Since mediocrebot apparently got distracted and didn’t get this topic started, here’s a stunning simulation so good that you can hardly tell the difference.
My breakfast routine is bacon and a caffeinated beverage; the latter is usually cold, brightly colored and artificially flavored and sweetened. Other components vary, ranging from scrambled eggs with or without additives, to pancakes (rarely), Giant Evil Chocolate Muffins Of Doom, Thing Found In The Fridge, home-roast pecans, and Vega orange-ginger powder inna blender with milk.
Cheerios (honey nut mixed with unsweetened as that saves me from having to put on sugar and honey nut alone is too sweet). Sometimes, if I am being really bad, I have desert at breakfast too - a chocolate bar.
@tinamarie1974 Thanks - the whole torte recipe calls for 1 c. flour, 3/4 c. sugar, 1/2 c. butter, 2 eggs, and plums. So I figure it’s at least as healthy as a stack of pancakes with syrup.
My breakfast routine is bacon and a caffeinated beverage; the latter is usually cold, brightly colored and artificially flavored and sweetened. Other components vary, ranging from scrambled eggs with or without additives, to pancakes (rarely), Giant Evil Chocolate Muffins Of Doom, Thing Found In The Fridge, home-roast pecans, and Vega orange-ginger powder inna blender with milk.
We go through a lot of pecans here.
Toast with tea or coffee before the working of the out.
Cheerios (honey nut mixed with unsweetened as that saves me from having to put on sugar and honey nut alone is too sweet). Sometimes, if I am being really bad, I have desert at breakfast too - a chocolate bar.
Every day that ends in “y” usually scrambled eggs with something and some super cold water
Coffee. Then maybe toast with peanut butter or avocado - although today it was a slab of homemade plum torte, made with the plums from my trees.
@Kyeh oh that sounds good!
@Kyeh I had peanut butter sourdough toast yesterday! So good!
@tinamarie1974 Thanks - the whole torte recipe calls for 1 c. flour, 3/4 c. sugar, 1/2 c. butter, 2 eggs, and plums. So I figure it’s at least as healthy as a stack of pancakes with syrup.
Your own homemade sourdough?
I thought it was a Yes or No question.
It was yesterday’s multiple choice poll. An unqualified Yes and No were not among the choices. Perhaps they should have been…