Does your dog get car sick?
10Just wanted to share my successful strategy. Ginger is very good for preventing nausea. My new adoptee Zephyr has terrible car sickness, driving 8 blocks to the park he threw up both ways. I really wanted to take him to the dog park but it’s 13 miles away. So I started out by pushing a piece of candied ginger down his throat half an hour before we left and it worked. He drooled copiously but no barf. After doing this three times I tried without the ginger and he barfed both ways. The candied ginger has sugar on the outside, pushing it down his throat was like sandpaper. So I went to Whole Foods Market and got their house brand of ginger capsules. Stuck one in a piece of weenie and even though he bit into it and got a wtf? look on his face dutifully chewed it up and swallowed it. Worked like a charm. Having Tempest in the car, the windows down and the AC on also helps. Just thought this might be helpful to other pet owners. It has a pretty long effective time as I gave it to him at 8:30am, left for the park at 9am, they played for over an hour and got home at close to 11am. I much prefer ginger to motion sickness drugs.
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Had no idea. Thanks.
Btw they look so very huggable!
@f00l It works great for humans, too. I had the candied ginger on hand as I took it on the recent cruise in case my travel companion got seasick. It’s been a big help in the past. Plus it’s delicious.
They are definitely huggable! And they kerp me on my toes. About half an hpur ago I rwalized I hadn’t seen or heard Tempest for a few minutes and went looking for her. This is how I found her. It took a few minutes with human brains and opposable thumbs to disentangle her, I have no idea how she accomplished this.

@moondrake good to know. I get sea sick on fishing boats in the ocean.
@RiotDemon …plus candied ginger is SUPER easy to make and you get the benefit of ginger syrup which you can use on pancakes or to make Moscow mules!
Thanks for the tip! Our new puppy loses her lunch in the car if the trip is longer than a half hour or so. We’ll have to try this.
@djslack You should google appropriate dosage for a puppy her size. One big advantage with giant breed dogs is that they are human sized, so they can have human dosages.
Our dogs have never gotten car sick.

We took them with us as we dragged our trailer across 11 states & they loved every moment!
I’ve nevwer had a dog tht got car sick. Usually they beat me to the car
@cranky1950 we had a golden that would beat us to the car, but still got car sick for rides over 20 minutes. She was a massive sweetie. Thanks for the tip on ginger @moondrake.
My dogs never did, but my current cat does. Hmm, will think about ginger, but in truth she’s such a picky eater it would be tough getting her to take it.
My dog freaking loves the car. He doesn’t even really want to go anywhere. He just likes to ride around.
@arielleslie Territorial expansion by proxy.
@moondrake I think he really likes that when the car is moving he knows I’m not going anywhere. If I put the car in park he immediately goes on alert and stares at me.
/giphy dog vom

Mine never got sick as long as I let them drive…
My dogs love to ride too, but our IWH gets sick on long drives (like hours). I’ll definitely have to try this the next time we visit my mom. Thanks!