@neuromancer True, and if anyone got in on the Henckels they have good knives that should be used with a decent cutting board. One exception, I have an island that has a butcher block top that I sometimes use as the cutting board, which technically IS a cutting board so it still holds true:)
I try, but if they are dirty, or if I'm cutting a small amount (like a couple mushrooms) then I'll often grab a paper plate instead of making more dishes to wash later. What I hate is when my husband uses my good knives and wants to cut on a glass plate. Then I remove the knife from his hand and kick him out of my kitchen. They aren't professional knives, but they are good and I'd like to keep them that way.
I stopped using cutting boards entirely when I first played Fruit Ninja and realised there was a better way. I do it all in mid air with a katana sword now.
@cengland0 No, it's made out of mineral oil, silly. They call it baby oil, because, well, have you ever tried catching a baby tossed in the air and covered in baby oil? Try it, sometime.
I don't use them anymore.. They tend to always give me paper cuts.. Anyway, my keepers refuse to to give me anything beyond a rounded, non-surrogated butter knife and what can you slice and dice with a rounded, non-surrogated butter knife besides butter?.
Board is for cutting - on
@rand3y you can cut WITH them, if you do it right.
Cutting boards don't just protect your counter-tops, they protect your knives.
@neuromancer True, and if anyone got in on the Henckels they have good knives that should be used with a decent cutting board. One exception, I have an island that has a butcher block top that I sometimes use as the cutting board, which technically IS a cutting board so it still holds true:)
@slayerwulfe I love!
Yeah mostly use a cutting board, but the occasional laziness when a simple cut is needed sometimes just happens elsewhere.
I try, but if they are dirty, or if I'm cutting a small amount (like a couple mushrooms) then I'll often grab a paper plate instead of making more dishes to wash later. What I hate is when my husband uses my good knives and wants to cut on a glass plate. Then I remove the knife from his hand and kick him out of my kitchen. They aren't professional knives, but they are good and I'd like to keep them that way.
@remo28 you're doing the right thing. A chef's knives are sacred, professional or no.
I stopped using cutting boards entirely when I first played Fruit Ninja and realised there was a better way. I do it all in mid air with a katana sword now.
I always use a cutting board to chop up the babies, before I put them in the blender.
@theco2 If olive oil is made out of olives, what is baby oil made out of? Babies of course.
@cengland0 No, it's made out of mineral oil, silly. They call it baby oil, because, well, have you ever tried catching a baby tossed in the air and covered in baby oil? Try it, sometime.
@theco2 I think that's why my parents kept dropping me on my head.
Why no "No, because I don't cook because I am likely to burn the house down before I could make anything even half decent"?
@Sabre99 you don't have to cook to cut things. Vegetables and fruits often need cut, but can be eaten raw.
Usually use Dollar General fine china (paper plate) unless a big job.
The cardboard that the pizza came on makes a good enough cutting board
I don't use them anymore.. They tend to always give me paper cuts.. Anyway, my keepers refuse to to give me anything beyond a rounded, non-surrogated butter knife and what can you slice and dice with a rounded, non-surrogated butter knife besides butter?.
@unkabob You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
@Mavyn Perhaps his knives were all natural births? Or perhaps they all represent themselves rather than standing in for other knives?
@rockblossom I was thinking perhaps it was like a spork. A spife? Or a knork?
@unkabob I prefer my knives serenaded.
@Mavyn ... serrated!!! serrated!!!! serrated!!!!!
Thanks for the catch anyway (it's been a trying week)
@slayerwulfe ... Well, two brains are always better than one (unless of course their in the same garage).
@slayerwulfe ... "and i hope they get you didn't"..? Unnyfay! Iya ovela igpay atinlay ootay..
@slayerwulfe ... Oh, you guys..
I just use plates, because I'm not gonna go all the way over to the cabinet with the cutting board in it.
Yes, after having supplied a little bit of extra meat in my chili once. Gonna be more careful after that.
Always. Even when I'm not cutting things.
@Mavyn they do work well for smacking things, like babies.
@theco2 Good thing I'm not around any babies.