Yes, and I give them to my family members. My sweetie gets Lego and other cool toys. My children (now in the mid/late-20's) get beanie babies, Squishables, and "those little toys that come in your stocking from Santa."
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.* ~ 1 Corinthians 13
Up until my son was about 10 or 11, he always got me a toy for Christmas. And I mean an honest-to-goodness toy, not a tablet, a cordless drill or some other "dad-toy". He really gave it a lot of thought as something I might like. It didn't even occur to him to get a tie or a shirt or something like that.
I miss those days, and I don't just mean the gifts.
I drown in LEGO bricks
My friends and family are just happy there is ONE person that is easy to shop for
@WilhelmScreamer We may or may not have our shelf for just our Lego, that the kids can't play with.
@WilhelmScreamer awww.... Mr. Business... no....
@WilhelmScreamer Legos and jigsaw puzzles!
@canuk That's Lord Business to you! :)
Got a neat desktop stirling engine last year. And my wife thinks that car related stuff can be considered toys...
Got a review control motorcycle for my birthday last month.
I'm looking forward to my son getting old enough for fun toys that I can play with him!
@luvche21 Gotta love that autocorrect.
@PocketBrain Wow, I normally notice it too!
I'm getting an Ollie for my birthday.
Yes, and I give them to my family members. My sweetie gets Lego and other cool toys. My children (now in the mid/late-20's) get beanie babies, Squishables, and "those little toys that come in your stocking from Santa."
Yes! To play is to live.
Although, I have said, "You know you are an adult when you are happy to get socks for Christmas because, hey, they're really good socks!"
My wife says all I have is a lot of "toys."

I keep telling her,
Sneaking in some Bible, eh?
11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.* ~ 1 Corinthians 13
Does the Adam & Eve website count? Just ask'in. Makes a difference to the toy count.
Someone checking out @mfladd 's toy chest like


@mfladd only items that use batteries count
@sammydog01 you are cutting my toy chest by fair.
@mfladd @sammydog01

Up until my son was about 10 or 11, he always got me a toy for Christmas. And I mean an honest-to-goodness toy, not a tablet, a cordless drill or some other "dad-toy". He really gave it a lot of thought as something I might like. It didn't even occur to him to get a tie or a shirt or something like that.
I miss those days, and I don't just mean the gifts.
@DrWorm I got Legos once for Mother's Day. I love Legos.
@DrWorm Those are the best moments.