfou @sammydog01
/giphy “benefits”-
@mikey @sammydog01
Really??? Guess the links I posted are broken.
the confusion/debate over VMP vs membership is long running and really not that difficult to understand IMHO.
@chienfou @mikey I didn’t say they were valuable benefits.
True Dat!
@chienfou @sammydog01 Fair
/giphy bye felicia
It’s OK to be a little sad. But you did the right thing.
Thanks for the testimonial. You’re so brave!
I’m working up to it, have been for months.
Imagine. Imagine that future, perhaps distant many years, or months, or maybe even days hence.
There will be – at last – only one vmp.
A single, lone, solitary, final one.
All others will have disappeared, gone AWOL, vanished, expired, perished, succumbed, conked, croaked, deceased, departed, dropped, been no more, been taken, breathed their last, ceased to exist, dropped off, given up the ghost, gone way of all flesh, kicked the bucket, relinquished life, left the building…
Maybe there will be no more Meh. Maybe the last vmp will stand alone, richer for the dubious privileges of mediocrity, and much poorer for those damn monthly payments.
That last vmp will have the distinct honor of excelling at nothing except mediocrity and be known at last as ump (uber mediocre person). The ump will have an unwavering display of gullibility and being the brunt of scorn, of ridicule…of being the eternal victim.
Nowhere will anyone raise a toast in honor of the last vmp/ump, surrounded as he/she might be by great, steaming piles of junk dutifully purchased with “free shipping” over the decades, if not the eons of servitude to the harsh demands of Mehdom.
Instead they will likely laugh and laugh at the last vmp with his/her stunted and worn mouse finger from all those incessant meh clicks over the years. Others will point rude fingers while saying “That poor sucker!”
And lo’ when it comes to pass that the one, the very last vmp, is no more, will there be a faint and ghostly echo of a fading and distant, ill conceived noise, which sounds eerily like a last meh…?
@Jackinga I think it’s time we start beheading and absorbing each other’s life force.
@Jackinga It’s like the Lorax.
/image there can be only one
Don’t lose your head over it.
Prob just as likely that the last VMP might have purchased little, possibly have visited rarely, and simply forgot to check the card statement and follow thru with a cancel.
I’m sure there are plenty of possible qualifiers.
I keep waiting for more socks.
/giphy fart-bye