They have those bentley bones for sale at our local "marcs discount store" in cleveland. I stocked up and ultimately threw what i had away. Some of.the bones are thin at parts and thus chip into dangerous sharp pieces of bone. Happened to two bones before i said no more.
Big dog owners? Worlds best chew toy = 6' of climbing rope from REI, tied into a couple of big fat knots. Around $5, and they'd lady my 180 Great Dane at least a year.
@glindagw no worries. Honestly i have used this style of bone without problems at all across multiple brands. The issue isnt with the bone but with this brand. I'm actually a little shocked that is shipping these out to discounters rather than recalling them. I hope most of you that buy get bully sticks. Thats a good deal and safe.
@joebwink Do bully sticks stink? I've never bought those for my dog. She loves actual water buffalo horns (not products from horny water buffalos). The stink isn't as bad after a couple of days. One horn lasts for a couple of months.
@glindagw they stink so bad I had to steal the last one from my dogs (who were fighting over it,they loved it so much) and remove it from the house within 20 minutes of opening it. And the stink stuck to my hand, too!
@mediocrebot Our mastiff would so swallow all of those essentially whole. She is safe with nylabones, kongs, and moose or elk antler in the largest sizes available, and our pit-greyhound mix appears to be following closely in her big sister's footsteps. The moose and elk antler are natural sheds from the current season, with little to no odor, and provide calcium, fatty acids, and other minerals. We just found outcabout them, but they are awesome.
@PhysAssist I wish. My uncle used to send us elk antlers but he's not as active these days. I saw a piece of deer antler at the pet store & almost bought it...until I saw the $15 price tag for a 6" piece.
@march5th00 Another Cleveland mehtizen? I've had it with imported dog treats. My dog is ecstatic to be given an extra piece of Bil-Jac, which you would think is crack given how my dogs have loved it. Have also bought ridiculously overpriced but hopefully safe blue buffalo stuff.
@mediocrebot I buy these every time, my dog loves destroying this crap. Shame the last bunch I ordered only had 10 items inside instead of 12 (3 sets), still worth the $$$$ tho
Meh, this one is so unbelievably most meh item i have seen from this site lol. Usually when i go to pet store and in their clearance section, i can get almost the same thing for $1 each
@smoo99 Best "breed"/hybrid ever. Smart, friendly, usually bigger than that but not too big, hypo-allergenic (zero fur shed), no unusual health issues. But we call that mix "cockapoo".
Damn...that stuffed creepy rabbit thing is awesome looking. I still have two of these four items from the last dog bundle. I don't think my dog needs a 5th rope.
No thanks. Maybe these would be good if you have a nice dog whose mission isn't to destroy every toy she is given as quickly as possible. I do not. Well, she's nice, but she disembowels and shreds every rope or stuffed toy nearby.
@belowi Disembowel andxshred isxwhat they're created for, unlike swallow essentially whole, which is what our demented Mastiff would do to these PDQ. So many times we have followed her around hoping that the swallowed toys, socks, etc either get barfed up or pooped out without any obstruction or surgery. We are very careful, but she is clever and motivated.
Be forewarned, if you get a bully stick, they are horrendously stinky. The bird with the tennis ball body was fun but quickly destroyed by our pup. The rope is still around and great for tug of war. Cheapy toys for a cheap price. I'm tempted to buy again and hope for no pizzle.
@djslack That's why we didn't buy the last time these we up. All I had to say was Pizzle and my wife went into beast mode about the smell of the pizzle!
@djslack Yeah, the tennis balls on the birds are so old they just fall apart. I had 3 of these last time and I could crush them in my hands. The ropes are cool though but not great if you have a bigger dog, tons of near misses when he is adjusting his grip.
MEH team? are you sleeping? Is it ok to use fuck on these forums? That's not what was before. What happened to your automated changing software thingy?
MEH! Got mine the Christmas package a couple months ago and she hasn't gone through that yet and since it's nowhere near her b'day.. Well.. don't want her expecting something every other month.
My dog would have these in bits of fluff all over the place within minutes per toy, minus the bits she ingested, which wouldn't be good. After shake-whapping me with them repeatedly for tug play attention.
Perfect timing! I just adopted a Shiloh Shepherd puppy, who's training to be a service dog to help with my spine injuries and PTSD. He's only 11 weeks old now, though, and needs lots of toys to keep him from chewing things he shouldn't.
I'm not ordering this time but I'll leave some feedback as I ordered the similar bundle around Christmas.
I have two dogs. While admittedly Dakota has no interest in his toys and treats, my girl Sequoia lost her little doggy mind and had a temporary lapse in sanity the day the box came. I had opened it to make sure everything was there, and placed it onto a high place. Somehow, the box was moved from that high place, and she got into it.
She threw the toys on the floor and ate one of the bully sticks, wrapper and all. I caught her just as she was tearing into the plastic of the filled bones. I cleaned up teh mess and gave them what was left properly at Christmas. Dakota enjoyed his bully stick, but my god, Sequoia would go out of her way to take it away from him and was trying to swallow the entire thing whole. I had to keep taking it away from her and giving it back to him, but she would just steal it again minutes later. Eventually I ended up just letting her have it after several days of trying to let Dakota enjoy it.
Also as a word of warning, those bully sticks stink. Like, the inside of satans butt bowels of hell stick, and the stink sticks to your hands. Maybe that's why she loved it so much. At least now I have a funny story to tell though about my female dog who loves pizzle.
Kitties rule. And I think my kitty will go bonkers over several of these items. If nothing else, this may increase my pleasure in our play sessions; I have been so rude as to get bored from time to time. I figure I can toss the bones if I get 'em, but everything else is worth a try.
@gertiestn If you do get it, please be a hero and consider donating the bones to a local shelter or dog rescue rather than tossing them. Just saying...
@gertiestn Sorry, I had just spent a couple of hours trying to dig out our truck stuck in the snow off the edge of our driveway, and was too exhausted to be able to recognize anything other than literal concrete meanings. Good on ya!
@haydesigner Awww god bless and you gotta know she is in the heavenly place missing you and waiting patiently for your reunion (hopefully a long way ahead in the future).
I would totally be in for this, but alas my dog loves chewing things so much that he'll chew until his mouth is bleeding, and then keep on chewing until we make him stop. So bones and rope are out.
That road kill thing looks fun, but since i'd be paying $8 just for that, probably makes just as much sense to take that $8 down to pet food express and get him something there.
When I buy my friend and loved one dog toys, I can't chance it on varying colors. That said, the weird sock monkey knock-off looks pretty good for everyday, around the house use... I can't decide.
The premise put forth as a reason to buy this Meh deal (it's rude for house guests not to bring gift treats to the house's dog) is the exact reason I decided to purchase it — BEFORE even reading that pitch!
I was sold by the photo alone because while I was visiting & crashing with a friend in Chicago, her dog totally unraveled that big rope-y knot thing after a year of having it. Saw it in the bundle and bought it right away.
This has been "Behind the Meh Purchase" with @jose602!
Meh....what's 'a matta' wit you? No kittah toys? Are you feline-o-phobic? Not sure of your meh-hood? Or just partial to four legged drooly things that just make a lot of noise and need constant attention?
LOL, thanks for doing whatever it is you do every day..:-) And putting up with stupid comments like these!
Model: Bow Wow 97250 (Bird ball toy)
Model: Bow Wow 96055 (Bird rope toy)
Model: Dentley’s 1897C (Bacon bones)
Model: Dentley’s 1882C (Bully stick)
Model: Waverly WAV97200 (Rope toy)
Model: Bow Wow 96035 (Road Kill jingle toy)
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 2/17 - 2/19
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Braided bully stick OR 2x Stuffed bones
1x Bungee bird ball toy OR 1x Bungee tropical bird toy
1x Road Kill jingle toy
1x Knotted loop tug toy
Example set
Rope variations
Chewable variations
Bird style variations
Bird color variations
Roadkill variations
Price Check
$9.95 for bungee bird at eBay
$7.97 for similar braided bully stick at Amazon
$11.98 for similar stuffed bone at Amazon
$9.95 for similar knotted rope toy at Amazon
$9.95 for jingle friend at Amazon
$6.99 for tropical bird toy at Amazon
90 days
They have those bentley bones for sale at our local "marcs discount store" in cleveland. I stocked up and ultimately threw what i had away. Some of.the bones are thin at parts and thus chip into dangerous sharp pieces of bone. Happened to two bones before i said no more.
Big dog owners? Worlds best chew toy = 6' of climbing rope from REI, tied into a couple of big fat knots. Around $5, and they'd lady my 180 Great Dane at least a year.
@march5th00 Thank you very much for saying something. I hate the water buffalo horns (they stink) but at least they are safe.
@glindagw Umm... Those are not horns. They are things that get horny, but alas, not horns. Hence the smell.
@glindagw no worries. Honestly i have used this style of bone without problems at all across multiple brands. The issue isnt with the bone but with this brand. I'm actually a little shocked that is shipping these out to discounters rather than recalling them. I hope most of you that buy get bully sticks. Thats a good deal and safe.
@joebwink Do bully sticks stink? I've never bought those for my dog. She loves actual water buffalo horns (not products from horny water buffalos). The stink isn't as bad after a couple of days. One horn lasts for a couple of months.
@mediocrebot Dog items, espically treats, made in China are not good for pets. So many pets have been lost. :( there is no jurisdiction over pet toys!
@glindagw they stink so bad I had to steal the last one from my dogs (who were fighting over it,they loved it so much) and remove it from the house within 20 minutes of opening it. And the stink stuck to my hand, too!
@mediocrebot Our mastiff would so swallow all of those essentially whole. She is safe with nylabones, kongs, and moose or elk antler in the largest sizes available, and our pit-greyhound mix appears to be following closely in her big sister's footsteps. The moose and elk antler are natural sheds from the current season, with little to no odor, and provide calcium, fatty acids, and other minerals. We just found outcabout them, but they are awesome.
@glindagw stink isn't the word for how they smell. They should invent a new word for how bad they smell.
@PhysAssist I wish. My uncle used to send us elk antlers but he's not as active these days. I saw a piece of deer antler at the pet store & almost bought it...until I saw the $15 price tag for a 6" piece.
@glindagw They do be expensive, but they have lasted our mastiff a longer time than even some of her nylabones.
@mediocrebot Damn! The first day in weeks I haven't checked meh over morning coffee and they have something I would have bought!
@march5th00 Another Cleveland mehtizen? I've had it with imported dog treats. My dog is ecstatic to be given an extra piece of Bil-Jac, which you would think is crack given how my dogs have loved it. Have also bought ridiculously overpriced but hopefully safe blue buffalo stuff.
@mediocrebot I buy these every time, my dog loves destroying this crap. Shame the last bunch I ordered only had 10 items inside instead of 12 (3 sets), still worth the $$$$ tho
No dog, so super meh.
@Archeanthus yeah, and baby has no teeth yet.
My dog says, "Woof."
Translation: "Meh."
@stryper2000 Haters gonna hate....
@stryper2000 Not so much when they give you asthma attacks.
I have two dogs but I'm selfish I want something for me. :) meh tonight
@woca1121 That's balls!
@Stallion Not unless they have been neutered.
Man I gotta get me some dog toys, bitches love dog toys.
@studerc Well played. You win the comment of the day award.
Thanks meh.
Arf arc meh meh.
Put the drums back up. I'd just about talked myself into them.
FYI: Those bones splinter, really bad. Go with unbleached bones.
My dog freaks out when things like this are around her.
Meh :/'s deal is woof...
Come on meow...someone had to say it...
You're barking up the wrong tree, meh.
Are some of those dog toys going to star in a new 'Meh Video series' about Meh's break room????
Meh. I don't have a dog, so this was definitely not worth staying up for.
Nice! Something to cheer up my dog after I give it a BATH.
@ModusPwnens just let it go
My building does not allow dogs so meh.
@axleman1011 Does it allow dog toys?
@saodell good point, in for 3
Meh, this one is so unbelievably most meh item i have seen from this site lol. Usually when i go to pet store and in their clearance section, i can get almost the same thing for $1 each
Fuck this fucking fuck
@armchair What happened MEH team? Can we use this language on these forums? I thought u guys always make it PG-rated?
@bluetide These forums are cursing friendly. No PG rating here - just no flat out personal attacks, spam, or porn. In other words, NO BULLSHIT
@bluetide - sorry, mean to link this - NO BULLSHIT
@Thumperchick That's a bunch of fucking bullshit.
@armchair BOVINE PIZZLE!
@bluetide Come one step closer and I'll make you PG rated. :p
@bluetide cursing will not be fucking tolerated!
Never thought my first meh purchase would be dog toys, but alas. I'd rather buy stuff for my dog than even SEE any more speaker docks!
@Portlis Your dog wouldn't like a speaker dock??
@Portlis Here here! Except everything looks too big for my 9 lbs of cockapoodle.
@smoo99 Best "breed"/hybrid ever. Smart, friendly, usually bigger than that but not too big, hypo-allergenic (zero fur shed), no unusual health issues. But we call that mix "cockapoo".
@RedOak So do I when I don't post while asleep!
Meh. I mean.... Woof!
@billymayfield Or did you mean....Woot!
No way to be sure to avoid pizzle?
If only my dog could play with that dinosaur though.
Damn...that stuffed creepy rabbit thing is awesome looking. I still have two of these four items from the last dog bundle. I don't think my dog needs a 5th rope.
No thanks. Maybe these would be good if you have a nice dog whose mission isn't to destroy every toy she is given as quickly as possible. I do not. Well, she's nice, but she disembowels and shreds every rope or stuffed toy nearby.
@belowi Disembowel andxshred isxwhat they're created for, unlike swallow essentially whole, which is what our demented Mastiff would do to these PDQ. So many times we have followed her around hoping that the swallowed toys, socks, etc either get barfed up or pooped out without any obstruction or surgery. We are very careful, but she is clever and motivated.
@belowi REI or EMS climbing rope, 6' @ 80¢ per foot, tied into tight nots. Lasts a good year for my 180 lb Great Dane.
Be forewarned, if you get a bully stick, they are horrendously stinky. The bird with the tennis ball body was fun but quickly destroyed by our pup. The rope is still around and great for tug of war. Cheapy toys for a cheap price. I'm tempted to buy again and hope for no pizzle.
@djslack that thing was easily the foulest thing I have ever smelled in my life. I'm glad my dog devoured it in a minute.
@djslack Gross.
@djslack That's why we didn't buy the last time these we up. All I had to say was Pizzle and my wife went into beast mode about the smell of the pizzle!
@djslack Yeah, the tennis balls on the birds are so old they just fall apart. I had 3 of these last time and I could crush them in my hands. The ropes are cool though but not great if you have a bigger dog, tons of near misses when he is adjusting his grip.
MEH team? are you sleeping? Is it ok to use fuck on these forums? That's not what was before. What happened to your automated changing software thingy?
@bluetide Looks like we've found "that guy".
@BootlegCraig HEHE, "that guy' whose sensitive about fuck being posted! hmmm fuck yeah!! (MEH u gotta do something)
@bluetide For real, it's allowed. We're allowed to say FUCK.
@bluetide Better yet, we're not only allowed to say, but encouraged to say, BOVINE PIZZLE!
@Kerig3 Fucking bovine pizzle!
@bluetide "automated changing software thingy"... you might be thinking of Woot.
@RedOak Woot who???
Just cancelled VMP. It would have renewed tomorrow. I am not mediocre enough for this website yet.
The snifflehounds are converging on this tonight!! Arf Arf, Sniff, Sniff!!!!
Are you sure these aren't kinky sex toys in disguise??
MEH! Got mine the Christmas package a couple months ago and she hasn't gone through that yet and since it's nowhere near her b'day.. Well.. don't want her expecting something every other month.

@unkabob Aww she wants more new toys, she's even dancing for them.
@unkabob A real cutey pie you got there!
@unkabob Pretty sure she's begging for some BOVINE PIZZLE.
My dog would have these in bits of fluff all over the place within minutes per toy, minus the bits she ingested, which wouldn't be good. After shake-whapping me with them repeatedly for tug play attention.
I love my dogs, but no critter in my house is going to run around chewing on a dried buffalo d*ck.
@Renee4183 Good for you! Save the buffalo!! They can't reproduce without em!
@eeterrific pretty sure they grow back like a lizard's tail.
haven't ordered something in a week or so, better get something before I have too much money in my bank dog would chew that too
@trudymae l0l
nah meh
Perfect timing! I just adopted a Shiloh Shepherd puppy, who's training to be a service dog to help with my spine injuries and PTSD. He's only 11 weeks old now, though, and needs lots of toys to keep him from chewing things he shouldn't.
@CircaRigel Hey, that's wonderful! Greetings to the new member of the household.
Fuck<-----just testing!
Cats rule and dogs drool, so meh
I'm not ordering this time but I'll leave some feedback as I ordered the similar bundle around Christmas.
I have two dogs. While admittedly Dakota has no interest in his toys and treats, my girl Sequoia lost her little doggy mind and had a temporary lapse in sanity the day the box came. I had opened it to make sure everything was there, and placed it onto a high place. Somehow, the box was moved from that high place, and she got into it.
She threw the toys on the floor and ate one of the bully sticks, wrapper and all. I caught her just as she was tearing into the plastic of the filled bones. I cleaned up teh mess and gave them what was left properly at Christmas. Dakota enjoyed his bully stick, but my god, Sequoia would go out of her way to take it away from him and was trying to swallow the entire thing whole. I had to keep taking it away from her and giving it back to him, but she would just steal it again minutes later. Eventually I ended up just letting her have it after several days of trying to let Dakota enjoy it.
Also as a word of warning, those bully sticks stink. Like, the inside of satans butt bowels of hell stick, and the stink sticks to your hands. Maybe that's why she loved it so much. At least now I have a funny story to tell though about my female dog who loves pizzle.
No pagination. I'm out.
Kitties rule. And I think my kitty will go bonkers over several of these items. If nothing else, this may increase my pleasure in our play sessions; I have been so rude as to get bored from time to time. I figure I can toss the bones if I get 'em, but everything else is worth a try.
@gertiestn Cats are superior to these "toys" and will eye you with disgust.
However, they will happily play for hours with the box this comes in.
@gertiestn If you do get it, please be a hero and consider donating the bones to a local shelter or dog rescue rather than tossing them. Just saying...
@PhysAssist Yep. I used "toss" in the sense of keeping it away from Mowgli, my little guy. Will pass it on if I get one. Thanks.
@gertiestn Sorry, I had just spent a couple of hours trying to dig out our truck stuck in the snow off the edge of our driveway, and was too exhausted to be able to recognize anything other than literal concrete meanings. Good on ya!
New Low?
Dentley's = meh. I'd grab it otherwise.
My dog died last August, at 14. I still miss her.
@haydesigner Awww god bless and you gotta know she is in the heavenly place missing you and waiting patiently for your reunion (hopefully a long way ahead in the future).
@haydesigner Sorry for your loss. :(
@haydesigner I understand and am sorry. Ours passed last September...last night I dreamed of her at my side...
@haydesigner It's a special heartbreak to lose a furry friend. Take care.
@haydesigner I'm sorry. I know how it is to lose a good pup. Sometimes, i read this to call him back in a way.
@SpeakerDoc Thank you :-)
I would totally be in for this, but alas my dog loves chewing things so much that he'll chew until his mouth is bleeding, and then keep on chewing until we make him stop. So bones and rope are out.
That road kill thing looks fun, but since i'd be paying $8 just for that, probably makes just as much sense to take that $8 down to pet food express and get him something there.
When I buy my friend and loved one dog toys, I can't chance it on varying colors. That said, the weird sock monkey knock-off looks pretty good for everyday, around the house use... I can't decide.
Made in China. Men. The goal of Chinese pet items it to kill pets.
You had me at "dog toys", but lost me with nothing useful for Valentines Day, e.g., collars, leashes, et al. (wink wink, nudge nudge)
@sjk3 At first I was like "hey walking your dog, yeah that's how I met my fiancee!" and then I realized what you actually meant.
@Moose I think you are going to make @barney blush now.
@mikibell (purple blush)
The premise put forth as a reason to buy this Meh deal (it's rude for house guests not to bring gift treats to the house's dog) is the exact reason I decided to purchase it — BEFORE even reading that pitch!
I was sold by the photo alone because while I was visiting & crashing with a friend in Chicago, her dog totally unraveled that big rope-y knot thing after a year of having it. Saw it in the bundle and bought it right away.
This has been "Behind the Meh Purchase" with @jose602!
@jose602 You're a good jose
Yes the kids will love this.

Meh....what's 'a matta' wit you? No kittah toys? Are you feline-o-phobic? Not sure of your meh-hood? Or just partial to four legged drooly things that just make a lot of noise and need constant attention?
LOL, thanks for doing whatever it is you do every day..:-) And putting up with stupid comments like these!
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I like purple.
Too bad my dog can't have nice things.
vmp bait
how about a human adult toy bundle? That would be more fun.
@sarahtarah Expect refurbs...
If only I could return to the days of yore, when I didn't know what a bully stick was.
We'll throw out the treats either way, they're not good for doggies. Just give them raw soup bones from the deli.
Curse my busy workday, I'd have bought these. Even at job lot, toys are $4 apiece.
So ...who was it that said they'd buy this again and again ? @teripie
Bitches will love this.
Rusty was very pleased with his stuff!
Scooby loves hims new fluffies, For all of 5 seconds. After that, they're just skins. Except for the ropes. Thanks meh! for making my woofer happy.
Didnt even last a weekend, buzzed right through it fuzz everywhere.