I tend to lose weight in the winter. I like to shovel (I know, I’m crazy), I love being outside in the cold, and frankly in the summer I’m mostly sitting around in the air conditioning on the computer, eating Cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew.
@fuzzmanmatt yes! i hate the heat and as such just loaf around. when it’s cooler out i’m motivated to do all sorts of things and also actually leave the house. i’ve often said i basically have reverse seasonal affective disorder too.
The numbers
1977 165 lbs American
1987 175
1989 195 wth?! 3rd shift coal mine supply data entry
1991 180 yes!
2007 180 steady
2017 195 slowing down
Steady expansion of waistline by 6" over 40 years. NTB
Ice cream good. Out of the mating game.
My weight fluctuates more than is probably healthy, but there doesn’t seem to be a seasonal pattern. I have gained 10 pounds in the period from Thanksgiving to New Year’s; and I have lost the same amount during those same months - both on multiple occasions.
The choice I wanted to choose has a typo and it bothered me more than it should.
That depends. Do randomly timed, alternating periods of reckless abandon and guilt-driven dieting count as “seasons”?
I tend to lose weight in the winter. I like to shovel (I know, I’m crazy), I love being outside in the cold, and frankly in the summer I’m mostly sitting around in the air conditioning on the computer, eating Cheetos and drinking Mountain Dew.
@fuzzmanmatt Meeee toooo. Winter is my weight loss time.
@fuzzmanmatt Did you grow up in the south? Jen loves shoveling, and I think it’s related to the fact that she never had to growing up.
@Pantheist Nope, lived in Michigan my whole life. I’m just a sicko.
@fuzzmanmatt I had a response, but Jen says it sounded vaguely sexual and that wasn’t my intent. So, thanks I think.
@fuzzmanmatt yes! i hate the heat and as such just loaf around. when it’s cooler out i’m motivated to do all sorts of things and also actually leave the house. i’ve often said i basically have reverse seasonal affective disorder too.
I’ve been tracking my weight since 2009 and this is a very obvious trend every year.

The numbers
1977 165 lbs American
1987 175
1989 195 wth?! 3rd shift coal mine supply data entry
1991 180 yes!
2007 180 steady
2017 195 slowing down
Steady expansion of waistline by 6" over 40 years. NTB
Ice cream good. Out of the mating game.
@davido in 1977, I was 7 pounds, 6 ounces
Winter and spring is usually when I lose all my weight, then gain it back in fall.
My weight fluctuates throughout the day, during various phases of the moon and on days that end with ‘y’.
My weight fluctuates more than is probably healthy, but there doesn’t seem to be a seasonal pattern. I have gained 10 pounds in the period from Thanksgiving to New Year’s; and I have lost the same amount during those same months - both on multiple occasions.
Candy Corn season brings the gainz

/giphy truffle shuffle
I honestly haven’t known my weight in about a decade
@spitfire6006006 could you guess within ±10 lbs?
@Yoda_Daenerys maybe within 20, though it probably fluctuates
@spitfire6006006 well ±10 is kinda like within 20, ±20 is more like
@Yoda_Daenerys Yeah that’s what I mean