Everyone ok?
15Major storms came through…lost tree limbs, front awning and low roof…everyone is ok…
How about you all?
Meh lanterns and glow sticks in place, all neighbors walkways glowsticked so emergency services can locate them…no meh generator though! (Next fuko, maybe?)
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Lost our carbon monoxide detector too!
Sorry to hear this. However, it sounds like a typical day in the land of Oz.
Yep, we had some wind come through: branches were broken and some trees were knocked down. We call that a mild breeze.
Sorry, @Barney - Glad you survived, wind is the worst.
@KDemo I didn’t have any damage on my property, but the thunder and lightning kept Lady awake. And if Lady don’t sleep, nobody sleeps.
@Barney lots of water with our mild breeze…the roads are full of debris. Glad our house is on top of a mountain!
@mikibell Hope you can swim. Stay safe!
All we had was a very long stretch of triple digit heat and multiple brush/wild fires. Fire season came early this year
Things are a little warm in Maryland, but otherwise everything is just fine… sorry to hear about the damage, here’s to homeowner’s insurance!
Sorry to hear, @mikibell. Is the danger past for you now?
@KDemo all safe…don’t have internet service and cell is having issues…sorry for the delayed responses…
@mikibell - Pretty sure you have no cause to apologize. I do, however, for my awkward post.
Sleep commenting = bad.
@KDemo nahhhhh…it is all good… I knew you were concerned…
The communities surrounding my house are burning down. Just status quo for so cal summer. All is well.
Nope all that stuff missed us by about 20 miles to the south. Yesterday was interesting though. We just got the apartment cleared out and it was no driving time in Atlanta so we went to a Chik fil a for dinner and to kill time just got in the store and the sky opened up for about an hour. then it was icky driving north.
Got soaked by a sideways-blowing torrent while putting gas in my car. I would have waited, but the gas light had been on for 10 miles, and I’ll only push it so far.
@mikibell Everything OK? Are you just out of phone batteries or revving up your chain saw?
@sammydog01 all set…city has flood damage…getting chain saw now…breathing better now that air conditioning is restored…cell service sucks!
@mikibell Oh, man, you really need to get a generator for health reasons. Glad the power’s back on.
@sammydog01 honey got the generator running after clearing the debris…ran my air and fridge
.kids had to suck it up! Took a while to make the air breathable…
Small propane generator…love it!
Front yard…damage is not in pic…but you can see awning parts mingled
@mikibell You are now an honorary member of Oz.
@mikibell - Oh man, it tipped your whole house over? Hope you can get it flipped back. Oz indeed.
(Eeesh, what a mess. Lucky you’re okay! RIP beautiful tree.)
@KDemo If someone would splain what I am doing to cause every pic to go sideways… I would appreciate it!
Tree was full of leaves but has been slowly dieing for years. I will miss it when it is finally gone, take kid pictures to show how much they are growing.
A lot of picks upload sideways from my iPhone.
Never figured out what to do about it.
Also the iPhone browser then shows them non-sideways. But on another computer or device they are sideways.
Hope you are all ok and hope it’s not all too expensive.
@f00l @mikibell Check out the Denboy vs Placidpenguin thread. I am on a cell phone and too lazy to do a fancy link.
Mikibell I am sending some decent weather your way. I am east of you and it is nice if a little cool at only 78°. (Anyone who knows me also knows not to ask me if the temperature is good. I am always cooler than everyone else.)
I’m in Phoenix right now, under a blanket with my sweatshirt on, because I’m not used to refrigerated air and the hotel is cold, lol. Haven’t heard anything from my pet sitter about weather at home, so I assume it’s sunny as usual.