Can it make a margarita: No, but it drink a spilled margarita, salt and all
I’m not sure if there’s a missing word or two there or if I’m just not understanding the hip new lingo (do people say “hip new lingo” anymore?). Either way, I think the takeaway for me is that copywriting and margarita-drinking do not mix (and if no MADCW organization exists, perhaps it needs to?).
@andymand@brennyn Thanks, you just sent me on a 20-minute search to find the origin of this quote from 20-years ago — the early days on internet-focused entertainment. For those similarly lost, it is from the StrongBad series.
@werehatrack@zippyus Had been relying on my Chromebook for usual internet stuff, but decided time to start using a PC again, for certain stuff.
My old great laptop had died, so decided to get a new Windoze machine.
Came with Win 11S, which is misnamed; should be Win 11POS.
(1) Takes an average of two-three minutes from picking it up to actually being able to use it. My Chromebooks take less than 15 seconds.
(2) Have to log in over internet. EVERY. DAMNED. TiME. Even if i just want to work on something already on the machine. So, at the mercy of my old iffy wifi router, which seems adverse to new connections.
(3) Have to type in my password. EVERY. DAMNED. TiME. Password is by default obscured, until you explicitly click to show it. Do that, but then if you edit, even a backspace, it auto reverts to obscured. WTF, MS? You think i changed my mind in between typing?
(4) Once logged in, it takes the opportunity to show me an advertisement for some other MS product, which i immediately kill, but again slowed me down.
(5) Under S mode, it only allows loading apps from the MS Store, for “safety”. But apparently other MS products, such as Visual Studio are un-“safe”, bc it refuses to let me run them (though i can dl them).
(6) The damned OS is way too “helpful”, with its pages of suggestions every time i put my hands above the keyboard. Many are product referrals, (read “income generators”). More stuff to kill and slow me down.
One of these days, after reviewing all repercussions, i will regender the OS to non-S. But it will probably still be somewhat POS.
My actual password for that MS account is “MS_wienie”. You can try to guess my user name (hint: i don’t use anything remotely similar anywhere else).
@catthegreat@phendrick For years and years my Verizon password was BullshitXX, where XX was a number that I incremented by one every time they forced me to change my password. I was up to 37.
@catthegreat@phendrick@zippyus For quite a while, my Microsoft login password was a leeted version of gofuckyourselfMicrosoft. But then I got tired of dealing with the bullshit of having to type in that nasty string, and changed it.
@OnionSoup Here is when most teens get into trouble and/or have sex - weekdays, school is out, parents not home yet. And their parents have no idea. Yes they can sneak out on the weekends too but most teenaged sex is weekdays. Also if your car doesn’t have an independent way to prevent your kids for sneaking it, add one. Best $25 I ever spent was to get the ignition kill fixed (uses a separate key as it was aftermarket so not let kid see when I disarmed it either). And they text to see who can sneak out so my rule was no phones after X hour. Kid: “mom the ghetto van is broken.” Me: “and how would you know that?”. Oops.
@Kidsandliz no worries about any of that with my kids. I worry more they’re not being teenagers and having more fun. Sometimes feel they’re missing out in some ways. It’s a frequent conversation with the wife “when I was their age I was out doing …”
@richrauch It doesn’t work in a reply. See below for the result in the comment where I copied your reply to see what it produced; it’s actually pretty good.
I’m starting to have a sense of foreboding about the possibility that this year’s Birthday Meh-rathon might have a Day Zero event that’s nothing but combo packs of vacuum cleaners and expiration-proximate snacks like the infamous mask-and-TrackR 'Thon of a while back. If they were to put up a short test/demo video of each unit vacuuming up a specific one of the snacks, that would absolutely make the whole thing hilarious. Sort of. Okay, for those of us who are trivially easy to entertain, it might hold our attention for several seconds. Maybe. On second thought, I said nothing, that would be a terrible idea, let us never bring it up again.
Less than a year old and the battery doesn’t hold a charge. Vendor will not honor warranty because meh isn’t a preferred vendor so it’s $150 paperweight
/showme Mona Lisa using a vacuum cleaner
@mediocrebot impressive! And the digits are surprisingly correct!
@JWhirly @mediocrebot And the floor really does look shiny clean. Good job, Lisa!
Three Chihuahuas that don’t like Wisconsin winters and don’t have the greatest aim when it comes to pee pads.
I’m not sure if there’s a missing word or two there or if I’m just not understanding the hip new lingo (do people say “hip new lingo” anymore?). Either way, I think the takeaway for me is that copywriting and margarita-drinking do not mix (and if no MADCW organization exists, perhaps it needs to?).
@andymand “They tell me not to, but I still drinks it!”
@andymand @brennyn Thanks, you just sent me on a 20-minute search to find the origin of this quote from 20-years ago — the early days on internet-focused entertainment. For those similarly lost, it is from the StrongBad series.
@brennyn @pmarin Thank you both for that!
Typing Tutor Turbo LMAO
/showme Meh Bingo Card with “Vacuum Cleaner” in every square.
@mediocrebot not a bingo card, but that will work for a new logo
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup and several are duplicated multiple times, just like Meh!
This is for all the suckers out there!
After reading the writeup, I guess we know why Dave’s not here, man.
/showme the suckiest vacuum that ever sucked
@zippyus That one will be the daily deal next week.
Refurbished, but like new.
@phendrick @zippyus With all of the Microsoft branding removed so that it will actually work.
@werehatrack @zippyus Had been relying on my Chromebook for usual internet stuff, but decided time to start using a PC again, for certain stuff.
My old great laptop had died, so decided to get a new Windoze machine.
Came with Win 11S, which is misnamed; should be Win 11POS.
(1) Takes an average of two-three minutes from picking it up to actually being able to use it. My Chromebooks take less than 15 seconds.
(2) Have to log in over internet. EVERY. DAMNED. TiME. Even if i just want to work on something already on the machine. So, at the mercy of my old iffy wifi router, which seems adverse to new connections.
(3) Have to type in my password. EVERY. DAMNED. TiME. Password is by default obscured, until you explicitly click to show it. Do that, but then if you edit, even a backspace, it auto reverts to obscured. WTF, MS? You think i changed my mind in between typing?
(4) Once logged in, it takes the opportunity to show me an advertisement for some other MS product, which i immediately kill, but again slowed me down.
(5) Under S mode, it only allows loading apps from the MS Store, for “safety”. But apparently other MS products, such as Visual Studio are un-“safe”, bc it refuses to let me run them (though i can dl them).
(6) The damned OS is way too “helpful”, with its pages of suggestions every time i put my hands above the keyboard. Many are product referrals, (read “income generators”). More stuff to kill and slow me down.
One of these days, after reviewing all repercussions, i will regender the OS to non-S. But it will probably still be somewhat POS.
My actual password for that MS account is “MS_wienie”. You can try to guess my user name (hint: i don’t use anything remotely similar anywhere else).
@phendrick @werehatrack @zippyus ha yeah my hub’s MS password is MS_F*ckOff or something similar. hate them!
@catthegreat @phendrick For years and years my Verizon password was BullshitXX, where XX was a number that I incremented by one every time they forced me to change my password. I was up to 37.
@kostia @phendrick hahaha I may have to implement this strategy
@catthegreat @phendrick @zippyus For quite a while, my Microsoft login password was a leeted version of gofuckyourselfMicrosoft. But then I got tired of dealing with the bullshit of having to type in that nasty string, and changed it.
I will never buy something that can outdrink me again.
So this is guaranteed to do a better job on pet poop than those robot frisbees such as Rumbas?
One sold so far, in Georgia. Will this model help them clean up their current mess with the DA there?
Selling vacuum cleaners, often, was the beginning of the end of Woot.
I got Meh Bingo for the month… Going across. Vacuum Cleaner, Snack Food, Hand Held Vacuum, Wet Dry Vac.
What’s my prize?
@werehatrack is not allowed to answer that question.
@OnionSoup Another child so that you need all that stuff?
The prize is … a stray kitten! (Hey, it’ll happen anyway, I might as well take the credit.)
@Kidsandliz no!! Love my kids but I couldn’t handle another one Theyre finally all teenagers so I can relax a little bit.
@werehatrack a stray kitten I would take. Send me all the kittens.
@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup
@Kidsandliz @macromeh my teens are boring teens. Thankfully.
@OnionSoup Here is when most teens get into trouble and/or have sex - weekdays, school is out, parents not home yet. And their parents have no idea. Yes they can sneak out on the weekends too but most teenaged sex is weekdays. Also if your car doesn’t have an independent way to prevent your kids for sneaking it, add one. Best $25 I ever spent was to get the ignition kill fixed (uses a separate key as it was aftermarket so not let kid see when I disarmed it either). And they text to see who can sneak out so my rule was no phones after X hour. Kid: “mom the ghetto van is broken.” Me: “and how would you know that?”. Oops.
@OnionSoup high-five for boring teenagers, which are the best kind. Mine just got a JOB. I could sing.
@Kidsandliz no worries about any of that with my kids. I worry more they’re not being teenagers and having more fun. Sometimes feel they’re missing out in some ways. It’s a frequent conversation with the wife “when I was their age I was out doing …”
I, on the other hand, admit nothing.
Meh, sucking the life out of my nightly shopping.
/showme combination vacuum and margarita in the style of Seurat
Meh. Seurat would have had shadows going in two different directions; our bot just left them out. And the bot seems to misunderstand pointillism.
Vacuum cleaner…
The speaker dock of 2024
I haven’t even received my vacuum from Monday yet and you’ve already posted another smh
Product: Dreametech H11 Max Cordless Wet/Dry Vacuum
Model: VWV8
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$359.99 at Dreametech
$349.99 at WellBots
Reviews at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Feb 22 - Monday, Feb 26
/showme Mona Lisa with a vacuum
/showme Mona Lisa using a vacuum cleaner
@richrauch It doesn’t work in a reply. See below for the result in the comment where I copied your reply to see what it produced; it’s actually pretty good.
I’m starting to have a sense of foreboding about the possibility that this year’s Birthday Meh-rathon might have a Day Zero event that’s nothing but combo packs of vacuum cleaners and expiration-proximate snacks like the infamous mask-and-TrackR 'Thon of a while back. If they were to put up a short test/demo video of each unit vacuuming up a specific one of the snacks, that would absolutely make the whole thing hilarious. Sort of. Okay, for those of us who are trivially easy to entertain, it might hold our attention for several seconds. Maybe. On second thought, I said nothing, that would be a terrible idea, let us never bring it up again.
Based on the most recent Amazon reviews it looks like the batteries have been sitting too long and longevity is a serious concern.
Meh. Give me a Roomba that does the same.
I’m done pushing.
/showme a vacuum cleaner making a margarita on black velvet
Less than a year old and the battery doesn’t hold a charge. Vendor will not honor warranty because meh isn’t a preferred vendor so it’s $150 paperweight