Same here. Almost all the stores are closed around here so I have been trying to figure something I could fabricate. I think your idea looks quite striking and original. Probably would help with the “social distancing” as well.
@cf1 this is good for someone that can’t sew. I just don’t recommend trying to take off and put back on without washing because it’ll fall apart. I used this to figure out how to sew a much sturdier one, that’s easier than trying pleats. I’ll upload a tutorial later:
I saw a better one that used both layers of the shirt and had the ties attached. They also put a piece a paper towel inside for a filter. I would upload it but I have problems, it never works when I try to upload videos or images.
@cf1@RiotDemon@star2236 Shop towels filter better than paper towels (tool box blue roll and Zep industrial blue shop rags filer the best out of the shop rags/towels tested).
Etsy also sells them. This seller uses 100% melted polypropylene which is the same fabric used in the N95 masks (although is NOT an N95 mask). It does, however, have good filtration efficiency.
She sells them as one, two or three in a bundle. She mails them quickly. (I bought one from her as that turns out to be cheaper than buying everything I’d need to buy to sew them by hand). Also you can buy it with or without her ties. Narrow shoe laces or parachute cord also works. Many stores (all around here) are out of the round elastic.
Heavy duty quilt cotton also has decent filtration efficiency. If you get one of those with a filter pocket you can buy either a Toolbox blue shop rag roll (blue) or a Zep industrial shop rags (blue) and cut them to fit the pockets. The Toolbox one has a binder of latex so if you are allergic to that don’t use. Their filtration efficiency is about 75% (all other shop rags tested had lower filtration efficiency).
Some folks are making masks out of those shop rags. They are using two layers of the stuff.
If you buy a mask with the melted polypropylene (this is also what many AC/furnace filters are made of and some people are using that) don’t use soap when you wash them. Just running water and let dry 20 hours. Soap attacks the non-woven fabric and reduces the filtration efficiency by about 20%.
Many find that wearing a mask for hours irritates their ears if they have the kind where the strip hooks around their ear rather than tie in the back of your head. Some people sell “hooks” to attach to the ear straps so you can then fasten the thing behind your head rather than on your ears. Of course using fabric to tie to the ear loops and then behind your head would work too. I’d suspect if you used something narrow then that would hurt eventually too because it was pressure in the same place that wasn’t spread out over a larger area on your head.
@PhysAssist Thanks for the url. Looks like they have about 15-20% better filtration efficiency than the two brands of shop towels that test well. But they are way more expensive. On the other hand if someone was making a bunch of masks out of them they’d probably be a better purchase as they have better filtration efficiency and probably last longer than shop towels.
Of course unless they are “fitted” as N95’s need to be to work at 95% filtration efficiency likely the practical filtration efficiency of these things are about the same as surgical masks due to all the air leakage.
Okay. Here’s my tutorial for someone that can sew straight lines (lol, ignore my janky lines)on a machine or by hand.
The cutting mat’s squares are one inch. Cut a rectangle of fabric with the right sides together. Sew a line along the two outside edges. (About 11.5 wide and 10" tall) I left the t-shirt hem on the bottom of this, but it’s not necessary.
Turn it inside out and sew another line in a little bit for the ties to go through.
I cut some long strips to make ties. You can use ribbon or shoelaces. I’d leave these a little longer if you have a big head.
If using tshirt fabric, it stretches a lot. Pull it to stretch.
Tie your strings together (or use one long one if you have something long enough.) Feed the ends through. I used a pen with a pocket clip. Wrapped the end around the pocket clip a couple of times and shoved the pen through the channel.
Put the loop with the knot over your head and around the back of your neck. Pull the top strings and tie on top of your ears and behind your head. I personally just wrap the strings around my bun.
This was way easier than attempting pleats.
I did a second one to sew the top closed which I recommend if you have the time. I also added in a nose piece made out of a wide twist tie. The corners look a little weird but IDGAF.
After you sew the two lines on each side for the tie channels, turn it inside out to sew up the top. Just don’t sew across the channels. The little rectangle is where I put the nose piece. This size was a little big for me so ignore the size markings.
Both of these are left open at the bottom if you want to add a filter or an exam mask fitted inside.
@RiotDemon Terrific hints, like using a pen with a pocket clip to thread the ties through! And making ties out of stretchy T-shirt strips. I keep seeing posts from people fretting about not being able to find elastic. Someone gave me a mask and I think she used bra strap elastic; good idea but not that stretchy.
@Kyeh yeah, people are freaked about the elastic. Personally, I think the elastic sucks. It’s really uncomfortable for me to have the mask attached to my ears.
Thanks for your comment.
@Kyeh@RiotDemon I have some older (3-year-old) masks that were made with elastic bands, but I have replaced them with paracord. I always have a couple of spools of paracord around because it is so useful, can be cut to whatever length is needed, and launders well as long as the cut ends are tied or sewn shut.
@speediedelivery you can add some length if the beard is super thick or if his face is long. That’s why I like these ties versus pleats because it pretty much fits all faces.
@RiotDemon He has a full thick beard. If warm weather ever comes he usually cuts most of it off to be cooler. It snowed most of the day here. Not much accumulation but I am ready to be warm.
Most of the fitted masks would look silly and not do anything. He is not working now so he only needs one to go to appointments. I was thinking because it had a bit more flexibility it would form itself around the beard.
@blaineg My coworker reeeally wants one of those plague masks! It’s funny, this has really brought out a hidden cosplayer wannabe side of this guy I had never suspected.
@Kyeh@Limewater something is better than nothing at this point. People are being really bold, however, thinking they are invincible if they are wearing a face covering.
A face covering helps to hold sickness in, but it doesn’t guarantee it won’t let anything in. It’s better than nothing at this point.
@Kyeh@RiotDemon But if you’re trying to hold the sickness in, buying something explicitly designed to allow air and moisture to pass freely seems especially counterproductive. People go running in these things, and not just members of sandhurst teams.
@Limewater Oh - that makes sense. However, I’ve heard of people wearing used N95 type masks that they have in their shops for woodworking getting grief for wearing stuff that “ought to be saved for health care workers” - these could be useful to cover them up! (It’s weird how people feel entitled to make assumptions and criticize strangers like that. )
@Kyeh@Limewater We have a couple of old N95 masks in the shop and my husband keeps saying we should donate them. But really, is anyone going to take a mask when they don’t know where it’s been?
It’s about the size of the particles, and how far particles travel. Even crude masks helps w both. Better masks help more.
However, in the long view, everyone not in a bubble or in a space station is going to get a drive-by exposure at least.
Even the arctic areas will eventually see this I suspect.
The hope is that slowing the speed of transmission will prevent health resources from being overwhelmed, and allow time for working out new treatments or preventive options.
@Kyeh@Limewater I bought a bunch of N95 masks in 1980 when Mt St. Helens erupted. Have used most of them over the years in the shop and have a handful left, but am reluctant to wear them because of the controversy. Someone mentioned wearing them under a plain cloth mask which is a pretty good idea!
@f00l I don’t necessarily believe that. Some masks really are worse than nothing. Just as a quick obvious example, I’ll cite a plastic shopping bag. Definitely worse than nothing.
But practically, though, are there any people out there who own neck gaiters but don’t also own better mask material? Is there someone out there who owns no clothing apart from a neck gaiter and a pair of shorts?
@f00l@Limewater I’d believe shirt sales to make masks, not so sure about for zoom. These folks on zoom I presume had to go to the office dressed appropriately before they had to use zoom.
I have had to be part of zoom meetings since 2014 or 15 or something. I always make sure I have my laptop on a box so that I don’t have to hold it, make sure the view is only mid chest up and so that the background is plain, the lighting of my face looks OK, the view for others is not looking up my nose or something (Initially I would set things up first in photobooth - now I know the drill so don’t bother) and try to block cat access. And like many others I am sure, I have a decent shirt on but the rest of me… well let’s just say I’ll temporarily kill the video if I have to get up to get something.
It is interesting to see the styles coming out now. I have seen fancy monogrammed and drawn on like a preschooler. One person is using a regular t-shirt upside down and tied behind the head, you can see the shirt design in front. Two are using sheet protectors for face shields without masks. Most are similar to above or bandanas but there always need to be outliers. I think about half of my customers are wearing something. Starting Sunday, it is supposed to be mandatory to cover your face when out in public.
I did go to the grocery store this morning. One employee had a mask at the pharmacy and few customers wore one. Stupid one way aisles drove me crazy. I was grabbing a few things and wanted out. Can’t shop that way now. Follow the person down the aisle looking at everything from six feet back. Front of the store you could not get through because people are waiting 6 feet apart in line to check out. I skipped several things to not take forever up and down more aisles.
@speediedelivery we’ve had several people with underwear on their faces come to my work place.
I personally saw a man that had one of the triangles from a bikini top tied around his face, but the triangle point was just hanging freely in front of his mouth. It wasn’t doing anything but making him look stupid. There was some other customer that loudly exclaimed to me, “That’s a bikini bottom, he’s wearing a bikini bottom!” I just looked away, embarrassed for them both.
@Bretterson They’re very well made, a thin metal strip at the top to bend it to your nose, and a heavy, dense fabric. A lot of people have got the Silence of the Lambs reference, but usually after a double take.
Also, some years ago an ex-girlfriend decorated a piece of paper, attached it to a face mask and, voila, budget Bane mask. I told her she needs to make that a thing again.
It talks about how the dynamics of filters change once you’re dealing with particles smaller than 0.3 microns. And some of the more restrictive materials are worse filters than some of the easier flowing materials.
It’ll get trickier than that in practical terms, since people still haven’t decided how much the virus spreads in aerosols, or how much viral load is needed to get a person sick (in general), and there’s fit, and any number of other complicating factors, I’d imagine (I have no clue what I’m talking about–gotta throw in that disclaimer, if it wasn’t obvious).
I found it difficult to believe masks weren’t pointless, before reading that page.
@InnocuousFarmer I forgot to stick this in the above comment: you’re also (or even primarily?) worried about filtering larger particles with the virus on them, and that article only talks about virus-sized particles, unless I overlooked a chart, which may be easier to capture than larger ones.
@Kidsandliz So a man walks into a store wearing a banana for breathing protection, sunglasses for eye protection, a cowboy hat because Texas, goes through the checkout line with a cart full of women’s pantyhose, toilet paper and hand sanitizer and everybody acts like it’s normal. 4 months ago people would think it was a scene from Stranger Things, but today it’s just another normal day at Wal-Mart.
@kuoh Well he could also get toolbox blue industrial rag rolls or the Zep equivalent (they have good filtration efficiency). Maybe then the cart will look more manly “normal”.
@Kidsandliz Buttery soft toilet paper or industrial strength sandpaper substitute? There’s only so much room in the cart, decisions decisions. I guess he could also get a pair of jeans to cut up for a bandana as opposed to the banana, because it certainly isn’t helping with the asthma.
Some flaws in this guy’s testing though as he didn’t say what brand of paper towels, t-shirts vary in density and thickness. Toolbox and Zep shop rags tested 20% better in a different set of tests than Scot but he didn’t test them and Scot results can’t be 20% better here… but there are some general consistencies across tests
@sammydog01 Hey! I got the exact same selection in my two packs. I do not like bananas so I am probably not going to use those. Maybe they’ll be stocking stuffers.
@cf1 They’re good for sticking in the glove compartment in case you forget yours. As punishment you have to wear a banana mask- maybe you’ll remember next time.
@sammydog01 I’ve been very pleased with Old Navy merchandise so far. Surprised, but pleased. Thanks for the reminder. I just spent $60. on a 3 pack of masks, and this and that. Then they sent me a $20. coupon.
I can recommend these from Los Angeles Apparel. L.A. Apparel is the reborn American Apparel by the CEO that was ousted when AA got acquired and he had a falling out with the new owners (they started outsourcing and cutting labor costs).
The masks fit great and seal well, are comfy and soft. High quality materials and craftsmanship from workers paid a living wage.
Longtime mehtizens will remember American Apparel shirts. This is where they went if you loved the quality.
I got some Pocket Tees too. They’re so comfy and have a relaxed fit, like a good lounge tee should. Almost as good as my Territory Ahead Tees, but TA is on hiatus from the pandemic. Hoping for better colors next season, and I’ll get some more.
@ELUNO PS thinking about it most people don’t look at that other thread anway so posting it here is better. Knowing my friend she made that mask to fit that cat and not a human. Oh - and saw what you did there on that other thread… (grin).
Same here. Almost all the stores are closed around here so I have been trying to figure something I could fabricate. I think your idea looks quite striking and original. Probably would help with the “social distancing” as well.
@cf1 this is good for someone that can’t sew. I just don’t recommend trying to take off and put back on without washing because it’ll fall apart. I used this to figure out how to sew a much sturdier one, that’s easier than trying pleats. I’ll upload a tutorial later:
@RiotDemon Hmm. That actually looks pretty easy. I’ll just have to figure out which t-shirt I want to sacrifice.
@cf1 @RiotDemon
I saw a better one that used both layers of the shirt and had the ties attached. They also put a piece a paper towel inside for a filter. I would upload it but I have problems, it never works when I try to upload videos or images.
@cf1 @RiotDemon @star2236 Shop towels filter better than paper towels (tool box blue roll and Zep industrial blue shop rags filer the best out of the shop rags/towels tested).
Your best bet is custom fabric for personality.
(Like pinstripes that actually spell out “fuck you” in tiny letters that no one can read unless they’re standing too damn close.)

@Thumperchick This one is especially nice.
Omg I want that one, I wonder where they got it.
@star2236 I made it for him.
@star2236 @Thumperchick that is spectacular
@star2236 @Thumperchick @tinamarie1974
Wow. @Thumperchick, I bow before you and salute you.
Those are the best.
@Thumperchick Agreed. That is perfect, mine would wear it.
Can you make any more I’ll pay you
Etsy also sells them. This seller uses 100% melted polypropylene which is the same fabric used in the N95 masks (although is NOT an N95 mask). It does, however, have good filtration efficiency.
She sells them as one, two or three in a bundle. She mails them quickly. (I bought one from her as that turns out to be cheaper than buying everything I’d need to buy to sew them by hand). Also you can buy it with or without her ties. Narrow shoe laces or parachute cord also works. Many stores (all around here) are out of the round elastic.
Heavy duty quilt cotton also has decent filtration efficiency. If you get one of those with a filter pocket you can buy either a Toolbox blue shop rag roll (blue) or a Zep industrial shop rags (blue) and cut them to fit the pockets. The Toolbox one has a binder of latex so if you are allergic to that don’t use. Their filtration efficiency is about 75% (all other shop rags tested had lower filtration efficiency).
Some folks are making masks out of those shop rags. They are using two layers of the stuff.
If you buy a mask with the melted polypropylene (this is also what many AC/furnace filters are made of and some people are using that) don’t use soap when you wash them. Just running water and let dry 20 hours. Soap attacks the non-woven fabric and reduces the filtration efficiency by about 20%.
Many find that wearing a mask for hours irritates their ears if they have the kind where the strip hooks around their ear rather than tie in the back of your head. Some people sell “hooks” to attach to the ear straps so you can then fasten the thing behind your head rather than on your ears. Of course using fabric to tie to the ear loops and then behind your head would work too. I’d suspect if you used something narrow then that would hurt eventually too because it was pressure in the same place that wasn’t spread out over a larger area on your head.
@Kidsandliz …Or go to and buy some actual breathable filter material to use.
We bought a bundle for the family [my out-laws] to share.
@PhysAssist Thanks for the url. Looks like they have about 15-20% better filtration efficiency than the two brands of shop towels that test well. But they are way more expensive. On the other hand if someone was making a bunch of masks out of them they’d probably be a better purchase as they have better filtration efficiency and probably last longer than shop towels.
Of course unless they are “fitted” as N95’s need to be to work at 95% filtration efficiency likely the practical filtration efficiency of these things are about the same as surgical masks due to all the air leakage.
@Kidsandliz So true, but a lot of the newer design templates are pretty well engineered to fit tightly.
Okay. Here’s my tutorial for someone that can sew straight lines (lol, ignore my janky lines)on a machine or by hand.
The cutting mat’s squares are one inch. Cut a rectangle of fabric with the right sides together. Sew a line along the two outside edges. (About 11.5 wide and 10" tall) I left the t-shirt hem on the bottom of this, but it’s not necessary.
Turn it inside out and sew another line in a little bit for the ties to go through.
I cut some long strips to make ties. You can use ribbon or shoelaces. I’d leave these a little longer if you have a big head.
If using tshirt fabric, it stretches a lot. Pull it to stretch.
Tie your strings together (or use one long one if you have something long enough.) Feed the ends through. I used a pen with a pocket clip. Wrapped the end around the pocket clip a couple of times and shoved the pen through the channel.
Put the loop with the knot over your head and around the back of your neck. Pull the top strings and tie on top of your ears and behind your head. I personally just wrap the strings around my bun.
This was way easier than attempting pleats.
I did a second one to sew the top closed which I recommend if you have the time. I also added in a nose piece made out of a wide twist tie. The corners look a little weird but IDGAF.
After you sew the two lines on each side for the tie channels, turn it inside out to sew up the top. Just don’t sew across the channels. The little rectangle is where I put the nose piece. This size was a little big for me so ignore the size markings.
Both of these are left open at the bottom if you want to add a filter or an exam mask fitted inside.
@RiotDemon Terrific hints, like using a pen with a pocket clip to thread the ties through! And making ties out of stretchy T-shirt strips. I keep seeing posts from people fretting about not being able to find elastic. Someone gave me a mask and I think she used bra strap elastic;
good idea but not that stretchy.
@RiotDemon Nice tutorial. Thanks for taking the time to put it together!
@RiotDemon I really like inverted apron style, where the bottom stays tied before you put it on.
@Kyeh yeah, people are freaked about the elastic. Personally, I think the elastic sucks. It’s really uncomfortable for me to have the mask attached to my ears.
Thanks for your comment.
@Kidsandliz welcome.
@fibrs86 thanks. My suggestion if you do have to take it off, tie the ends so the mask doesn’t slide off.
Also use two different colors so you can tell which side is the inside.
@Kyeh @RiotDemon I have some older (3-year-old) masks that were made with elastic bands, but I have replaced them with paracord. I always have a couple of spools of paracord around because it is so useful, can be cut to whatever length is needed, and launders well as long as the cut ends are tied or sewn shut.
@RiotDemon I love that so much!
@sammydog01 thanks!
@RiotDemon nice job!
@RiotDemon It almost looks easy enough for me. I might try it for DH. He has a full beard and most masks will not work good for him.
@speediedelivery you can add some length if the beard is super thick or if his face is long. That’s why I like these ties versus pleats because it pretty much fits all faces.
@RiotDemon He has a full thick beard. If warm weather ever comes he usually cuts most of it off to be cooler. It snowed most of the day here. Not much accumulation but I am ready to be warm.
Most of the fitted masks would look silly and not do anything. He is not working now so he only needs one to go to appointments. I was thinking because it had a bit more flexibility it would form itself around the beard.
@Kyeh @RiotDemon @rockblossom Melting the ends with a lighter or other heat source is a much more secure way to keep the ends from opening up.
@blaineg My coworker reeeally wants one of those plague masks! It’s funny, this has really brought out a hidden cosplayer wannabe side of this guy I had never suspected.
A lot of people are getting these neck gaiter/balaklava type things.
@Kyeh My understanding is that those things are really ineffective for this purpose. They are designed to be light and breathable.
@Kyeh @Limewater something is better than nothing at this point. People are being really bold, however, thinking they are invincible if they are wearing a face covering.
A face covering helps to hold sickness in, but it doesn’t guarantee it won’t let anything in. It’s better than nothing at this point.
@Kyeh @RiotDemon But if you’re trying to hold the sickness in, buying something explicitly designed to allow air and moisture to pass freely seems especially counterproductive. People go running in these things, and not just members of sandhurst teams.
@Limewater Oh - that makes sense. However, I’ve heard of people wearing used N95 type masks that they have in their shops for woodworking getting grief for wearing stuff that “ought to be saved for health care workers” - these could be useful to cover them up! (It’s weird how people feel entitled to make assumptions and criticize strangers like that.
@Kyeh @Limewater We have a couple of old N95 masks in the shop and my husband keeps saying we should donate them. But really, is anyone going to take a mask when they don’t know where it’s been?
@Kyeh @Limewater @sammydog01 unless it’s in the packaging, don’t bother. Keep it for your shop.
It’s about the size of the particles, and how far particles travel. Even crude masks helps w both. Better masks help more.
However, in the long view, everyone not in a bubble or in a space station is going to get a drive-by exposure at least.
Even the arctic areas will eventually see this I suspect.
The hope is that slowing the speed of transmission will prevent health resources from being overwhelmed, and allow time for working out new treatments or preventive options.
@Limewater @RiotDemon @sammydog01 Right, that’s what we’ve been told here, too. But some busybodies think they know it all.
@Kyeh @Limewater I bought a bunch of N95 masks in 1980 when Mt St. Helens erupted. Have used most of them over the years in the shop and have a handful left, but am reluctant to wear them because of the controversy. Someone mentioned wearing them under a plain cloth mask which is a pretty good idea!
@f00l I don’t necessarily believe that. Some masks really are worse than nothing. Just as a quick obvious example, I’ll cite a plastic shopping bag. Definitely worse than nothing.
But practically, though, are there any people out there who own neck gaiters but don’t also own better mask material? Is there someone out there who owns no clothing apart from a neck gaiter and a pair of shorts?
Some people may not even own the shorts.
In some towns, police have been ticketing people for going out to get their mail, having forgotten to wear the “pants” portion of clothing.
Walmart reports (for real I think) decent shirt sales but hardly any pants sales. Something to do with Zoom …
@f00l @Limewater I’d believe shirt sales to make masks, not so sure about for zoom. These folks on zoom I presume had to go to the office dressed appropriately before they had to use zoom.
I have had to be part of zoom meetings since 2014 or 15 or something. I always make sure I have my laptop on a box so that I don’t have to hold it, make sure the view is only mid chest up and so that the background is plain, the lighting of my face looks OK, the view for others is not looking up my nose or something (Initially I would set things up first in photobooth - now I know the drill so don’t bother) and try to block cat access. And like many others I am sure, I have a decent shirt on but the rest of me… well let’s just say I’ll temporarily kill the video if I have to get up to get something.
@Kyeh @Limewater @sammydog01 No, and they have plenty of used ones already
@PhysAssist Has the supply gotten any better since April, or are you still having to ration/reuse everything?
@Kyeh Somewhat better, but mostly just the surgical masks, not the N95’s we really need.
@PhysAssist I’m sorry to hear that!
It is interesting to see the styles coming out now. I have seen fancy monogrammed and drawn on like a preschooler. One person is using a regular t-shirt upside down and tied behind the head, you can see the shirt design in front. Two are using sheet protectors for face shields without masks. Most are similar to above or bandanas but there always need to be outliers. I think about half of my customers are wearing something. Starting Sunday, it is supposed to be mandatory to cover your face when out in public.
I did go to the grocery store this morning. One employee had a mask at the pharmacy and few customers wore one. Stupid one way aisles drove me crazy. I was grabbing a few things and wanted out. Can’t shop that way now. Follow the person down the aisle looking at everything from six feet back. Front of the store you could not get through because people are waiting 6 feet apart in line to check out. I skipped several things to not take forever up and down more aisles.
@speediedelivery we’ve had several people with underwear on their faces come to my work place.
I personally saw a man that had one of the triangles from a bikini top tied around his face, but the triangle point was just hanging freely in front of his mouth. It wasn’t doing anything but making him look stupid. There was some other customer that loudly exclaimed to me, “That’s a bikini bottom, he’s wearing a bikini bottom!” I just looked away, embarrassed for them both.
/image triangle bikini

@RiotDemon @speediedelivery
I think i found my spirit mask.
@blaineg High flow, low restriction.
That would also work well to keep people properly distanced!!! Love it!
The Bucees beaver store mascot is being good.
This one is about 5’ in a sitting position. The hat adds a little extra.
I got these back in Feb
@medz Cute! Are they comfortable? They look kind of small.
@Kyeh They’re ok. They are a bit small for my adult male face. (especially after washing) The straps pull on my ears more than they should.
@Kyeh @medz Take a shoe lace or string, tie to the ear loops and then tie that behind your head.
Make me
@bmf Yeah, this is me waiting on the Amazon guy in my protective gear.
I’m a big fan of this company Choonimals and they just started selling some pretty fun ones:
@Bretterson My moth mask arrived yesterday. I’m hoping I can creep out a lot of people with the Silence of the Lambs vibe.
@blaineg @Bretterson dunno…

I prefer this one:
@Bretterson @PocketBrain Impressive, but not so good at stopping spray.
@blaineg Hahaha!! Good to hear! How do you like it? I ordered a few but it has only been a week or two; I think they should ship soon.
@Bretterson They’re very well made, a thin metal strip at the top to bend it to your nose, and a heavy, dense fabric. A lot of people have got the Silence of the Lambs reference, but usually after a double take.
@blaineg Word. Good to hear. Still waiting on mine. I guess they must’ve received quite a few orders in the week or two between ours.
Also, some years ago an ex-girlfriend decorated a piece of paper, attached it to a face mask and, voila, budget Bane mask. I told her she needs to make that a thing again.
I just bought a lathe in February. Every time I use it I feel like I’m getting ready to go grocery shopping.
@capnjb I had some N95 masks left from from spray painting furniture. Yours is awesomer .
I came across this page from a group that originally started out of Beijing, reviews and sells air filters–fascinating reading, and all unintuitive to me:
It talks about how the dynamics of filters change once you’re dealing with particles smaller than 0.3 microns. And some of the more restrictive materials are worse filters than some of the easier flowing materials.
It’ll get trickier than that in practical terms, since people still haven’t decided how much the virus spreads in aerosols, or how much viral load is needed to get a person sick (in general), and there’s fit, and any number of other complicating factors, I’d imagine (I have no clue what I’m talking about–gotta throw in that disclaimer, if it wasn’t obvious).
I found it difficult to believe masks weren’t pointless, before reading that page.
@InnocuousFarmer Interesting article. Loved this photo they had posted.

@InnocuousFarmer I forgot to stick this in the above comment: you’re also (or even primarily?) worried about filtering larger particles with the virus on them, and that article only talks about virus-sized particles, unless I overlooked a chart, which may be easier to capture than larger ones. used dish towels, but said that most of the utility was inward capture, not outward. So, keep your distance, is the main thing.
Cloth masks are the least important, of hand washing and keeping a physical distance, is still my impression.
@Kidsandliz Heheh, everybody knows Norton is ineffective at filtering viruses.
@InnocuousFarmer @Kidsandliz

Have you tried a visit with the …
/giphy disk doctor
Here is a way to increase the filtration efficiency - women’s nylons. Who would have guessed?
@Kidsandliz So a man walks into a store wearing a banana for breathing protection, sunglasses for eye protection, a cowboy hat because Texas, goes through the checkout line with a cart full of women’s pantyhose, toilet paper and hand sanitizer and everybody acts like it’s normal. 4 months ago people would think it was a scene from Stranger Things, but today it’s just another normal day at Wal-Mart.
Wait, am I still asleep and 2020 is just a dream?
@kuoh Well he could also get toolbox blue industrial rag rolls or the Zep equivalent (they have good filtration efficiency). Maybe then the cart will look more
manly“normal”.@Kidsandliz Buttery soft toilet paper or industrial strength sandpaper substitute? There’s only so much room in the cart, decisions decisions. I guess he could also get a pair of jeans to cut up for a bandana as opposed to the banana, because it certainly isn’t helping with the asthma.
Some flaws in this guy’s testing though as he didn’t say what brand of paper towels, t-shirts vary in density and thickness. Toolbox and Zep shop rags tested 20% better in a different set of tests than Scot but he didn’t test them and Scot results can’t be 20% better here… but there are some general consistencies across tests
Most of the fabric I had was for little kids so I ordered some new stuff. We’re gonna look hot this summer!

@sammydog01 nice!
@sammydog01 those are totally hot! Lol
Nice work
shirt.woot has a bunch of masks, including Darth Vader and the Alien facehugger. I bought both of those.
This one’s impressive, but pricey.
If anyone is interested my 5 for $12.50 (free shipping at $25) masks came from Old Navy.

I like them, except I’m used to ties so I have a feeling the elastic will annoy me. Both of my 5 mask orders were the same patterns.
Here’s a review on the Old Navy website:
I like the bananas. Some people are no fun.
@sammydog01 Hey! I got the exact same selection in my two packs. I do not like bananas so I am probably not going to use those. Maybe they’ll be stocking stuffers.
@cf1 They’re good for sticking in the glove compartment in case you forget yours. As punishment you have to wear a banana mask- maybe you’ll remember next time.
@sammydog01 That is an excellent idea. That’ll show me. I hope. I have had to turn back twice already.
@sammydog01 I’ve been very pleased with Old Navy merchandise so far. Surprised, but pleased. Thanks for the reminder. I just spent $60. on a 3 pack of masks, and this and that. Then they sent me a $20. coupon.
I can recommend these from Los Angeles Apparel. L.A. Apparel is the reborn American Apparel by the CEO that was ousted when AA got acquired and he had a falling out with the new owners (they started outsourcing and cutting labor costs).
$10 each in a 3-pack.
The masks fit great and seal well, are comfy and soft. High quality materials and craftsmanship from workers paid a living wage.
Longtime mehtizens will remember American Apparel shirts. This is where they went if you loved the quality.
I got some Pocket Tees too. They’re so comfy and have a relaxed fit, like a good lounge tee should. Almost as good as my Territory Ahead Tees, but TA is on hiatus from the pandemic. Hoping for better colors next season, and I’ll get some more.
@mike808 That’s a pretty tame ad compared to the ones from AA’s heyday.
And then we have… (this is my friend’s cat)

@Kidsandliz repost!
@ELUNO Yup. I posted here first. Got back too late to delete after I found a better place to post it.
@ELUNO PS thinking about it most people don’t look at that other thread anway so posting it here is better. Knowing my friend she made that mask to fit that cat and not a human. Oh - and saw what you did there on that other thread… (grin).
@Kidsandliz Post it on every thread!
@ELUNO Hmm I know a thread that could use it twice.