@CrossIT My happauge that I wooted years ago worked great. It came with a serious magnetic base antenna though. The software also allowed you to capture to a windows media file.
@juststephen hmmm, I'm currently bidding on an Eyetv hybrid to use with my mac over at ebay... UP WITH APPLE!!! Seriously though, I may get one of these and see if it will work with a windows VM I have, also maybe turn my old HP mini into a 10" tv!
@badmnky I've looked around and you may have good luck with USB passthrough if your virtualization product has a great USB 2 driver- you'll need a paid product (VirtualBox won't cut it). Also, the HD HomeRun line is an excellent choice.
@SpiceWare ive looked into that, I almost bought a simple.tv, but then youre tied to the network and I want to be able to fire up the TV anywhere without internet etc
@dashcloud I'm confident it will work, i have Parallels and VMware Fusion on my Macs and I have used both with a windows VM for rooting etc my android phones without any issue. I learned early on the free stuff wasnt going to cut it.
Note: OTA (Over-The-Air) TV is less compressed than Cable or Satellite TV. So if you live where there is a good OTA signal it yields better viewing.
And you might be surprised by how many more channels are available (vs. old analog TV) when you count all the sub-channels (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) now available with digital over the air TV.
@RedOak sure list all the PBS stations, way to sell it! Also, I don't pay for cable nor do I pay for netflix, I have Prime but rarely use it for watching shows/movies. I can watch CHiPs for free OTA, that's where it's at!
@unixrab I'm not, but I love my OTA TV for what little of it I watch, I have been PREParing to cut the cable in favor of ROKU and OTA TV, but my boss is a chronic backslider and semi-Luddite. :-)
I've owned similar devices. Digital TV is hard to tune with one of these little antennas if you're out in the 'burbs. Now, I've used them with a small outdoor antenna and it worked like a charm.
I used it with Windows 7 / Windows Media Center. I never tried getting it into XMBC/Kodi. I've got a CableCARD tuner (Ceton 1st edition PCI InfiniTV4) and have never looked back... mostly because my wife wants cable & home phone.
$16 is a little pricey, but I'd buy it if I thought I had a niche use for it. I think I got my for $7 each at woot 4 years ago. You'll need to buy more than 1 if you want to record/watch multiple channels.
@AlexNoVA In the '80s they made some of the best PC motherboards that money could buy. Unfortunately they were also among the most expensive, and I was among the few that appreciated quality.
@achmed13 I worked in the Hauppauge industrial park for a few years. Great places to eat nearby, convenient to the Long Island Expressway and Norhtern State. Kind of like Rome -- all roads lead there.
@AlexNoVA There was a time long ago they made one of the best pro-sumer video capture / encoding devices too - but this was back when S-Video (480i / 576i) reigned supreme.
@stevo42 oh crap i didn't notice this when i bought one the last time. i haven't tried it out, yet, because i haven't got around to grabbing an antenna. sounds like it wont work :(
@Kyser_Soze It seems the links for price comparison are for a different model, but the "List Price" link shows "Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP Service Pack 3"
@Kyser_Soze Take this with a grain of salt, but per @sparkyfarad's reply to a comment below, this Dell model is the same as the "Hauppauge WinTV-Aero-m USB Mobile TV Tuner" (It does look identical, but does not include the Hauppauge-pictured remote.)
@eblade Nope. Not this one. It was a Flat CRT. No mirrors, and it was totally superior to the LCD technology of the time. (Except for the color!) It was B&W
@editorkid It's not the output that's the problem -- it's the computer talking to the hardware on the stick. For what it is worth, EyeTV does have the ability to control several models of Hauppague hardware, including the WinTV Nova stick.
disturbing-beautiful-snake -- Hmmm. I hate snakes. Not a good sign, but worth a try. Hopefully this will work well enough for those times when every other television in the house has been taken over by the kids who just won't seem to leave!
@bchrist825 Oh, it also means that you can connect it to your cable provider's coax if you want to record clear QAM channels (usually only your local broadcast stations are transmitted in clear QAM, but YMMV).
@ChunkyBitz oh, damn i didn't realize it has a built in antenna. that most likely wouldnt help me though the radio interferenfce inside my house is so insane hardly anything that's not bluetooth or wifi works
@jeffca51 No, because RTL2832U implements DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) technology which is a European standard for over the air broadcast television. This Hauppauge device uses ATSC tuning (Advanced Television Systems Committee) which is the standard for North America. Meh's price check comparison product at B&H photo and Hauppauge.com is the "Hauppauge WinTV-Aero-m USB Mobile TV Tuner" The product support page for that device is at: http://www.hauppauge.com/site/support/support_aero-m.html and the user manual is at http://hauppauge.lightpath.net/manuals/wintv_v7.pdf I hope the Mehsters did their homework correctly and this Dell rebranded device they are selling today is indeed the "Hauppauge WinTV-Aero-m USB Mobile TV Tuner" I did notice that the B&H device comes with a remote control but this Dell apparently does not. Anyhow in for one.....lawful-spectacular-verse
Lousy-laden-thunder .... Sounds like the local weather report. In for three, great deal, quality product. Watching OTA TV right now on a TV, time to expand that to my computers.
Tried several different versions of this technology because, well, I'm stubborn and couldn't accept defeat. Unless you're next door to the broadcasting signal or repeater these just don't work very well. Good price tho.
@trailtroll If you're still interested, you probably should get an HD Homerun unit- it's a network TV tuner, so you have more flexibility in where to put it.
Oh good, it works on my Windows PC! Now I can finally watch the latest episodes of Family Matters and Blossom. Ooh, and catch up on this Monica Lewinsky thing.
@xqcitizen For #1, the answer would be yes, but you should think of the recording like it was a VCR- just a time slot you are recording on. For #2, not by default- TV is MPEG2 on broadcast/cable, and I'm pretty sure the Roku can't do MPEG2, just H264 mostly. You'll have to transcode it.
@xqcitizen It according to the following (a bit old) review, you can use this TV Tuner with Windows Media Center (Standard on Windows 7, but incredibly, not on 8) by not installing the full Hauppauge software. That will get you nice program guide-based recording (not VCR-like). Also, with a bit of googling it appears you could use a private channel via WMC to your Roku. http://littletechgirl.com/2011/04/20/connected-home-haupaugge-wintv-aero-m-review/
General BTW, I've tried various PC TV tuner alternatives and it seems problems often are related to their proprietary TV recording/viewing software. Therefore, consider skipping the full Hauppauge software install (use the driver only... which Windows might even find automatically) and instead use the more friendly and stable Windows Media Center.
@RedOak I think it wasn't included by default in Windows 8 because relatively speaking so few were ever used and Microsoft didn't want to pay the MPEG and other licensing fees for everyone anymore.
The writeup says I will need to connect an over-the-air digital TV antenna but the bullets say that I don't. Anyone have any experience with using this without connecting it to anything else?
@wisenekt There's a small/short telescoping antenna built into the dongle. My unit (which I believe I bought from Meh) came with a short "pigtail" cable to connect a standard coaxial cable to the dongle. So you can use it with or without an external antenna. YMMV depending upon the strength of broadcast signals in your area.
@wisenekt if you find the included whip-antenna does not do the job (you'll likely need to be within a few miles of the transmitters) note that any external antenna should help (like that one that might still be up on your roof if it is an older home), it does not absolutely need to be labelled "digital". A dumb antenna itself is "analog" anyway - it is picking up a radio signal that carries digital content.
16 bucks is cheap enough to give it a try on an old doorstop pc in a bedroom that doesn't have a separate cable box. chubby-kissable-bedbug Hope they aren't included.
@cnbmis Tell you what - I've got an even better proposition for you. Email me your shipping details and I'll just send you the tuner . . . look around your house and find something worth the $16 I spent and send it back to me. If you want to skunk me, that's up to you, but know that you aren't getting picked to play kickball with the rest of us at recess because we'll know you don't play nice with others. Anyway - if you can't find something around the house that has a cool / fun factor to it, head to your local discount retailer of choice and find something comparable in price and something you think is fun and mail it back to me in return for my sending you one of these tuners on good faith. If it sounds like a fun idea to you, and it does to me, and you're in for the fun of it, let me know. I'm not sweating hte $16 either way, and I think it would be cool to be surprised by what you send me back in return.
@Kidsandliz He'll get his package Monday and he asked to give him a few days to figure something out, I'm sure I'll get back something! I'll post here when the exchange is complete!
@Kidsandliz - The exchange is complete - I got back a whole "mini" Fuku from @cnbmis. I'm very pleased and the experience was overwhelmingly positive! I'll post pics and a description of the items he sent me in return for me sending him the Dell 1573 in the next day or two! Thanks, @cnbmis!
That is nothing to do with antenna. The device can't be found in WinTV 7 list, so there is no channel to search as no tuner found in application. WinTV is the problem. I sent my feedback to Hauppauge...
Got mine today. Works acceptably. Had a little trouble at first, but then I went to the Hauppauge website and downloaded the most current software. http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_wintv8.html The software installs stupidly slow, so wait for it before restarting and/or getting frustrated. I used an external antenna. One of those cheap, flat indoor ones that cost about $15. I got many local channels I didn't even know existed, but also didn't get FOX or NBC... I probably need to move the antenna around for those. Acceptable.
Hey! I din get the cute lil tv antenna thingy for my dell tv gizmo. ( talking like this drives marketing types and those who speak in catalog numbers bonkers you should try the result are definitely worth the effort) So anyway, I got the 75Ohm dongle and the chintzy usb extension and the software, but no cute lil tv antenna. What'd I do now? I don't think shoving a piece of safety wire in there is gonna cut it. I want this thing and don't want to send it back unless you got more.
@cranky1950 yea the reversed telescoping action causes it to really be thin at the base... but the last one I bought is still kicking.... just be careful when re-storing it or you'll end up with walkie talkie antenna syndrome ;)
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Hauppauge
Estimated Delivery: 2/27 - 2/28
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Hauppauge Dell-branded digital TV receiver
1x USB extension cable
1x Antenna adapter
1x WinTV software CD
Plugged in
Everything included
With the cap on and antenna retracted
It is actually voodoo
Price Check
$69.99 at B&H
$69.00 List
90 days
i've never seen these work... i wonder if this does
Tempted but since my PC monitor has s tuner built in and a 40 inch tv with OTA antenna sits next to it I doubt I'd use it much.
@CrossIT I gave up on it. Two powered antennas later I bought a cheap tv that manages to pull in a signal on old rabbit ears.
@CrossIT My happauge that I wooted years ago worked great. It came with a serious magnetic base antenna though. The software also allowed you to capture to a windows media file.
@CrossIT Does not work. Do not buy anything from MEH because you'll never be able to return it!
well, i'm out of luck.
valentine's day ruined!
I'm tempted to buy one just because it's not Mac compatible. DOWN WITH APPLE!
@juststephen hmmm, I'm currently bidding on an Eyetv hybrid to use with my mac over at ebay... UP WITH APPLE!!! Seriously though, I may get one of these and see if it will work with a windows VM I have, also maybe turn my old HP mini into a 10" tv!
@badmnky I'm using a couple HD HomeRun DUAL tuners with my Mac mini DVR. The tuners live on the network so I can access them from my mini, iPhone, iPad, etc. more info - http://atariage.com/forums/blog/148/entry-9745-tuner-testing/
@badmnky I've looked around and you may have good luck with USB passthrough if your virtualization product has a great USB 2 driver- you'll need a paid product (VirtualBox won't cut it). Also, the HD HomeRun line is an excellent choice.
@SpiceWare ive looked into that, I almost bought a simple.tv, but then youre tied to the network and I want to be able to fire up the TV anywhere without internet etc
@dashcloud I'm confident it will work, i have Parallels and VMware Fusion on my Macs and I have used both with a windows VM for rooting etc my android phones without any issue. I learned early on the free stuff wasnt going to cut it.
Site seems crazy slow to load.
@jayman007 too many first-ers
@unixrab lmao, I read fist-ers.
@badmnky it's all good
Happy Valentines Meh! Fake internet love for all of you!
Inventory check: Amazon Fire Stick, Chromecast, Roku, 2 Smart TVs. Gonna sit this one out, MEEP U L8R!
Happy V-Day, Meh!
@ACraigL but what will entertain you during an interwebs outage?
@thismyusername DVR. Or a book, maybe. Also, internet outages are usually isolated to power outages, so, yeah,
Hauppauge is a pretty reliable name in this type stuff.
Note: OTA (Over-The-Air) TV is less compressed than Cable or Satellite TV. So if you live where there is a good OTA signal it yields better viewing.
And you might be surprised by how many more channels are available (vs. old analog TV) when you count all the sub-channels (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) now available with digital over the air TV.
@RedOak you're a prepper aren't you
@unixrab no, why?
@RedOak sure list all the PBS stations, way to sell it! Also, I don't pay for cable nor do I pay for netflix, I have Prime but rarely use it for watching shows/movies. I can watch CHiPs for free OTA, that's where it's at!
@unixrab I'm not, but I love my OTA TV for what little of it I watch, I have been PREParing to cut the cable in favor of ROKU and OTA TV, but my boss is a chronic backslider and semi-Luddite. :-)
@RedOak in some markets, though, the digital tv broadcasts are crap. most of the Detroit channels are super compressed garbage.
Why spend $25 a month on sling when you can get free OTA + no internet required. (Broadcast Tower Not Included.)
@rileyper none of the OTA channels are on sling tv. It's all just cable channels like AMC, TNN and Disney.
@rileyper ESPN.
Finally got me to crack open the wallet. Right price and a fun gadget. My VMP stands for Valentines-Meh-Purchase.
I've owned similar devices. Digital TV is hard to tune with one of these little antennas if you're out in the 'burbs. Now, I've used them with a small outdoor antenna and it worked like a charm.
I used it with Windows 7 / Windows Media Center. I never tried getting it into XMBC/Kodi. I've got a CableCARD tuner (Ceton 1st edition PCI InfiniTV4) and have never looked back... mostly because my wife wants cable & home phone.
$16 is a little pricey, but I'd buy it if I thought I had a niche use for it. I think I got my for $7 each at woot 4 years ago. You'll need to buy more than 1 if you want to record/watch multiple channels.
So what exactly is a Hauppauge?
@AlexNoVA It's a city in New York where they make TV tuner hardware.
@AlexNoVA In the '80s they made some of the best PC motherboards that money could buy. Unfortunately they were also among the most expensive, and I was among the few that appreciated quality.
@achmed13 I worked in the Hauppauge industrial park for a few years. Great places to eat nearby, convenient to the Long Island Expressway and Norhtern State. Kind of like Rome -- all roads lead there.
@AlexNoVA There was a time long ago they made one of the best pro-sumer video capture / encoding devices too - but this was back when S-Video (480i / 576i) reigned supreme.
@heartny The only road that leads to Rome(NY) is the Thruway, and thankfully it goes back out the other side...
(Geo-poetic license #200bc)
@achmed13 winner
No Georgia red??
@billymayfield . . . nope.
@billymayfield you can tune in Georgia red with it however.
Do I need media center for this to work? According to B&H: "Windows 7, Vista, and XP SP 3 Compatible", so no 8?
Last time I tried, no.
I have a really good pcie tv card. Windows 8 gives me the finger. I gave it the finger.
@stevo42 oh crap i didn't notice this when i bought one the last time. i haven't tried it out, yet, because i haven't got around to grabbing an antenna. sounds like it wont work :(
@Kyser_Soze It seems the links for price comparison are for a different model, but the "List Price" link shows "Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP Service Pack 3"
@Kyser_Soze Take this with a grain of salt, but per @sparkyfarad's reply to a comment below, this Dell model is the same as the "Hauppauge WinTV-Aero-m USB Mobile TV Tuner" (It does look identical, but does not include the Hauppauge-pictured remote.)
That being the case, perhaps using Hauppauge's latest software, which claims Windows 8 compatibility would do the trick:
And FYI, the Areo product page:
@Kyser_Soze I have one of these that I've used successfully on two Windows 8.1 machines.
Valentine's Day.
The nationwide release of Fifty Shades of Grey.
The possibilities of offering a fun and day-appropriate item are almost endless, ...and this TV dongle is the best you guys can come up with?
Henceforth this day shall always be remembered as the St. Valentine's Day Meh-secre!
@eyewerks Er.... Meh-sacre. Ahem. And none of you wise asses better comment that the thing could double as a butt plug!
@eyewerks I've been called a dumb-ass, can I say it? (not that I agree with their premise).
Do I need this?
"Hell yes, you do," screamed the faulty frivolous rattlesnake in reply.
oooooor, I'm valentines eve drunk.

Meh! I already bought one! Hardly use it tho. Must use another antenna to get better reception and more channels.
Macs and Androids here, but I was half-tempted simply because it has a mini antenna. It reminds me of this high-tech gadget...

@Kerig3 I bought two, I'm going to see how it works on a VM through parallels and vmware. probably a waist of money, meh.
@Kerig3 That tv was cool cuz it actually used a flat CRT. I think, the only one its kind.
@Kerig3 4 o'clock time for wapner
@halnwheels those displays were usually projected onto mirrors.
@eblade Nope. Not this one. It was a Flat CRT. No mirrors, and it was totally superior to the LCD technology of the time. (Except for the color!) It was B&W
Dude, you're getting a Dell/Happaugh.
UG - no external antenna capability or a remote - PASS
@gapotter it has external antenna capability.
@gapotter if it's the same as last time meh sold it, it does indeed have an ext ant port.
Thanks, Meh. Just what I needed. Was watching a Roku3... This price is just right; hope it works.
@YahSah15 Doesn't sound right. I mean I was watching the price of the Roku3....hadn't bought it yet
What kind of weird signal does this put out if it doesn't work with EyeTV and other Mac software?
@editorkid I'm going to plug mine into the Craig hdmi adapter and watch the sparks fly!
@editorkid It's not the output that's the problem -- it's the computer talking to the hardware on the stick. For what it is worth, EyeTV does have the ability to control several models of Hauppague hardware, including the WinTV Nova stick.
@jxj24 Thanks for the explanation!
Mega Meh!
disturbing-beautiful-snake -- Hmmm. I hate snakes. Not a good sign, but worth a try. Hopefully this will work well enough for those times when every other television in the house has been taken over by the kids who just won't seem to leave!
So could I assume the purpose of the "Antenna adapter for coaxial antennas" means:
It will work with a REGULAR Television ?
@bchrist825 It means you can connect an external antenna to it (via coax cable), so you're not limited to the tiny built-in antenna.
@ChunkyBitz Got it Chunk Thanks!
@bchrist825 Oh, it also means that you can connect it to your cable provider's coax if you want to record clear QAM channels (usually only your local broadcast stations are transmitted in clear QAM, but YMMV).
@ChunkyBitz oh, damn i didn't realize it has a built in antenna. that most likely wouldnt help me though the radio interferenfce inside my house is so insane hardly anything that's not bluetooth or wifi works
Unfortunately, this tuner does not have pagination. I'm out.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga but you can tune in Georgia red with it.
Looks like it's supported by Linux TV if it's the WinTV-Aero-m.
Worth a shot to see if it works with my Synology NAS. If not, it's a cheap tuner for me to use on my computer.
@j8048188 After playing with it a bit I think it is actually the "Hauppauge HVR950Q"
@hih934 Can you pastebin the lsusb & dmesg output for the device? Thanks!
Anyone know if the chip in here happens to be a RTL2832U for doing SDR?
@jeffca51 No, because RTL2832U implements DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial) technology which is a European standard for over the air broadcast television. This Hauppauge device uses ATSC tuning (Advanced Television Systems Committee) which is the standard for North America. Meh's price check comparison product at B&H photo and Hauppauge.com is the "Hauppauge WinTV-Aero-m USB Mobile TV Tuner" The product support page for that device is at: http://www.hauppauge.com/site/support/support_aero-m.html and the user manual is at http://hauppauge.lightpath.net/manuals/wintv_v7.pdf I hope the Mehsters did their homework correctly and this Dell rebranded device they are selling today is indeed the "Hauppauge WinTV-Aero-m USB Mobile TV Tuner" I did notice that the B&H device comes with a remote control but this Dell apparently does not. Anyhow in for one.....lawful-spectacular-verse
@jeffca51 You can pick up a RTL-SDR R820T2 RTL2832U with 2x Telescopic Antenna that works pretty damn well on Amazon for around $20 w/ Prime.
I'll give you three dollars and a chicken sandwich.
@Fej Make it spicy chicken and you've got a deal!
"Don't you wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work."
@TerriblyHuang Its called the power button. It becomes more intelligent when you turn it off.
Sounds cool.
Lousy-laden-thunder .... Sounds like the local weather report. In for three, great deal, quality product. Watching OTA TV right now on a TV, time to expand that to my computers.
Meh...booty meat
I don't think the people who bought this realize there are websites where you can stream TV stations. This is totally meh....
@petrosclark i dont think you realize that some of us do, in fact, realize this.
@petrosclark If you have wifi or are in a Starbucks- this should work on a road trip
@sammydog01 If you have wifi there are better things to watch on your computer than censored TV stations.
@BigBalzac I didn't phrase that properly- this doesn't require wifi, so you can use it if out of wifi range
Tried several different versions of this technology because, well, I'm stubborn and couldn't accept defeat. Unless you're next door to the broadcasting signal or repeater these just don't work very well. Good price tho.
@trailtroll If you're still interested, you probably should get an HD Homerun unit- it's a network TV tuner, so you have more flexibility in where to put it.
Oh good, it works on my Windows PC! Now I can finally watch the latest episodes of Family Matters and Blossom. Ooh, and catch up on this Monica Lewinsky thing.
@njd Hmm you been living in a survivalist silo for the last 20 years? Civilization is going to look mighty weird from the last time you looked. LOL
@Kidsandliz 20 years of Civilization? For me, after playing for a week, I'll have either taken over the world or given up playing for a few months.
2 questions -
1 can the software schedule recordings?
2 can I play recorded shows through my Roku?
@xqcitizen For #1, the answer would be yes, but you should think of the recording like it was a VCR- just a time slot you are recording on.
For #2, not by default- TV is MPEG2 on broadcast/cable, and I'm pretty sure the Roku can't do MPEG2, just H264 mostly. You'll have to transcode it.
@xqcitizen It according to the following (a bit old) review, you can use this TV Tuner with Windows Media Center (Standard on Windows 7, but incredibly, not on 8) by not installing the full Hauppauge software. That will get you nice program guide-based recording (not VCR-like). Also, with a bit of googling it appears you could use a private channel via WMC to your Roku.
General BTW, I've tried various PC TV tuner alternatives and it seems problems often are related to their proprietary TV recording/viewing software. Therefore, consider skipping the full Hauppauge software install (use the driver only... which Windows might even find automatically) and instead use the more friendly and stable Windows Media Center.
@xqcitizen Sure, run it on Linux with MythTV.
@alose High five!
@alose Will have to check out MythTV with mine, thanks.
@RedOak I think it wasn't included by default in Windows 8 because relatively speaking so few were ever used and Microsoft didn't want to pay the MPEG and other licensing fees for everyone anymore.
Please sell more items that turn T.V.'s into computers, and less items than turn computers into T.V.'s.
My first Meh purchase! :D Now I just need a monitor deal so I can replace the tiny TV I have hooked up next to my main monitor.
The writeup says I will need to connect an over-the-air digital TV antenna but the bullets say that I don't. Anyone have any experience with using this without connecting it to anything else?
@wisenekt There's a small/short telescoping antenna built into the dongle. My unit (which I believe I bought from Meh) came with a short "pigtail" cable to connect a standard coaxial cable to the dongle. So you can use it with or without an external antenna. YMMV depending upon the strength of broadcast signals in your area.
@wisenekt if you find the included whip-antenna does not do the job (you'll likely need to be within a few miles of the transmitters) note that any external antenna should help (like that one that might still be up on your roof if it is an older home), it does not absolutely need to be labelled "digital". A dumb antenna itself is "analog" anyway - it is picking up a radio signal that carries digital content.
16 bucks is cheap enough to give it a try on an old doorstop pc in a bedroom that doesn't have a separate cable box.

chubby-kissable-bedbug Hope they aren't included.
@thismyusername knife is for... loving?
@nadroj bedbugs disgust on all levels ;)
@thismyusername And I thought bedbugs were just biters.
gah, sold out while I entered my info? That's timing. Is there a sellout.meh.com yet for secret reoffers? Or maybe a weµi.com?
@cnbmis I've got an extra, both my orders arrived today - email me at codenamepavlov@gmail.com and we'll work it out.
@cnbmis Tell you what - I've got an even better proposition for you. Email me your shipping details and I'll just send you the tuner . . . look around your house and find something worth the $16 I spent and send it back to me. If you want to skunk me, that's up to you, but know that you aren't getting picked to play kickball with the rest of us at recess because we'll know you don't play nice with others. Anyway - if you can't find something around the house that has a cool / fun factor to it, head to your local discount retailer of choice and find something comparable in price and something you think is fun and mail it back to me in return for my sending you one of these tuners on good faith. If it sounds like a fun idea to you, and it does to me, and you're in for the fun of it, let me know. I'm not sweating hte $16 either way, and I think it would be cool to be surprised by what you send me back in return.
@cnbmis is up for the trade - I'm sending the tuner today and we'll see what I get back in a week or so . . .
@Pavlov so you get back anything cool?
@Kidsandliz He'll get his package Monday and he asked to give him a few days to figure something out, I'm sure I'll get back something! I'll post here when the exchange is complete!
@Kidsandliz - The exchange is complete - I got back a whole "mini" Fuku from @cnbmis. I'm very pleased and the experience was overwhelmingly positive! I'll post pics and a description of the items he sent me in return for me sending him the Dell 1573 in the next day or two! Thanks, @cnbmis!
Dell 1573 DTV tuner is Junk, waste of money and time trying to get it to work!
@rusvet I'd be happy to take it off your hands if you're interested.
@rusvet I would definitely recommend using an external antenna instead of the built-in one. The built-in one is worthless.
That is nothing to do with antenna. The device can't be found in WinTV 7 list, so there is no channel to search as no tuner found in application. WinTV is the problem. I sent my feedback to Hauppauge...
Got mine today. Works acceptably. Had a little trouble at first, but then I went to the Hauppauge website and downloaded the most current software. http://www.hauppauge.com/site/products/data_wintv8.html The software installs stupidly slow, so wait for it before restarting and/or getting frustrated. I used an external antenna. One of those cheap, flat indoor ones that cost about $15. I got many local channels I didn't even know existed, but also didn't get FOX or NBC... I probably need to move the antenna around for those. Acceptable.
Hey! I din get the cute lil tv antenna thingy for my dell tv gizmo. ( talking like this drives marketing types and those who speak in catalog numbers bonkers you should try the result are definitely worth the effort) So anyway, I got the 75Ohm dongle and the chintzy usb extension and the software, but no cute lil tv antenna. What'd I do now? I don't think shoving a piece of safety wire in there is gonna cut it. I want this thing and don't want to send it back unless you got more.
@cranky1950 are you sure it's not there?
Geez, Now that I've found it I'm kind of afraid to use it.
@cranky1950 yea the reversed telescoping action causes it to really be thin at the base... but the last one I bought is still kicking.... just be careful when re-storing it or you'll end up with walkie talkie antenna syndrome ;)
I just watched Thriller with Boris Karloff- I recorded it at 4 am. I love this thing!