@kazriko This semi-perplexes me because I have heard a lot of talk (radio and local television news) about “summer’s almost over”. I can sort of understand kids still in school thinking this way (summer=“summer vacation”) , but summer as a season isn’t close to being over.
@DrWorm Yeah, the school here starts a bit over a month before the end of summer. It also gets quite hot in late spring, but starts getting cool in late summer, so the start and end of seasons being equinoxes and solstices doesn’t quite line up with people’s thinking on the matter. Like their intuition doesn’t match up with the fact that Winter only starts 3-4 days before Christmas.
@kazriko We once were playing a couples’ game that was sort of “Newlywed game” like in nature. One of the “gimme” questions was “What season is your partner’s birthday?”, and I chuckled to myself when my brother-in-law said “winter” (his wife of twenty years has a birthday of December 2). Except she confirmed that her birthday was indeed in “winter”. They both insisted that December 2 was in winter (and couldn’t be swayed otherwise) because “It’s the same month as Christmas”.
I worked a full-time job, and will continue to do so with little time to do anything else at all until I pass away at my cubicle at 63 from a heart attack, like all of the other lifers.
Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Work out and play some video games during the roughly 10 free hours I have every week. Maybe take a day off every once in a while to catch up on household chores.
There isn’t a single person who has so much as even heard of this website who doesn’t go through the daily motions just for the sake of continuing to exist. No, you are not one of the .01% of the population which is an exception to that rule. Don’t kid yourself.
@cranky1950 Some mothers, not yet 104, prefer not to be considered old as they do not feel old inside and are sometimes surprised when they look in the mirror or think about being old enough to have a kid my age (grin). Thus I don’t think she is lying this time. Now about that halloween candy when we were kids that kept vanishing from the freezer - umm they let us blame each other and in reality my parents were eating it.
“Summer” is meaningless unless the heat rises and the electric bill goes up and you can’t take the dog while running errands and the humidity gets unbearable but you have to go out and water the plants and the the afternoon commute is better but the sun is right in your eyes during the morning commute and the shore traffic gets worse but the local vegetable stands are open and you can’t find the other flipflop and some other stuff you put somewhere last year.
@f00l east coast. Miles? Had to look it up. Apparently it’s 8.6.
20ish minutes to the beach by car… Depending of course which part of the beaches you want to go to.
2 minutes to drop a boat in a river that goes to the ocean.
I go to the beach at night.
When me and a co-worker friend happened to leave work at the same time during the day recently, we both hissed like old school vampires and covered our faces.
Leave me alone - I bought a house and am still unpacking - no time for outside unless you count going back and forth from house to moving van to new house.
I do have a week down the shore in September when all the rugrats go back to school and beach access is free.
@communist You can always dress more warmly for winter (unless you are a lizard with no body heat of your own). There is a legal limit to how much you can take off in summer (and you’ll still sweat).
@Nitewatch Seriously!!! Although I do admit shoveling snow is also not my idea of a good time, nor driving in blizzards (was in a 24 car pile up on the highway once doing that), on ice, in sleet… or trying to open frozen doors and operate frozen windshield wipers. On the other hand the day I had FOG coming out of my A/C vents (due to the outside heat and humidity) in the car made driving a bit novel as well (this was a first, and fortunately so far an ‘only’ experience since I had to turn the A/C off).
It’s ironic that this video posted while I was away camping by the lake. (With some freeze-dried food - we don’t do it mostly, but a few things are just easier that way.) So my summer is totally NOT wasted.
Retired this summer.
Just because the physical date gets here and officially ends summer, it will still be hot here for awhile.
I love summer, love hot summer days.
Never had a job I had to work year round, teacher.
I totally did.
@Thumperchick - Me too.
This video keeps getting posted earlier and earlier…
@Collin1000 Just like back to school sale ads in the papers and on TV. Oh I used to hate those with a passion…
I know, right? I had big plans and high hopes, but where did the time go? Like a summary of my life I suppose…
@ruouttaurmind At least I know where my time went. Work. Nights, weekends, allatime work. Meh.
@duodec Hopefully you are well rewarded for all that extra effort.
I wish I could claim to have been as productive.
@ruouttaurmind Bwaa haa haaahaaaa! What a fantastical thought! The reward for hard work is more hard work. Everyone knows that.
Technically, there’s over half of summer still around, but only because of the weird way that they’re delimited. (June 21th to Sept 21th?)
I worked all summer though. I will be getting a week off to go see an eclipse.
@kazriko This semi-perplexes me because I have heard a lot of talk (radio and local television news) about “summer’s almost over”. I can sort of understand kids still in school thinking this way (summer=“summer vacation”) , but summer as a season isn’t close to being over.
@DrWorm Yeah, the school here starts a bit over a month before the end of summer. It also gets quite hot in late spring, but starts getting cool in late summer, so the start and end of seasons being equinoxes and solstices doesn’t quite line up with people’s thinking on the matter. Like their intuition doesn’t match up with the fact that Winter only starts 3-4 days before Christmas.
@kazriko We once were playing a couples’ game that was sort of “Newlywed game” like in nature. One of the “gimme” questions was “What season is your partner’s birthday?”, and I chuckled to myself when my brother-in-law said “winter” (his wife of twenty years has a birthday of December 2). Except she confirmed that her birthday was indeed in “winter”. They both insisted that December 2 was in winter (and couldn’t be swayed otherwise) because “It’s the same month as Christmas”.
I did summer outdoors totally sucks round here.
@f00l Today was ok I actually worked outside all day and didn’t have to wring out my clothes when I came in.
I worked my ass off this summer. And still plan to with what is left. Talk to me in January, slackers.
I waste everything, including time. Especially time.
“Summer” is meaningless when you’re an adult.
I worked a full-time job, and will continue to do so with little time to do anything else at all until I pass away at my cubicle at 63 from a heart attack, like all of the other lifers.
Work, eat, sleep, repeat. Work out and play some video games during the roughly 10 free hours I have every week. Maybe take a day off every once in a while to catch up on household chores.
There isn’t a single person who has so much as even heard of this website who doesn’t go through the daily motions just for the sake of continuing to exist. No, you are not one of the .01% of the population which is an exception to that rule. Don’t kid yourself.
@ShotgunX You should wait until at least 103 for that heart attack in your cubical. My mom says you aren’t old until 104.
A Mehmbers are all superior and retired.
They’re a disreputable lot, obviously.
@Kidsandliz Mothers lie to their children.
@cranky1950 Some mothers, not yet 104, prefer not to be considered old as they do not feel old inside and are sometimes surprised when they look in the mirror or think about being old enough to have a kid my age (grin). Thus I don’t think she is lying this time. Now about that halloween candy when we were kids that kept vanishing from the freezer - umm they let us blame each other and in reality my parents were eating it.
“Summer” is meaningless unless the heat rises and the electric bill goes up and you can’t take the dog while running errands and the humidity gets unbearable but you have to go out and water the plants and the the afternoon commute is better but the sun is right in your eyes during the morning commute and the shore traffic gets worse but the local vegetable stands are open and you can’t find the other flipflop and some other stuff you put somewhere last year.
/image Florida license plate endless summer

Just shaddup already.
You will have months and months to brag, November-March, assuming you survive hurricane season.
Btw which coast is nearest to you? Approx how many miles?
@f00l east coast. Miles? Had to look it up. Apparently it’s 8.6.
20ish minutes to the beach by car… Depending of course which part of the beaches you want to go to.
2 minutes to drop a boat in a river that goes to the ocean.
I go to the beach at night.
When me and a co-worker friend happened to leave work at the same time during the day recently, we both hissed like old school vampires and covered our faces.
@RiotDemon East Coast is the only coast. The Gulf side is practice for hell.
@cranky1950 I did stay in Cape Coral once. The place was nice… The house was $500k+ so of course it was nice.
@RiotDemon In the middle of August?
@cranky1950 nah. It was the middle of November.
@RiotDemon Cape Coral is kinda nice then the temps are human and the skeeters are mostly gone after the first or second frost.
I have rather liked the Gulf Coast when I visited, assuming I was quite near either to the waterway or the beach.
Esp spending the day on Sanibel or Captiva.
@RiotDemon why does it take 20 minutes to go 8 miles? That’s crazy
@unksol speed limits, red lights, etc. It’s not like I’m driving a straight shot on the highway.
@RiotDemon The song blue hairs driving in my lane was written about central / south florida.
Leave me alone - I bought a house and am still unpacking - no time for outside unless you count going back and forth from house to moving van to new house.
I do have a week down the shore in September when all the rugrats go back to school and beach access is free.
Summer is my least favorite of the seasons, so I suppose the more of it I ‘waste’, the better.
@communist You can always dress more warmly for winter (unless you are a lizard with no body heat of your own). There is a legal limit to how much you can take off in summer (and you’ll still sweat).
@Nitewatch Seriously!!! Although I do admit shoveling snow is also not my idea of a good time, nor driving in blizzards (was in a 24 car pile up on the highway once doing that), on ice, in sleet… or trying to open frozen doors and operate frozen windshield wipers. On the other hand the day I had FOG coming out of my A/C vents (due to the outside heat and humidity) in the car made driving a bit novel as well (this was a first, and fortunately so far an ‘only’ experience since I had to turn the A/C off).
It’s ironic that this video posted while I was away camping by the lake. (With some freeze-dried food - we don’t do it mostly, but a few things are just easier that way.) So my summer is totally NOT wasted.
Went to school but I do plan on wasting the rest of the summer.
Retired this summer.
Just because the physical date gets here and officially ends summer, it will still be hot here for awhile.
I love summer, love hot summer days.
Never had a job I had to work year round, teacher.