DJI to release new "budget friendly" 9450 rotors?


I was researching 9443 and 9450 rotors and I tripped across a few sellers that are pre-selling the 9450L rotor.

Description varies and misinformation abounds. Described as "the L stands for light" or "non-thrust boosted props" or "description not available at this time"...

I'm still unsure exactly what they are, but I surmise they are identical to the 9450 rotors, but they do not have an aluminum hub and nut built in. In other words, they require the use of a separate nut to secure them to the motor shaft.

The big advantage? Price! B and H Photo is pre-selling them for $6 a pair in your choice of colors (gray, white, white w/blue tips, white w/red tips, white w/pink tips). Genuine DJI brand 9450 rotors for $12 a set of four? Sure, you'll have to spend a couple bucks more for rotor nuts, but the nuts are a one-time investment.

I've pre-ordered a set from B and H just to see what shows up.

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