Diamonds are not as rare as people think. There is a group of people that buy up the supply and they are hoarding them to keep the pricing high. If you control the supply and the demand remains constant, you can ask a small fortune for what little bit you release.
@cengland0 For nearly 150 years the De Beers family (EDIT: family referring the business group, not actual blood family; the De Beers after whom the cartel was named did not actually profit from the De Beers diamond syndicate) has used dishonesty, manipulation, even treachery to control the diamond market and artificially inflate the price. This is why they are referred to as the De Beers cartel. The likes of John Gotti and Pablo Escobar had noting on the De Beers clan.
I don’t know why diamond dust is so ubiquitous. This pendant would have been prettier without the crust. Focus on the design and you won’t have to fall back on “diamond enhanced”. It’s not an improvement.
@kittykat9180 The only diamonds I bought were dust particles on a set of cutters for my Dremel tool. Because those particular diamonds are practical for something.
I own a reasonable number of pieces of jewelry that have diamonds in them, and the amount I paid for each had little to do with the inherent value of the diamond (or diamonds), and everything to do with the essential beauty of the gems and the setting. I am currently wearing this ring.
There are other precious stones that are more valuable, but anyone who buys jewelry as an investment is a fool. For me, it’s an innocent purchase; no calories, and very pretty.
(A short description of this ring is “3 Diamonds Set in 18K White Gold - 2 Synthetic French Sapphires in Triangle Shape” and I have no idea of what difference the nationality of tiny little blue stones makes, but apparently it does.)
It really depends on the cut. I don’t like marquis/princess, but I love emerald/asscher cuts. Doesn’t have to be diamond, just love that effect, easiest to see it in a colorless stone. There’s nothing wrong with a brilliant round cut, but I prefer them in white gold or titanium. My engagement ring is a round, but thats because we got married before asscher got affordable in the states and before we had disposable income.
Diamonds are not as rare as people think. There is a group of people that buy up the supply and they are hoarding them to keep the pricing high. If you control the supply and the demand remains constant, you can ask a small fortune for what little bit you release.
@cengland0 So to paraphrase, you’re going with “a con by De Beers”?
@cengland0 For nearly 150 years the De Beers family (EDIT: family referring the business group, not actual blood family; the De Beers after whom the cartel was named did not actually profit from the De Beers diamond syndicate) has used dishonesty, manipulation, even treachery to control the diamond market and artificially inflate the price. This is why they are referred to as the De Beers cartel. The likes of John Gotti and Pablo Escobar had noting on the De Beers clan.
@medz I really LOVED this video. It’s the truth, of course.
A suit in a deck of cards?
What baseball is played on?
Where batteries are not often kept?

/giphy a reach
“Diamonds are intrinsically worthless, except for the deep psychological need they fill.”
@Collin1000 Much like batteries.
/giphy hmm

@Collin1000 And they still sparkle real purty like.
/giphy a rhombus

My birth stone, which sucks.
The jewelry I have usually has lab created stones. I’m not fancy.
@RiotDemon If you were a test tube baby, then this would be the perfect arrangement.
An advance payment for a night or weekend of passion, or a down payment on a life of attachment.
Shit, now I want Lucky Charms.
@Al_Coholic Same…and I don’t really even like those little styrofoam marshmallows
@Al_Coholic I always eat the charms out of the box. I’m a bad person.
@Fuzzalini Just buy the charms separately.
Amazon has them for around $10 a pound. Made by Kraft. You know, the baby marshmallow people.
I don’t know why diamond dust is so ubiquitous. This pendant would have been prettier without the crust. Focus on the design and you won’t have to fall back on “diamond enhanced”. It’s not an improvement.
Diamonds are… a very hard allotrope of carbon.
… the shape of the holes in expanded metal.
I need an “all of these” option. Because I know they’re a con and inherently worthless, but they are real purdy when they sparkle.
It seems that most people recognize how overrated and overpriced diamond jewelry is. One then has to wonder why so many people still buy it.
@kittykat9180 The only diamonds I bought were dust particles on a set of cutters for my Dremel tool. Because those particular diamonds are practical for something.
@cengland0 If you liked those, and if you’ve ever used an angler grinder to cut metal- you’ll love one of these- pick the mfg and price point you like best:"+metal-cutting+wheel&num=30&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjR2f3hk_7YAhXFy4MKHf0UCWkQ_AUI4gIoAA&biw=1280&bih=903
I bought this one, but it was $18 at the time, and well worth it even at that price:
@PhysAssist Those angle grinder blades are too big for anything I need.
I just thought of another item that has diamonds in it. My porcelain tile cutter.
I own a reasonable number of pieces of jewelry that have diamonds in them, and the amount I paid for each had little to do with the inherent value of the diamond (or diamonds), and everything to do with the essential beauty of the gems and the setting. I am currently wearing this ring.

There are other precious stones that are more valuable, but anyone who buys jewelry as an investment is a fool. For me, it’s an innocent purchase; no calories, and very pretty.
(A short description of this ring is “3 Diamonds Set in 18K White Gold - 2 Synthetic French Sapphires in Triangle Shape” and I have no idea of what difference the nationality of tiny little blue stones makes, but apparently it does.)
It’s pretty. Isn’t that enough?
Too damn expensive.
It really depends on the cut. I don’t like marquis/princess, but I love emerald/asscher cuts. Doesn’t have to be diamond, just love that effect, easiest to see it in a colorless stone. There’s nothing wrong with a brilliant round cut, but I prefer them in white gold or titanium. My engagement ring is a round, but thats because we got married before asscher got affordable in the states and before we had disposable income.