Do you like the price check?
28I love that meh is comparing their prices on products with Amazon....
As an Italian, I find it very difficult to let things go or forget about things that have upset me in the past. So seeing Meh compare prices brings a slight smile to my face....
- 18 comments, 12 replies
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heheh, "smile"
I noticed that. I think it's appealing. I almost always check Amazon's price and use it as a gauge for whether something is a deal or not. This saves me the trouble assuming they are being honest (that's totally going to bite me in the ass).
Honesty is our policy. Or is it because the community loves to lambaste us when we screw up and we're too fragile for that.
Ah, fragile. Must be Italian.
I giggled for five minutes over that...
@DaveInSoCal its french pronounced "Fra-Gee-Lay"
Yes I like it and no, it's not extraordinarily useful.
Yes - It's great to know what the markup would be for 2 day Prime shipping and a (generally) longer warranty or return option.
No - Amazon isn't a clearance site, the price to price comparison isn't equal, so seeing if it's a deal or not from just that is iffy at best.
While it might be difficult to determine if it IS a deal, it could make it easy to immediately determine if it is NOT a deal
Yes I like it, one less inevitable post that has to made.
I dislike it, but I agree that it's better than the posts.
I like it. Very useful. Takes me right to the page I'm going to check anyway, not just for the price but mostly because I like to read what other suckers ...., er I mean buyers have said after buying one.
The link to the Amazon page is very useful. Amazon pages will often have more detailed specs and the reviews are invaluable.
I like it
I like the price check. Of course, we can often buy used or refurbished items from Mamazon for less, so ... {checking, checking, checking} a used one of these is available for a mere $1k - plus $4.95 shipping.
Dang, we need to up our game.
@harrison quit poating and start tearing apart that air filter.
Price check is nice to see if the deal is, at a glance, really Meh. or not.
Other than that.. It's probably more of an apples to half-eaten apples comparison.
Ah but is anyone price checking a few days afterwards to make sure that Amazon is not in on the deal and raising the price to make the deal look better? How "in bed" is Amazon with Meh?
Who cares? A multi millionaire asked us to give him $10K so he could offer us things to buy that nobody needs, then tell us why we shouldn't
... buy it, just to see if we'd still spend our money on this stuff. And we do. And you're worried that the 'zon might be in on the scam?
I find it useful as it saves time from doing it myself.
Useful, Thank you.
As an Italian...
I like it. Amazon sometimes has additional photos and/or product specs and having the link right there saves me a step.
And product reviews.
I hate it, it makes me absolutely livid. It's the worst thing on the website and it should be removed immediately. Thanks in advance!
Love it. Always go to check the reviews on Amazon anyhow, so it's convenient!
GroupOn Loves them $39.99 - LOL!