Cereal is damn expensive and to feel full you have to eat damn near the whole box. Now hot cereal? I will say that I will eat oatmeal in the form of cookies.
@catthegreat@haydesigner The cereals you can find at Grocery Outlet are epic, so I’ll believe any flavour you come up with. Heck, there was Boston Red Sox ice cream one time.
@werehatrack same here, trying to reduce overall grains in our diets. But I do still enjoy a bowl of [unsweetened] oatmeal or grits once in a great while. I have found some delicious grain-free “granolas” as well, including the NuTrail Pumpkin Spice Nut Granola that was offered here on our wonderful meh a while back.
@JWhirly@werehatrack Are you eliminating grains or just the refined ones? Whole grains are good for you and probably should be increased. Steel-cut oats, sorghum, and buckwheat are ones I like to sneak into stuff. Quinoa and amaranth are healthy, but I just can’t stand the taste. If I could eat wheat, I would be eating whole-wheat everything.
@JWhirly@rockblossom@werehatrack Yep, it’s the processing that makes it unhealthy. Removing the fibre, adding in sugar and vitamins in certain quantities - that’s how they fatten up livestock.
@JWhirly@rockblossom@Salanth The processing of grain into submicroscopically-ground flours (in particular) makes it much unhealthier, there’s no question of that. And wheat flour is the number one food component in the average person’s diet today.
Someone who hasn’t already pushed themselves into metabolic disorder can safely enjoy some grain-based things of most any kind as a minor dietary component, but that’s almost at the same level of inaccessibility to the average person as the carb-free option is. Some people find an acceptable middle ground that serves their aggregate needs, but the vast majority are blissfully unaware of what they’ve been sold.
@rockblossom@Salanth@werehatrack we are predominantly high protein/low carb, so we make a concerted effort to reduce our grain intake, especially of the ultra-processed variety. Corn tortilla chips and one particular brand of GF pasta were the hardest remaining holdouts. Also the aforementioned whole oats and grits (coarsely ground corn) are consumed on occasion. Quinoa and amaranth are higher protein and lower glycemic grains, so more acceptable than others. To feed our friendly gut microbes, we are intentional on prebiotic/fiber intake as well. Throw in some quality intermittent fasting and feel drastically better than we did ten years ago when grazing on grains and ultra-processed foods all day!
I like oats so oatmeal, overnight oats, the quicker oat squares, although I’m a little afraid of those right now. And there’s somebody else that has a oat based flaky thing that isn’t so bad
@transplant i use honey nut cheerios to make hot buttered o’s. A little bit of butter in a skillet, cereal, and some salt. Toast until slightly brown, stirring constantly. Cool. Its so good. A sweet/salty snack.
I used to when I worked in an office. I’d keep Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cheerios, or oatmeal at my desk and have breakfast when I got to work.
Now that I WFH I have unlimited breakfast options and cereal isn’t one that I opt for.
I love 'em all. My breakfast is usually just some coffee these days, and I don’t eat a lot of cereal (maybe average a bowl or two per week). But by golly, I always have some in the pantry and it’s freaking delicious.
@PocketBrain My wife eats a bowl of cheerios (plain, with 1% milk) for breakfast every single morning.
Not my favorite, but to each their own, I guess.
Grits (in microwave-no disses, please-I’ve seen My Cousin Vinnie(with great performances from a lot of people)), oatmeal (ditto) or Honey Bunches of Oats with milk or yogurt, plus berries if available. The Honey Bunches has less added sugar than some, but more than it should have.
I was never into cold cereal even as a child. When I’m too busy to go shop for groceries and I order them and I accidentally get a box of cereal delivered, I have no idea what to do with it. But even as a 35 year old ostensibly adult, I have four boxes of dinosaur egg oatmeal in my pantry. I often eat that as dessert.
The big complaints seem to be there’s hardly any dino eggs in it anymore. My question is what are the dinosaur eggs, are they marshmallows or a hard candy?
@Lynnerizer The egg is a confectioner’s wax, the dinosaur is a crunchy little sugar candy like a Smartie without the sour. If you make the oatmeal by pouring hot but not-quite-boiling water from a teapot they stick around much longer. If you nuke them, the candies turn into a colorful smudge.
Using the teapot makes me feel more like an adult. And also I have hot water ready, and can make myself some tea (Earl Gray, hot) at the same time.
@Lynnerizer I will say though that I’m not sure there ever was a ton of dinosaur eggs in it. During my goblin years as a tender youth I occasionally ate just the eggs out of the oatmeal packet. There weren’t a ton to begin with.
It’s basically just brown sugar oatmeal with a fun little candy in it.
@olperfesser I also eat oatmeal semi-regularly (just had a bowl for breakfast this morning). I like to smash up a ripe banana and mix it in along with a spoonful of peanut butter. Yum!
I found a wonderful cereal at Costco last summer that’s actually healthy but also really good! It has whole almonds in it! And dried cherries!
But of course it seems to be gone now except at twice the price from Walmart and Amazon.
@Kyeh because it’s related to digestion not an immune response. Just like those with lactose intolerance. It’s digestive it’s not an immune response they’re not allergic to milk it’s just going to give them diarrhea and GI pain
@Kyeh very true and absolutely. Although if it really makes you sick sometimes telling a waitress that you’re allergic assures you aren’t going to get it. Because most people don’t know the difference
@Cerridwyn@Kyeh There’s digestive issues (usually the lack of an enzyme) and there’s immune responses, which can exhibit as food sensitivities or food allergies. The difference between sensitivities and allergies is the type, extent, and severity of immune activation. [Food] allergies can present as severely as anaphylaxis; whereas [food] sensitivities can be “silent” as only being seen on antibody testing.
@Star2236 Captain Crunch was my dad’s favorite cereal and it was always in the pantry when I was growing up. Us kids weren’t allowed to eat those sugary cereals but I never ate breakfast anyways so it didn’t bother me! When I got older Frosted Flakes were my favorite but I since I’m still not a breakfast eater they became lunch or dinner. Breakfast foods are excellent any time of the day!
@Kyeh I was just saying that was my dad’s favorite cereal. I’m thinking they probably let it soak up the milk if that was a problem for them. Ripping up their mouth that is. I never heard my dad complain about it though.
Yes. Just had a bowl of Raisin Bran on Sunday. If it was healthier I would eat cereal way more often.
Special K
/giphy lactaid

Cereal is damn expensive and to feel full you have to eat damn near the whole box. Now hot cereal? I will say that I will eat oatmeal in the form of cookies.
@kjady The big Malt-O-Meal bags are still cheap.
And who hasn’t eaten a 38 oz. bag of frosted flakes in one sitting before?
Yes, and I know it is horrible for me… Fruit Loops with marshmallows.
@haydesigner this is a thing now? or you assemble it yourself
@catthegreat @haydesigner The cereals you can find at Grocery Outlet are epic, so I’ll believe any flavour you come up with. Heck, there was Boston Red Sox ice cream one time.
I’m slowly dropping the grains from my diet, but oatmeal with a fructose-free sweetener still gets in there some of the time.
@werehatrack same here, trying to reduce overall grains in our diets. But I do still enjoy a bowl of [unsweetened] oatmeal or grits once in a great while. I have found some delicious grain-free “granolas” as well, including the NuTrail Pumpkin Spice Nut Granola that was offered here on our wonderful meh a while back.
@JWhirly @werehatrack Are you eliminating grains or just the refined ones? Whole grains are good for you and probably should be increased. Steel-cut oats, sorghum, and buckwheat are ones I like to sneak into stuff. Quinoa and amaranth are healthy, but I just can’t stand the taste. If I could eat wheat, I would be eating whole-wheat everything.
@JWhirly @rockblossom @werehatrack Yep, it’s the processing that makes it unhealthy. Removing the fibre, adding in sugar and vitamins in certain quantities - that’s how they fatten up livestock.
@JWhirly @rockblossom @Salanth The processing of grain into submicroscopically-ground flours (in particular) makes it much unhealthier, there’s no question of that. And wheat flour is the number one food component in the average person’s diet today.
Someone who hasn’t already pushed themselves into metabolic disorder can safely enjoy some grain-based things of most any kind as a minor dietary component, but that’s almost at the same level of inaccessibility to the average person as the carb-free option is. Some people find an acceptable middle ground that serves their aggregate needs, but the vast majority are blissfully unaware of what they’ve been sold.
@rockblossom @Salanth @werehatrack we are predominantly high protein/low carb, so we make a concerted effort to reduce our grain intake, especially of the ultra-processed variety. Corn tortilla chips and one particular brand of GF pasta were the hardest remaining holdouts. Also the aforementioned whole oats and grits (coarsely ground corn) are consumed on occasion. Quinoa and amaranth are higher protein and lower glycemic grains, so more acceptable than others. To feed our friendly gut microbes, we are intentional on prebiotic/fiber intake as well. Throw in some quality intermittent fasting and feel drastically better than we did ten years ago when grazing on grains and ultra-processed foods all day!
I like oats so oatmeal, overnight oats, the quicker oat squares, although I’m a little afraid of those right now. And there’s somebody else that has a oat based flaky thing that isn’t so bad
@Cerridwyn Oats are less problematic than wheat, for sure.
Occasionally I will get the urge to buy some sugary cereal (usually something chocolatey or peanutbuttery) and eat it as a dessert.
@awk Same! But I never finish the box
Frosted Cheerios. In second place would be Lucky Charms.
Of course. But I take about 4-6 or more brand & mix them together in a Cereal container. shake it up to Mix it good!
@mycya4me that was my experience growing up when i would stay at my grandmother’s - Cheerexinbran or ShredialKnuts
@ybmuG My Mom still thinks it is a Weird mix & would NOT have it. Let say I am OVER 50 now! Why change. I am Old enough!
Golden graham’s or cinnamon toast crunch. Mmmmm…
Golden grahams is always a good choice.
@jnicholson0619 @Star2236 Golden Grahams with chocolate milk.
@jnicholson0619 the original Golden Grahams recipe when they changed it it’s never been good in my opinion
@Cerridwyn nothing is as good as it used to be.
Chex and Mini Wheats when I want a treat. Oh, and you don’t need milk to indulge.
Honey nut Cheerios for the win!
@transplant I mix that with regular cheerios to make it a bit less sweet.
@Kidsandliz @transplant I mix that with Raisin Brand, Life, & several others too! Sweet, salty & plain like Rice Crispy.
@transplant i use honey nut cheerios to make hot buttered o’s. A little bit of butter in a skillet, cereal, and some salt. Toast until slightly brown, stirring constantly. Cool. Its so good. A sweet/salty snack.
@jnicholson0619 This sounds delicious!
Captain Crunch
I don’t eat cereal…but I do have a giant scrooge McDuck style barn filled with Krave in an alternative reality that I dive into and go swimming in.
/showme someone swimming in a barn filled with chocolately cereal. Add a shark in the cereal for fun.
Mediocrebot is finally useful.
Apple Jacks!
So yum!
Cereal … you mean soup?
Lucky Charms & Cocoa Puffs. Still love 'em…
S’mores cereal!
I used to when I worked in an office. I’d keep Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cheerios, or oatmeal at my desk and have breakfast when I got to work.
Now that I WFH I have unlimited breakfast options and cereal isn’t one that I opt for.
I love 'em all. My breakfast is usually just some coffee these days, and I don’t eat a lot of cereal (maybe average a bowl or two per week). But by golly, I always have some in the pantry and it’s freaking delicious.
/showme a box of Badger Flakes cereal being eaten by badgers with a spoon.
@mediocrebot I would eat Badger Flakes! Sorry… “Baddger” Flakes
@OnionSoup Those are the least flakey flakes I’ve seen in a while.
@werehatrack badger flakes are "o"s.
The O’s could be made by compressing flakes however. So name isn’t necessarily wrong.
For s limited time: Honeycrisp Apple Granola
/image Honeycrisp Apple Granola

Are they still making this? I would definitely eat this.
@Star2236 The season has ended, but look again around September/October. It appears in stores for fall.

So many delicious cereal names in this thread…might have to grab a box of Apple Jacks while at the store today, haven’t indulged in those in a while.
/showme the nutrition label of Badger Flakes cereal
@mediocrebot only 2.9% of your daily recommended calories… A strange way to list calories but that’s not bad.
It’s quite high in caribridiceries though. Trying to watch my caribridiceries.
@OnionSoup It only has 9% of daily fatteins. I need more fatteins.
@rockblossom fatteins do sound delicious.
@OnionSoup @rockblossom I feel like the naloies would counteract calories!
@JWhirly Probably for the Badger Flakes, but not for the Honey Badger Flakes.
@JWhirly @rockblossom Honey Baddger flakes eat you.
Cheerios, from time to time.
@PocketBrain My wife eats a bowl of cheerios (plain, with 1% milk) for breakfast every single morning.
Not my favorite, but to each their own, I guess.
Grits (in microwave-no disses, please-I’ve seen My Cousin Vinnie(with great performances from a lot of people)), oatmeal (ditto) or Honey Bunches of Oats with milk or yogurt, plus berries if available. The Honey Bunches has less added sugar than some, but more than it should have.
I was never into cold cereal even as a child. When I’m too busy to go shop for groceries and I order them and I accidentally get a box of cereal delivered, I have no idea what to do with it. But even as a 35 year old ostensibly adult, I have four boxes of dinosaur egg oatmeal in my pantry. I often eat that as dessert.
The big complaints seem to be there’s hardly any dino eggs in it anymore. My question is what are the dinosaur eggs, are they marshmallows or a hard candy?
@Lynnerizer The egg is a confectioner’s wax, the dinosaur is a crunchy little sugar candy like a Smartie without the sour. If you make the oatmeal by pouring hot but not-quite-boiling water from a teapot they stick around much longer. If you nuke them, the candies turn into a colorful smudge.
Using the teapot makes me feel more like an adult. And also I have hot water ready, and can make myself some tea (Earl Gray, hot) at the same time.
@Lynnerizer I will say though that I’m not sure there ever was a ton of dinosaur eggs in it. During my goblin years as a tender youth I occasionally ate just the eggs out of the oatmeal packet. There weren’t a ton to begin with.
It’s basically just brown sugar oatmeal with a fun little candy in it.
yeah, rice Chex or Frosted Flakes when I feel like it, occasionally…
In milk? No. But I keep gluten-free cereals (like Honey Nut Chex) around to make pie crusts. So cereal + fruit = pie.
@rockblossom That’s a clever idea!
Oatmeal once a week.
@olperfesser I also eat oatmeal semi-regularly (just had a bowl for breakfast this morning). I like to smash up a ripe banana and mix it in along with a spoonful of peanut butter. Yum!
I found a wonderful cereal at Costco last summer that’s actually healthy but also really good! It has whole almonds in it! And dried cherries!

But of course it seems to be gone now except at twice the price from Walmart and Amazon.
@Kyeh this showed up in my pantry one day (adult kids, amirite?), and it is FANTASTIC
@catthegreat Have you been able to find it since then?
@Kyeh I can do the gluten I can even do the cow’s milk I don’t limited basis but I cannot do nuts. Not an allergy but tears the hell out of my guts
@Kyeh that looks delicious
@Cerridwyn That sounds like a drag! Why isn’t it considered an allergy?
@Kyeh because it’s related to digestion not an immune response. Just like those with lactose intolerance. It’s digestive it’s not an immune response they’re not allergic to milk it’s just going to give them diarrhea and GI pain
@Cerridwyn Oh, I see. I guess.
So an immune response is what makes something an allergy? I didn’t know that!
@Kyeh very true and absolutely. Although if it really makes you sick sometimes telling a waitress that you’re allergic assures you aren’t going to get it. Because most people don’t know the difference
@Cerridwyn Yeah, I didn’t; TIL!
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh There’s digestive issues (usually the lack of an enzyme) and there’s immune responses, which can exhibit as food sensitivities or food allergies. The difference between sensitivities and allergies is the type, extent, and severity of immune activation. [Food] allergies can present as severely as anaphylaxis; whereas [food] sensitivities can be “silent” as only being seen on antibody testing.
/showme a list of ingredients in a box of cereal
@OnionSoup the one ingredient looks like it says “dryied farts”! Wonder what the collection and processing of that consists of?!
/showme the ingredients label on a box of cereal
@mediocrebot I don’t like coten syrup and I’m not sure what kinds of corms are used for the corm syrup, but this stuff has too much salt.
Peanut butter captain crunch is my all time favorite cereal but lately I’ve been eating Frosted Flakes.
@Star2236 Captain Crunch was my dad’s favorite cereal and it was always in the pantry when I was growing up. Us kids weren’t allowed to eat those sugary cereals but I never ate breakfast anyways so it didn’t bother me! When I got older Frosted Flakes were my favorite but I since I’m still not a breakfast eater they became lunch or dinner. Breakfast foods are excellent any time of the day!
Only time I ever eat cereal is at night.
My favourite of all time was the fruit filled mini wheats. They apparently quit making them, twice! So perhaps there’s hope they’ll return.
@IWUJackson I forgot about those, they’re a good snack to munch on!
I’m usually eating 1-2 bowls of a Malt-o-meal bagged rip off on the weekends. I swear their cocoa pebbles are better than the actual brand’s
I don’t know how people eat Capn Crunch without tearing up the roof of their mouths.
@Kyeh I was just saying that was my dad’s favorite cereal. I’m thinking they probably let it soak up the milk if that was a problem for them. Ripping up their mouth that is. I never heard my dad complain about it though.
@Lynnerizer So either overly rough or totally mushy from soaking in milk; neither one sounds good to me!

/showme honey badger flakes eating someone at the breakfast table
@werehatrack well you know what they say. The Honey Badger Don’t Care
@Cerridwyn @werehatrack
He’s eating the fork.
@Cerridwyn @Kyeh @werehatrack diabetic honey badger! Dude needs to back off the carbs!
@JWhirly @Kyeh @werehatrack
but but
he don’t care
/showme a honey badger that does care on Valentine’s Day.
@mediocrebot aww honey badger does care after all.