That idiot woman on amazon thought they were rechargeable batteries. She tried charging them and they leaked. Surprise surprise. Stupid people are stupid.
@ColeSloth The batteries they sold then refunded a long time ago were EnviroMAX fuji brand. My wife actually tossed what we had left of those about a month ago.
@Alowolononan Hah, a couple years later and I can vouch for the fact that those AAs leaked after a couple years too. Hell, I didn’t remember the brand, I just saw “leaky batteries,” got up to see what the brand was, and lo and behold I bought those very ones in that batch. No hard feelings to Meh about it, not at all their fault and they did their due diligence.
@norman8 You keep plugging them into remotes and Bluetooth mice until just about the time meh sells batteries again.
I was thinking yesterday of posting a picture to “brag” that I was finally down to my “last” eight Eveready batteries from the last sale. Good heavens what an albatross.
@chulgor-still too damned BIG!! My wife’s vibrator,… ah, I mean, toy…her limited edition mini-winnie takes 3 AAA rechargeables!! She has 3 toys; she has 1 for- in use, 1 for- in charge, and 1 for- in emergency!! I’m her broken toy {tire & retired}!!
@decoratedwarvet AA, AAA, C and D are all the same voltage and can be used interchangeably as far as fuction. The only thing going bigger gets you is more amps/runtime. Maybe she just likes taking her time.
Well this is timely. I just bought all my 2 year old’s Hanukkah gifts and was wondering how many batteries I’m going to need? 120 should last me until June.
I admire the audacity of the package designer, to not hide away the fact that the percentage of recycled material is just slightly above fuck-all while simultaneously playing it up.
Have you seen those new plastic cups that are compostable*?
*Must be used at a commercial composting facility which requires additional heat. Note there are only two of those facilities in America and these cups take longer to break down without it than regular plastic.
“I received these batteries in the mail two days ago. Put them in my charger and at least two of them leaked already. They are batteries so the packaging is already deep down in the recycle bin or I would think about returning them.”
@capecodcaper Good sleuthing! I’m betting you always read software end-user license agreements too!
So if my unused batteries are dead come November 2028, I send them back to Energizer?
Challenge accepted.
What will batteries even be like in 2028? They’ll probably be up to 5% made of recyclable batteries by then.
@Jetlag yea but they are the no brand crappo alkalines, these are energizer branded batteries. i have had aldi branded and best buy insignia branded alkalines last around half of the brand name ones
Meh had a problem ordering these for me. Kept giving an error saying there was a problem so I kept trying. Finally it went through.
The first order was a gift for a friend, then I wanted to buy one for me but it said I already ordered a maximum of 3 but all the previous ones had an error message. Grrrr…
I canceled two of the three going to my friend’s house and then reordered one going to mine. If I didn’t try to order a second set for myself, I would have inadvertently ordered three sets for my friend and I wouldn’t have been the wiser until I got my credit card bill.
This is definitely a good deal, considering Best Buy a.k.a. “Worst Buy” has the 4 pack of these in clearance for 2.49/pack. That would mean $29.88 for 48, or $74.70 for 120 batteries. I wouldn’t buy from Worst Buy anyways, they ripped off so many people this past Black Friday. So thanks Meh, in for the 120 pack!
/giphy bossy-green-can
Those Costco-stupid-sized 72 AA packs don’t look so stupid compared to this 120 AA deal. It wasn’t that long ago that Costco sold far more rational-sized 36 packs.
Costco’s sick infatuation with ever-increasing sizes might be the thing we detest most about Costco. It certainly is not “green” - ironic for a state of Washington company.
@RedOak depends. If you’re going to use 72 AA batteries, then it is more eco-friendly to buy them in one big batch. Less packaging per battery, perhaps fewer trips to the store.
…presuming they last until you use them up. They do for me.
@danpritts of course there are exceptions… and that is the stupidity…
What percentage of Costco members can use 72 AAs before they expire? I’ll bet a small portion. And when they’re installing that last third of them, they’ll expire inside devices. The typical Costco member visits the warehouse far more frequently than their “72 AA usage rate” so the number of trips argument doesn’t hold water.
If you’re going thru that many AAs, Eneloops. Makes far better sense both economically and environmentally.
@danprittsEneloop bonus - not only do you get to reuse them 100’s of times and, if bought smart, at $2 or less each, but they don’t leak!. They don’t contain liquid form electrolyte. And they’re often sold at Costco.
@RedOak but eneloop batteries have a nominal voltage of 1.2 volts. I sold devices that took 8 regular batteries to get 12 volts. Takes 10 eneloops to get that same voltage.
The devices had 10 battery slots and you would have to use 2 dummy batteries if using regular batteries and take them out to use 10 NiMh batteries. In other words, many devices aren’t compatible with rechargeable due to the lower voltage.
@cengland0 An old and rare exception. Most modern 2-4 cell (far more common than 8-cell) devices are either voltage insensitive or have their own voltage regulators.
@RedOak I use them much faster than they expire. Kids’ toys. I don’t put eneloops in them because if I do, I never see my eneloops again.
I agree that it’s unlikely the number of trips will change; thus the word “perhaps.” However, it may apply to other bulk products that you are complaining about.
With any of them, though, the ecological key is that you use it all. the financial key is that you use enough to break even - even if you waste some.
Concerning the write-up, I heard the reason European eggs can stay fresh without refrigeration is because they don’t remove the outer protective layer by washing or scrubbing the eggs.
In the US, they are scrubbed and washed, thus needing refrigeration.
This layer also keeps eggs free of bacteria until the chick hatches.
@DVDBZN I’m so glad you wrote this. As soon as I finished reading the write up I was like wait a second, that’s not why!!! But you saved me the trouble. So, instead, I’m writing an even longer comment than I would have before, that has no real value.
This sounds like a Great Deal. This Deal & yesterday’s makes me hope Meh is back on the right track, and finally breaking away from all that candy corn fresh fertilizer. Why? I planted a whole garden of that corn & not one Ear came up. I’m from Nebraska, so I’m a Cornhusker who knows a lot about Corn, so I swear, I don’t what went wrong. But this deal, I WILL CHARGE THESE BABIES UP Just As Soon As I Gettum. YEA!!
Being the Eco-Warrior that I am, I’m all into these, “because 4% of them are recycled”. Can’t accuse me of not being environmentally conscious when I throw these away.
Dont know if this is a comparison Best Buy has there Isignia brand alkaline 60/$8.99, dosent look like thats for delivery in store pickup only and none within 250 miles of my home , The 48 pack shipped is 14.99… so the energizers are a better deal seeing how i cant get the 60 pack
It’s just $2 for an IKEA Alkalisk 10-pack alkaline, but I still need to drive to the IKEA store to get some since they don’t deliver these online…so I’m in for 120!
@mellowirishgent I’d stay far, far away from AC Delco alkalines. Bought a 24-pack from Frys a couple of years ago and they leak like crazy in just a year! Ruined a couple of my Sony receiver remotes.
“dangerous Kelvins.” Heh, there’s a guy in my office coffee shop who is named Kelvin. Seems like a really nice guy, but isn’t that what they say about all serial killers?
@dptalia It’s in their nature to be nice. How else are they going to be able to lure you into their basement? It’s the crusty old farts that chase you off their lawns who are the safest.
Love the model number bit. Talks about the 12 battery model number and how they’re selling multiples so don’t price comp on them, then they sell either 8 or 10 packs only, no 12 packs.
Still a solid deal even though those packs comp more competitively than the 12s.
That 2028 “expiration” date is marketing silliness. So they designed these 11 years ago and tested their shelf life?
Every single brand, including Duracell eventually leaks when left in a device. Eneloops don’t contain liquid electrolyte and never leak. Been using them since the early Sanyo days. The latest Panasonics even hold their charge sitting on the shelf.
Alkaline battery companies are running for their lives. Even Duracell is in denial with their feeble rechargeable cell attempts.
More and more devices include rechargeable lithium variant batteries. And then there are those Eneloops.
I will put whatever I want in my fridge and I don’t know what a cudgel is and I’m looking it up. If you keep it up, I will pop you in the head with a stick.
Just in time, on our last two, so I bought 'em. Live near a Lowe’s and almost got in the car to buy their super deal yesterday, then I saw they had one left and figured I’d get there and they’d be out. Even tho I had to pay shipping here, I’m warm and cozy in my home and keeping the post office in business.
BTW, ready for the pink bunny to retire.
@Pufferfishy I’m looking into it, but my current theory is it fails if you copy/paste from another /buy, because our forum changed over the " to smart quotes.
Was ready to pick up a 120 pack (20¢ each), but it is sold out?.. with 48 packs (30¢ each) available? Oh well… I guess the 4-packs are already in boxes to make up either 48 or 120, but a significant price-per-battery difference.
It’s damned-near-impossible to use the buy command from an iPhone. It oh-so-helpfully replaces the – with an em-dash (—) and converts the quotes into smart quotes automatically.
Where are the power cells for the the adult novelty items? These will not last. According to Doc Brown you 1.21 gig awaits for almost anything cool. So how many do I need to produce 1.21 gigawatts. I figure that will really light the old girl on fire.
I’ve mailed packages through the USPS and every time they ask, “any liquids or batteries” inside my package. So, how does Meh do it? What do you tell the Post Office Guy? Just askin’. BTW, I plan to share my batteries as stocking stuffers…
@ThatGuyTony I think you will find they are referring to lithium batteries, which you can usually still mail, they just have to be known for handling procedures. These meh batteries are not lithium.
Got my 120 pack today… so far upon visual inspection I see ZERO leaks… gonna keep em in their clamshells until I need them. I tried 2 from the one pack that was forced open during shipping (shipped in their retail card boxes) and they are working so far.
Tried these for the first time on Tuesday,8 of them in a trailcam and they lasted less than 30 hours. Even with a lot of activity other batteries have lasted 4-5 days. Maybe I can use these ecoadvanced batteries for some kind of weapon to smack myself in the head for buying 120 of the damn things
What’s in the Box?
6x 8 Packs
12x 10 AA Batteries
A bunch
Like 4 or 5 bunches
Package again
Price Comparison
$29.88 - $74.70 (for 48 or 120) at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
That idiot woman on amazon thought they were rechargeable batteries. She tried charging them and they leaked. Surprise surprise. Stupid people are stupid.
@Stallion ahhh. . . i remember those batteries. I think I still have a four-pack in a draw somewhere ready to explode.
Need a little salt with these batteries- could get meh for a salt and batteries on Cyber Monday …
@AttyVette ISWYDT! Nice.
I still have a pile of those leaky batteries left. Maybe next time.
@jsh139 Were they these same batteries that everyone is saying were leaky? I haven’t bought Meh batteries in ages.
@ColeSloth The batteries they sold then refunded a long time ago were EnviroMAX fuji brand. My wife actually tossed what we had left of those about a month ago.
@Alowolononan Those got refunded? I still have a bunch. They don’t all leak, but some do.
@SSteve I found the email, it looks like it was just the AAA.
@Alowolononan Hah, a couple years later and I can vouch for the fact that those AAs leaked after a couple years too. Hell, I didn’t remember the brand, I just saw “leaky batteries,” got up to see what the brand was, and lo and behold I bought those very ones in that batch. No hard feelings to Meh about it, not at all their fault and they did their due diligence.
/giphy altruistic-fleecy-peanut

@rileyper looks like you are the laughing Woodstock of meh
What does one do with so many batteries?
@norman8 build a tesla powerwall
@norman8 because meh gets a charge out of selling them
@norman8 you don’t have a toddler, do you? So. Many. Batteries.
@yankeesrule I didn’t even know C batteries existed until my wife demanded them for one of her toys.
@babout Sounds like a large toy.
@babout- Really, and I always thought a woman’s toys took AA, or AAA, but never would I have imagined C!! That be 1 BIG TOY!!¡
@babout Oh? My wife likes the D.
@norman8 You keep plugging them into remotes and Bluetooth mice until just about the time meh sells batteries again.
I was thinking yesterday of posting a picture to “brag” that I was finally down to my “last” eight Eveready batteries from the last sale. Good heavens what an albatross.
/giphy all the boards did shrink

@stinks Argh.
/giphy lavender-satisfying-flavor

@chulgor-still too damned BIG!! My wife’s vibrator,… ah, I mean, toy…her limited edition mini-winnie takes 3 AAA rechargeables!! She has 3 toys; she has 1 for- in use, 1 for- in charge, and 1 for- in emergency!! I’m her broken toy {tire & retired}!!
@decoratedwarvet there’s TMI… and then there’s Way TMI.
@decoratedwarvet AA, AAA, C and D are all the same voltage and can be used interchangeably as far as fuction. The only thing going bigger gets you is more amps/runtime. Maybe she just likes taking her time.
I hope these don’t leak like the last eco batch.
@heartny Can you elaborate? Were they the same batteries?
@ColeSloth No. Those were Fuji batteries iirc.
@ColeSloth More specifically, they were Fuji EnviroMax Super Alkaline AA batteries. They were incontinent.
Only rechargeables for this guy
Need AAA please
It’s been a long time since a goat had the chance to reign over a bulk battery deal… Today is a good day.
/giphy crusty-mainstream-magpie

You guys will never live down the leaky battery fiasco. I don’t even know why you try.
Wouldn’t rechargables be more eco friendly?
Well this is timely. I just bought all my 2 year old’s Hanukkah gifts and was wondering how many batteries I’m going to need? 120 should last me until June.
/giphy Impervious-electric-scorpion

Thanks meh, I just got a pack of AAA’s at the wholesale club and was holding off on AA’s… and now I know why.
Because, you know, you really want to keep those hatchimals fed.
/giphy "I lied"

/buy --set “120 Pack”
@shawn It worked! Your order number is: mangy-ruddy-roadrunner
/image mangy ruddy roadrunner

@mediocrebot We should team up, I got /image garish-useful-coyote
Huh, guess no image matches my order number. Aww. I like coyotes!
@PooltoyWolf you have to put /image on a new line.
/image garish useful coyote

@RiotDemon I figured as much!! Oh well, no coyotes here anyway
I admire the audacity of the package designer, to not hide away the fact that the percentage of recycled material is just slightly above fuck-all while simultaneously playing it up.
@nogoodwithnames 'Merica
Have you seen those new plastic cups that are compostable*?
*Must be used at a commercial composting facility which requires additional heat. Note there are only two of those facilities in America and these cups take longer to break down without it than regular plastic.
WTH is up with the first review on amazon
“I received these batteries in the mail two days ago. Put them in my charger and at least two of them leaked already. They are batteries so the packaging is already deep down in the recycle bin or I would think about returning them.”
I guess he thought ECO meant rechargeable.
It is decidedly so
/8ball Are there plenty of idiots out there reviewing products?
@laidbackoh Can’t beat stoopid. (Stupid)
Hey, as long as Meh refunds when their batteries suck, what is there to lose?
In for 120 for a White Elephant gift.
@HELLOALICE their refund section says no batteries lol
@capecodcaper Good sleuthing! I’m betting you always read software end-user license agreements too!
So if my unused batteries are dead come November 2028, I send them back to Energizer?
Challenge accepted.
What will batteries even be like in 2028? They’ll probably be up to 5% made of recyclable batteries by then.
Good thing I jumped on those 60 packs at Best Buy for $7.xx. Come on meh, alkalines are 4/$1 at the dollar store every day of the week.
@Jetlag yea but they are the no brand crappo alkalines, these are energizer branded batteries. i have had aldi branded and best buy insignia branded alkalines last around half of the brand name ones
Even if you have never voted for a GoaT, it’s never too late to start.
Show your support!

Vote here:
Thank you!
@mfladd grr

Once bit, twice shy. I’m looking at three times and stupid. These batteries better work.
/giphy frightened-willowy-education

Meh had a problem ordering these for me. Kept giving an error saying there was a problem so I kept trying. Finally it went through.
The first order was a gift for a friend, then I wanted to buy one for me but it said I already ordered a maximum of 3 but all the previous ones had an error message. Grrrr…
I canceled two of the three going to my friend’s house and then reordered one going to mine. If I didn’t try to order a second set for myself, I would have inadvertently ordered three sets for my friend and I wouldn’t have been the wiser until I got my credit card bill.
/giphy prudent-painful-brass


/giphy spiteful-weathered-fly
This is definitely a good deal, considering Best Buy a.k.a. “Worst Buy” has the 4 pack of these in clearance for 2.49/pack. That would mean $29.88 for 48, or $74.70 for 120 batteries. I wouldn’t buy from Worst Buy anyways, they ripped off so many people this past Black Friday. So thanks Meh, in for the 120 pack!

/giphy bossy-green-can
@drummermessiah What ripoff? I missed it. Unless you mean selling out the 8tb WD red externals - got one of those.
@venussuz Check their Facebook page, you can see tons of complaint posts.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
also, it’s tough to beat IKEA’s batteries.
@jrwofuga Damn, where ya been?
@cinoclav lurkin’
4% recycled content – what is that, the labels?
Just this weekend I was looking at the measly few AA’s I have left from when you sold them in July 2015. ($10 for 72!).
/buy --set “48 Pack”
@sligett It worked! Your order number is: nearsighted-jumbled-thistle
/image nearsighted jumbled thistle

Those Costco-stupid-sized 72 AA packs don’t look so stupid compared to this 120 AA deal. It wasn’t that long ago that Costco sold far more rational-sized 36 packs.
Costco’s sick infatuation with ever-increasing sizes might be the thing we detest most about Costco. It certainly is not “green” - ironic for a state of Washington company.
@RedOak depends. If you’re going to use 72 AA batteries, then it is more eco-friendly to buy them in one big batch. Less packaging per battery, perhaps fewer trips to the store.
…presuming they last until you use them up. They do for me.
@danpritts of course there are exceptions… and that is the stupidity…
What percentage of Costco members can use 72 AAs before they expire? I’ll bet a small portion. And when they’re installing that last third of them, they’ll expire inside devices. The typical Costco member visits the warehouse far more frequently than their “72 AA usage rate” so the number of trips argument doesn’t hold water.
If you’re going thru that many AAs, Eneloops. Makes far better sense both economically and environmentally.
@danpritts Eneloop bonus - not only do you get to reuse them 100’s of times and, if bought smart, at $2 or less each, but they don’t leak!. They don’t contain liquid form electrolyte. And they’re often sold at Costco.
@RedOak but eneloop batteries have a nominal voltage of 1.2 volts. I sold devices that took 8 regular batteries to get 12 volts. Takes 10 eneloops to get that same voltage.
The devices had 10 battery slots and you would have to use 2 dummy batteries if using regular batteries and take them out to use 10 NiMh batteries. In other words, many devices aren’t compatible with rechargeable due to the lower voltage.
@cengland0 An old and rare exception. Most modern 2-4 cell (far more common than 8-cell) devices are either voltage insensitive or have their own voltage regulators.
@RedOak I use them much faster than they expire. Kids’ toys. I don’t put eneloops in them because if I do, I never see my eneloops again.
I agree that it’s unlikely the number of trips will change; thus the word “perhaps.” However, it may apply to other bulk products that you are complaining about.
With any of them, though, the ecological key is that you use it all. the financial key is that you use enough to break even - even if you waste some.
@RedOak Brawndo’s got electrolytes
/image glados potato battery

Does the 4% refer only to the electrolyte, or does it mean all the battery parts, like the casing and the electrodes?
@eonfifty Yes.

Christmas charities always need extra batteries for kids toys!
@jdnew18 Brilliant!
more Amazon reviews at:
Concerning the write-up, I heard the reason European eggs can stay fresh without refrigeration is because they don’t remove the outer protective layer by washing or scrubbing the eggs.
In the US, they are scrubbed and washed, thus needing refrigeration.
This layer also keeps eggs free of bacteria until the chick hatches.
@DVDBZN I’m so glad you wrote this. As soon as I finished reading the write up I was like wait a second, that’s not why!!! But you saved me the trouble. So, instead, I’m writing an even longer comment than I would have before, that has no real value.
@DVDBZN Me, too!
I fully expected someone to have already mentioned it, but I guess no one did.
This sounds like a Great Deal. This Deal & yesterday’s makes me hope Meh is back on the right track, and finally breaking away from all that candy corn fresh fertilizer. Why? I planted a whole garden of that corn & not one Ear came up. I’m from Nebraska, so I’m a Cornhusker who knows a lot about Corn, so I swear, I don’t what went wrong. But this deal, I WILL CHARGE THESE BABIES UP Just As Soon As I Gettum. YEA!!
Just because you used the term “cudgel”
/buy --set “48 Pack”
@Pufferfishy Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
@mediocrebot well it worked for everyone else!
Perhaps this is an omen…
In for 48, our 100 pack from last time just ran out.

/giphy sparse-healthy-crown
Being the Eco-Warrior that I am, I’m all into these, “because 4% of them are recycled”. Can’t accuse me of not being environmentally conscious when I throw these away.

Thanks, meh. Pre-Christmas battery sales are a holiday tradition I can get behind.
/buy --set “48 Pack”
@accumulator Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
Well, then, I will just do it the hard way…

/giphy shivering-classy-tequila
/buy - -“120 Pack”
@drumcorp69 Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy --set “120 Pack”
@drumcorp69 Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy --set “48 Pack”
@drumcorp69 Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
/giphy historical-ardent-instrument

@drumcorp69 Well giphy is in a mood tonight…
Dont know if this is a comparison Best Buy has there Isignia brand alkaline 60/$8.99, dosent look like thats for delivery in store pickup only and none within 250 miles of my home , The 48 pack shipped is 14.99… so the energizers are a better deal seeing how i cant get the 60 pack
It’s just $2 for an IKEA Alkalisk 10-pack alkaline, but I still need to drive to the IKEA store to get some since they don’t deliver these online…so I’m in for 120!
@pixelated When you go, pick up their dish sponges. They’re also an awesome deal and work really well.
Amazon has the AC DELCO for 9.99 shipped for 48 with a 10-year shelf life are these equivalent?
@mellowirishgent I’d stay far, far away from AC Delco alkalines. Bought a 24-pack from Frys a couple of years ago and they leak like crazy in just a year! Ruined a couple of my Sony receiver remotes.
I know they aren’t Energizer, but these Rayovacs worked fine for me. 36 pack of AA or AAA for $5.97. On sale until tomorrow:
@RiotDemon I was also going to post this and can totally vouch for them. These are always a great deal.
@RiotDemon Thanks! I just bought AAs and AAAs.
Ok i’m in for 48 after my diligent price comparing ill stick with the pink bunny
Umm, no one else questioning where is the two-for-Tuesday???
@cinoclav it’s 120-for-tuesday.
@cengland0 I expect 240 for $24.
@cinoclav Oh crap, it’s Tuesday?
amazon basics…great batteries, no leaking, run my MR Beam motion lights just as long as energizers…12 bucks delieverd through prime…
“dangerous Kelvins.” Heh, there’s a guy in my office coffee shop who is named Kelvin. Seems like a really nice guy, but isn’t that what they say about all serial killers?
@dptalia It’s in their nature to be nice. How else are they going to be able to lure you into their basement? It’s the crusty old farts that chase you off their lawns who are the safest.
Love the model number bit. Talks about the 12 battery model number and how they’re selling multiples so don’t price comp on them, then they sell either 8 or 10 packs only, no 12 packs.
Still a solid deal even though those packs comp more competitively than the 12s.
That 2028 “expiration” date is marketing silliness. So they designed these 11 years ago and tested their shelf life?
Every single brand, including Duracell eventually leaks when left in a device. Eneloops don’t contain liquid electrolyte and never leak. Been using them since the early Sanyo days. The latest Panasonics even hold their charge sitting on the shelf.
Alkaline battery companies are running for their lives. Even Duracell is in denial with their feeble rechargeable cell attempts.
More and more devices include rechargeable lithium variant batteries. And then there are those Eneloops.
I will put whatever I want in my fridge and I don’t know what a cudgel is and I’m looking it up. If you keep it up, I will pop you in the head with a stick.
Just in time, on our last two, so I bought 'em. Live near a Lowe’s and almost got in the car to buy their super deal yesterday, then I saw they had one left and figured I’d get there and they’d be out. Even tho I had to pay shipping here, I’m warm and cozy in my home and keeping the post office in business.
BTW, ready for the pink bunny to retire.
Anyone else happen to notice everything on the packaging is also written in French? I’m betting these came from Canada.
Can always use AA or AAA batteries. Buy.
/giphy listless-renewed-birthday

So why did the “/buy” option work for a few but fail for many?
@Pufferfishy They didn’t let the batteries running @mediocrebot warm up after taking them out of the fridge.
@Pufferfishy I’m looking into it, but my current theory is it fails if you copy/paste from another /buy, because our forum changed over the " to smart quotes.
@dave I bet that’s it.

Wii remotes, TV remotes, remote-controlled-car remotes…why not?
/giphy mini-shivering-spinach

Was ready to pick up a 120 pack (20¢ each), but it is sold out?.. with 48 packs (30¢ each) available? Oh well… I guess the 4-packs are already in boxes to make up either 48 or 120, but a significant price-per-battery difference.
@500vdc Agreed. Really wanted to buy the 120 pack but the price isn’t quite worth it to me for the smaller pack.
Mediocre buyers, please, I beg you. Give us a good deal on 9V batteries. I’m critically low on my backup supply and too cheap to pay retail.
@cengland0 +1 as the kids say.
@cengland0 The last time I bought 9V batteries was the 12-pack of Kodak from Woot … which was a long time ago. So yeah, I could use some too.
@cengland0 I too, could use some 9V batteries as well.
It worked!
/giphy rocky-fluctuating-boron

@InFrom Not fair to call him a boron, he’s actually a pretty smart guy.
/buy --set “48 pack”
@Pufferfishy It worked! Your order number is: abstract-splendid-rake
/image abstract splendid rake

@dave so, yeah - don’t copy/paste or the smart quotes will prove just how smart they aren’t.
Mark my word-anybody who doesn’t buy these will regret it come Christmas time [okie dokie, meh, just send my $35 via Paypal]!!
It’s damned-near-impossible to use the buy command from an iPhone. It oh-so-helpfully replaces the – with an em-dash (—) and converts the quotes into smart quotes automatically.
/buy --set “120 pack”
@carl669 Oops, sorry. We sold out of some of those items.
@mediocrebot fuck you mediocrebot. go find me some dammit!
/buy --set “48 pack”
@carl669 Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. You can review how to pick one, or just try ordering from the checkout page.
@mediocrebot you’re really getting on my nerves bitch.

@carl669 Actually, bot was giving you the chance to man up to the 120 pack. You know you will need them.

@mfladd i already tried. see the post above.
@carl669 Bitches get the left overs, I guess.

Fixed up the /buy command to hopefully work with curly quotes from this point forward. Who’s going to be the first to try it?
@carl669 ??
@Pufferfishy i already bought the 49 pack, so i’m out.
@shawn looks like nobody did it. I’ll do it and cancel, I don’t need more than 120 right now.
/giphy I’m your Huckleberry

@shawn maniacal-depressed-lace says it worked. I copied @carl669’s failed attempt and it succeeded.
These batteries fit in the choo choo I just bought from meh. 12 Days of Woo Woo Christmas here we come!
Where are the power cells for the the adult novelty items? These will not last. According to Doc Brown you 1.21 gig awaits for almost anything cool. So how many do I need to produce 1.21 gigawatts. I figure that will really light the old girl on fire.
/image candid-flecked-martini

/giphy candid-flecked-martini
I initially passed on this deal this morning, but then I needed some AA batteries this evening and noticed I had only four left. In for 48.
/image owlish-deadpan-raccoon

If I realized it was Energizer I would have bought them this morning!
@ragingredd Yeah but did you know they are French Canadian? Look at the packages.
/buy --set “48 pack”
@djslack It worked! Your order number is: maniacal-depressed-lace
/image maniacal depressed lace

I’ve mailed packages through the USPS and every time they ask, “any liquids or batteries” inside my package. So, how does Meh do it? What do you tell the Post Office Guy? Just askin’. BTW, I plan to share my batteries as stocking stuffers…
@ThatGuyTony I think you will find they are referring to lithium batteries, which you can usually still mail, they just have to be known for handling procedures. These meh batteries are not lithium.
Got my 120 pack today… so far upon visual inspection I see ZERO leaks… gonna keep em in their clamshells until I need them. I tried 2 from the one pack that was forced open during shipping (shipped in their retail card boxes) and they are working so far.
@thismyusername mine aren’t leaking either. I am jealous that only one of your packs opened in transit. meh.
Tried these for the first time on Tuesday,8 of them in a trailcam and they lasted less than 30 hours. Even with a lot of activity other batteries have lasted 4-5 days. Maybe I can use these ecoadvanced batteries for some kind of weapon to smack myself in the head for buying 120 of the damn things
Its a good thing I have 120 of these… since they last LESS THAN a day. I can MAYBE power my Bluetooth keyboard for a week. #JUNK