I am not a fan of ‘adult beverages’ out of Styrofoam cups.
They tend to weep over time
They have a surface that is not very ‘carbonated beverage’ (i.e beer, hard cider etc) friendly
They do NOTHING good for the taste of wine.
@blaineg@werehatrack Just the other day I was thinking about ‘red solo cup’ (before this topic came up). No idea why. Then I recalled seeing high-end cups made in the same style, and I think there was a double-insulated stainless cup version and I thought I should look for that again. In red, of course.
EDIT now I remember I got out of my car at a grocery store and there was a crushed red solo cup in the parking lot. And brought back memories of past parties long ago. (though, folks, don’t throw your trash in the supermarket parking lot, please!)
It depends on just how particular the drink is. Is it a snotty liquid that refuses to touch anything less than antique lead crystal? It probably wouldn’t be in my house at all, and if it is, it will just have to deal with being seen in a common glass. I’m just not going to cave to attitude from my household liquids.
Size matters for sure. I have 31 oz coffee mugs for hot drinks and 30 oz stainless steel tumblers for cold drinks.
I can’t relax and enjoy a beverage if I am going to keep getting up and down for refills.
Also: glassware is critical if you drink cocktails. The difference between an alcoholic and a drunk is whether you drink gin from a martini glass or a jelly jar.
Presentation definitely matters if you have any illusions at all about being a social drinker.
Livin’ simple and trying to get by
But honey, prices have shot through the sky
So I fixed up the basement with what I was a-workin’ with
Stocked it full of jelly jars and heavy equipment
We’re in the basement
10-20-30 million dollars, ready to be spent
EDIT so true then, so true now.
EDIT2 so now I guess you know what I drink out of…
It matters to me, but I almost never drink alcohol at home. I am in the process, however, of replacing all my everyday drinking glasses with British nonic pint glasses, because they are superior in every way.
@pmarin I didn’t know the word either until I started shopping for glasses. I think it’s just the shape, that wider at the top for the Guinness head thing.
It doesn’t matter to me.
What matters is when you forget to use one at all.
@werehatrack sometimes it’s just easier than way
@00 @werehatrack
yep… beer bottle FTW!
@00 @chienfou That’s not forgetting, that’s ignoring.
Depends only on whether it’s been washed lately, and all the soap washed out.
Of course, the Everclear will sterilize it, regardless.
People say it matters.
People are never wrong.
@haydesigner I’ll have my people call your people.
Mostly no, but I’m m not going to pour someone a pint of wine.
@00 well, technically are you really ‘pouring’ it if it’s just using the spigot on the box of wine?
I am not a fan of ‘adult beverages’ out of Styrofoam cups.
They tend to weep over time
They have a surface that is not very ‘carbonated beverage’ (i.e beer, hard cider etc) friendly
They do NOTHING good for the taste of wine.
@chienfou Or for the taste of anything else either, really.
Paper bag
depends what glass is in front on the shelf
Red SOLO cup
/image red plastic solo cup

@pmarin You can get that in glass or ceramic.
@blaineg @pmarin Or copper or stainless, for that matter.
@blaineg @werehatrack Just the other day I was thinking about ‘red solo cup’ (before this topic came up). No idea why. Then I recalled seeing high-end cups made in the same style, and I think there was a double-insulated stainless cup version and I thought I should look for that again. In red, of course.
EDIT now I remember I got out of my car at a grocery store and there was a crushed red solo cup in the parking lot. And brought back memories of past parties long ago. (though, folks, don’t throw your trash in the supermarket parking lot, please!)
alcohol is to be drinken from a “glass” glass and not a plastic one…
The size matters, of course. Is that a type?
It depends on just how particular the drink is. Is it a snotty liquid that refuses to touch anything less than antique lead crystal? It probably wouldn’t be in my house at all, and if it is, it will just have to deal with being seen in a common glass. I’m just not going to cave to attitude from my household liquids.
@rockblossom Wine leaping back out of your glasses:

@Kyeh "Oh, nice blush wine. What kind is it?
“It’s actually a Sauvignon Blanc. It just hates being seen in that glass.”
@rockblossom I love that.
If I’m drinking the tears of my enemies, I find a skull to be the ideal drinking vessel.
Gin in a Star Wars tumbler from Burger King, ca. 1977.
@PocketBrain ^ knows what’s up
@PocketBrain I am still sad I didn’t save those glasses. We had ones from the second Muppet movie, too.
Size matters for sure. I have 31 oz coffee mugs for hot drinks and 30 oz stainless steel tumblers for cold drinks.
I can’t relax and enjoy a beverage if I am going to keep getting up and down for refills.
Also: glassware is critical if you drink cocktails. The difference between an alcoholic and a drunk is whether you drink gin from a martini glass or a jelly jar.
Presentation definitely matters if you have any illusions at all about being a social drinker.
@brasscupcakes Jelly Jars? Thanks, B-52s ‘Legal Tender’:
EDIT so true then, so true now.
EDIT2 so now I guess you know what I drink out of…
It matters to me, but I almost never drink alcohol at home. I am in the process, however, of replacing all my everyday drinking glasses with British nonic pint glasses, because they are superior in every way.
@kostia What is the ‘nonic’ thing of which you speak?
British I understand and pint I understand, although a British pint is not ‘our’ pint! But you get more, so that’s OK.
@pmarin I didn’t know the word either until I started shopping for glasses. I think it’s just the shape, that wider at the top for the Guinness head thing.
Who needs a glass? Since I live alone I drink out of the container.
@Kidsandliz yeah, sucking out of the spigot of the wine box is hard when it’s full (hey, I’m doing arm exercises!), but over time it gets lighter.
@pmarin I look at it more as one less glass to wash.
Why not go IV? No glasses to deal with at all.
@blaineg That’s called a bloody mary I think.